

Like most things in life, WordPress also has it’s fair share of annoying things. Dealing with these annoyances is very easy with the right system and processes. In this article, we will show you the 15 most annoying things about WordPress and how to fix them.

就像生活中的大多数事物一样,WordPress也有很多令人讨厌的事物。 正确的系统和流程可以轻松应对这些烦恼。 在本文中,我们将向您展示有关WordPress的15个最烦人的事情以及如何修复它们。

Fixing the most annoying things about WordPress
1.设置WordPress备份 (1. Setting up WordPress Backup)

Setup a WordPress backup

WordPress does not come with a built-in backup system. You are supposed to create your own backups instead of relying on your WordPress hosting company.

WordPress没有内置备份系统。 您应该创建自己的备份,而不要依赖WordPress托管公司

Having a regular backup saves you the frustration when something bad happens to your website.


There are plenty of free and paid backup solutions available for WordPress. See our comparison of the 7 best WordPress backup plugins.

有许多免费和付费的WordPress备份解决方案可用。 请参阅我们对7种最佳WordPress备份插件的比较

2.删除未分类的类别 (2. Deleting the Uncategorized Category)

Changing default category

WordPress comes with two built in taxonomies, they are called categories and tags. By default, each new post you create is filed into a built-in category titled Uncategorized.

WordPress带有两个内置的分类法 ,它们称为类别和标签 。 默认情况下,您创建的每个新帖子都被归入标题为“未分类”的内置类别。

If you forget to assign the post to a category, then it will be filed under Uncategorized. This looks unprofessional, but you can easily fix it.

如果您忘记将帖子分配给一个类别,那么它将被归类为“未分类”。 这看起来很不专业,但是您可以轻松修复它。

See our guide on how to change the default Uncategorized category in WordPress.


3.更改用户名 (3. Changing The Username)

Changing username in WordPress

During WordPress installation or at the time of user creation, you can choose a username for the account.


However the problem is that there’s no easy way to change the username once it’s created. This can be extremely annoying.

但是,问题在于,一旦创建了用户名,就没有简单的方法来更改它。 这可能非常烦人。

Thankfully, we have a tutorial that shows you the easy way to change your WordPress username.


4.向帖子编辑器添加更多格式选项 (4. Adding More Formatting Options to the Post Editor)

WordPress visual editor

By default, WordPress comes with two types of writing areas in the post editor. The Visual Editor, which is a WYSIWYG editor, and Text Editor which is a plain text editor.

默认情况下,WordPress在帖子编辑器中带有两种类型的书写区域。 可视编辑器 (即所见即所得的编辑器)和文本编辑器(即纯文本编辑器)。

Switching from Visual to Text and then Back to Visual editor will ruin your formatting. But you need to switch to the text editor if you want to add custom HTML formatting in WordPress.

从Visual切换到Text,然后再回到Visual编辑器将破坏您的格式。 但是,如果要在WordPress中添加自定义HTML格式,则需要切换到文本编辑器。

One easy solution is to stick with the Text editor and learn some basic HTML formatting. However if you want to use Visual editor, then you can use TinyMCE advanced plugin. It extends the default WordPress Visual editor with more formatting options.

一种简单的解决方案是坚持使用文本编辑器并学习一些基本HTML格式。 但是,如果要使用Visual Editor,则可以使用TinyMCE高级插件。 它使用更多格式选项扩展了默认的WordPress Visual编辑器。

See: 14 Tips to Master the WordPress Visual Editor

请参阅: 掌握WordPress可视编辑器的14条提示

5.为WordPress小部件启用简码 (5. Enabling Shortcodes for WordPress Widgets)

Shortcodes allow you to add functionality into WordPress text areas without writing any code. However, shortcodes do not work in WordPress text widgets by default.

短代码使您无需编写任何代码即可将功能添加到WordPress文本区域。 但是,默认情况下,短代码在WordPress文本小部件中不起作用。

Shortcode not working in WordPress text widget

Thankfully, there’s an easy fix for that.


Simply add this code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin.



If you don’t want to add the code manually, then you can install and activate the Shortcode Widget plugin. It adds a shortcode widget in your WordPress widgets, which is exactly like a text widget but allows you to add shortcodes.

如果您不想手动添加代码,则可以安装并激活Shortcode Widget插件。 它在您的WordPress小部件中添加了一个简码小部件,与文本小部件完全一样,但是允许您添加简码。

6.锁定WordPress (6. Getting Locked Out of WordPress)

Sometimes you may end up locking yourself out of the WordPress admin area. Either you forgot your password and unable to recover it, or something broke when you were adding code or a plugin.

有时您可能最终将自己锁定在WordPress管理区域之外。 您忘记了密码无法恢复密码,或者在添加代码或插件时出现了问题。

We have created a handy guide on what to do when you are locked out of the WordPress admin area. It will help you learn how to fix this in different scenarios.

当您被锁定在WordPress管理区域之外时,我们创建了一个方便的指南。 它将帮助您学习如何在不同的情况下解决此问题。

7.停用所有WordPress插件 (7. Deactivating All WordPress Plugins)

Deactivate all plugins in WordPress

When troubleshooting some problem on your WordPress site, you will be advised to deactivate all WordPress plugins. You can just go to plugins page and deactivate all plugins.

在对WordPress网站上的某些问题进行故障排除时,建议您停用所有WordPress插件。 您可以转到插件页面并停用所有插件。

But what if you don’t have access to the WordPress admin area? Here is how you can deactivate all WordPress plugins using FTP.

但是,如果您无权访问WordPress 管理区域怎么办? 这是您可以使用FTP 停用所有WordPress插件的方法。

8.修复常见的WordPress错误 (8. Fixing Common WordPress Errors)

Fixing common WordPress errors

WordPress comes with a slight learning curve, and you get to learn things as you go along. Somethings are easier to learn than others.

WordPress具有轻微的学习曲线,您可以边学习边学习。 某些东西比其他东西容易学习。

The most frustrating and annoying thing for beginners are the common WordPress errors.


That’s why we have compiled a list of 14 common WordPress errors and how to fix them.


9.设置WordPress插件的自动更新 (9. Setting up Automatic Updates for WordPress Plugins)

WordPress updates

All good WordPress plugins are regularly updated. If you are using the best WordPress plugins on your website, then chances are that you will be installing updates quite often.

所有好的WordPress插件都会定期更新。 如果您在网站上使用最好的WordPress插件,那么您很可能会经常安装更新。

Installing updates take only a few seconds, but it can be distracting to login and find new updates. See our guide on how to automatically install updates for WordPress plugins.

安装更新仅需几秒钟,但登录和查找新更新可能会分散您的注意力。 请参阅有关如何自动为WordPress插件安装更新的指南。

10.创建更好的图像库 (10. Creating Better Image Galleries)

Creating image galleries in WordPress

While you can create galleries in the default WordPress installation, it’s not as useful because it lacks features like Albums, tagging, lightboxes, and more.

虽然您可以在默认的WordPress安装中创建画廊 ,但它没有那么有用,因为它缺少像相册,标签,灯箱等功能。

Thankfully there’s a plugin like Envira Gallery available which allows you to create beautiful image galleries in WordPress without compromising speed.

值得庆幸的是,有一个可用的插件,例如Envira Gallery,可让您在WordPress中创建漂亮的图库而不影响速度。

You can add Albums, watermarks, sell your photos, and more.


11.删除Hello Dolly插件 (11. Delete Hello Dolly Plugin)

Hello Dolly

Each WordPress site comes with two default plugins pre-installed. Hello Dolly is one of them. This plugin doesn’t receive any updates and does nothing useful for your site.

每个WordPress网站都预装了两个默认插件。 你好多莉就是其中之一。 该插件未收到任何更新,对您的网站没有任何帮助。

Learn more about Hello Dolly plugin and why you should delete it.

了解有关Hello Dolly插件以及为什么要删除它的更多信息

12.自定义WordPress摘录 (12. Customizing WordPress Excerpts)

Adding custom excerpts in WordPress

By default, WordPress displays full posts on homepage, archives, and category pages. This not only creates duplicate content on your site, but it also discourages users from viewing the full post and leaving comments. See our guide on full post vs excerpt in your WordPress archive pages

默认情况下,WordPress在主页,档案和类别​​页面上显示完整的帖子。 这不仅会在您的网站上创建重复的内容,而且还会阻止用户查看完整的帖子并留下评论。 请参阅WordPress存档页面中有关完整文章与摘录的指南

By displaying excerpts on these pages, you can increase your pageviews and user engagement. See our guide on how to customize WordPress excerpts without any coding.

通过在这些页面上显示摘录,您可以提高浏览量和用户参与度。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何无需任何编码即可自定义WordPress摘录

13.在RSS feed中显示摘录 (13. Showing Excerpts in RSS Feeds)

Summary in RSS feeds

WordPress also shows your full articles in the RSS Feed. This means users reading your posts in a feed reader will have no reason to visit your website.

WordPress还会在RSS Feed中显示您的完整文章。 这意味着在供稿阅读器中阅读您的帖子的用户将没有理由访问您的网站。

You can easily change this from WordPress admin area. Go to Settings » Reading page and scroll down to ‘For each article in a feed, show’ option and select Summary. Click on the save changes button to store your settings.

您可以从WordPress管理区域轻松更改此设置。 转到“设置”»“阅读”页面,然后向下滚动至“对于供稿中的每篇文章,显示”选项,然后选择“摘要”。 单击保存更改按钮以存储您的设置。

14.处理垃圾评论 (14. Dealing with Comment Spam)

Comment spam

Spam comments are one of the most annoying things. WordPress comes with built-in comment moderation to deal with spam comments. However comment spam can quickly grow, and before you know it you will be spending more time moderating comments.

垃圾评论是最令人讨厌的事情之一。 WordPress内置了注释审核功能 ,可处理垃圾邮件评论。 但是,垃圾评论会Swift增长,在您不知不觉中,您将花费更多的时间来审核评论。

First thing you need to do is start using Akismet. It will catch most spam comments and keep them away from your moderation queue.

您需要做的第一件事是开始使用Akismet 。 它会捕获大多数垃圾邮件评论,并使它们远离审核队列。

You may also want to check out these 12 vital tips and tools to combat comment spam in WordPress.


15.改善WordPress搜索 (15. Improving WordPress Search)

WordPress search

WordPress comes with a built-in search feature, but it’s not very good. If search is important for your website, then you will need to replace the default search with something better.

WordPress具有内置的搜索功能,但不是很好。 如果搜索对您的网站很重要,那么您将需要用更好的内容替换默认搜索。

Thankfully, there are some great alternatives to improve WordPress search. Check out our list of 12 WordPress search plugins to improve your site search.

幸运的是,有一些很棒的替代方法可以改善WordPress搜索。 查看我们的12个WordPress搜索插件列表, 以改善您的站点搜索

We hope this article helped you fix some of the most annoying things about WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on 19 Actionable Tips to Drive Traffic to Your New WordPress Site.

我们希望本文能帮助您解决有关WordPress的一些最烦人的事情。 您可能还想查看有关19个可行提示的指南, 以增加访问新WordPress网站的流量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/15-most-annoying-things-about-wordpress-and-how-to-fix-them/






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