如何买卖博客业务(正确的方式)– BlueGlass FL

This past weekend, Syed was invited to attend a great marketing conference organized by an Internet Marketing Company based out of Florida, BlueGlass. So this week, Syed will be covering some of the sessions that might be of interest for our audience.

在过去的一个周末,Syed受邀参加了由位于佛罗里达州BlueGlass的互联网营销公司组织的一次出色的营销会议。 因此,本周,赛义德(Syed)将主持一些观众可能感兴趣的会议。

The title of this session was “How to Buy and Sell Web Companies (The Right Way)”, but I have made it so it targets our audience because the principle concepts shared in the panel could be applied within our blog industry. This panel was moderated by a good friend of mine Neil Patel, from CrazyEgg, KissMetrics, and now KissInsights. The panelists were John Ferber, co-founder of DomainHoldings famous for Advertising.com which was sold to AOL for $345 million. Jon Kelly, VP of QuintStreet, and Kris Jones of PepperJam Network. All four guys who have plenty of experience selling their companies for millions.

本届会议的标题是“如何购买和出售网络公司(正确的方式)”,但我之所以做到这一点,是因为它针对我们的受众,因为在面板中共享的基本概念可以在我们的博客行业中应用。 该小组由来自CrazyEgg的我的Neil Patel的好朋友,KissMetrics和现在的KissInsights主持。 与会嘉宾是DomainHoldings的联合创始人John Ferber,该公司以Advertising.com闻名,并以3.45亿美元的价格卖给了AOL。 QuintStreet副总裁Jon Kelly和PepperJam Network的Kris Jones。 拥有丰富经验将公司卖掉数百万的所有四个家伙。

So the panel covered to main aspects: When do you sell? And What do you look when you buy? I believe as a seller and a buyer, you must understand both sides. So here is my review of the session.

因此,小组讨论了以下主要方面:您何时出售? 您购买时会看到什么? 我相信,作为买卖双方,您必须了解双方。 这是我对本次会议的评论。

你什么时候卖? (When Do You Sell?)

If there is one thing that these guys stressed, it was timing. Timing to all four of them was crucial in selling their businesses. But after they all shared their stories about how their timing was right, I started to wonder how do you determine when is the right time. They answered most of the time, timing is a “gut feeling”, but you can use measures within your business to determine if the timing is right. Here are some key points that you should consider when you are ready to sell your business:

如果这些人强调一件事,那就是时机。 对他们四个人的时机选择对于出售他们的业务至关重要。 但是当他们都分享了有关他们的时机如何正确的故事后,我开始怀疑您如何确定何时才是正确的时间。 他们大多数时候都回答,时间安排是一种“直觉”,但是您可以在企业中使用度量标准来确定时间安排是否正确。 以下是准备出售企业时应考虑的一些关键点:

Has the company outgrown your ability to grow it?


Do you think you have reached the point where growth seems to be stopped because you do not have the resources to make it grow. This is a question that you can answer by looking at your revenue stream, traffic on your site, new subscriber rates, etc. etc.

您是否认为您已经达到停止增长的地步,因为您没有足够的资源来促进增长。 您可以通过查看收入流,网站流量,新订户费率等来回答这个问题。

Are you looking for an EXIT or Resources?


Sometimes people do not want an exit, they just want resources. But they often fail to realize that taking an exit is not the only solution. You can get additional resources by raising funds to increase the growth of your business. Evaluate what do you really want to do.

有时人们不想要出口,他们只想要资源。 但是他们常常没有意识到退出并不是唯一的解决方案。 您可以通过筹集资金来增加业务增长,从而获得更多资源。 评估您真正想做什么。

How would you feel IF…?


You need to make sure that you have no regrets once you sold your business. So think about the possible outcomes after you sell your company. What if I kept the company and sales plunged down 50%? How would you react to that. What if you sell, and sales tripled? How would you react to that? You need to make sure that there are no regrets when you are selling.

出售业务后,您需要确保不后悔。 因此,考虑出售公司后可能产生的结果。 如果我继续经营公司,销售额下降了50%,该怎么办? 您对此有何React。 如果您出售,并且销售额增加了两倍,该怎么办? 您对此有何React? 您需要确保出售时没有后悔。

Who is your targeted buyer, and where can you find it?


Your targeted buyer is someone who can benefit from acquiring your site. For example, if we want to sell our site, StudioPress or Headway would be our targeted buyer. If you already know your buyer, then you may contact them privately either by yourself or through a third party agent. You can also use forum marketplaces that are on Digital Point, NamePros, and others. You can also use the popular marketplace known as Flippa to sell your sites.

您的目标买家是可以从收购您的网站中受益的人。 例如,如果我们要出售我们的网站,则StudioPressHeadway将成为我们的目标买家。 如果您已经知道您的买家,则可以自己或通过第三方代理与他们私下联系。 您还可以使用Digital Point,NamePros和其他产品上的论坛市场。 您也可以使用称为Flippa的热门市场来出售您的网站。

购买时会看什么? (What to look when you are buying?)

After selling their businesses, these panelists have acquired numerous other companies as well. So they also shared what they look into when buying companies. Here are some of the keypoints you should consider when buying a blog business:

在出售他们的业务之后,这些小组成员还收购了许多其他公司。 因此,他们还分享了购买公司时的调查结果。 以下是购买博客企业时应考虑的一些关键点:

Is the site scalable?


Has the site created a brand that is going to last? Does it have good rankings? You need to look into these areas critically when you are looking to buy a blog. Often spammers use black hat techniques to boost their ranking, so you need to be extra aware.

该网站是否创建了一个持久的品牌? 它有很好的排名吗? 购买博客时,您需要认真研究这些领域。 垃圾邮件发送者经常使用黑帽技术来提高其排名,因此您需要格外警惕。

What is the Potential Value of this site?


Often people are looking at real-life value, but as a buyer you should also consider the potential revenue. Because sometimes, a site might not make the owner enough money, but together with your business, it may make you millions. You need to look at the potential value. Often Good domains boost up the potential value of the site.

人们通常会关注现实生活中的价值,但作为买家,您还应该考虑潜在的收入。 因为有时候,一个网站可能无法为所有者赚足够的钱,但是与您的企业一起,它可能使您成百万。 您需要查看潜在价值。 好的域名通常会增加网站的潜在价值。

Can you take it to the next level?


If you are buying a blog business, can you take it to the next level? Obviously the owner is selling for a reason such as sluggish growth. Can you keep up the growth or take it to the next level with your resources and expertise? You need to answer this question before you buy a business.

如果您要购买博客业务,可以将其提升到一个新的水平吗? 显然,所有者出售是由于增长缓慢等原因。 您是否可以利用自己的资源和专业知识来保持增长或将其提升到新的水平? 您需要在购买公司之前回答此问题。

Does it have steady revenue?


If you are paying money to acquire this site, then you need to know that this site has steady revenue. You need to look at each revenue source and evaluate whether it is reliable for long term.

如果您要花钱购买该站点,那么您需要知道该站点具有稳定的收入。 您需要查看每个收入来源,并评估其长期可靠性。

I found this session to be very helpful, and I also think that it will be helpful to our readers as well.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/how-to-buy-and-sell-blog-businesses-the-right-way-blueglass-fl/





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