

Recently one of our readers asked if it’s possible to get Google to recrawl specific URLs? If your website is new, then Google will take some time to crawl and display new pages or changes in search results. In this article, we will show you how to ask Google to recrawl URLs of your WordPress site.

最近,我们的一位读者问:是否有可能让Google重新抓取特定的URL? 如果您的网站是新网站,则Google将需要一些时间来抓取并显示新页面或搜索结果的更改。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何要求Google重新抓取WordPress网站的URL。

How to ask Google to recrawl URLs of your WordPress site
您何时以及为何需要要求Google重新检索网址? (When and Why Do You Need to Ask Google to Recrawl URLs?)

When you add pages and posts in your WordPress site, Google will take its due time to crawl these new links. The same time is required by Google to crawl the updated URLs of your WordPress site.

当您在WordPress网站中添加页面和帖子时,Google会在适当的时候抓取这些新链接。 Google需要同时抓取您的WordPress网站的更新URL。

When you manually ask Google to recrawl your URLs, then it will put your new link in the queue to get indexed on Google. A Google search bot will start recrawling your links one by one and display them in search results.

当您手动要求Google重新抓取您的URL时,它将把您的新链接放入队列以在Google上建立索引。 Google搜索机器人会开始一个个地重新抓取您的链接,并将其显示在搜索结果中。

Some of the common reasons for asking Google to recrawl URLs are:


  1. When you add a new post or page

  2. When you make changes to an existing post or page

  3. If you think a page should be indexed in Google, but you can’t find it


For the first two options mentioned above, you can automate this process using XML sitemaps. Google is pretty good at indexing website because that’s their business.

对于上述前两个选项,您可以使用XML sitemaps自动执行此过程。 Google非常擅长将网站编入索引,因为这是他们的业务。

However we have seen specific pages go missing from Google (for no reason). Sometimes just asking Google to recrawl will make the page appear right away.

但是,我们发现Google丢失了某些页面(无缘无故)。 有时,仅要求Google重新抓取,就会立即显示该页面。

That being said, let’s take a look on how to ask Google to recrawl URLs of your WordPress site and display them in the search results.


要求Google重新检索您的WordPress网站的URL (Asking Google to Recrawl URLs of Your WordPress Site)

First you need to get your site listed on Google and then Google will automatically start crawling your URLs. However, you can also request Google to recrawl your new links for any cases that we discussed above.

首先,您需要在Google上列出您的网站 ,然后Google会自动开始抓取您的URL。 但是,对于我们上面讨论的任何情况,您也可以要求Google重新抓取您的新链接。

You can follow the steps below to ask Google to recrawl URLs of your WordPress site.


步骤1:使用URL检查工具重新爬网URL (Step 1: Using the URL Inspection Tool to Recrawl URLs)

URL inspection tool is available in the new and updated Google search console (formerly known as Google webmaster tools). This tool helps you identify the issues related to your URLs and offer solutions to index your links in Google.

新的和更新的Google搜索控制台中提供了URL检查工具(以前称为Google网站管理员工具)。 此工具可帮助您确定与您的网址相关的问题,并提供解决方案以对您在Google中的链接建立索引。

It will also help you troubleshoot the common WordPress errors for your URLs and other URL indexing issues.


In the new Google search console, you need to select your property or website to check the URL index status.

在新的Google搜索控制台中 ,您需要选择您的媒体资源或网站来检查URL索引状态。

Note: If you don’t have a website listed on Google webmasters tool, then first you need to add it as a new property to continue with the URL inspection tool.


Select property

After selecting the property, you need to go to the URL Inspection tool on the left menu and add your URL in search field that you want to inspect.


Inspect URL

It will get the data about your URL and display it in the Google search console dashboard.

它将获取有关您的URL的数据,并将其显示在Google Search Console仪表板中。

If your URL is on Google, then you’ll see a success message with the useful information about your link. You can expand the findings and see if there are any other issues to be solved. If not, then you’ll see the submission request from Google to recrawl and index your URL.

如果您的网址在Google上,那么您会看到一条成功消息,其中包含有关链接的有用信息。 您可以扩展调查结果,看看是否还有其他问题需要解决。 如果不是,那么您将看到Google提交的提交请求以重新爬网并为您的URL编制索引。

However, if the link isn’t on Google, then it’ll show you the errors and a possible solution to get your URL indexed on Google.


You can solve the issues and inspect the URL again until you get the success message. After that, a request is initiated to recrawl your URL. Simply repeat the same for all your URLs that you want Google to recrawl.

您可以解决问题并再次检查URL,直到获得成功消息。 之后,将启动重新抓取您的URL的请求。 只需对要Google重新抓取的所有网址重复相同的操作。

步骤2:将XML网站地图提交到重新抓取网址 (Step 2: Submitting XML Sitemap to Recrawl URL)

If you’re still not sure about the indexing of your URLs on Google, then you can simply submit an updated XML sitemap with your new URLs to Google webmaster tools. Sitemaps are the quickest way to get your new URLs indexed on Google.

如果您仍不确定在Google上为您的网址编制索引,则只需将包含新网址的更新的XML网站地图提交给Google网站管理员工具即可 。 站点地图是在Google上为新网址建立索引的最快方法。

For this step, we recommend using Yoast SEO plugin which includes flexible options to properly set up your XML sitemaps in WordPress.

对于此步骤,我们建议使用Yoast SEO插件,该插件包含灵活的选项,可以在WordPress中正确设置XML网站地图

In your WordPress admin area, you need to go to SEO » General page. Under the Features section, you need to turn on the XML sitemaps setting.

在WordPress管理区域中,您需要转到SEO»常规页面。 在“功能”部分下,您需要打开XML网站地图设置。

Enable XML sitemaps

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button.

不要忘记单击“ 保存更改”按钮。

Next, you can view the updated sitemap by clicking on the question mark icon next to the XML sitemaps heading. If your new links are visible in this sitemap file, then you can go ahead and submit it to Google webmasters tool.

接下来,您可以通过单击XML网站地图标题旁边的问号图标来查看更新的网站地图。 如果您的新链接在此站点地图文件中可见,则可以继续并将其提交给Google网站管理员工具。

View XML sitemaps

To submit the XML sitemaps, you need to visit the new Google Search Console and go to Sitemaps on the left menu. Simply add your XML sitemap link and click on the Submit button.

要提交XML网站地图,您需要访问新的Google Search Console并转到左侧菜单上的Sitemaps 。 只需添加您的XML网站地图链接,然后单击“ 提交”按钮。

Submit XML sitemaps

This updated sitemap will ask Google bots to quickly recrawl your new URLs and display them in the search results.


Note: you only have to upload the sitemap once. Google recrawls your sitemap regularly, and it will add updated posts quickly once your sitemaps are added.

注意:您只需上传一次站点地图。 Google会定期重新检索您的站点地图,一旦添加了站点地图,它将Swift添加更新的帖子。

We hope this article helped you learn how to ask Google to recrawl URLs of your WordPress site. You may also want to see our ultimate guide on how to improve WordPress SEO.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解如何要求Google重新抓取WordPress网站的URL。 您可能还想查看有关如何改进WordPress SEO的最终指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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