WPBeginner收入– WPBeginner赚多少钱?

Since I started WPBeginner (almost 11 years ago), one of the most asked questions I get from readers is how much money does WPBeginner make? Some of you might think that I’m making this up, but I’m not. If you were to search WPBeginner in Google, you’ll notice that one of the top related search keyword is “wpbeginner income”.

自从我开始WPBeginner(大约11年前)以来,我从读者那里得到的最常见问题之一就是WPBeginner赚多少钱? 你们中有些人可能认为我正在弥补这一点,但我不是。 如果您要在Google中搜索WPBeginner,您会发现与搜索结果最相关的关键字之一是“ wpbeginner income”。

WPBeginner Income

Now I know that several popular bloggers share detailed income reports, and some of them have even built their brand around that. I have had several readers tell me that I would be more popular if I shared the WPBeginner income report, but honestly I am not interested in having readers like me because of how much money WPBeginner make.

现在,我知道几个受欢迎的博客分享了详细的收入报告,其中一些甚至以此为基础建立了自己的品牌。 我曾有几位读者告诉我,如果我分享WPBeginner收入报告,我会更受欢迎,但是老实说,由于WPBeginner赚了多少钱,我对吸引像我这样的读者不感兴趣。

I want our readers to like and follow WPBeginner for the quality of content that we publish.


But since the question about WPBeginner income keeps coming up, I want to take some time and answer it in the best way possible without compromising my personal core values.


I believe that success and failure are both temporary conditions, and it’s important to stay humble at all times. This is why I have never shared any WPBeginner income reports.

我相信成功和失败都是暂时的条件,因此始终保持谦虚很重要。 这就是为什么我从未共享过WPBeginner收入报告的原因。

I feel bloggers that share income reports are “showing off”, but that’s just my opinion.


I definitely understand that a lot of users who’re just starting a blog find these blogging income reports inspirational.


However I feel that sharing WPBeginner’s income would not be helpful to our readers because it’s hard to relate to it.




Because WPBeginner is not a typical blogging business. We don’t just make money by selling ads or affiliate links. As a matter of fact, you can’t even buy an ad on WPBeginner. Majority of the affiliate products that we recommend are the ones that we use ourselves.

因为WPBeginner不是典型的博客业务。 我们不只是通过出售广告或会员链接来赚钱。 事实上,您甚至无法在WPBeginner上购买广告。 我们推荐的大多数附属产品都是我们自己使用的产品。

So how does WPBeginner really make money?


We make money by selling our suite of software and WordPress plugins including: OptinMonster, MonsterInsights, WPForms, SeedProd, WP Mail SMTP, RafflePress, All in One SEO, Smash Balloon, etc.

我们通过销售我们的软件套件赚钱,WordPress插件,包括: OptinMonsterMonsterInsightsWPFormsSeedProdWP邮件SMTPRafflePress所有在一个搜索引擎优化粉碎气球等。

Our plugins are currently running on over 15 million websites.


And a big reason for the popularity of our plugins is the marketing power of WPBeginner. Although, we don’t sell any plugins directly on WPBeginner website, the longstanding goodwill that we have earned in the community has helped us build independent brands for each of our plugins.

WPBeginner的营销能力是我们插件普及的一个重要原因。 尽管我们不直接在WPBeginner网站上出售任何插件,但是我们在社区中获得的长期良好信誉帮助我们为每个插件建立了独立的品牌。

Aside from that, we also have investment stakes in various other WordPress-focused companies through our WPBeginner Growth Accelerator fund which includes MemberPress, Pretty Links, Formidable Forms, Affiliate Royale, Advanced Coupons, ThirstyAffiliates, and WooCommerce Wholesale Suite.

除此之外,我们还通过WPBeginner Growth Accelerator基金在其他以WordPress为重点的公司中拥有投资股份,其中包括MemberPressPretty LinksMemidable FormsAffiliate RoyaleAdvanced CouponsThirstyAffiliatesWooCommerce Wholesale Suite

那么WPBeginner的收入是多少? (So What is WPBeginner’s Income?)

WPBeginner Blogging Income Report

The best way to think about WPBeginner income is to look at everything this blog has helped me build. With everything combined, WPBeginner blog has helped build a strong 8-figure annual business.

考虑WPBeginner收入的最好方法是查看此博客帮助我建立的一切。 结合在一起,WPBeginner博客已帮助建立了一个强大的8位数字年度业务

If I were to use the “blogging industry lingo”, then I would be an eight-figure blogger, but I don’t like this label (more on this below).


Since “eight-figure blogger” is not a commonly used term, some of you might be wondering what does that really mean?


You may have seen bloggers labeling themselves as “six-figure bloggers” or “seven-figure bloggers”.


In a true sense, these labels are defined as:


  • Six-figure – annual income over $100,000 USD

  • Seven-figure – annual income over $1,000,000 USD

    七位数–年收入超过$ 1,000,000美元
  • Eight-figure – annual income over $10,000,000 USD

    八位数–年收入超过$ 10,000,000美元

When I first started blogging, it was my dream to join what I thought was a “cool-kids” club. But as I progressed in my blogging journey, I began to really dislike this label.

当我第一次开始写博客时,我的梦想是加入一个我认为是“酷孩子”的俱乐部。 但是随着我在博客之旅中的进步,我开始真的不喜欢这个标签。



Because I saw so many spammers and “wanna-be online experts” misusing the label to trick new users into buying their bulls**t make money online / get-rich-quick courses or mentorship programs.


Below are some examples of people misusing the label to trick beginners:


  • I have seen bloggers use the label six-figure blogger because their blog got over 100,000 visitors that year (not revenue).

  • I have seen “wanna-be experts” use the label seven-figure blogger because they worked for a larger company that made over million dollars online, and they’re taking credit for that (basically lying).

  • I have seen folks combine their earnings over 8 – 10 years to call themselves six or seven-figure bloggers. This is a commonly used technique in MLM / pyramid scheme programs.

    我已经看到人们将他们在8到10年间的收入结合起来,称自己为六到七位数的博客。 这是MLM /金字塔计划程序中的常用技术。
  • I have seen some bloggers who make six figures, but it’s in a different currency (so not entirely accurate if you’re looking for USD).


Basically if you’re just starting out, please be very cautious when you notice someone labeling themselves six-figure or seven-figure bloggers.


If this person is selling you a course that will supposedly help you replicate their success, then 99.9% of the time it’s a scam. Don’t waste your time or money.

如果此人向您出售一门可以帮助您复制其成功经验的课程,那么99.9%的时间都是骗局。 不要浪费时间或金钱。

There are no shortcuts to making money online.


It takes a lot of work, and you have to treat your website like an actual business. Yes, it is a REAL job.

这需要大量的工作,并且您必须将您的网站视为实际业务。 是的,这是一项真正的工作。

As long as you’re willing to do the leg work, I think you can make money blogging. Here are some articles that can help:

只要您愿意做腿部工作,我认为您可以通过博客赚钱。 以下是一些可以帮助您的文章:

关于WPBeginner收入报告的最终想法 (Final Thoughts on WPBeginner Income Report)

If you came here looking for the exact WPBeginner income amount, then I am sorry to disappoint you.


The truth is questions like “how much money WPBeginner makes right now” or “how much did WPBeginner make two years ago” are meaningless.

事实是诸如“ WPBeginner现在赚多少钱”或“ WPBeginner两年前赚了多少钱”之类的问题毫无意义。

Knowing how much money another blogger / entrepreneur makes is NOT going to help you succeed.


Think about it, we all know the net worth of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. Knowing their income does not help us become billionaires.


However understanding and focusing on the right metrics will definitely help you set smarter goals which as a result will help you succeed in your online venture.


If you’re just starting your blog / online business, then do not obsess over other blogger’s income. It will make you anxious and unhappy. Focus on your work and keep on moving forward.

如果您只是开始自己的博客/在线业务,那么不要着迷于其他博客作者的收入。 它将使您感到焦虑和不快乐。 专注于您的工作,并继续前进。

The most important part is to really love what you do.


When I first started WPBeginner (almost a decade ago), it didn’t make much money. I simply enjoyed helping people do more with WordPress.

当我刚开始WPBeginner(大约十年前)时,它并没有赚多少钱。 我只是喜欢帮助人们使用WordPress做更多的事情。

Our goal at WPBeginner is to provide cutting-edge helpful WordPress tutorials that are easy to understand for small businesses, bloggers, and non-techy WordPress website owners.


And to this day, that has been our #1 priority. I think staying true to our values has helped us grow WPBeginner into the largest unofficial WordPress resource site in the world.

到目前为止,这一直是我们的第一要务。 我认为忠实于我们的价值观已帮助我们将WPBeginner成长为全球最大的非官方WordPress资源站点。

I want to thank you for your continued support of WPBeginner, and I look forward to providing even more helpful WordPress tutorials and products to help you grow your business.


If you liked this article and want to follow my entrepreneurial journey, then please consider following me on Twitter (for business insights) and Instagram (for fun travel photos).

如果您喜欢这篇文章并希望跟随我的创业之旅,那么请考虑在Twitter (有关业务见解)和Instagram (有关有趣的旅行照片)上关注我。

Also please consider subscribing to the WPBeginner YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

另外,请考虑订阅WPBeginner YouTube频道的WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/wpbeginner-income-how-much-money-does-wpbeginner-make/

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