
Do you want to start your own dropshipping store using WooCommerce? By default, WooCommerce lacks the features you’ll need to efficiently run a dropshipping business.

您想使用WooCommerce开设自己的直销店吗? 默认情况下,WooCommerce缺少有效运行托运业务所需的功能。

Luckily, there are several excellent WooCommerce dropshipping plugins to fill that gap. These plugins allow you to run a dropshipping store while offering a seamless user experience to your customers.

幸运的是,有几个出色的WooCommerce代销插件可以填补这一空白。 这些插件使您可以在经营直销店的同时为客户提供无缝的用户体验。

In this article, we’ll compare the best WooCommerce dropshipping plugins to help you find the best solution for your business.


Comparing the best WooCommerce dropshipping plugins
什么是Dropshipping? (What is Dropshipping?)

Dropshipping is an online business where an eCommerce store doesn’t keep the products in stock. Instead, it fulfills the order by purchasing products from vendors and then shipping them directly to the customers.

Dropshipping是一种在线业务 ,其中电子商务商店不保留产品的库存。 相反,它通过从供应商处购买产品,然后直接将其运送给客户来履行订单。

Due to low overhead, dropshipping has become a popular way to make money online. There are many places where you can find products offered by third-party vendors who are willing to ship it directly to your customers.

由于费用低廉,直接发货已成为一种流行的在线赚钱方式。 在很多地方,您都可以找到愿意将其直接运送给客户的第三方供应商提供的产品。

You can even get those products shipped with your own branding and packaging. This allows you to build brand recognition to further expand your eCommerce business in the future.

您甚至可以使用自己的品牌和包装来运送这些产品。 这使您可以建立品牌知名度,以在将来进一步扩展您的电子商务业务。

如何开展直销业务 (How to Start a Dropshipping Business)

Starting your own drop shipping eCommerce business is easy and requires a very small investment.


You’ll need the following items to start a drop shipping business.


  • WordPress Website hosting (This is where your website files will be stored)WordPress网站托管 (这是将存储您的网站文件的位置)
  • domain name (This will be your store’s address e.g. wpbeginner.com)域名 (这是您商店的地址,例如wpbeginner.com)
  • Dropshipping extension for WooCommerce (the platform to build an online store)


Website hosting prices start from $7.99 per month (usually paid annually) and a domain name will cost you around $14.99 per year.


Now, this is a significant amount if you are just starting out.


Luckily, Bluehost, one of the largest hosting companies in the world has agreed to offer WPBeginner users a 60% discount on web hosting and a free domain name. They are also an officially recommended WooCommerce hosting provider.

幸运的是,全球最大的托管公司之一Bluehost已同意为WPBeginner用户提供60%的网络托管折扣和免费域名。 他们也是官方推荐的WooCommerce托管提供商。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


Basically, you will be able to get started for $2.75 per month.


After you have signed up, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you. You’ll receive an email with login details to enter your hosting dashboard.

注册后, Bluehost将自动为您安装WordPress。 您会收到一封包含登录详细信息的电子邮件,以进入您的托管仪表板。

Bluehost dashboard

From here, you need to login to your WordPress site’s admin dashboard.


Now that your WordPress site is ready, the next step is to install and activate the WooCommerce plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

现在您的WordPress网站已准备就绪,下一步是安装并激活WooCommerce插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Need more help, see our guide on how to start an online store for detailed instructions.


After you have installed WooCommerce, the next step is to choose a dropshipping plugin. This will help you convert your eCommerce store into a drop shipping platform.

在安装WooCommerce之后,下一步就是选择一个直接运送插件。 这将帮助您将电子商务商店转换为直接运输平台。

最佳WooCommerce直销插件 (Best WooCommerce Dropshipping Pluginns)

There are several WordPress dropshipping plugins, and each of them comes with a different set of features. You need to find the one that works best with your chosen marketplace.

有几个WordPress的代销插件,每个插件都具有不同的功能集。 您需要找到最适合您所选市场的市场。

Our #1 criteria for best WooCommerce dropshipping plugin is that it must make it easy to import products.


Following are our top picks for the best WooCommerce dropshipping plugins.


1. AliDropship (1. AliDropship)


AliDropship is an excellent WooCommerce dropshipping plugin made specifically to sell with AliExpress suppliers. It makes it super easy to import products directly from AliExpress into your WooCommerce store.

AliDropship是一个出色的WooCommerce直销插件,专门与AliExpress供应商一起销售。 它使将产品从AliExpress直接导入到WooCommerce商店变得非常容易。

It allows you to automatically adjust pricing and inventory for dropshipping products. You can set pricing variables to automatically adjust pricing based on your profit settings.

它使您可以自动调整直接发货产品的价格和库存。 您可以设置定价变量以根据您的利润设置自动调整定价。

The plugin automates order fulfillment with just the click of a button. It also tracks your orders and sends notification emails to customers about their order status.

只需单击一个按钮,该插件即可自动执行订单履行。 它还会跟踪您的订单,并向客户发送有关其订单状态的通知电子邮件。

It costs $89 (one-time payment) with free updates, lifetime usage, and unlimited orders and products.


2. WooDropship (2. WooDropship)


WooDripship helps you easily import products from AliExpress into your WooCommerce store. It comes with a Google Chrome extension which allows you to quickly add products to your store while browsing AliExpress.

WooDripship可帮助您轻松地从AliExpress将产品导入WooCommerce商店。 它带有Google Chrome扩展程序,可让您在浏览AliExpress时快速将产品添加到商店。

The plugin automatically syncs product inventory to make sure that your users don’t end up ordering an out of stock product. It also automatically syncs pricing, and you can even set rules to automatically add pricing with your desired profit margin.

该插件会自动同步产品库存,以确保您的用户最终不会订购缺货的产品。 它还会自动同步定价,您甚至可以设置规则以自动添加具有所需利润率的定价。

WooDropship also helps you import product images and edit them to remove AliExpress watermark.


The pricing starts from $14.99 per month with limited products and orders. IF you want unlimited orders, then you’ll need their highest plan which costs $49.99 per month.

有限的产品和订单的价格从每月14.99美元起。 如果您想无限订购,那么您将需要他们的最高计划,每月费用为49.99美元。

3. DropshipMe (3. DropshipMe)


DropshipMe is another WordPress dropshipping plugin that allows you to import products from a curated list of best-selling dropshipping items. This allows you to easily build a fully functional store with detailed product data.

DropshipMe是另一个WordPress的Dropshipping插件,可让您从精选的Dropropping项目精选列表中导入产品。 这使您可以轻松构建具有详细产品数据的功能齐全的商店。

All product titles, description, and images are already optimized for best conversions. It also imports real customer reviews to add social proof to your product pages.

所有产品标题,说明和图像都已经过优化,可以实现最佳转换。 它还会导入真实的客户评论,以向您的产品页面添加社交证明。

DropshipMe also picks the best suppliers with a proven track record to make sure that your orders are delivered on time and match the customer expectations.


Their pricing is based on the number of packages you import. You pay once to import those products and then buy another package to import more products if needed.

它们的价格取决于您导入的软件包数量。 您只需支付一次即可导入这些产品,然后在需要时购买另一个软件包来导入更多产品。

4. WP亚马逊商店 (4. WP Amazon Shop )

WP Amazon Affiliate and Dropshipping

WP Amazon Shop is an Amazon affiliate and dropshipping plugin. As the name suggests, the plugin works with Amazon and allows you to easily search millions of products right from your WordPress dashboard.

WP Amazon Shop是一个亚马逊会员和直接运送插件。 顾名思义,该插件可与Amazon一起使用,并允许您直接从WordPress仪表板轻松搜索数百万种产品。

You can select and import Amazon products into your WooCommerce store with just a few clicks. It automatically adds your affiliate ID into the product URLs.

只需单击几下,您便可以选择并将Amazon产品导入WooCommerce商店。 它将自动将您的会员ID添加到产品URL中。

It also allows you to add automatic percentage base pricing for dropshipping. This way you don’t need to adjust pricing for each product that you import. The plugin also allows you to import product images to your website. You can then crop and edit images in WordPress to your own liking.

它还允许您添加自动百分比基础定价以进行直接运送。 这样,您无需为导入的每个产品调整价格。 该插件还允许您将产品图像导入到您的网站。 然后您可以根据自己的喜好在WordPress中裁剪和编辑图像

Pricing for the plugin starts from $59 for a single site license.


5. WooCommerce直销 (5. WooCommerce Dropshipping)

WooCommerce Dropshipping

WooCommerce Dropshipping extension allows you to import products using a CSV file. You can also manually add suppliers to your WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce Dropshipping扩展允许您使用CSV文件导入产品。 您也可以将供应商手动添加到WooCommerce商店。

It automatically sends order notification emails to the supplier for order fulfillment. It also generates a PDF packaging slip for the vendor to place on the shipment.

它自动将订单通知电子邮件发送给供应商以完成订单。 它还会生成PDF包装单,供供应商在货件上放置。

Unlike the other plugins on our list, WooCommerce Dropshipping does not allow you to search for products and import them on the fly. It also does not have dynamic pricing, product availability sync, and some other features offered by popular plugins on this list.

与我们列表中的其他插件不同,WooCommerce Dropshipping不允许您搜索产品并即时导入。 它还没有动态定价,产品可用性同步以及此列表中流行插件提供的其他一些功能。

Pricing for the plugin starts from $49 for a single site license with 1 year of support and updates.


WooCommerce直销商店的奖励插件 (Bonus Plugins for WooCommerce Dropshipping Stores)

Apart from your dropshipping extension, you’ll need other plugins to grow your website. Following are a few plugins that’ll help you run and grow your dropshipping business.

除了您的直接运送扩展程序之外,您还需要其他插件来扩展您的网站。 以下是一些插件,可帮助您运营和发展自己的直销业务。

6. MonsterInsights (6. MonsterInsights)


MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It allows you to track your best selling products in WooCommerce which helps you make data-driven decisions when choosing products for your dropshipping store.

MonsterInsights是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件。 它使您可以在WooCommerce中跟踪最畅销的产品,这有助于您在为直销店选择产品时做出以数据为依据的决策。

You can also use MonsterInsights to track WooCommerce users in Google Analytics. Using this metric, you can see how users interact with products on your store.

您还可以使用MonsterInsights在Google Analytics(分析)中跟踪WooCommerce用户 。 使用此指标,您可以查看用户如何与商店中的产品进行交互。

7. WP全部导入的WooCommerce附加组件 (7. WooCommerce Add-on for WP All Import)

WooCommerce WP All Import

WooCommerce add-on for WP All Import plugin allows you to easily import products into your existing dropshipping store from any XML or CSV file.

用于WP All Import插件的WooCommerce附加组件使您可以轻松地将产品从任何XML或CSV文件导入到现有的直接运输商店中。

It comes with an intuitive drag-and-drop importer that allows you to select or exclude any products on the fly. You can import external products, product images, variable products, and more.

它带有直观的拖放导入器,可让您即时选择或排除任何产品。 您可以导入外部产品,产品图像,可变产品等。

We hope this article helped you find the best WooCommerce dropshipping plugins for your eCommerce store. You may also want to see our list of the best WooCommerce themes to build a stunning dropshipping store.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您的电子商务商店的最佳WooCommerce直销插件。 您可能还想查看我们的WooCommerce最佳主题列表,以建立一个令人惊叹的直销店。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-woocommerce-dropshipping-plugins-compared/





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