blogger_WordPress vs. Blogger –哪个更好? (优点和缺点)


Are you planning to start a new blog? Not sure whether you should use WordPress or Blogger as your blog platform? Well, we can help.

您是否打算建立一个新博客 ? 不确定应该使用WordPress还是Blogger作为博客平台? 好吧,我们可以提供帮助。

WordPress and Blogger are the two most popular blogging platforms on the internet. They both let you create a blog easily. However, they work quite differently, and each has specific pros and cons.

WordPress和Blogger是互联网上两个最受欢迎的博客平台。 他们俩都可以让您轻松创建博客。 但是,它们的工作方式截然不同,并且每个都有各自的优缺点。

In this article, we will compare Blogger vs WordPress side by side and show you the differences that matter. Our goal is to help you decide which is the better platform for your needs.

在本文中,我们将比较Blogger和WordPress,并向您展示重要的区别。 我们的目标是帮助您确定哪个是满足您需求的更好平台。

WordPress vs Blogger comparison - pros and cons of each
在博客平台中寻找什么? (What to Look for in Your Blog Platform?)

Before we begin our WordPress vs. Blogger comparison, let’s cover some important things to look for when choosing a blog platform.


  • Ease of Use: You need a simple and easy to use platform to quickly set up your blog, add content, and grow your audience.易于使用 :您需要一个简单易用的平台来快速设置博客,添加内容并扩大受众。
  • Flexibility: You need a platform that lets you add more features or use more resources as your blog grows.灵活性 :您需要一个平台,该平台可以随着博客的增长添加更多功能或使用更多资源。
  • Monetization options: Do you want to make money online with your blog? If yes, then you need to choose a platform which has plenty of monetization options.
  • 营利选项 :您想通过博客在线赚钱吗? 如果是,那么您需要选择一个具有大量获利选项的平台。
  • Support: You may need support while creating your blog, designing, or managing it. If you get stuck or have questions, you’ll want to get help as quickly and easily as possible.支持 :在创建博客,设计或管理博客时,您可能需要支持。 如果您遇到困难或有疑问,则希望尽快获得帮助。

Aside from the above, you also need to consider platform costs, available design options, SEO optimization features for traffic, and more.


With that said, let’s compare how WordPress and Blogger stack up against these requirements.


Table of Contents – WordPress vs Blogger

目录– WordPress与Blogger

Since this is a detailed comparison, please use the quick links below to jump straight to different parts of the article.


Note: This comparison is between self-hosted and Blogger (not vs Blogger). See our guide on the differences between self-hosted vs

注意:此比较是在自托管的WordPress.org和Blogger(不是WordPress.com与Blogger)之间进行的。 请参阅我们的指南,了解自托管WordPress.org与WordPress.com之间的区别。

概述– WordPress与Blogger (Overview – WordPress vs Blogger)

As we mentioned above, WordPress and Blogger are the two most widely used blog management platforms in the world.


According to blog technology usage stats from BuiltWith, WordPress is the #1 most popular blog software. It’s used by about 38% of all sites in the top 1 million sites and by an astonishing 95% of all the blogs among those sites.

根据BuiltWith博客技术使用情况统计,WordPress是最受欢迎的博客软件排名第一。 在前100万个网站中,约有38%的网站使用了它,而在这些网站中,所有博客的使用率惊人地达到了95%。

The same report shows Blogger as the second most popular platform used by about 1% of the blogs in the top 1 million sites.


We also compared the search terms ‘WordPress’ and ‘Blogger’ in Google Trends to see the interest over time for each:

我们还比较了Google趋势中的搜索字词“ WordPress”和“ Blogger”,以了解它们随着时间的推移而产生的兴趣:

Google Trends graph, showing the interest over time in WordPress vs Blogger

As shown in the screenshot above, WordPress steadily rose to popularity beating Blogger by 2005. It’s still much more popular today.


What is WordPress?

什么是WordPress? Best Blogging and Website Platform

WordPress is free open source software that allows you to easily create a website, blog, or an online store. Started In 2003, WordPress now powers more than 38% of all websites on the internet.

WordPress是免费的开源软件,可让您轻松创建网站博客在线商店 。 始于2003年,WordPress现在为互联网上所有网站的38%以上提供动力。

You can download the WordPress software for free and use it on as many sites as you want.


To create a blog in WordPress, you will need to buy a hosting plan and a domain name, so you can install WordPress. It sounds a bit complex at first; however, it is pretty simple with tons of user-friendly tutorials on WPBeginner and other sites.

要在WordPress中创建博客,您需要购买托管计划域名 ,以便安装WordPress。 起初听起来有点复杂; 但是,它非常简单,在WPBeginner和其他站点上有大量易于使用的教​​程。

Our team can even setup your WordPress blog for free. Learn more about our free blog setup service.

我们的团队甚至可以免费设置您的WordPress博客。 详细了解我们的免费博客设置服务

What is Blogger?


Blogger Best Blogging Platform

Blogger is a free blogging service from Google. Started in 1999 by Pyra Labs, it was acquired by Google in 2003.

Blogger是Google提供的免费博客服务。 由Pyra Labs于1999年创立,2003年被Google收购。

Blogger is a free blog hosting service that lets you create a blog without paying anything at all. You also get a free Blogspot subdomain.

Blogger是一项免费的博客托管服务,可让您创建博客而无需支付任何费用。 您还将获得一个免费的Blogspot子域。

Your blog’s address will look something like this:


However, you can also use a custom domain name with your blog. For that, you need to register a domain name through third-party domain registrars, then connect it to your Blogger blog.

但是,您也可以在博客中使用自定义域名。 对于这一点,你需要注册一个域名通过第三方域名注册 ,然后将其连接到您的Blogger博客。

易于使用– Blogger与WordPress (Ease of Use – Blogger vs WordPress)

Most people who want to create a blog aren’t web developers. They might own a small business or a non-profit, want to share their ideas with the world, or be keen to try a new hobby.

大多数想要创建博客的人都不是网络开发人员。 他们可能拥有小型企业或非营利组织,想与世界分享他们的想法,或者热衷于尝试新的爱好。

To get their words out there, they need an easy to use blogging platform.


Blogger – Ease of Use

Blogger –易于使用

Blogger is a simple blogging tool where you can create a blog in just a few minutes. You’ll need a Google account to get started.

Blogger是一个简单的博客工具,您可以在几分钟内创建一个博客。 您需要一个Google帐户才能开始。

Go to the Blogger website and then sign up with your Google account. After that, click the ‘Create New Blog’ option. Next, you can choose your display name, then create a blog title, blog address, and a theme.

转到Blogger网站 ,然后使用您的Google帐户注册。 之后,点击“创建新博客”选项。 接下来,您可以选择显示名称,然后创建博客标题,博客地址和主题。

Once you’ve done that, your blog will be set up. Next, you can configure blog settings, edit your blog layout, and add posts.

完成此操作后,将建立您的博客。 接下来,您可以配置博客设置,编辑博客布局以及添加帖子。

Creating an Article in Blogger

The setup process is pretty simple. However, if you want to customize your theme, that’s a lot trickier. To change your blog’s design in Blogger, you’ll need HTML skills.

设置过程非常简单。 但是,如果您要自定义主题,则要麻烦得多。 要在Blogger中更改博客的设计,您需要具备HTML技能。

WordPress – Ease of Use

WordPress –易于使用

Setting up a blog in WordPress is a simple and quick process. You won’t need any coding skills. You just need to know how to point-and-click on a computer screen to set up WordPress and install WordPress plugins.

在WordPress中设置博客是一个简单而快速的过程。 您不需要任何编码技能。 您只需要知道如何在计算机屏幕上单击并设置WordPress和安装WordPress插件即可。

You can follow our step by step beginner’s guide on how to start a WordPress blog, and you’ll be up and running in less than 30 minutes.

您可以按照分步入门指南中有关如何启动WordPress博客的说明 ,在30分钟内即可启动并运行。

Once the setup is done, you can choose a WordPress blog theme that’s a good fit for your blog. A theme is like a template for your blog. It controls how your blog looks.

设置完成后,您可以选择一个非常适合您的博客的WordPress博客主题 。 主题就像您博客的模板。 它控制博客的外观。

After that, you can install the best WordPress plugins to give your WordPress blog more features.

之后,您可以安装最好的WordPress插件 ,为WordPress博客提供更多功能。

Adding content to WordPress is simple with the system of posts and pages.


Adding a post in WordPress using the built-in block editor

You can easily create text content, add images, videos, and other media to your WordPress posts and pages using the intuitive block editor.

您可以使用直观的块编辑器轻松创建文本内容,向WordPress帖子和页面添加图像, 视频和其他媒体。

Aside from the block editor, WordPress has the option of drag and drop page builders that let you customize absolutely everything.


While the setup process of Blogger is quicker, WordPress makes it much easier to customize things to look exactly how you want.


Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

所有权– Blogger与WordPress (Ownership – Blogger vs WordPress)

Ownership of your blog is another crucial aspect to consider while choosing a blog site.


Having full ownership of your blog gives you the freedom to do anything, including how to handle it, how to monetize it, and when to shut it down.


Who Owns Your Blog on Blogger?


Blogger is a blogging service provided by the tech giant Google. It is free, reliable, and has enough features to easily publish your content on the web.

Blogger是科技巨头Google提供的博客服务。 它是免费,可靠的,并且具有足够的功能,可以轻松地在网络上发布您的内容。

However, it is not owned by you.


Google runs this service and has the right to shut it down or shut down your access to it at any time. It’s just like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which can ban people or suspend their accounts without warning.

Google运行此服务,并有权随时将其关闭或关闭您对其的访问。 就像Facebook,Twitter和Instagram一样,它们可以禁止用户或暂停其帐户而不会发出警告。

Even if you don’t do anything wrong, you could still lose your blog if Google ever decides to stop supporting Blogger. Google has a history of abandoning projects without warning, such as Feedburner.

即使您没有做错任何事情,如果Google决定停止支持Blogger,您仍然可能会丢失博客。 Google一直在没有警告的情况下放弃项目,例如Feedburner

Who Owns Your Blog on WordPress?


With WordPress, you use a WordPress hosting provider to host your site. You are free to decide how long you want to run your blog. It won’t be shut down without warning.

使用WordPress,您可以使用WordPress托管提供商来托管您的网站。 您可以自由决定要运行博客多长时间。 没有警告就不会关闭它。

Also, you’re not tied to any specific web host. You can move to a new web host at any point if you want to. With Blogger, you can’t take your blog anywhere except for Blogger itself.

此外,您也不受任何特定网络主机的束缚。 如果需要,您可以随时移至新的虚拟主机 。 使用Blogger,除了Blogger本身,您无法将博客带到任何地方。

When you use WordPress for your site, you own all your data, and you control what information you share with any third party.


Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

控制与灵活性– Blogger与WordPress (Control and Flexibility – Blogger vs WordPress)

Another important thing you need to consider is how much flexibility you’ll have.


Does your blog site let you fully control the design of your blog? Are you able to add new features to your blog?

您的博客网站可以让您完全控制博客的设计吗? 您是否可以向博客添加新功能?

Let’s see how Blogger and WordPress compare on this aspect.


Control and Flexibility with Blogger


Blogger is designed to be a simple blogging tool. That means the things you can do on your Blogspot blog are limited.

Blogger被设计为简单的博客工具。 这意味着您在Blogspot博客上可以做的事情是有限的。

Blogger has a set of built-in “gadgets” that let you add features like advertising, subscription links, a contact form, and more. But these gadgets have limited functionality, and there are no alternatives available for them. They’re all provided by Google.

Blogger具有一组内置的“小工具”,可让您添加广告,订阅链接,联系表单等功能。 但是这些小工具的功能有限,并且没有其他选择。 它们全部由Google提供。

Adding Blogger Gadgets

Advanced options like popups, eCommerce features, and more simply aren’t available on the Blogger platform. This seriously limits your potential for making money using Blogger.

Blogger平台上不提供弹出窗口,电子商务功能等高级选项。 这严重限制了您使用Blogger赚钱的潜力。

Control and Flexibility Options with WordPress


WordPress is open source software, so you can easily extend it to add new features. You can add almost any feature imaginable to your WordPress blog with plugins and third-party integrations.

WordPress是开源软件,因此您可以轻松地对其进行扩展以添加新功能。 您可以通过插件和第三方集成向WordPress博客添加几乎可以想象到的所有功能。

There are thousands of free and premium WordPress plugins that allow you to hugely modify and extend the default features.

有成千上万的免费和高级WordPress插件 ,可让您大量修改和扩展默认功能。

For example, using plugins, you could:


… and much more.

… 以及更多。

If you visit the plugins page on, you’ll find over 56,000+ free plugins there.


Official WordPress plugins page

If you have coding skills, you can even create your own custom plugins and use them on your blog.


So how do WordPress vs Blogger compare for flexibility and customization options? WordPress is hands down the best long-term solution for any serious blogger who wants to grow their site or build an online business.

那么WordPress和Blogger在灵活性和自定义选项方面如何比较? 对于想要发展其网站或建立在线业务的任何严肃的博客作者而言,WordPress都是最好的长期解决方案。

Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

外观和设计选项 (Appearance and Design Options)

The appearance or design of your blog plays a vital role in attracting visitors and keeping them around. Your blog design needs to give a great first impression to engage users and reduce your site’s bounce rate.

博客的外观或设计在吸引访问者并使他们保持访问方面起着至关重要的作用。 您的博客设计需要给人留下深刻的第一印象,以吸引用户并降低网站的跳出率。

The design also needs to make your blog easy to use and navigate to improve the time spent on your blog.


Blog Design Options in Blogger


Blogger only provides a limited set of templates to use. These templates are pretty basic and have been used on thousands of blogs.

Blogger仅提供了一组有限的模板供使用。 这些模板非常基础,已在数千个博客中使用。

Blogger Themes

You can change the colors and layout of these templates using Blogger’s built-in tools. However, you can’t create your own templates or make modifications.

您可以使用Blogger的内置工具来更改这些模板的颜色和布局。 但是,您无法创建自己的模板或进行修改。

There are some non-official Blogger templates available, but it can be really tough to find quality ones, plus you’ll need to pay for them.


The small range of templates, the limited customization options, and the lack of layout choices make Blogger seriously fall behind in terms of design choices.


Blog Design Options in WordPress


In WordPress, there are thousands of free and premium themes, making it easy to select the perfect theme for your blog.


There is a WordPress theme for any type of website you can think of. No matter what your site’s about, you’ll find plenty of high-quality themes that are easy to modify and customize.

您可以想到的任何类型的网站都有一个WordPress主题。 无论您的网站是什么,都可以找到许多易于修改和自定义的高质量主题。

You can find a collection of 7,400+ free WordPress themes on the official themes page. If you go to Appearance » Themes in your WordPress dashboard, you can search ‘blog’ to view the themes specifically designed for blogs.

您可以在WordPress.org官方主题页面上找到7,400多个免费WordPress主题的集合。 如果转到WordPress仪表板中的“ 外观»主题” ,则可以搜索“博客”以查看专门为博客设计的主题。

You should find more than 2,000 free blog themes:


Free WordPress blog themes

And, you can get more themes from third-party theme providers like Elegant Themes, Themify, and Astra Themes.

并且,您可以从第三方主题提供者那里获得更多主题,例如Elegant ThemesThemifyAstra Themes

Not only that, you can also use the simple drag and drop WordPress page builders to design stunning landing pages easily in WordPress.


You can even create your own custom WordPress themes without writing any code.


Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

安全性– WordPress与Blogger (Security – WordPress vs Blogger)

Security of Your Blog

Security is another essential aspect to consider when selecting your blog platform. If your site is blacklisted or hacked, you could lose months or years of hard work.

安全是选择博客平台时要考虑的另一个重要方面。 如果您的网站被列入黑名单或被黑,则可能会损失数月或数年的辛苦工作。

Managing Security in Blogger


Using Blogger, you have the added advantage of Google’s robust, secure platform. You don’t need to worry about managing your server’s resources, securing your blog, or creating backups.

使用Blogger,您可以获得Google强大,安全的平台的额外优势。 您无需担心管理服务器资源,保护博客安全或创建备份的麻烦。

However, if Blogger goes down, your site will too … along with all the other sites hosted on Blogger. You can’t do anything to recover your blog when the Blogger site is down.

但是,如果Blogger出现故障,您的网站也将……以及Blogger上托管的所有其他网站。 Blogger网站关闭时,您无法采取任何措施来恢复博客。

Managing Security in WordPress


WordPress is quite secure, but since it is a self-hosted solution, you’re responsible for security and backups.


The good news is that there are plenty of WordPress plugins that make it easier for you.


For example, you can use UpdraftPlus or VaultPress for creating a backup, and Sucuri for web-application firewall to improve site security.


For a complete guide on managing security in WordPress, see our ultimate WordPress security guide.


Winner: Tie.

优胜者 :领带。

支持– WordPress vs Blogger (Support – WordPress vs Blogger)

Support is another critical factor to consider while choosing your blog platform. Check whether there is a reliable support system to help you out when you need it.

支持是选择博客平台时要考虑的另一个关键因素。 检查是否有可靠的支持系统在需要时为您提供帮助。

Support Options in Blogger


There is limited support available for Blogger. They have very basic documentation and a users’ forum. In terms of support, your choices are very limited.

Blogger的支持有限。 他们有非常基本的文档和用户论坛。 在支持方面,您的选择非常有限。

You can click on the Help option in your Blogger admin panel to see support tutorials as shown in the image below.


Blogger Support Options

Since it is a free service, Google can’t provide one-to-one support to individuals using Blogger.


Support Options in WordPress


WordPress has a very active community support system. There are question-answer forums for each theme and plugin on For example, this is the official support forum of the popular coming soon plugin SeedProd.

WordPress有一个非常活跃的社区支持系统。 WordPress.org上有针对每个主题和插件的问答论坛。 例如,这是流行的即将推出的插件SeedProd的官方支持论坛。

SeedProd Coming Soon Plugin Support Page

If you are using paid WordPress products, then you can get even more dedicated support from their creators. You can also get live support from your web hosting company.

如果您使用的是付费WordPress产品,则可以从其创建者那里获得更多专门的支持。 您还可以从网络托管公司获得实时支持。

Aside from that, there are thousands of online tutorials created by WordPress developers and community members. Our team of WordPress experts is also helping thousands of users via our Facebook group.

除此之外,还有由WordPress开发人员和社区成员创建的数千个在线教程。 我们的WordPress专家团队还通过我们的Facebook组帮助了成千上万的用户。

Even with free plugins, you might be able to get help and support if you get stuck. Check out our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support to boost your chances of getting help.

即使有免费的插件,如果遇到困难,您也可能会获得帮助和支持。 查看有关如何正确寻求WordPress支持以增加获得帮助的机会的指南。

Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

未来– Blogger与WordPress (Future – Blogger vs WordPress)

The future of your blogging platform determines how far you can go with your blog. What’s going to happen to your site in a year’s time, or in five years’ time?

Blog平台的未来决定了Blog可以走多远。 一年或五年后,您的网站将发生什么?

Future of Your Blog on Blogger


Blogger hasn’t had any major updates for a very long time. Over the years, we have seen Google get rid of popular services such as Google Reader, Google Adsense for feeds, and FeedBurner.

Blogger很长时间没有任何重大更新。 多年来,我们已经看到Google摆脱了流行的服务,例如Google Reader,供稿的Google AdsenseFeedBurner

The future of Blogger depends on Google, and they have the right to shut it down whenever they want. So, the future of your blog also depends on Google’s decisions.

Blogger的未来取决于Google,他们有权随时关闭它。 因此,博客的未来还取决于Google的决定。

Future of Your Blog on WordPress


WordPress is open source software, which means its future is not dependent on one company or individual. To find out more about how it works, check out our article on the history of WordPress. It is managed by a community of developers and users.

WordPress是开源软件,这意味着它的未来不依赖于一家公司或个人。 要了解有关其工作原理的更多信息,请查看我们有关WordPress历史的文章。 它由开发人员和用户社区管理。

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). Thousands of businesses around the globe depend on it. The future of WordPress is bright and reassuring.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的内容管理系统(CMS) 。 全球有成千上万的企业依赖它。 WordPress的未来是光明和令人放心的。

Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

可移植性– WordPress vs Blogger (Portability – WordPress vs Blogger)

Portability - Moving Your Blog From One Platform to Another

The purpose of this article is to help you choose the best platform, so you don’t need to move your site. But mistakes can happen. So, it is essential to check whether your blog platform has secure options to move to another platform or not.

本文的目的是帮助您选择最佳平台,因此您无需移动网站。 但是错误可能会发生。 因此,必须检查您的博客平台是否具有安全的选项来迁移到另一个平台。

Portability of Your Blogger Blog


Moving your site from Blogger to a different platform is a complicated task. There is a significant risk that you will lose your SEO (search engine rankings), subscribers, and followers during the move.

将您的网站从Blogger迁移到其他平台是一项复杂的任务。 存在很大的风险,即您在迁移过程中会失去SEO(搜索引擎排名),订阅者和关注者。

Even though Blogger allows you to export your content, your data will stay on Google’s servers for a very long time.


Portability of Your WordPress Blog


Using WordPress, you can move your site anywhere you want. You can move your WordPress site to a new host, you can change domain name, or you can even move your site to other content management systems.

使用WordPress,您可以将网站移到所需的任何位置。 您可以将WordPress网站移至新主机 ,可以更改域名 ,甚至可以将网站移至其他内容管理系统。

Winner: WordPress.

优胜者 :WordPress。

定价– Blogger与WordPress (Pricing – Blogger vs WordPress)

You don’t want your blog to be a huge money drain. Equally, you don’t want to become so obsessed with “free” that you struggle to grow your blog.

您不希望您的博客浪费大量资金。 同样,您不想沉迷于“免费”以致于难以发展自己的博客。

It’s important to think about how much your blogging platform is going to cost you in terms of both money and opportunities.


Cost of Making a Blog in Blogger


Blogger is an entirely free blogging service. It provides free blog hosting and a free Blogspot subdomain to get started. All Blogger’s themes, gadgets, and other options are free as well, though there are some third-party themes you can pay for.

Blogger是一项完全免费的博客服务。 它提供免费的博客托管和免费的Blogspot子域以开始使用。 Blogger的所有主题,小工具和其他选项也是免费的,尽管您可以付费购买一些第三方主题。

If you want to use a custom domain name with Blogger, you’ll have to buy it from a domain registration company like A domain name typically costs $14.99 per year, but you can get a discount with our coupon code.

如果要在Blogger中使用自定义域名,则必须从Domain.com之类的域名注册公司购买。 域名通常每年需要花费$ 14.99,但是您可以使用Domain.com优惠券代码享受折扣。

Ultimately, while the Blogger platform is totally free, it lacks many features you will need to make your blog successful.


Cost of Making a Blog in WordPress


The WordPress software is free, but you need to buy a hosting plan and domain name to start a blog.


With Bluehost, you can get a WordPress hosting plan for just $2.75 per month and a free domain along with it.

使用Bluehost ,您可以获得每月仅2.75美元的WordPress托管计划以及免费域名。

Get started with Bluehost

Once you’ve set up your blog, the ongoing cost depends on the services you want to use. If you use paid themes and plugins, that will obviously cost more than using free ones.

设置博客后,持续的费用取决于您要使用的服务。 如果您使用付费主题和插件,显然将比使用免费主题和插件花费更多。

However, paid themes and plugins can also bring you a great return on investment if you’re monetizing your blog.


For more details, see our complete guide on how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website.


Winner: Tie.

优胜者 :领带。

结论:Blogger vs WordPress –哪个更好? (Conclusion: Blogger vs WordPress – Which One Is Better?)

WordPress and Blogger both are widely used blog platforms. But since you need to choose one, it comes down to the purpose of your blog.

WordPress和Blogger都是广泛使用的博客平台。 但是由于您需要选择一个,所以这取决于您博客的目的。

If your goal is to make a personal blog and share your stories, then you can choose a simple platform like Blogger.


But if you aim to make a professional blog which can earn a living, then you need a robust and scalable platform like WordPress.


With WordPress, you can add a shop to your blog, create a membership website, and add tons of marketing tools to your blog, and earn money.

使用WordPress,您可以在博客中添加商店 ,创建会员网站 ,并在博客中添加大量营销工具并赚钱。

We hope this WordPress vs Blogger comparison helped you understand the pros and cons of each and helped you make the right decision for your blog.


To learn more about WordPress, we recommend you read our guide on Why is WordPress Free? and our article on debunking the most common myths about WordPress.

要了解有关WordPress的更多信息,建议您阅读有关WordPress 为什么免费的指南 以及有关揭穿WordPress最常见神话的文章

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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