wordpress安装插件_您应该安装多少个WordPress插件? 太多了


We are often asked by readers about how many WordPress plugins should they install on their site? The real question everyone wants to know is how many plugins are too many?

读者经常问我们,他们的网站上应该安装多少个WordPress插件? 每个人都想知道的真正问题是有多少个插件太多了?

Since there are a lot of misconceptions about WordPress plugins, and how they can impact website speed, performance, and security, we want to explain this topic in details for our non-techy users.


In this article, we will explain how many WordPress plugins should install on your site. We will also talk about how plugins can and cannot affect your website. Our goal is to help you learn how to run your website with the perfect combination of WordPress plugins.

在本文中,我们将说明您的网站上应安装多少WordPress插件。 我们还将讨论插件如何影响和不能影响您的网站。 我们的目标是帮助您学习如何使用WordPress插件的完美组合来运行您的网站。

How many WordPress plugins can you install on your website?
关于WordPress插件及其工作方式 (About WordPress Plugins and How They Work)

Before we dig deeper, let’s talk a little bit about WordPress plugins and how they work.


WordPress plugins are like apps for your website. They help you add new features and website functionality such as making an online store, adding contact forms, and more.

WordPress插件就像您网站的应用程序。 它们可帮助您添加新功能和网站功能,例如建立在线商店添加联系表等。

Like WordPress itself, plugins are also written in the PHP programming language. PHP code runs on your website’s hosting server and utilizes its resources.

像WordPress本身一样,插件也使用PHP编程语言编写。 PHP代码在您网站的托管服务器上运行,并利用其资源。

This is why you must choose a good WordPress hosting company that gives you easy tools to manage those resources and run your website efficiently.

这就是为什么您必须选择一家优秀的WordPress托管公司 ,为您提供简单的工具来管理那些资源并有效地运行网站的原因。

To learn more, see our detailed guide about how WordPress plugins work. If you want to dig even deeper, then take a look at how WordPress actually works behind the scenes (Infographic).

要了解更多信息,请参阅有关WordPress插件如何工作的详细指南。 如果您想更深入地进行研究,请查看WordPress在幕后的实际工作方式 (信息图形)。

Ever since WordPress 1.2 (when support for WordPress plugins was added), plugins have been a blessing for users. WordPress without plugins is like a toy store with no toys. That’s no fun.

自从WordPress 1.2(添加了对WordPress插件的支持)以来,插件一直是用户的福音。 没有插件的WordPress就像没有玩具的玩具商店。 没意思

为什么插件对于WordPress网站必不可少 (Why are Plugins Essential for WordPress Websites)

Why you need plugins

Even though the WordPress core provides a strong publishing framework, it is the plugins that are widely responsible for making WordPress the most popular website builder in the world.


The number of total WordPress plugins available has grown over the years. At the time of writing this article, there are more than 54,000 free WordPress plugins available in the official plugins directory.

多年来,可用的WordPress插件总数一直在增长。 在撰写本文时,官方插件目录中提供了超过54,000个免费WordPress插件。

Apart from these free plugins, there are also thousands of premium WordPress plugins sold by third-party companies and developers.


Plugins can help you improve SEO, increase security, manage users, and more. It would be quite difficult to grow your business without using WordPress plugins on your website.

插件可以帮助您改善SEO ,提高安全性,管理用户等。 不使用网站上的WordPress插件来发展您的业务将非常困难。

WordPress插件如何获得不良声誉 (How Did WordPress Plugins Get a Bad Reputation)

How plugins got bad rep

The purpose of plugins is to extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. However, now we see a sense of fear or restraint towards plugins from many beginner users.

插件的目的是扩展WordPress,以执行您可以想象的几乎所有操作。 但是,现在我们看到许多初学者对插件感到恐惧或克制。

People get worried about performance, security, reliability, etc. This is mainly because designers, developers, and web hosting support technicians get really frustrated when they are troubleshooting a client’s websites.


In their frustration, they make comments like ‘have fewer plugins‘, or ‘it is the plugins that are slowing down your site‘.

令他们沮丧的是,他们发表的评论像是“ 插件数量减少 ”或“ 正是这些插件在拖慢您的网站速度 ”。

A developer blaming plugins for slow site

These statements have resonated throughout social media, in-person meetups, and conferences. The biggest issue with those statements is their ambiguity.

这些声明在整个社交媒体,面对面的聚会和会议中引起了共鸣。 这些声明最大的问题是它们的模棱两可。

What is less? How many WordPress plugins are too many?

什么更少? 有多少个WordPress插件太多?

We believe the problem is not the quantity of plugins, but rather the quality.


You can have dozens of good WordPress plugins running on your website without any issues, but an addition of a single poorly coded plugin can slow down your website.


When this happens and you ask for troubleshooting help, your hosting company support technician or another developer will blame the quantity of plugins.


This makes sense because troubleshooting a website with 5 plugins is much easier than troubleshooting a website with 30. Quantity of plugins make their job harder.


It’s extremely important to take any such advice resulting from frustration with a bit of caution.


You should politely ask them to identify which specific plugin is causing the issue because simply blaming the quantity is a result of laziness.


To put this in perspective, our WPBeginner website has 62 active plugins right now, and it loads extremely fast.


If we were to add one bad plugin that slows down the website, then we should only have to disable that one bad plugin (not all 62).


With that said, let’s take a look at how plugins can affect different aspects of your website.


WordPress插件如何影响网站的速度和性能 (How WordPress Plugins Impact Website Speed & Performance)

WordPress plugins and website performance

There are many different types of WordPress plugins, and they each impact your website performance differently.


There are plugins that affect mainly the front-end. For example, page builder plugins, contact forms, galleries, sliders, etc.

有些插件主要影响前端。 例如, 页面构建器插件联系表单 ,图库,滑块等。

Then there are plugins that are mainly made to perform tasks within the back-end or admin area. For example, WordPress backup plugins, editorial plugins, various background processes, etc.

然后是主要用于在后端或管理区域内执行任务的插件。 例如, WordPress备份插件 ,编辑插件,各种后台进程等。

There are also plugins that run everywhere including admin area and front-end. For example, SEO plugins, WordPress firewall plugins, and more.

也有可以在任何地方运行的插件,包括管理区域和前端。 例如, SEO插件WordPress防火墙插件等。

A WordPress plugin’s impact on website speed and performance depends on where that plugin is being loaded.


For example, plugins that are only loaded when you are doing specific tasks in the WordPress admin area usually will not impact your website’s performance.


On the other hand, plugins that are loaded on the front-end are likely to have a larger performance footprint.


Also plugins that perform routine background processes like broken link checking, 404 monitoring, etc can also significantly slow down your overall website performance.


Plugins can impact your site performance by:


  • Making additional HTTP requests – Some plugins (mainly front-end ones) may require custom styling or scripts to work properly. Because of this, they may add extra JS and/or CSS file(s). Loading these files require making additional HTTP requests which slows down your page load time.发出其他HTTP请求 –一些插件(主要是前端插件)可能需要自定义样式或脚本才能正常工作。 因此,他们可能会添加额外的JS和/或CSS文件。 加载这些文件需要发出其他HTTP请求,这会减慢页面加载时间。
  • Additional DB Queries – Some plugins may increase your database queries. For example, plugins to display 其他数据库查询 -一些插件可能会增加数据库查询。 例如,用于显示popular posts, 流行帖子related posts, or anything else that pulls database elements and displays it on the front-end.相关帖子或其他任何可提取数据库元素并将其显示在前端的插件。
  • Background Processes & Database Writes – Some plugins can take up a lot of server resources while running background processes such as checking for broken links, monitoring and recording analytics like post views, etc.后台进程和数据库写操作 –一些插件在运行后台进程时会占用大量服务器资源,例如检查断开的链接,监视和记录后视图等分析。

Most good WordPress plugins will only load additional files when needed, and they will minimize the database calls. However, sometimes it is just unavoidable.

大多数优秀的WordPress插件仅在需要时才加载其他文件,并且它们将最大限度地减少数据库调用。 但是,有时这是不可避免的。

Luckily, there are optimizations available for most cases. Let’s take a look at a short term and a long term fix for these issues.

幸运的是,大多数情况下都可以进行优化。 让我们看一下这些问题的短期和长期解决方案。

Before we do this, first make sure that you have caching enabled on your WordPress site. Without caching, your website will always be slow.

在执行此操作之前,首先请确保您已在WordPress网站上启用了缓存 。 没有缓存,您的网站将永远变慢。

Now, let’s move on to other optimizations.


Fixing Additional HTTP Requests Issue


Plugins have to add additional HTTP requests (i.e JS and CSS file) to work out of the box. For example, when you install a contact form plugin, you want it to work and look good too.

插件必须添加其他HTTP请求(即JS和CSS文件)才能立即使用。 例如,当您安装联系人表单插件时,您希望它能够正常工作并且看起来也不错。

People complain about additional HTTP requests while ignoring that they are sometimes necessary. Here is what an unstyled form would look like.

人们抱怨额外的HTTP请求,而忽略了它们有时是必需的。 这是未样式化的表单的外观。

Contact form without styling

Most users would not like it, some would even think that it’s broken. Well, that is exactly what would happen if the contact form doesn’t add the additional HTTP requests to load CSS and JS files.

大多数用户不喜欢它,有些甚至认为它已损坏。 好吧,如果联系表单没有添加额外的HTTP请求来加载CSS和JS文件,这就是发生的情况。

In short, the additional styles and scripts are needed for the plugin to function properly.


There are three ways to optimize the additional HTTP requests issue. All of them require some coding knowledge and WordPress know-how, but one will method is definitely easier than the others.

有三种方法可以优化其他HTTP请求问题。 所有这些都需要一些编码知识和WordPress专门知识,但是一种方法肯定比其他方法简单。

The first method would be to unregister the additional styles and scripts that are being loaded by the plugin. After that you can combine the plugin styles into your theme’s style.css file and combine the plugin scripts into your theme’s main JavaScript file.

第一种方法是注销该插件正在加载的其他样式和脚本。 之后,您可以将插件样式组合到主题的style.css文件中,并将插件脚本组合到主题的主JavaScript文件中。

The second method would be to conditionally load the plugin styles/scripts on pages where they are needed.


We have already explained both methods in our article about disabling additional scripts and stylesheets that WordPress plugins add.


As for folks who are not code-savvy, you can use a premium caching plugin like WP Rocket which allows you to minify and combine files with a single click. This will work for most cases, but in some cases it can cause conflicts with specific plugins.

对于不懂代码的人,您可以使用高级缓存插件(如WP Rocket) ,只需单击一下即可缩小和合并文件。 这在大多数情况下都可以使用,但是在某些情况下,可能会导致与特定插件发生冲突。

With that said, you must understand that a few additional HTTP requests are not as significant as you may think. We are talking about milliseconds here. However if you have a lot of plugins that are adding additional HTTP requests, then this optimization will allow you to shave a few seconds off your load time.

话虽如此,您必须了解,一些其他HTTP请求并不像您想象的那样重要。 我们在这里谈论毫秒。 但是,如果您有许多添加其他HTTP请求的插件,则此优化将使您节省几秒钟的加载时间。

A lot of non-techy business owners simply hire a WordPress developer from Codeable to speed up their website (which is a worthwhile investment).

许多非技术性企业所有者只是从Codeable 聘用了WordPress开发人员来加快其网站的速度(这是一笔值得的投资)。

Now that we have covered HTTP requests, let’s take a look at additional DB queries.


Fixing Additional Database Queries and Background Processes


Some plugins may increase the load on your database server. WordPress itself does a very good job at caching the queries and most well-coded plugins will not cause any significant issue.

一些插件可能会增加数据库服务器上的负载。 WordPress本身在缓存查询方面做得很好,大多数编码良好的插件都不会引起任何重大问题。

However, if you have a high traffic website, then using database-driven plugins can become an issue especially if you don’t have proper server resources.


For example if you have a membership website or an online store with WooCommerce, then you are serving a lot of uncached requests. In this scenario the only real option is to use a managed WordPress hosting solution or even a specialized WooCommerce hosting solution.

例如,如果您有一个会员网站或带有WooCommerce的在线商店 ,那么您正在处理许多未缓存的请求。 在这种情况下,唯一真正的选择是使用托管的WordPress托管解决方案,甚至是专用的WooCommerce托管解决方案。

Now there are some plugins that are extremely resource intensive, and you should avoid them at all costs.


For example, there are plugins that add various analytics functionality within WordPress such as some email opt-in plugin, website stats plugin, post views tracking plugin, etc. These plugins inefficiently write to the database on every page load which can significantly slow down your website.


You can track analytics in a more scalable manner with plugins like Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights or Jetpack Stats.

您可以使用MonsterInsightsJetpack Stats之类的插件(如WordPress的Google Analytics(分析))以更具扩展性的方式跟踪分析。

You can add email opt-in forms with more scalable tracking with plugins like OptinMonster or by using signup forms from your favorite email marketing services.


There are also plugins that monitor 404 errors and track broken links which can add heavy load and overwhelm the server resources. Instead of using those plugins, you should use a third-party cloud services like Ahrefs or SEMRush that automatically track broken links and offer a lot of other useful SEO insights as well.

还有一些插件可以监视404错误并跟踪断开的链接,这些链接可能会增加负担,并淹没服务器资源。 而不是使用这些插件,您应该使用第三方云服务(例如AhrefsSEMRush) ,这些服务会自动跟踪断开的链接并提供许多其他有用的SEO见解。

If you don’t want a premium solution, then you can use a free tool like Broken Link Check which lets you check 300 pages at a time for broken links.

如果您不希望使用高级解决方案,则可以使用免费的工具,例如“ 损坏的链接检查” ,该工具可以一次检查300页以查找损坏的链接。

WordPress插件如何影响安全性 (How WordPress Plugins Impact Security)

How plugin can impact WordPress security

Security is another major concern when it comes to installing WordPress plugins. Many users worry that having more plugins can make their site more vulnerable.

安装WordPress插件时,安全性是另一个主要问题。 许多用户担心拥有更多插件会使他们的网站更加脆弱。

It is true, that a poorly coded WordPress plugin can be exploited by hackers and make your site vulnerable. However, it is also true for just about every software that exists.

没错,一个编码错误的WordPress插件可能会被黑客利用,并使您的网站容易受到攻击。 但是,对于几乎所有存在的软件也是如此。

Oversights are bound to happen. However, the best part about open source is that many people are using the software, which makes it faster for a vulnerability to be discovered and fixed.

监督必将发生。 但是,关于开源的最好之处在于,许多人正在使用该软件,这使得发现和修复漏洞的速度更快。

You can keep your website secure by using a WordPress security plugin like Sucuri. They scan thousands of websites and will help you catch most security problems with a vulnerable plugin.

您可以使用SucuriWordPress安全插件来保护您的网站安全。 他们扫描成千上万个网站,并通过有漏洞的插件帮助您解决大多数安全问题。

You can also protect your website by improving your overall WordPress security. This allows you to add layers of security before any vulnerability can be exploited by hackers.

您还可以通过提高整体WordPress安全性来保护您的网站。 这使您可以在黑客可以利用任何漏洞之前添加安全保护层。

WordPress插件和可靠性 (WordPress Plugins and Reliability)

An abandoned plugin

Some folks are concerned about a plugin’s reliability. What if the plugin gets discontinued? What if the updates are slow?

有些人担心插件的可靠性。 如果插件停产怎么办? 如果更新速度慢怎么办?

The beautiful part about the open source WordPress ecosystem is that there are always alternatives.


If you use a popular plugin, chances are that it will not be discontinued. If it is, then someone else will likely fork it and continue the development. That’s the power of open source. This is also how WordPress came into existence (previous platform was called b2/cafelog).

如果您使用流行的插件,则很有可能不会停止使用。 如果是这样,那么其他人可能会分叉它并继续开发。 那就是开源的力量。 这也是WordPress出现的方式(以前的平台称为b2 / cafelog)。

As long as you pick plugins with a good track record and reputable authors, then you will be fine.


我可以通过添加代码片段来避免插件吗? (Can I Avoid Plugins by Adding Code Snippets?)

There are articles throughout the web that shows you: “How to do XYZ in WordPress without a plugin” (like this one).

整个网络上都有文章向您展示:“如何在没有插件的情况下在WordPress中执行XYZ”(像这样 )。

The purpose of these articles is not to discourage using plugins but to show you how to learn code. There are basically three ways you can add code snippets to your site. You can add them to your functions.php file, a site-specific plugin, or use a plugin to add custom code snippets.

这些文章的目的不是阻止使用插件,而是向您展示如何学习代码。 基本上,可以通过三种方式向站点添加代码片段。 您可以将它们添加到您的functions.php文件 ( 特定站点的插件)中 ,或使用插件添加自定义代码段

Regardless of which method you choose, adding code snippets to your website has the same performance impact as a stand-alone plugin.


If you install code snippets that are identical to a plugin, then basically you are running the plugin without installing it. The downside is that you won’t get any plugin updates or security fixes for that code.

如果您安装的代码片段与插件相同,那么基本上您是在运行插件而不安装它。 缺点是您不会获得该代码的任何插件更新或安全修复程序。

For more information on this topic, see our guide on WordPress plugin vs functions.php file which one is better.


您应该安装多少个WordPress插件? 多少个WordPress插件太多? (How Many WordPress Plugins Should You Install? How many WordPress Plugins are too many?)

How many plugins to install

You should install as many WordPress plugins as necessary to run your website and grow your business.


On average, its quite common for a business website to have at least 20 – 30 plugins.


If you’re using WordPress to it’s full potential and have many advanced features, then this count can easily go into 50+.


For example, here’s the number of active plugins on our websites:


These count should highlight that it’s not the quantity of plugins that slow down your website.


You will be fine with a large number of plugins, as long as you are using high-quality plugins that follow the WordPress coding standards.


Here is our website’s performance result via Pingdom.


WPBeginner Homepage Pingdom

Despite using dozens of plugins and custom code snippets, our website still loads in half a second (479 milliseconds).


如何选择最好的WordPress插件? (How to Pick the Best WordPress Plugins?)

One of the most frequently asked question by our users is ‘how do I choose the best plugins for my website?’


If you are looking for a free plugin, then only download it from WordPress.org plugin directory. The official WordPress plugin directory also makes it easier to choose good plugins.

如果您正在寻找免费的插件,请仅从WordPress.org插件目录下载。 官方的WordPress插件目录也使选择好插件变得更加容易。

How to Find the Best WordPress Plugin

You can see a plugin’s rating and reviews provided by other WordPress users. You can also see when the plugin was last updated and how many websites have it installed.

您可以看到其他WordPress用户提供的插件评级和评论。 您还可以查看该插件的最新更新时间以及安装了多少个网站。

On the other hand, if you are looking into a premium plugin, then make sure they are from a well-reputed WordPress company or developer. If you are unsure, then look around for reviews and testimonials.

另一方面,如果您正在寻找高级插件,请确保它们来自声誉良好的WordPress公司或开发人员。 如果不确定,请查看周围的评论和推荐。

For more details, see our complete guide on how to choose the best WordPress plugins.


If you are just starting out, then see our expert-pick of the essential WordPress plugins that every website should have. You can also check out WPBeginner’s WordPress plugins category where we regularly share the best WordPress plugins and how to use them.

如果您只是刚入门,请参阅我们的专家精选 ,每个网站都应该具有必要的WordPress插件 。 您还可以查看WPBeginner的WordPress插件类别,在该类别中我们会定期共享最佳的WordPress插件以及如何使用它们。

We hope this article answered your questions about how many WordPress plugins should you install. You may also want to see our article debunking the most common WordPress myths.

我们希望本文回答您有关应安装多少WordPress插件的问题。 您可能还希望看到我们的文章揭穿最常见的WordPress神话

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/how-many-wordpress-plugins-should-you-install-on-your-site/






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