
Recently, one of our readers asked us if it’s ok to use nulled WordPress themes and plugins? Nulled themes and plugins are pirated copies of premium WordPress products. In this article, we will explain why you must avoid nulled WordPress themes and plugins, specially if you’re serious about your website.

最近,一位读者问我们是否可以使用空的WordPress主题和插件? 空主题和插件是高级WordPress产品的盗版副本。 在本文中,我们将解释为什么必须避免使用空的WordPress主题和插件,特别是如果您认真对待网站时。

Why you must avoid nulled WordPress themes and plugins
什么是Nulled WordPress主题和插件? (What are Nulled WordPress Themes & Plugins?)

Nulled WordPress themes and plugins are pirated copies of paid WordPress themes and plugins distributed unethically on the internet.


The folks redistributing nulled items argue that because WordPress and any derivative works (like plugins and themes) are licensed under GPL, it’s completely ok to copy and distribute it.

重新分配无效项的人认为,由于WordPress及其任何衍生作品(如插件和主题)均已获得GPL许可 ,因此完全可以复制和分发它。

While that’s true, often this comes with big cost. Not only does it cause good WordPress companies to lose money, but most importantly it compromises the security and integrity of websites using these nulled WordPress themes and plugins.

确实如此,但通常要付出高昂的代价。 这不仅会导致优秀的WordPress公司亏损,而且最重要的是,使用这些无效的WordPress主题和插件会损害网站的安全性和完整性。

Yes often these nulled themes and plugins are the reason why your websites get hacked.


Here are some of the top reasons why you must avoid using nulled WordPress plugins and themes on your website.


1.安全性 (1. Security)

WordPress security

Nulled WordPress plugins and themes are extremely dangerous for WordPress security. They are known to carry malware.

空的WordPress插件和主题对于WordPress安全非常危险。 众所周知,它们带有恶意软件。

The malicious code can spread across different files to disguise itself which makes it hard to detect and fix when your website is hacked.


You could also lose your site data in the hack process. Last but not least, your site may get de-indexed from search engines for distributing malware.

您还可能在黑客入侵过程中丢失站点数据。 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您的网站可能会因分发恶意软件而被搜索引擎取消索引。

2.隐私权 (2. Privacy)


Nulled WordPress themes and plugins can have different kind of malicious code hidden inside. This can include code that steals information from your WordPress site and makes it available to hackers on the dark web.

空的WordPress主题和插件可以隐藏不同种类的恶意代码。 这可能包括从您的WordPress网站窃取信息的代码,并使这些信息可供黑暗网络上的黑客使用。

This information may include your username, email address, and passwords. If you run an online store or membership website, then the personal information of your customers can also be at risk.

此信息可能包括您的用户名,电子邮件地址和密码。 如果您经营在线商店会员网站 ,则客户的个人信息也可能受到威胁。

These kind of hacks are hard to detect and may go unnoticed as your WordPress site keeps functioning normally.


3.对SEO不利 (3. Bad for SEO)

Bad for SEO

Pirated WordPress themes and plugins can destroy your WordPress SEO completely. Nulled WordPress themes and plugins can add spam links to your website or hijack your users and redirect them to bad websites.

盗版WordPress主题和插件可能会完全破坏WordPress SEO 。 空的WordPress主题和插件可以将垃圾邮件链接添加到您的网站,或者劫持用户并将其重定向到不良网站。

These activities are hard to detect by human eyes as the links are well hidden in the code. You will likely not be redirected when you are logged in to your WordPress account. However, search engines will be quick to notice that and penalize your website by dropping your search rankings or de-indexing your website completely.

这些活动很难被人眼察觉,因为链接已很好地隐藏在代码中。 登录到WordPress帐户后,您可能不会被重定向。 但是,搜索引擎会很快注意到这一点,并通过降低搜索排名或完全对网站取消索引来对您的网站进行惩罚。

You will have to spend months to recover your website’s SEO rankings and sometimes you may even have to make a new website from scratch.


4.法律问题 (4. Legal Issues)

Legal issues

Many WordPress themes and plugins are open source, but some of them are sold with mixed licenses. This means that some parts of the code are protected by copyright laws and if you are using a nulled WordPress theme or plugin, then you don’t have legal permission to do so.

许多WordPress主题和插件都是开源的,但其中一些以混合许可证出售。 这意味着代码的某些部分受版权法保护,如果您使用的是空的WordPress主题或插件,则您没有法律许可。

Pirated WordPress themes can result in data theft, data loss, or distribution of illegal material. All of these can lead to legal proceedings where you may end up paying huge sums to lawyers.

WordPress盗版主题可能导致数据盗窃,数据丢失或非法材料散布。 所有这些都可能导致法律诉讼,您可能最终要向律师支付巨款。

5.无法访问更新 (5. No Access to Updates)

No access to updates

Most WordPress themes and plugins regularly release updates to fix bugs, add new features, and close security issues. Nulled WordPress themes and plugins cannot receive those updates because they don’t have a valid license key.

大多数WordPress主题和插件会定期发布更新,以修复错误,添加新功能并解决安全问题。 空的WordPress主题和插件无法收到这些更新,因为它们没有有效的许可证密钥。

This leaves your WordPress site with an outdated version which may be buggy and insecure. WordPress itself regularly releases new versions and sometimes themes and plugins need to be updated to remain compatible with the latest changes. Since nulled theme or plugin can’t be updated, your website may start misbehaving or become inaccessible.

这会使您的WordPress网站具有过时的版本,该版本可能有错误和不安全。 WordPress本身会定期发布新版本,有时主题和插件需要进行更新以与最新更改兼容。 由于空主题或插件无法更新,因此您的网站可能开始出现异常或无法访问。

For details on WordPress updates, see our article on why you should always use the latest WordPress version and how to manage WordPress updates.


6.支持和文档 (6. Support & Documentation)

No access to support

Even the most experienced WordPress users need support and documentation to properly use premium WordPress themes and plugins.


Developers of these products spend a lot of their time on providing support and creating documentation for their users. They even hire support specialists to answer questions and regularly add new tutorials.

这些产品的开发人员将大量时间用于为用户提供支持和创建文档。 他们甚至雇用支持专家来回答问题并定期添加新教程。

If you are using a nulled WordPress theme or plugin, then you are on your own. You cannot ask the developers to help you out when you need help. You also don’t get access to documentation and tutorials because those are only available to paid customers.

如果您使用的是空的WordPress主题或插件,那么您就自己一个人。 您无法在需要帮助时要求开发人员帮助您。 您也无法访问文档和教程,因为这些文档和教程仅适用于付费客户。

7.访问新功能 (7. Access to New Features)

No new features

As we mentioned earlier, WordPress themes and plugins are updated regularly and often these updates include new features. If you are using a pirated WordPress product, then you cannot get automatic updates, and you wouldn’t even know that there are new features available.

如前所述,WordPress主题和插件会定期更新,并且这些更新通常包含新功能。 如果您使用的是盗版WordPress产品,那么您将无法获得自动更新,甚至都不知道有可用的新功能。

These new features can significantly improve your website and help you make more money online. However, you will be totally unaware of these changes and will be stuck with an outdated version.

这些新功能可以显着改善您的网站并帮助您在线赚更多钱 。 但是,您将完全不知道这些更改,并且将使用过时的版本。

8.不道德的使用会阻碍创新 (8. Unethical use Discourages Innovation)

No innovation

Now some may argue that it is a tiny piece of software, and I am doing this because I cannot afford to pay for it at the moment. However, this tiny piece of code is the result of someone’s skill, talent, and hard work. By using a nulled software, you are taking away money from those developers.

现在有些人可能会争辩说它只是一个很小的软件,而我之所以这样做是因为我目前无法负担。 但是,这段很小的代码是某人的技能,才能和辛勤工作的结果。 通过使用无效的软件,您可以从这些开发人员那里赚钱。

Developers not only spend their time on writing code, they also have to provide support, create documentation, make a website, hire support staff, and spend a lot of money to run their business. Using nulled software hurts their business, and they end up losing money.

开发人员不仅要花时间在编写代码上,还必须提供支持,创建文档,建立网站,雇用支持人员,并花费大量资金来开展业务。 使用无效的软件会损害他们的业务,最终导致他们亏损。

These unethical practices may discourage developers from creating new innovative products that can benefit millions of users.


9.大量的自由选择 (9. The Abundance of Free Alternatives)

Plenty of free WordPress themes and plugins

There is no reason for anyone to use nulled WordPress themes and plugins. No matter which WordPress theme or plugin you choose, there is always more than one suitable free alternative available for them.

没有理由让任何人使用无效的WordPress主题和插件。 无论您选择哪种WordPress主题或插件,总有不止一种适合他们的免费替代方案。

In fact, many premium WordPress plugins have limited free versions to help you get started. Need a contact form? Get started with the free version of WPForms Lite. Need Google Analytics? Try the free version of MonsterInsights.

实际上,许多高级WordPress插件都有有限的免费版本,可以帮助您入门。 需要联系表格吗? 开始使用WPForms Lite的免费版本。 需要Google Analytics(分析) ? 试用免费版的MonsterInsights

For WordPress themes, take a look at our expert-pick of the best free WordPress themes that are just as good as a premium theme.

对于WordPress主题,请看一下我们精选的最佳免费WordPress主题 ,它们与高级主题一样出色。

WordPress.org has thousands of free plugins and themes. Some of them are even better than many premium products. Most importantly, you can use them legally with no burden on your conscience and without affecting WordPress community negatively.

WordPress.org有数千个免费插件和主题。 其中一些甚至比许多优质产品还要好。 最重要的是,您可以合法地使用它们,而不会对您的良心造成负担,并且不会对WordPress社区造成负面影响。

We hope this article helped you learn why you must avoid nulled WordPress plugins and themes. You may also want to see our article on the cost of building a WordPress website with tips on how to save money.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解为什么必须避免使用空的WordPress插件和主题。 您可能还想看一下我们有关构建WordPress网站的成本的文章, 其中包含有关如何省钱的提示。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/why-you-must-avoid-nulled-wordpress-plugins-themes/

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