万圣节 数据_将万圣节特效带入WordPress网站的7种方法

万圣节 数据

Do you want to add Halloween effects to your WordPress site? Holidays are the perfect time to boost sales, increase conversions, and build brand recognition. Halloween is a particularly fun holiday bringing you more opportunities to grow your business. In this article, we will show some neat ways to bring Halloween effects to your WordPress site (no coding skills required).

您想将万圣节效果添加到您的WordPress网站吗? 假期是增加销量,增加转化次数和树立品牌知名度的绝佳时机。 万圣节假期特别有趣,为您带来更多发展业务的机会。 在本文中,我们将展示一些巧妙的方法将万圣节效果带到您的WordPress网站(无需任何编码技能)。

Ways to bring Halloween effects to your WordPress site
1.通过万圣节主题广告系列提高转化率 (1. Boost Conversions with Halloween Themed Campaigns)

OptinMonster is the world’s leading conversion optimization software. It helps you convert website visitors into paying customers or email subscribers.

OptinMonster是世界领先的转换优化软件。 它可以帮助您将网站访问者转换为付费客户或电子邮件订阅者。

They have two pre-made spooky Halloween themed templates that you can now use in your campaigns.


The first one is called the Halloween theme. It has a dark background color which makes it popup on all background colors.

第一个称为万圣节主题。 它具有深色背景色,因此会在所有背景色上弹出。

OptinMonster Halloween theme

The second one is called Spookey with halloween themed colors and illustration.


OptinMonster Spooky theme for Halloween campaigns

You can add a countdown timer, connect it to your email marketing service, and customize it to your own liking using OptinMonster’s drag and drop builder.

您可以添加一个倒数计时器 ,将其连接到您的电子邮件营销服务 ,然后使用OptinMonster的拖放生成器根据自己的喜好对其进行自定义。

Apart from that, you can use it to offer holiday discounts, create Yes / No campaigns, and trigger it on any page of your website.


2.添加免费的万圣节倒计时 (2. Add a Free Halloween Countdown)

Another way to build excitement for an upcoming holiday is by adding a simple countdown timer.


If you would like to add a free countdown timer, then you can install and activate the Halloween Countdown plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

如果您想添加免费的倒数计时器,则可以安装并激活万圣节倒数插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

It works out of the box, and there are no settings for you to configure. Simply add the shortcode [hcount] to any WordPress post, page, or custom HTML widget, and it will start showing the countdown timer.

它开箱即用,没有可供您配置的设置。 只需将简码[hcount]添加到任何WordPress帖子,页面或自定义HTML小部件,它就会开始显示倒数计时器。

Halloween countdown timer
3.万圣节主题字体 (3. Halloween Themed Fonts)

Another way to add Halloween effects to your WordPress site is by using spooky typography during the holiday season. Google Fonts has some really cool fonts under ‘Display’ and ‘Handwriting’ categories that you can use.

将万圣节效果添加到WordPress网站的另一种方法是在节日期间使用怪异的字体。 Google字体在您可以使用的“显示”和“手写”类别下有一些非常酷的字体。

We experimented with Shojumaru, Bungee Inline, and Ranchers. They looked great for headings, but we do not recommend using them for paragraph text as this would make the smaller text a bit difficult to read.

我们尝试了Shojumaru,Bungee Inline和Ranchers。 它们看起来很适合标题,但是我们不建议将它们用于段落文本,因为这样会使较小的文本难以阅读。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to add custom fonts in WordPress.


Halloween fonts
4.用Canva创建万圣节主题图形 (4. Create Halloween Themed Graphics with Canva)

Images are a perfect way to stimulate imagination and creativity. Halloween is a very visual holiday, so you’ll need graphics to accompany your holiday-themed campaigns. Now, you might be thinking what if not a graphic designer? how do I get professional-looking Halloween themed graphics?

图像是激发想象力和创造力的完美方法。 万圣节是一个非常视觉化的假期,因此您需要图形来配合假期主题的广告系列。 现在,您可能正在考虑,如果不是平面设计师呢? 如何获得具有专业外观的万圣节主题图形?

This is where Canva comes in. It is an easy to use tool that allows you to create graphics and images for your website without any design skills.


You can simply use ready-made illustrations, backgrounds, icons, and fonts with an easy drag and drop tool.


Canva for halloween graphics

Need more free images to use for your website? Check out our expert pick of the best resources for free public domain and CC0-Licensed images.

需要更多免费图片供您的网站使用吗? 查看我们的免费公共领域和CC0许可图像的最佳资源专家精选

5.将万圣节装饰品添加到您的WordPress主题 (5. Add Halloween Decorations to Your WordPress Theme)

If you don’t want to modify your existing design but still want Halloween effects, then this method is for you.


First, you need to install and activate the Halloween Panda plugin.


Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item labeled ‘Halloween Panda’ to your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s settings page.

激活后,插件将在您的WordPress管理员侧栏中添加一个名为“万圣节熊猫”的新菜单项。 单击它会将您带到插件的设置页面。

Halloween decorations settings

It comes with different decorations like a floating bar, monster fall (like snowfall but with pumpkins and bats), and scary popups.


6.尝试一个怪异的WordPress主题 (6. Try a Spooky WordPress Theme)

This one is a bit drastic, and we don’t recommend doing it on an established website because it will completely change the appearance of your website. You can create the similar effect using your existing theme by adding a background image or changing its colors.

这有点过于激烈,我们不建议您在已建立的网站上进行此操作,因为它会完全改变您网站的外观。 您可以通过添加背景图像或更改其颜色来使用现有主题创建类似的效果。

Basically, you can pick a dark WordPress theme to create a horror movie atmosphere on your website. You can revert back to your original theme after the Halloween.

基本上,您可以选择一个深色的WordPress主题在您的网站上营造恐怖的电影氛围。 万圣节后,您可以还原为原始主题。

Here are a few free themes that we found interesting.


1. Halloween


Halloween theme for WordPress

A very simple and basic blog theme using Orange as the accent color, dark background, and white reading area.


2. Zombie Apoclypse


Zombie Apoclypse

It is also a basic blog theme with dark horror-themed background and colors.


3. Blackoot Lite

3. Blackoot Lite


A dark WordPress theme with a haunted feel to it. It is suitable for simple blogs, photography websites, or small business websites.

一个深色的WordPress主题,让人感到困扰。 它适用于简单的博客, 摄影网站或小型企业网站。

7.假日主题调查与民意调查 (7. Holiday Themed Surveys & Polls)

Now that you have your audience captivated with Halloween effects on your website, you may want to engage them, so they spend more time on your website.


Quick polls and surveys can help you do that. For example, you can run a poll asking users about their favorite Halloween candy. When users interact with your website, they are more likely to view more pages.

快速民意测验可以帮助您做到这一点。 例如,您可以进行民意调查,询问用户他们最喜欢的万圣节糖果。 用户与您的网站互动时,他们更有可能查看更多页面。

The easiest way to add polls and surveys in WordPress is by using the WPForms plugin. It is the best WordPress contact form plugin in the market and allows you to create beautiful forms using a drag and drop builder.

在WordPress中添加民意测验的最简单方法是使用WPForms插件。 它是市场上最好的WordPress联系人表单插件 ,可让您使用拖放生成器创建漂亮的表单。

You’ll need the PRO plan to access their surveys and polls extension. Once you have installed it, go ahead to WPForms » Add New page and select from Survey or Poll form templates.

您将需要PRO计划才能访问他们的调查和民意测验扩展 。 安装后,进入WPForms»添加新页面,然后从Survey或Poll表单模板中进行选择。

Create a survey form

Once you select a template, WPForms will load it in the drag and drop form builder. After that, you can add, remove, rename, or rearrange fields with simple point and click.

选择模板后,WPForms会将其加载到拖放表单构建器中。 之后,您可以通过简单的指向和单击来添加,删除,重命名或重新排列字段。

For details see our guides on how to create a survey form in WordPress and how to create an online poll in WordPress.

有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建调查表以及如何 在WordPress 中创建在线民意测验的指南

We hope this article helped you find new ways to bring Halloween effects to your WordPress site. You may also want to see our list of the most useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress site.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到将万圣节效果带入WordPress网站的新方法。 您可能还想查看我们用于管理和扩展WordPress网站最有用工具的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/ways-to-bring-halloween-effects-to-your-wordpress-site/

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