clef 2005数据集_如何使用Clef将密码免费登录添加到WordPress

clef 2005数据集

You’ve probably heard security experts emphasizing on using strong passwords and even forcing your users to do the same. What if we were to tell you that you no longer have to remember a complex strong password, and you can login to your WordPress site password free. In this article, we will show you how to add password free login to WordPress using Clef.

您可能已经听说过安全专家,他们强调使用强密码,甚至强迫用户执行相同的操作。 如果我们告诉您您不再需要记住一个复杂的强密码该怎么办,您可以免费登录WordPress网站密码。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用Clef为WordPress添加无密码登录。

什么是谱号? (What is Clef?)

You’re probably wondering what the heck is Clef? Clef is a mobile app that replaces usernames and passwords with your smartphone. When you visit a login page on a Clef enabled website, it shows you a wave which you can scan with the Clef app on your phone. When the Clef wave is scanned, the app on your phone sends a digital signature to Clef. Upon identification of your digital signature, Clef logs you into your website.

您可能想知道Clef是什么东西? Clef是一款移动应用,可使用智能手机替换用户名和密码。 当您访问启用了Clef的网站上的登录页面时,它会向您显示一波,您可以使用手机上的Clef应用程序进行扫描。 扫描Clef波形后,手机上的应用程序会向Clef发送数字签名。 识别您的数字签名后,Clef会将您登录到您的网站。

If you manage multiple WordPress sites, then using Clef on all of them will allow you to simultaneously login to all your WordPress sites without entering username or password. It uses a strong encryption technology that generates hard to crack encryption keys when verifying your digital signature. Clef makes sure that their data is protected from any kind of breach, however if somehow their database is compromised, then the exploit wouldn’t leak your profile information because it is only stored on your mobile device.

如果您管理多个WordPress网站,则在所有这些网站上使用Clef将使您无需输入用户名或密码即可同时登录所有WordPress网站。 它使用了强大的加密技术,可在验证数字签名时生成难以破解的加密密钥。 Clef确保确保他们的数据不受任何形式的泄露,但是,如果他们的数据库受到某种程度的破坏,则该利用不会泄漏您的个人资料信息,因为它仅存储在您的移动设备上。

In other words, only people that have your smart phone can access your site.


如何在智能手机上设置谱号 (How to Setup Clef on your Smartphone)

First thing you need to do is download and install Clef App on your smartphone (Currently available for iOS and Android). Once installed, you will be asked to provide a name and email address to create a Clef account.

您需要做的第一件事是在智能手机上下载并安装Clef App (当前适用于iOS和Android)。 安装后,将要求您提供名称和电子邮件地址以创建Clef帐户。

Create an account to use Clef App

After that you will be asked to choose a new pin. A pin is a four digit code that acts like your single password for the Clef app on your mobile device.

之后,系统会要求您选择一个新的图钉。 密码是四位数字的代码,其作用类似于您在移动设备上的Clef应用的单一密码。

Create a Clef Pin

After creating the pin, you will receive a confirmation email. You will need to click on the confirmation link in the email message to verify your email address.

创建图钉后,您将收到一封确认电子邮件。 您将需要单击电子邮件中的确认链接以验证您的电子邮件地址。

如何在您的WordPress网站上设置Clef (How to Setup Clef on Your WordPress Site)

Once you have installed the Clef app on your smartphone, the next thing you need to do is install and activate the Clef plugin on your WordPress site. Upon activation, the plugin will add a new top level menu labeled Clef in your WordPress admin. Clicking on it will take you to the set up wizard where you need to click on the Get Started button to continue.

在智能手机上安装Clef应用程序后,接下来要做的就是在WordPress网站上安装并激活Clef插件。 激活后,该插件将在您的WordPress管理员中添加一个标有Clef的新顶级菜单。 单击它会带您到设置向导,在这里您需要单击“入门”按钮以继续。

Setting up Clef in WordPress

You will see Clef Wave appearing on the next screen. You need to launch the Clef App on your mobile device and bring your mobile device to the computer screen to sync the Clef Wave.

您将在下一个屏幕上看到Clef Wave。 您需要在移动设备上启动Clef App,并将移动设备带到计算机屏幕上以同步Clef Wave。

Sync Clef Wave with your mobile device

As soon as the Clef App on your mobile device syncs with the Clef Wave on your WordPress site, you will see a One Step button. Clicking on the button will finish the setup.

只要您的移动设备上的Clef应用程序与WordPress网站上的Clef Wave同步,您就会看到一个一步按钮。 单击按钮将完成设置。

使用Clef进行密码免费的WordPress登录 (Password Free WordPress Login With Clef)

To experience the password free WordPress login using Clef. You need to access WordPress login page, where you will see login with Clef button.

使用Clef体验无密码的WordPress登录。 您需要访问WordPress登录页面,您将在其中看到使用Clef按钮登录。

Login with clef button WordPress login screen

Clicking on the button will bring up Clef wave screen. Open Clef app on your mobile device and sync the wave with your mobile device. As soon as the app syncs with the Clef wave, you will get logged into your WordPress site. Not only that, you will be automatically logged into all WordPress sites using Clef.

单击该按钮将调出Clef波形屏幕。 在您的移动设备上打开Clef应用程序,然后将wave与您的移动设备同步。 该应用与Clef wave同步后,您将立即登录到WordPress网站。 不仅如此,您还将使用Clef自动登录到所有WordPress网站。

禁用WordPress密码 (Disable WordPress Passwords)

After logging into your WordPress Dashboard click on the Clef menu, and you will be able to see the configuration settings for your plugin.


Disable WordPress passwords when using Clef

Clef allows you to disable password for Clef Users which means all clef users will need to login with their Clef App. Alternately, you can disable password for users with a particular user role. Lastly, you can completely disable passwords on your WordPress site and show a login form with no username and password fields. We recommend that you do not change these settings. Just use a strong password for WordPress and keep WordPress username and password fields enabled. This will allow you to login without your mobile device.

Clef允许您禁用Clef用户的密码,这意味着所有clef用户都需要使用其Clef应用程序登录。 或者,您可以为具有特定用户角色的用户禁用密码。 最后,您可以完全禁用WordPress网站上的密码,并显示没有用户名和密码字段的登录表单。 我们建议您不要更改这些设置。 只需为WordPress使用一个强密码,并保持WordPress用户名和密码字段处于启用状态。 这将使您无需移动设备即可登录。

解决登录问题 (Troubleshooting Login Issues)

Word of caution when disabling passwords for all users in Clef settings. Doing so, you and other users on your WordPress site will not be able to login without phones. In case you lose your mobile device, you can go to Clef’s Lost Device page and deactivate Clef on your old device. After that you can re-install it on your new device and login as usual.

在Clef设置中为所有用户禁用密码时的警告提示。 这样做,您和您的WordPress网站上的其他用户将无法在没有电话的情况下登录。 如果您丢失了移动设备,则可以转到Clef的“丢失的设备”页面,然后停用旧设备上的Clef。 之后,您可以将其重新安装在新设备上并照常登录。

In case you forget your strong WordPress password and do not have Clef App with you, then you can always recover your lost password. If you forget the email address associated with your WordPress account, then you can still reset password using phpMyAdmin.

如果您忘记了强大的WordPress密码并且没有Clef App,那么您随时可以恢复丢失的密码 。 如果您忘记了与WordPress帐户关联的电子邮件地址,则仍可以使用phpMyAdmin重置密码

We hope this article helped you add password free login to your WordPress site. Now that you don’t need to enter password during login, you have no excuse not to use stronger passwords on your site.

我们希望本文能帮助您将免费密码登录添加到WordPress网站。 既然您无需在登录时输入密码,就没有理由不在网站上使用更强的密码。

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