
Are you looking for ways to promote the true spirit of holidays on your WordPress website? It is the best time to share the joys of the season with your users while promoting your business. Since many of our readers asked for recommendations on the top WordPress holiday plugins and themes, we have highlighted the best ways to spread the holiday spirits with your WordPress site.

您是否正在寻找方法在WordPress网站上宣传假期的真实精神? 在推广业务的同时,这是与用户分享本季欢乐的最佳时机。 由于许多读者都对WordPress最佳度假插件和主题提出了建议,因此,我们重点介绍了在您的WordPress网站上传播度假精神的最佳方法。

Spread the holiday spirit with your WordPress site
如何用WordPress传播节日气氛? (How to Spread the Holiday Spirits with WordPress?)

The best way to celebrate the holiday season is to include your users into your happiness. You can offer them discounts on your products and services. You can also add holiday decorations like snowfall effects, Christmas bells, lights, and more on your WordPress website.

庆祝节日的最好方法是让用户开心。 您可以为他们提供产品和服务的折扣。 您还可以在WordPress网站上添加节日装饰,例如降雪效果,圣诞铃声,灯光等。

There are many third-party WordPress plugins and themes for holiday season. You can use them on your website to make it look more festive.

假期有很多第三方WordPress插件和主题。 您可以在您的网站上使用它们,使其看起来更具节日气氛。

Another way to spread the holiday spirits is by sending gifts to your users through a lucky draw. You should check out our guide on amazing holiday gift ideas and share the happiness with your customers.

散发节日气氛的另一种方法是通过抽奖向用户发送礼物。 您应该查看有关惊人的节日礼物创意的指南,并与您的顾客分享幸福。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best ways to spread the holiday spirits with your WordPress site.


1. OptinMonster (1. OptinMonster)


OptinMonster is the best WordPress popup plugin and lead generation software on the market. It has a powerful exit-intent ® technology that helps in converting your abandoning visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster是市场上最好的WordPress弹出插件和销售线索生成软件。 它具有强大的exit-intent®技术,可帮助您将被遗弃的访客转化为订户和客户。

OptinMonster comes with a holiday campaign theme that you can use with their lightbox popup, sidebar, floating bar, fullscreen optin, and other campaign types. You can also create a countdown popup to boost your holiday sales.

OptinMonster带有一个假日广告系列主题,您可以将其与灯箱弹出窗口,侧边栏,浮动栏,全屏optin和其他广告系列一起使用。 您还可以创建一个倒数弹出窗口,以增加您的假日销售

Optin holiday template

The countdown timer creates a sense of urgency that helps you get more sales during the holiday season.


You can use OptinMonster to also show a seasonal greeting and any other promotion that you may want.


2.暴风雪 (2. Snow Storm)

Snow Storm

Snow Storm is a popular WordPress plugin for holiday celebrations. It allows you to show falling snowflakes on your website. The plugin allows you to change the color of the snow, manage the amount of snow, animation interval, melt effects, and more. The plugin will add a beautiful snowy effect to your WordPress site.

Snow Storm是用于节日庆祝活动的流行WordPress插件。 它使您可以在网站上显示雪花飘落。 该插件可让您更改雪的颜色,管理雪的数量,动画间隔,融化效果等。 该插件将为您的WordPress网站增加漂亮的下雪效果。

3.树枝上的圣诞球 (3. Christmas Ball on Branch)

Christmas ball on branch

Christmas Ball on Branch is a simple and free plugin that lets you add a Christmas ball on a branch to your site. There are no settings for the plugin. You can simply install and activate it. It’ll display the branch and the ball on the top right corner of your site. It’s particularly useful if you don’t want your on-site holiday decorations to take over the content.

分支上的圣诞节球是一个简单且免费的插件,可让您将分支上的圣诞节球添加到您的网站。 插件没有设置。 您可以简单地安装并激活它。 它会在您网站的右上角显示分支和球。 如果您不希望现场的节日装饰取代内容,这将特别有用。

4.圣诞节倒计时小部件 (4. Christmas Countdown Widget)

Christmas countdown widget

Christmas Countdown Widget is a free WordPress plugin that adds a countdown timer to your sidebar and other widget-ready areas. It comes with a stunning Santa Claus that shows countdown timer until Christmas. On the day of Christmas, Santa will greet your users with “Merry Christmas”.

Christmas Countdown Widget是一个免费的WordPress插件,可在边栏和其他可用于小部件的区域中添加倒数计时器。 它带有一个令人惊叹的圣诞老人,显示圣诞节前的倒计时计时器。 在圣诞节那天,圣诞老人会向您的用户打招呼“圣诞节快乐”。

It has a transparent background which means you can use it on any WordPress themes. You can also use the shortcode to display Santa Claus with countdown timer on your posts and pages.

它具有透明的背景,这意味着您可以在任何WordPress主题上使用它。 您还可以使用简码帖子和页面上显示带有倒数计时器的圣诞老人。

5.圣诞灯 (5. Xmas Lights)

Xmas Lights

Xmas Lights is another free WordPress plugin for holidays. It displays Christmas lights on the top of your homepage. You can install the plugin and it will automatically show the christmas lights on your WordPress site without any configuration.

Xmas Lights是另一个免费的WordPress假期插件。 它在首页上方显示圣诞灯。 您可以安装该插件 ,它将自动在您的WordPress网站上显示圣诞灯,而无需进行任何配置。

6.圣诞音乐 (6. Christmas Music)

Christmas music

Christmas Music is a WordPress plugin for holiday music. You can use this plugin to add Christmas music (Jingle Bells) on your entire website or specific posts and pages. It shows a play/pause button on the bottom right corner for users to enable or disable the music.

圣诞音乐是节日音乐的WordPress插件。 您可以使用此插件在整个网站或特定的帖子和页面上添加圣诞节音乐(Jingle Bells)。 它在右下角显示了一个播放/暂停按钮,供用户启用或禁用音乐。

7.假期的WordPress主题 (7. WordPress Themes for Holidays)

We don’t usually recommend our users to change their WordPress theme for a specific event or holiday season. However, if you have a personal website and really want to change your theme to a holiday theme, then you should check out our handpicked list of the best WordPress themes for holidays.

我们通常不建议用户针对特定事件或假日季节更改其WordPress主题。 但是,如果您有个人网站,并且真的想将主题更改为假日主题,那么您应该查看我们精选的假日最佳WordPress主题列表。

Christmas Bell


Christmas bell

Christmas Bell is a free and multipurpose WordPress theme. It can be used to add the looks and feels of a festival, holiday, or specifically Christmas decorations on your website. It features a custom logo, featured content slider, header media options, and more. The theme beautifully adds a festive feel to your WordPress website.

圣诞钟声是一个免费的多用途WordPress主题。 它可以用来在您的网站上添加节日,假期或圣诞节装饰品的外观。 它具有自定义徽标, 特色内容滑块 ,标题媒体选项等。 主题为您的WordPress网站增添了节日气氛。

雪花 (Snowflakes)


Snowflakes is a free WordPress holidays theme with photos. It comes with bright colors and a cheerful festive look. Snowflakes has multiple color options, navigation menus, image galleries, and more. You can use this theme to transform your site for the holidays.

雪花是带照片的免费WordPress假期主题。 它带有鲜艳的色彩和欢快的节日外观。 雪花具有多种颜色选项, 导航菜单 ,图像库等等。 您可以使用该主题在假期中转换您的网站。

We hope this article helped you find the best ways to spread the holiday spirits with your WordPress site. You may also want to see our expert tips on growing your business online on a small budget.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到在WordPress网站上传播节日气氛的最佳方法。 您可能还希望查看我们的专家提示,以少量预算在线发展您的业务

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-spread-the-holidays-spirit-with-your-wordpress-site/





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