

Are you looking to add a slider in your WordPress site? There are dozens of WordPress slider plugins on the market that you can use.

您是否要在WordPress网站中添加滑块? 市场上有几十个您可以使用的WordPress滑块插件。

However, not all slider plugins are created equal. Most of them load too many scripts which slow down your website.

但是,并非所有的滑块插件都是一样的。 它们中的大多数会加载太多脚本,从而降低网站速度。

In this article, we will compare the top WordPress slider plugins based on their speed, ease of use, and overall features. The goal is to find the best WordPress slider plugin in terms of performance and quality.

在本文中,我们将根据速度,易用性和整体功能来比较顶级WordPress滑块插件。 目标是在性能和​​质量方面找到最好的WordPress滑块插件。

Best WordPress slider plugins compared
WordPress滑块的问题 (The Problem With WordPress Sliders)

Most WordPress sliders are slow. If it is not properly coded, a slider can significantly increase your page load time. If you do not have a good WordPress hosting service, then your server may respond even slower than normal.

大多数WordPress滑块都很慢。 如果编码不正确,则滑块会大大增加页面加载时间。 如果您没有良好的WordPress托管服务,则您的服务器响应速度可能会比平时慢。

The other problem with WordPress slider plugins is ease of use. Most of them are bloated and come with a learning curve for beginners.

WordPress滑块插件的另一个问题是易用性。 他们大多数人肿,并为初学者提供学习曲线。

Last but not least, you want to make sure that your WordPress slider is mobile responsive. A lot of them are not.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您要确保WordPress滑块对移动设备敏感。 许多不是。

So how do you go through hundreds of slider plugins and check for all of this? Well, you don’t have to. We did the research for you and below are our results for the best WordPress slider.

那么,您如何浏览数百个滑块插件并检查所有这些呢? 好吧,您不必这样做。 我们为您进行了研究,以下是最佳WordPress滑块的搜索结果。

最佳WordPress滑块插件的竞争者 (The Contenders for Best WordPress Slider Plugin)

For the sake of this article, we chose the top and highly recommended WordPress slider plugins. While doing our research, we noticed that these slider plugins were among the most used and recommended.

为了本文的目的,我们选择了最受推荐的WordPress滑块插件。 在进行研究时,我们注意到这些滑块插件是最常用和推荐的插件之一。

We decided to run some simple tests and see how each one of them performs. The criteria we are looking for is speed, ease-of-use, features, and compatibility.

我们决定运行一些简单的测试,并查看每个测试的性能。 我们正在寻找的标准是速度,易用性,功能和兼容性。

Ready, let’s get started.


速度–最快的WordPress幻灯片插件是哪一个? (Speed – Which is the Fastest WordPress Slide Plugin?)

The #1 problem with sliders is that they could slow down your website. Performance and speed not only affect user experience, but they also have a significant impact on SEO.

滑块的#1问题是它们可能会使您的网站变慢。 性能和速度不仅影响用户体验,而且对SEO产生重大影响。

This is why slider speed is on the top of our comparison. We want to see which is the fastest slider plugin and then we will compare their features to see if the performance impact can be justified.

这就是为什么滑块速度是我们比较中最重要的原因。 我们想看看哪个是最快的滑块插件,然后我们将比较它们的功能,看看性能影响是否合理。

To find this out, we installed each slider plugin on a demo WordPress site. We uploaded the same images to create a slider. We didn’t change any other settings and embedded the slider on a blank WordPress page.

为了找出答案,我们在演示WordPress网站上安装了每个滑块插件。 我们上传了相同的图像以创建滑块。 我们没有更改任何其他设置,而是将滑块嵌入了空白的WordPress页面。

After that, we used Pingdom speed testing tool to run the test. Following are the results of our test for each slider plugin.

之后,我们使用了Pingdom速度测试工具来运行测试。 以下是每个滑块插件的测试结果。

Slider Plugin Page Load time Requests Page size
Soliloquy860 ms22679 KB
MetaSlider863 ms25229 KB
Smart Slider 3865 ms19382 KB
Slider by Nivo928 ms16306 KB
Slide Anything866 ms18324 KB
Master Slider900 ms22345 KB
滑块插件 页面加载时间 要求 页面大小
独白 860毫秒 22 679 KB
MetaSlider 863毫秒 25 229 KB
智能滑块3 865毫秒 19 382 KB
Nivo的滑块 928毫秒 16 306 KB
滑动任何东西 866毫秒 18 324 KB
主滑块 900毫秒 22 345 KB

As you can see in the above scores, Soliloquy was the fastest loading WordPress slider in our tests. Closely followed by MetaSlider.

如您在以上分数中所见,Soloiloque是我们测试中加载速度最快的WordPress滑块。 紧随其后的是MetaSlider。

If you want a high-performance fast WordPress site, then Soliloquy is the best WordPress slider for you.


Now you might think that all other sliders performed well too. Why do we think that Soliloquy is the fastest?

现在,您可能会认为所有其他滑块也表现良好。 为什么我们认为自言自语是最快的?

If you notice the test results, you will see that Soliloquy increased page load size without affecting the speed.


This is achieved by using a neat little trick. Basically, it loads your cover slide first and then other slides are loaded asynchronously. In other words, you can upload high-quality slider images with minimum impact on performance.

这可以通过使用巧妙的小技巧来实现。 基本上,它首先加载封面幻灯片,然后异步加载其他幻灯片。 换句话说,您可以上传对效果影响最小的高质量滑块图像。

易于使用–哪种WordPress滑块可提供更好的用户体验? (Ease of Use – Which WordPress Slider Offers Better User Experience?)

Creating sliders is not as simple as we would like it to be. There is too much technical language used in the user interface of all top WordPress slider plugins.

创建滑块并不像我们希望的那样简单。 所有顶级WordPress滑块插件的用户界面中使用的技术语言过多。

We want our slider plugin to be beginner friendly and something that just works out of the box. Let’s see how our top contenders perform in this regard.

我们希望我们的滑块插件对初学者友好,并且可以直接使用。 让我们看看我们的主要竞争者在这方面的表现。

独白 (Soliloquy)

Soliloquy is the most beginner friendly WordPress slider plugin on our list. You can simply create a new slider and then just drag and drop your images.

Soliloquy是我们列表中最入门的WordPress滑块插件。 您只需创建一个新的滑块,然后拖放图像即可。

It takes care of the other things like resizing images, choosing a slider theme, navigation style, etc. You can simply hit the publish button to save the slider.


Soliloquy user interface

The reason why it’s easy to use is that it uses the WordPress coding guidelines and blends in with your native WordPress admin interface. Soliloquy has a simple but intuitive user interface to create slides using the default WordPress media uploader.

易于使用的原因是,它使用WordPress编码指南并与您的本机WordPress管理界面融合在一起。 Soliloquy具有简单但直观的用户界面,可使用默认的WordPress媒体上传器创建幻灯片。

Adding your slider to WordPress posts and pages is also a breeze. Soliloquy gives you a number of options including shortcodes, a Gutenberg editor block, a button for the old classic editor, and a widget.

将滑块添加到WordPress帖子和页面也很容易。 Soliloquy提供了许多选项,包括短代码, Gutenberg编辑器块 ,用于旧经典编辑器的按钮以及小部件。

Soliloquy block in Gutenberg editor
MetaSlider (MetaSlider)

MetaSlider is another easy to use WordPress slider. Creating a new slider is quite simple and it automatically takes care of all the technical settings for you.

MetaSlider是另一个易于使用的WordPress滑块。 创建一个新的滑块非常简单,它会自动为您处理所有技术设置。

MetaSlider user interface

It gives you options to choose different slider scripts, slider theme and styles, add captions and SEO titles, and more. Beginners can ignore all those options and can simply insert slider anywhere on their site using shortcode, Gutenberg block, widget, or template tag.

它为您提供了选择不同的滑块脚本,滑块主题和样式,添加标题和SEO标题等的选项。 初学者可以忽略所有这些选项,而可以使用shortcode,Gutenberg块,widget或template标签在其站点的任何位置插入滑块。

智能滑块3 (Smart Slider 3)

Smart Slider 3 uses a different user interface which feels different than the rest of the WordPress admin screens. It is somewhat easy to use and beginners can find their way around.

Smart Slider 3使用了与其他WordPress管理屏幕不同的用户界面。 它有点容易使用,初学者可以找到解决方法。

Smart Slider 3 user interface

However, it packs a lot of options which may not be as easy to discover for beginners. The overall user experience is satisfactory and you can easily add a slider into posts and pages using the default block, shortcode, and template tag.

但是,它包含许多选项,对于初学者来说可能不那么容易发现。 总体用户体验令人满意,您可以使用默认的块,简码和模板标记轻松地将滑块添加到帖子和页面中。

Nivo的滑块 (Slider by Nivo)

Slider by Nivo is a free slider plugin that is easy and quite straight forward. You can simply upload slider images using the media uploader and rearrange slide order with drag and drop.

Nivo的Slider是一个免费的滑块插件,简单易用。 您可以使用媒体上传器简单地上传滑块图像,并通过拖放来重新排列幻灯片顺序。

Using the same media uploader interface, you can add captions, link, and alternate text to your slide images. It comes with shortcodes and template tags so you can add a slider to your posts, pages, and template files.

使用相同的媒体上传器界面,您可以在幻灯片图像中添加字幕,链接和替代文本。 它带有短代码和模板标签,因此您可以将滑块添加到帖子,页面和模板文件中。

Add new Nivo slider

Nivo Slider is an image slider and does not support video and other multimedia type. It comes with a nice bundle of themes that you can use and lots of transition effects to choose from. However, if you are counting on features and options, then Nivo falls behind other sliders on this list.

Nivo Slider是图像滑块,不支持视频和其他多媒体类型。 它带有很多不错的主题,您可以使用它们,还可以选择很多过渡效果。 但是,如果您要依靠功能和选项,那么Nivo会落后于此列表中的其他滑块。

滑动任何东西 (Slide Anything)

Slide Anything allows you to add anything into a slider. You can add text, HTML, images, videos, or anything else you want. It is not as easy to use or intuitive as some other WordPress sliders and many of them also allow you to add other types of content.

任何东西都可以滑动,可以将任何东西添加到滑块中。 您可以添加文本,HTML,图像,视频或其他任何所需的内容。 它不像其他一些WordPress滑块那样易于使用或直观,并且其中许多还允许您添加其他类型的内容。

Slide Anything slide editor

You will have to insert all your slide content inside an HTML editor. This makes it a bit difficult to keep your slides the way you want them to be.

您将必须将所有幻灯片内容插入HTML编辑器中。 这使得将幻灯片保持为想要的样子有点困难。

主滑块 (Master Slider)

Master Slider is another slider plugin with a non-native user interface that looks different than the rest of the WordPress screens. It is easy to use, but many of the options are hard to locate.

Master Slider是另一个具有非本机用户界面的滑块插件,其外观与其他WordPress屏幕不同。 它易于使用,但是许多选项很难找到。

It starts with a template selection and automatically imports some demo slides for you to start with. You can then delete those slides and replace them with your own.

它从模板选择开始,并自动导入一些演示幻灯片供您开始使用。 然后,您可以删除这些幻灯片,并用自己的幻灯片替换。

It has beautiful templates and can be easily inserted into WordPress posts, pages, and sidebars by using the shortcode, Gutenberg block, and template tag.


Master Slider works best with WordPress themes that automatically load jQuery on each page load. If your theme doesn’t do that, then you will need to change plugin settings and force it to load assets on page load.

Master Slider与WordPress主题配合使用效果最佳,该主题可在每次页面加载时自动加载jQuery。 如果您的主题没有做到这一点,那么您将需要更改插件设置,并强制其在页面加载时加载资产。

功能–哪个适用于WordPress的Slider插件提供更多选择? (Features – Which Slider Plugin for WordPress Offers More Choices?)

If all you want to do is create simple image slide shows, then any of the free WordPress slider plugins on this list can do the job.


However, Soliloquy and MetaSlider come with a lot more features. They are fully responsive sliders and look equally beautiful on all devices and screen sizes. Both support video slides, HTML 5 videos, featured content slides, themes, animations, and transitions.

但是,Siloloquy和MetaSlider具有更多功能。 它们是完全灵敏的滑块,在所有设备和屏幕尺寸上看起来都一样漂亮。 两者都支持视频幻灯片,HTML 5视频,特色内容幻灯片,主题,动画和过渡。

They both offer simple and easy to use interface and they both have additional add-ons that you can install to add more features.


Soliloquy has slightly more features like WooCommerce add-on for product slideshows, social media integration, Instagram add-on, and more.


价钱 (Pricing)

Cost is another decisive factor that might help users choose a slider plugin for WordPress.


Here is the price for a single site license of these plugins.


Slider PluginSingle Site License
Smart Slider 3$35
Slider by NivoFree
Slide AnythingFree
Master SliderFree
滑块插件 单站点许可证
独白 $ 19
MetaSlider $ 39
智能滑块3 $ 35
Nivo的滑块 自由
滑动任何东西 自由
主滑块 自由

Among the paid plugins Soliloquy may look the cheapest, but their single site license doesn’t give you access to all the add-ons. You’ll need the developer license to access all add-ons, which costs $99.

在付费插件中,Siloloquy看起来最便宜,但是它们的单一站点许可证不能让您访问所有附加组件。 您需要开发人员许可才能访问所有加载项,费用为99美元。

On the other hand, both MetaSlider and Smart Slider 3 give you access to all add-ons even with a single site license.

另一方面,MetaSlider和Smart Slider 3都使您即使拥有一个站点许可证也可以访问所有加载项。

结论–最好的WordPress滑块插件 (Conclusion – The Best WordPress Slider Plugin)

After comparing these plugins we can confidently say that the best WordPress slider plugin award goes to:




It is by far the fastest WordPress slider plugin in the market. It follows all of the coding best practices, it is very well documented, easy to extend for developers and even easier to use for users.

它是迄今为止市场上最快的WordPress滑块插件。 它遵循所有编码最佳实践,它有充分的文档记录,易于开发人员扩展,甚至更易于用户使用。

Use our Soliloquy Coupon to get an extra 10% off.


Our second choice would be SmartSlider 3. It offers a very good balance of functionality and performance. The user interface is easy to use for beginners as well as developers.

我们的第二个选择是SmartSlider 3 。 它在功能和性能之间实现了很好的平衡。 用户界面对于初学者和开发人员都易于使用。

We hope this article answers the questions regarding the best WordPress slider plugin in terms of performance and quality. You may also want to see our comparison of the best WordPress caching plugins to improve your website performance.

我们希望本文就性能和质量方面回答有关最佳WordPress滑块插件的问题。 您可能还希望查看我们对最佳WordPress缓存插件的比较,以提高您的网站性能。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/best-wordpress-slider/






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