

Plugins make WordPress a dream come true for beginners. However, with over 56,000 WordPress plugins available in the official plugin directory, users find it difficult to find the right WordPress plugin for the job. In this article, we will show you how to choose the best WordPress plugin by following the same checklist that our team at WPBeginner and other WordPress experts follow.

插件使WordPress成为初学者的梦想。 但是,由于官方插件目录中提供了超过56,000个WordPress插件,因此用户很难找到适合该工作的WordPress插件。 在本文中,我们将按照WPBeginner团队和其他WordPress专家遵循的清单,向您展示如何选择最佳的WordPress插件。

Choose the Best WordPress Plugin

Disclaimer: While these factors won’t guarantee that you’ll pick the right plugin 100% of the time, it will definitely increase your chances of success.


在你开始前 (Before You Start)

When looking for a plugin, the first thing you should do is write down exactly what you want this plugin to do. In our experience, it helps if you create a checklist with features that you’re looking for (in the order of importance).

在寻找插件时,您要做的第一件事就是准确记录您希望该插件执行的操作。 根据我们的经验,如果您创建具有所需功能(按重要性顺序)的清单,将会很有帮助。

The order of importance matter because sometimes you won’t find everything in one plugin. The importance factor will help make your decision easier.

重要顺序很重要,因为有时您无法在一个插件中找到所有内容。 重要因素将有助于您做出更轻松的决定。

Remember that it doesn’t have to be one plugin that does everything. If you find two plugins that work well together to give you what you need, then install those 2 plugins. The total count of plugins does not matter, the quality does.

请记住,它不一定是一个可以完成所有任务的插件。 如果您发现两个插件可以很好地配合使用,从而满足您的需求,则安装这两个插件。 插件总数无关紧要 ,质量无关紧要

Having said that, let’s take a look at how to choose the best WordPress plugin.


如何搜索插件 (How to Search for a Plugin)

WordPress plugin directory is the starting point for most people. It has thousands of plugins available which is great except that this abundance also makes it difficult to find the perfect plugin.

WordPress插件目录是大多数人的起点。 它有成千上万个可用的插件,这很不错,除了数量如此之多还使得很难找到理想的插件。

WordPress plugin directory

The search feature in WordPress plugin directory is not very sophisticated. This is why we always recommend using Google search or look through the WPBeginner’s plugins category first.

WordPress插件目录中的搜索功能不是很完善。 这就是为什么我们始终建议使用Google搜索或首先浏览WPBeginner的插件类别的原因

You can also combine the best of both by typing your keyword in Google search and add wpbeginner at the end of it.


Alternatively, you can start by browsing the most popular WordPress plugins in the directory. See if there is a plugin that fits your need. If you can’t find a plugin in the first two pages of popular plugins, then run a search.

或者,您可以从浏览目录中最流行的WordPress插件开始。 查看是否有适合您需求的插件。 如果在流行插件的前两页中找不到插件,请运行搜索。

WordPress plugin directory search shows results based on relevance by default.


WordPress Plugin Search Results

For each search result, you will be able to see the Plugin name, rating, description, number of active installs (websites using the plugin), author name, and tested with WordPress version.


Ideally, you want to choose a plugin that sounds relevant to you, has a decent number of active installs, a good rating, and tested with a recent WordPress version.


比较插件-哪个下载? (Comparing Plugins – Which One to Download?)

Once you have found a couple of plugins, you can open these plugin pages in new tabs to compare them. WordPress plugin page contains information about the plugin, what it does, how to use it, etc. You will need to use this information to decide whether or not this plugin is the best fit for you.

找到几个插件后,您可以在新选项卡中打开这些插件页面以进行比较。 WordPress插件页面包含有关该插件,其功能以及如何使用等信息,您将需要使用此信息来确定此插件是否最适合您。

WordPress Plugin Listing Page

The sidebar on plugin page contains useful information about the plugin. The first section in the sidebar shows the plugin version, last updated, active installations, minimum WordPress version required to run the plugin.

插件页面上的侧栏包含有关插件的有用信息。 侧栏中的第一部分显示了插件版本,最近更新的活动安装以及运行插件所需的最低WordPress版本。

A plugins last updated date and active installs are a good indicator of a plugin’s popularity.


This section will also show tested up to WordPress version. If it doesn’t show the most recent version, then there is no need to freak out. Although plugin authors check their plugin with each new WordPress release, they may only update the plugin if needed. Please see our article about installing plugins not tested with your WordPress version for more details.

本部分还将显示经过测试的WordPress版本。 如果未显示最新版本,则无需担心。 尽管插件作者会在每个新的WordPress版本中检查其插件,但只有在需要时才可以更新插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关安装未经WordPress版本测试的插件的文章。

插件等级 (Plugin Ratings)

In the sidebar of plugin page, you will also be able to see plugin ratings. The number of stars indicates rating score, where five is the highest and one being the lowest.

在插件页面的侧栏中,您还将能够看到插件评级。 星星数表示评分,其中5最高,1最低。

You should always keep in mind that a lot of WordPress users use the plugin without rating it. It is possible that a plugin downloaded by thousands of people may still not have enough people rating it.

您应始终牢记,许多WordPress用户使用该插件时未对其进行评级。 成千上万的人下载的插件可能仍然没有足够的人对其评级。

Plugin ratings
插件评论 (Plugin Reviews)

When a user rates a plugin, they are asked to write a review for their rating. You can see these reviews by clicking on the rating bars. For example, if someone has given a plugin one star then you can click on the 1 star link to read their review.

当用户对插件进行评分时,系统会要求他们为其评分写评论。 您可以通过点击评分栏来查看这些评论。 例如,如果某人给插件一个星,那么您可以单击1星链接以阅读其评论。

Another thing to notice here is the total number of ratings. For example, if a plugin only has one or two people rating it, then it is really not a significant number. However, if those one or two people left a good reason for their rating in the review, then this would make their rating significant for others.

这里要注意的另一件事是收视率的总数。 例如,如果一个插件只有一个或两个人给它评分,那么它实际上并不是一个很大的数字。 但是,如果那些一两个人在评价中留下了很好的评价理由,那么这将使他们的评价对其他人有意义。

WordPress Plugin Reviews - WPForms
支持概述 (Support Overview)

The support section of the plugin page’s sidebar will give you a quick overview of the number of support threads opened for a plugin during last two months. It will also show you how many of these threads are resolved.

插件页面侧栏的支持部分将为您提供最近两个月为插件打开的支持线程数的快速概述。 它还将向您显示解决了这些线程中的多少个。

You can see support threads by clicking on the support tab in the plugin menu bar. Just like the reviews, keep in mind that unresolved support threads do not really mean that the plugin has some issues.

您可以通过单击插件菜单栏中的“支持”选项卡来查看支持线程。 就像评论一样,请记住,尚未解决的支持线程并不真正意味着该插件存在一些问题。

However, if a plugin has many unresolved threads and the plugin author has not responded to any of them in last two months, then this could be an indicator that the author has lost interest. The plugin may still work for you, but it may not be supported in the long run.

但是,如果一个插件有许多未解决的线程,而插件作者在过去两个月中未对其中任何一个做出响应,则这可能表明该作者失去了兴趣。 该插件可能仍对您有效,但从长远来看可能不受支持。

Plugin support overview
插件截图 (Plugin Screenshots)

For most WordPress plugins in the directory, you will see a screenshots section below the plugin description. Plugin screenshots are a quick way to see how the plugin looks on the front-end and on the back-end of your WordPress website.

对于目录中的大多数WordPress插件,您将在插件说明下方看到屏幕截图部分。 插件屏幕截图是查看插件在WordPress网站前端和后端的外观的快速方法。

Sometimes we find screenshots to be more helpful than the actual plugin descriptions which could be lengthy and confusing. With screenshots, you can actually see how the plugin will look, what it actually does and then you can quickly find out whether or not you should try it.

有时,我们发现屏幕截图比实际的插件描述更有用,这可能会冗长而令人困惑。 使用屏幕截图,您可以实际查看该插件的外观,其实际功能,然后可以快速找出是否应该尝试该插件。

WordPress Plugin Screenshots - WPForms
查看常见问题和其他说明 (Check FAQs and Other Notes)

Don’t forget to check FAQs, and Other Notes sections below the plugin description (Some plugins may not have them). These sections usually contain useful information about how to use a plugin. Sometimes users end up complaining that a plugin does not work without even reading how to use it.

不要忘记查看插件说明下方的“常见问题解答”和“其他说明”部分(某些插件可能没有)。 这些部分通常包含有关如何使用插件的有用信息。 有时,用户最终会抱怨说,即使不阅读如何使用插件,插件也无法正常工作。

When you are trying a plugin, make sure you read these sections so that you can configure and use the plugin properly on your website. It is also possible that you will find some other cool tips there.

尝试使用插件时,请确保已阅读这些部分,以便可以在网站上正确配置和使用插件。 您也可能会在这里找到其他一些不错的技巧。

For example, if you are a looking for a plugin that adds a widget, then you might find out that it also provides a template tag which you can use in your theme or a shortcode which you can use in posts and pages. You may also find out plugin author’s advice on how to add your own CSS styles to plugin output.

例如,如果您正在寻找一个添加了小部件的插件,那么您可能会发现它还提供了可以在主题中使用的模板标签或可以在帖子和页面中使用的简码 。 您还可以找到插件作者的建议,以了解如何将自己CSS样式添加到插件输出中。

Plugin FAQs section
测试插件 (Testing a Plugin )

WordPress plugins may slow down your website if they are poorly written or don’t follow WordPress coding standards.


To check for this problem go to Pingdom or any other site speed checking service. Test your website’s page speed before activating the plugin. Take screenshots or note down the results.

要检查此问题,请转到Pingdom或任何其他站点速度检查服务。 在激活插件之前,请测试您网站的页面速度。 截屏或记录结果。

After that, go back to your WordPress website and activate the plugin. Now test your website speed again.

之后,返回您的WordPress网站并激活该插件。 现在,再次测试您的网站速度。

If the plugin adds a significant amount of time to your site’s speed, then you should try finding a better plugin.


For example, in the screenshot below you will see that a plugin has added extra 0.8 seconds to our test site’s load time making it significantly slower.


Plugin impact on website speed
回馈WordPress社区和插件作者 (Giving back to the WordPress Community and Plugin Authors)

WordPress is a free community software and so is the WordPress Plugin Directory. Plugin authors put a lot of their time, hard work, and creativity in writing those plugins. You can help them in many ways and here is a list of things you can do:

WordPress是免费的社区软件 ,WordPress插件目录也是如此。 插件作者将大量的时间,辛勤工作和创造力投入到编写这些插件中。 您可以通过多种方式帮助他们,以下是您可以做的事情:

  • Donate: If you find a plugin useful and the plugin author has donate URL on plugin page, then please consider donating some money. It is not the price of the plugin, it is a token of appreciation.捐赠:如果您发现插件有用,并且插件作者在插件页面上有捐赠URL,则请考虑捐赠一些资金。 这不是插件的价格,而是感谢的象征。
  • Rate the plugin: As we mentioned earlier that a lot of users don’t feel much inclined to rate a plugin that works fine. You can help break this trend. When you find a plugin that you like, then leave a rating and a review. A few lines are good enough to let people know about your experience with the plugin.对插件进行评分:正如我们前面提到的,许多用户不太愿意对效果良好的插件进行评分。 您可以帮助打破这一趋势。 当您找到自己喜欢的插件时,请留下评分和评论。 几行就足以让人们知道您使用该插件的经验。
  • Mention the plugin on your blog, Twitter or Facebook.提及该插件。
插件不起作用时该怎么办 (What to do When a Plugin Doesn’t Work)

If a plugin gives an error or does not work, then the first thing you would want to do is find out if it is having a conflict with another plugin or theme. Deactivate all other plugins and activate default WordPress theme. Try testing the plugin again. If it still does not work, then you might want to open a support thread.

如果某个插件出现错误或不起作用,那么您要做的第一件事就是确定它是否与另一个插件或主题发生冲突。 停用所有其他插件并激活默认的WordPress主题。 再次尝试测试插件。 如果仍然无法使用,则您可能要打开一个支持线程。

Visit the plugin page on WordPress plugin direcory and click on Support tab. Scroll down till you find the support form and fill it out.

访问WordPress插件目录上的插件页面,然后单击“支持”选项卡。 向下滚动直到找到支持表格并填写。

Remember, that WordPress plugins are open source which means that they come with no warranty at all and the plugin authors are not required to answer your questions. However, most plugin authors care about their code and will try their best to answer support questions whenever they can. Check out our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.

请记住,WordPress插件是开源的,这意味着它们完全不提供任何担保,并且不需要插件作者回答您的问题。 但是,大多数插件作者都在乎他们的代码,并会尽可能地回答支持问题。 查阅我们的指南,了解如何正确地获得WordPress支持并获得它。

We hope this guide helped you choose the best WordPress plugin. You may also want to see our expert-pick of the essential WordPress plugins for every website.

我们希望本指南能帮助您选择最好的WordPress插件。 您可能还希望查看我们为每个网站提供的必要WordPress插件的专家精选

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-wordpress-plugin/


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