

One of the things that makes customization on WordPress easy for users are Widgets. This flexible system in WordPress was added back in the days of version 2.2. Most themes now comes with a widget ready sidebar and other theme locations to make customizing your WordPress site very easy. While the default WordPress widgets work just fine, you can easily extend the power of these widgets with some awesome plugins that we will cover in this article. By extending the power of your default WordPress widgets, you get more control over how you display things which allows for further and easier customization options.

使用户易于在WordPress上进行自定义的功能之一是小部件。 WordPress中的这种灵活系统是在2.2版本中添加的。 现在,大多数主题都带有可用于小部件的边栏和其他主题位置,以使自定义WordPress网站变得非常容易。 尽管默认的WordPress小部件可以正常工作,但是您可以通过本文将介绍的一些很棒的插件轻松扩展这些小部件的功能。 通过扩展默认WordPress小部件的功能,您可以更好地控制显示方式,从而可以实现更轻松的自定义选项。

小部件已重新加载 (Widgets Reloaded)

Just Tadlock wrote an amazing plugin called Widgets Reloaded which replaces many of the default WordPress widgets with versions that allow much more control. Justin gives each of these widgets with highly customizable control panels, and each widgets can be used any number of times. Currently there are 8 widgets packed with this plugin:

Just Tadlock编写了一个名为Widgets Reloaded的惊人插件,该插件用允许更多控制的版本替换了许多默认的WordPress Widget。 贾斯汀(Justin)为这些小部件提供了高度可定制的控制面板,并且每个小部件均可使用多次。 当前,此插件打包有8个小部件:

  • Archives

  • Authors

  • Bookmarks (Links)

  • Calendar

  • Categories

  • Navigation Menu

  • Pages

  • Search

  • Tags


屏幕截图之前/之后重新加载了小部件 (Widget Reloaded Before/After Screenshots)

Before and After shot of Widgets Reloaded Archives

Normally the archives widget is very limiting. Could you imagine having a 4 year old blog with the archives in the sidebar. That is 48 ugly links. If I am a non-code savvy user, then I am left with no choice but to remove them. Well if you have widgets reloaded, you can set a limit of years you want. You can select what you want to show before and after each year displays.

通常,存档小部件非常有限。 您能想象有一个已有4年历史的博客,其存档位于侧边栏中吗? 那是48个丑陋的环节。 如果我不是精通代码的用户,那么我别无选择,只能将其删除。 好吧,如果您重新加载了小部件,则可以设置所需的年限。 您可以选择每年显示前后的显示内容。

Before and After shot of Widgets Reloaded Tags

By default, the tag widget only lets you pick between category or tags and the title. Well that is very very limiting for the amount of features that it should and could have. With widgets reloaded, as you see in the image above, you get tons of features. Features like smallest and largest font-size, number of tags to show, exclude list for tags, order of tags and much more.

默认情况下,标签小部件仅允许您在类别或标签与标题之间进行选择。 嗯,这对于它应该并且可能拥有的功能数量是非常非常有限的。 如上图所示,重新加载了小部件后,您将获得大量功能。 诸如最小和最大字体大小,要显示的标签数量,排除标签列表,标签顺序等功能。

Now Widgets Reloaded is a very useful plugin, but really and truly we shouldn’t have to use a plugin for this sort of thing. WordPress by default should have these features in the UI. All of these parameters (feature control options) are already built-in to the core. Creating a user-interface for these would not be hard because Widgets Reloaded already does this. Nonetheless for now, you should use this plugin if you want to extend the power of your widgets.

现在,Widgets Reloaded是一个非常有用的插件,但实际上,我们不必为此类事情使用插件。 WordPress默认情况下应该在用户界面中具有这些功能。 所有这些参数(功能控制选项)已经内置在内核中。 为这些创建用户界面并不难,因为“重新加载小部件”已经做到了。 尽管如此,如果您现在想扩展小部件的功能,则应该使用此插件。

小部件逻辑 (Widget Logic)

Adding conditional logic to each widget is one of the smartest thing to do for DIY WordPress user. Often widgets are only necessary for only certain pages. Widget Logic plugin allows you to achieve page-level control over widgets without editing your theme files to greater extent.

向每个小部件添加条件逻辑是DIY WordPress用户要做的最聪明的事情之一。 通常,仅对某些页面才需要小部件。 Widget Logic插件使您可以实现对Widget的页面级控制,而无需更大程度地编辑主题文件。

Widget Logic Screenshot

Let’s say you have a widget for Recent Posts, then you do not want to show it on all pages (specially not on the homepage). So you can set it, so it only shows on single pages because that is where it is most likely clicked from. Your homepage on a normal blog often shows the 10 most recent posts just like the recent posts widget. We see a lot of blogs that do this, and it would make sense for them to use Widget Logic.

假设您有一个用于“最近发布”的小部件,那么您不想在所有页面上都显示它(特别是不在主页上)。 因此,您可以对其进行设置,使其仅在单个页面上显示,因为这是最有可能单击它的地方。 您在普通博客上的首页通常会显示10条最新帖子,就像“最新帖子”小部件一样。 我们看到很多博客都这样做,因此使用Widget Logic对他们来说很有意义。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/extending-the-power-of-your-default-wordpress-widgets/






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