wordpress 数据库_您必须在每个WordPress网站上跟踪的10个网站营销数据

wordpress 数据库

After launching a website, most small business owners rely on their best guesses to make important marketing decisions. Not only does that add huge risk, it also significantly slows down growth. In this guide, we will share the top website marketing data that you must track on every WordPress site, so you can make data-drive decisions to grow your business.

启动网站后 ,大多数小型企业主会根据自己的最佳猜测做出重要的营销决策。 这不仅增加了巨大的风险,而且还大大降低了增长速度。 在本指南中,我们将分享您必须在每个WordPress网站上跟踪的顶级网站营销数据,以便您制定数据驱动决策来发展自己的业务。

Tracking marketing data in WordPress
为什么需要在WordPress中跟踪营销数据? (Why You Need to Track Marketing Data in WordPress?)

We believe it’s easy to double your traffic and sales when you know exactly how people find and use your website.


Most business owners do not realize how easy it is to track important marketing metrics on your WordPress site.


For example with a few clicks, you can find out who are your visitors, where are they coming from, and what they do on your website. You can learn which of your articles are getting more visits and which pages on your site are not getting any views.

例如,单击几下,您可以找出谁是您的访客,他们来自哪里以及他们在您网站上的工作。 您可以了解哪些文章获得了更多访问量,网站上的哪些页面没有获得任何浏览量。

If you run an online store, then you can see what’s your website conversion rate, which page drives the most sales, what are your top referral sources, etc.

如果您经营一家在线商店 ,则可以看到您的网站转化率是多少,哪个页面带来了最多的销售,您的主要推荐来源是什么,等等。

You can use all this marketing data to make informed business decisions and grow your business with confidence.


That being said, let’s take a look at top website marketing stats that you must track on every WordPress site (and how to easily do it).


1. Google Analytics(分析) (1. Google Analytics)

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most popular website analytics software in the world. It is loved by businesses, bloggers, and marketers because it provides a treasure trove of information.

Google Analytics(分析)是世界上最受欢迎的网站分析软件。 它被企业,博客和营销商所喜爱,因为它提供了信息的宝库。

For example, you can use Google Analytics to learn:

例如,您可以使用Google Analytics(分析)来学习:

  • The numbers of visits and pageviews on your website

  • Who is visiting your website (visitor location, browser, operating system, screensize, and more)

  • How they found your website

  • How users interact with your website

  • and a whole lot more


Google Analytics is an essential tool in our own business. We recommend using Google Analytics on all your WordPress websites from day one. See our step by step tutorial on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

Google Analytics(分析)是我们自己业务中必不可少的工具。 从第一天开始,我们建议您在所有WordPress网站上使用Google Analytics(分析)。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的分步教程。

2.使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪出站链接 (2. Track Outbound Links Using Google Analytics)

Any link that takes users away from your website is called an outbound link. If you use affiliate marketing to make money from your website, then those outbound links are also known as affiliate links.

任何使用户离开您的网站的链接都称为出站链接。 如果您使用会员营销 从您的网站上赚钱 ,那么这些出站链接也称为会员链接。

Tracking these outbound links help you see how much traffic you are sending to other sites, and you can use this data to build stronger partnerships with those sites.


As a blogger / affiliate, you can see which affiliate links are clicked more often by your visitors. This information can help you make a proper affiliate marketing strategy and boost your referral earnings.

作为博客作者/会员,您可以查看访问者更频繁地点击了哪些会员链接。 这些信息可以帮助您制定适当的会员营销策略并提高推荐收入。

The easiest way to track affiliate links in WordPress is by using MonsterInsights. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and allows you to easily track outbound links.

在WordPress中跟踪会员链接的最简单方法是使用MonsterInsights 。 它是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件,可让您轻松跟踪出站链接。

You also get easy to understand reports inside your WordPress dashboard, including one showing your top affiliate links. For detailed instructions see our guide on how to track outbound links in WordPress.

您还可以在WordPress仪表板中轻松理解报告,其中包括一个显示您的主要会员链接的报告。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中跟踪出站链接的指南。

MonsterInsights affiliate links report
3.通过Google Analytics(分析)增强电子商务跟踪 (3. Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking with Google Analytics)

If you run an online store, then you need to enable enhanced eCommerce tracking in Google Analytics. This would allow you to track the following customer information on your online store.

如果您经营在线商店,则需要在Google Analytics(分析)中启用增强型电子商务跟踪。 这样一来,您就可以在在线商店中跟踪以下客户信息。

  • Shopping behavior of your customers

  • abandoned cart information废弃的购物车信息
  • Product lists performance

  • Sales performance


Setting up enhanced eCommerce tracking on your WordPress store can be difficult. We built MonsterInsights to make it easy for you (literally takes 1 click).

在WordPress商店上设置增强型电子商务跟踪可能很困难。 我们构建了MonsterInsights来简化您的工作(实际上需要1次点击)。

It works seamlessly with both WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads (both are listed in our best eCommerce plugins for WordPress).

它可与WooCommerce和Easy Digital Downloads (两者均在我们针对WordPress的最佳电子商务插件中列出)无缝兼容。

Ecommerce tracking in MonsterInsights

For details, see our guide on how to enable customer tracking in WooCommerce with Google Analytics.

有关详细信息,请参阅有关如何在WooCommerce中使用Google Analytics(分析)启用客户跟踪的指南。

4.使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪用户参与度数据 (4. Track User Engagement Data with Google Analytics)

User engagement shows you what users do when they arrive on your website. It helps you identify patterns of highly engaged user behavior which leads to more conversions and sales.

用户参与度向您显示用户到达您的网站时的行为。 它可以帮助您确定高度参与的用户行为的模式,从而带来更多的转化和销售。

For example, you may found out that users visiting a specific page are 10 times more likely to make a purchase. You can then use this insight to send more users to that page, or replicate the similar experience on other pages of your website.

例如,您可能发现访问特定页面的用户进行购买的可能性要高10倍。 然后,您可以使用此见解将更多用户吸引到该页面,或者在网站的其他页面上复制类似的体验。

Basically, you will be tracking data about how users interact with your website. For example:

基本上,您将跟踪有关用户如何与您的网站进行交互的数据。 例如:

  • Tracking your most popular content

  • Form submission tracking

  • Ecommerce tracking

  • Ads tracking to understand how users interact with ads on your website

  • Monitoring bounce rate

  • Time users spend on your website

  • Pageviews per session


For detailed instructions, follow our step by step guide on how to track user engagement in WordPress.


5.使用UTM代码跟踪广告系列链接 (5. Track Campaign Links with UTM Codes)

Google Analytics is really good at tracking where your website website traffic comes from. It can even categorize your traffic based on their source (organic, social, referral, and more).

Google Analytics(分析)确实非常擅长跟踪您网站的流量来源。 它甚至可以根据流量来源(有机,社交,引荐等)对流量进行分类。

But when you’re running paid ad campaigns, email marketing campaigns, or social media promotions, you need detailed campaign tracking.


That’s where UTM tracking comes in.


Campaign level tracking allows you to see exactly which email, ad, or specific call-to-action link helped you get the most traffic or sales.


To make it easy for you to generate UTM links, MonsterInsights comes with a free campaign URL builder, so you can get more detailed reports:


URL builder in MonsterInsights

These tags include native analytics parameters which are tracked by Google Analytics and are included in your reports.

这些标记包含Google Analytics(分析)跟踪的本机分析参数,并包含在您的报告中。

To learn more see this guide on how to create campaign URLs in MonsterInsights.


6.跟踪和改善Facebook重新定位广告系列 (6. Track and Improve Facebook Retargeting Campaigns)

Did you know that Facebook allows you to display targeted ads to people who have visited your website in the past? Yes, it’s called retargeting.

您是否知道Facebook允许您向过去访问过您网站的用户展示定向广告? 是的,这称为重定向。

You can install a Facebook pixel and display targeted ads to anyone who visited your website in the last 180 days.


Facebook custom audience retargeting

But this only works if you have the Facebook pixel installed. For example, if you install Facebook retargeting pixel today, then you will only be able to show your ads to people who visited today and onward.

但这仅在您安装了Facebook像素的情况下有效。 例如,如果您今天安装了Facebook重新定位像素,那么您将只能向今天和以后访问的用户展示广告。

Even if you are not running a Facebook advertising campaign right now, we recommend installing the retargeting pixel, so you have a built-in audience when you’re ready to get started.


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to install Facebook remarketing/retargeting pixel in WordPress.


Once you start running Facebook advertising campaigns, you can see your ad performance with Facebook Insights. You can also add improved Facebook ad tracking in Google Analytics.

一旦开始运行Facebook广告活动,您就可以使用Facebook Insights查看广告效果。 您还可以在Google Analytics(分析)中添加改进的Facebook广告跟踪。

For more details, see this guide on how to improve Facebook ad targeting with Google Analytics.

有关更多详细信息,请参阅本指南,了解如何使用Google Analytics(分析)改善Facebook广告定位

7.跟踪Google AdWords广告系列 (7. Tracking Google AdWords Campaigns)

If you run PPC campaigns using Google AdWords, then you can easily see how your ads are performing in the AdWords dashboard. However, these reports only tell you how users interact with your ads not what they do after that.

如果您使用Google AdWords投放PPC广告系列,则可以在AdWords信息中心中轻松查看广告的效果。 但是,这些报告仅告诉您用户如何与您的广告互动,而不是其后的操作。

For that, you’ll once again need Google Analytics which comes with built-in integration with your AdWords account. This integration enables you to easily track your paid traffic conversions.

为此,您将再次需要与您的AdWords帐户进行内置集成的Google Analytics(分析)。 通过此集成,您可以轻松跟踪付费流量转化。

Link AdWords to Google Analytics

For step by step instructions, see this complete guide on how to use Google Analytics for AdWords conversion tracking.

有关逐步说明,请参阅此完整指南,了解如何使用Google Analytics(分析)进行AdWords转化跟踪

8.使用Google Search Console监视您的网站 (8. Monitor Your Site with Google Search Console)

Search Console

Google Search Console is a set of free tools offered by Google to give publishers a look at how their website is seen by the search engine.

Google Search Console是Google提供的一组免费工具,可让发布商了解搜索引擎如何看待他们的网站。

It provides immensely useful information like how your pages rank for different keywords (more on this later), the overall performance of your site in search engine, and any errors Google crawler found on your website.


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add your WordPress site to Google Search Console.

有关详细说明,请参见有关如何将WordPress网站添加到Google Search Console的指南

9.跟踪您的关键字排名 (9. Track Your Keyword Rankings)

Keywords are the phrases users enter in search engines to find what they’re looking for. To get more traffic from search engines, you need to know exactly which keywords are bringing you the most traffic to your website, so you can focus on what’s working.

关键字是用户在搜索引擎中输入以查找所需内容的短语。 为了从搜索引擎获得更多的流量,您需要确切地知道哪些关键字为您的网站带来了最多的流量,因此您可以专注于有效的方法。

We have a complete WordPress SEO guide that you can use to learn how to optimize your content for specific keywords.

我们有完整的WordPress SEO指南 ,您可以用来学习如何针对特定关键字优化内容。

Normally, beginners rely on manually entering keywords in Google search to see if their site is ranking. This is highly inefficient as you would miss out on thousands of keywords where your site can be easily ranked.

通常,初学者依靠在Google搜索中手动输入关键字来查看其网站是否排名。 这是非常低效的,因为您会错过成千上万个可以轻松对您的网站进行排名的关键字。

Google Search Console is a free tool that provides you with valuable keyword data with the average position. You can see which keywords are ranking high, search impressions, and how many average clicks you get.

Google Search Console是一个免费工具,可为您提供有价值的关键字数据以及平均排名。 您可以查看哪些关键字排名最高,搜索印象以及获得的平均点击次数。

Keyword positions

However, it only allows you to see your own site’s keyword data. If you want to research your competitors, then you’ll need SEMRush. This incredibly powerful SEO tool allows you to view in-depth keyword data for any website.

但是,它仅允许您查看自己站点的关键字数据。 如果要研究竞争对手,则需要SEMRush 。 这个功能强大的SEO工具可让您查看任何网站的深入关键字数据。

For more on this topic, please take a look at our guide on how to track keyword rankings for your WordPress site.

有关此主题的更多信息,请查看我们的指南, 指南介绍如何跟踪 WordPress网站的关键字排名

10.跟踪您的电子邮件列表的增长和性能 (10. Track Your Email List Growth and Performance)

Most popular email marketing services come with stats and insights that you can track. These reports provide useful data like open rate, click through rate, unsubscribe rate, and more.

最受欢迎的电子邮件营销服务附带了您可以跟踪的统计信息和见解。 这些报告提供有用的数据,例如打开率,点击率,退订率等。

Email analytics

You can also see the traffic coming from your email campaigns to your website in your Google Analytics reports under Acquisition » Campaigns. From here you can see how well your email newsletter traffic converts, and what you can do to improve.

您还可以在Google Analytics(分析)报告的“ 获取”»“广告系列”下查看从电子邮件广告系列到您网站的流量。 从这里您可以看到您的电子邮件新闻通讯流量转换得如何,以及您可以做些什么来改进。

Tracking email marketing data helps you grow your email list. You can create new email forms, change form placements, and use popups to boost subscribers.

跟踪电子邮件营销数据可以帮助您增加电子邮件列表 。 您可以创建新的电子邮件表单,更改表单放置以及使用弹出窗口来增加订阅者。

While there are definitely other marketing metrics that you can track, we believe these are the top marketing data that every business owner must track on their WordPress site.


You might see a lot of mentions of MonsterInsights and might be wondering if this is a sponsored article. It’s not.

您可能会看到对MonsterInsights的大量提及,并且可能想知道这是否是赞助文章。 不是。

MonsterInsights is our sister company. We built this tool for our own business, so we can make data-driven decisions.

MonsterInsights是我们的姊妹公司。 我们为自己的业务构建了此工具,因此我们可以做出数据驱动的决策。

The goal of MonsterInsights is to help makes analytics easy by showing you the stats that matter. It has become the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. Over 2 million websites use MonsterInsights including the likes of Microsoft, Bloomberg, Yelp, FedEx, and of course WPBeginner.

MonsterInsights的目标是通过向您显示重要的统计信息来帮助简化分析。 它已成为WordPress上最受欢迎的Google Analytics(分析)插件。 超过200万个网站使用MonsterInsights,包括Microsoft,Bloomberg,Yelp,FedEx,当然还有WPBeginner。

If you want to grow your business with confidence, then get started with MonsterInsights today.


We hope this article helped you track the right website marketing data on all your WordPress sites. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress security guide to keep your website safe.

我们希望本文能帮助您在所有WordPress网站上跟踪正确的网站营销数据。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress安全分步指南,以确保您的网站安全。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/website-marketing-data-you-must-track-on-every-wordpress-site/

wordpress 数据库

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WordPress 中使用双数据库可以通过使用 WordPress 的多站点功能来实现。你需要在 WordPress 上安装和配置多站点功能,并为每个站点分别配置不同的数据库。 以下是如何在 WordPress 中使用双数据库的步骤: 1. 在 WordPress 中启用多站点功能。打开 wp-config.php 文件,找到下面这行代码: ``` /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ ``` 在这行代码前面添加以下代码: ``` /* Multisite */ define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); ``` 保存并关闭文件。 2. 在 WordPress 管理后台中启用多站点功能。进入“工具”→“网络设置”,按照提示完成多站点设置。 3. 为每个站点配置不同的数据库。在 WordPress 的 wp-config.php 文件中,你可以为每个站点配置不同的数据库。例如: ``` define('DB_NAME', 'database1'); define('DB_USER', 'username1'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password1'); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); /* Multisite */ define('MULTISITE', true); define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false); define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'example.com'); define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/'); define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1); define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1); /* Another site */ define('DB_NAME', 'database2'); define('DB_USER', 'username2'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password2'); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); ``` 请注意,每个站点的数据库名称、用户名、密码和主机地址都应该不同。 4. 将数据上传到不同的数据库。在 WordPress 中,你可以使用插件或者手动将数据上传到不同的数据库。如果你使用的是插件,可以搜索“WordPress 多站点数据共享”等相关插件。如果你想手动上传数据,可以在多站点中选择需要上传的站点,然后在该站点的数据库中执行 SQL 语句将数据上传到该站点的数据库中。 总之,使用 WordPress 的多站点功能可以方便地实现在 WordPress 中使用双数据库


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