
Banner advertisement is by far the most common form of advertisement through out the web (including blogs). There are numerous ways to sell ads in your WordPress blog, but in this particular article, we will share with you a particular company, BuySellAds, that we have been using since WPBeginner was started. Due to BuySellAds, we never had to worry about getting advertisers, filling up our inventory (we have been sold out for over twelve months now), or dealing with the hassle of collecting money. That’s a nice problem to have right

;) Before we go further in this article, we want to clarify that we are
NOT being paid in any way or form to write this post. We just wanted to let every new blogger know that without BuySellAds, we would not be where we are.

横幅广告是迄今为止在整个网络(包括博客)中最常见的广告形式。 在您的WordPress博客中有很多销售广告的方法,但是在这篇特别的文章中,我们将与您分享自WPBeginner启动以来一直在使用的特定公司BuySellAds 。 有了BuySellAds,我们再也不必担心招募广告客户,填满我们的库存(我们已经卖完了十二个月以上)或处理收款的麻烦。 这是一个很好的问题 在继续本文之前,我们想澄清一下,写这篇文章并不以任何方式或形式获得报酬。 我们只是想让每个新博客知道,如果没有BuySellAds,我们就不会成为现实。

什么是BuySellAds? (What is BuySellAds?)

BuySellAds is an online marketplace that connects website publishers and advertisers. No Fancy algorithm, no complex methods, it is very simple. The advertiser searches for a niche that they are targeting, bunch of site pops up (you might be in that niche) – Advertisers look at your site’s stats, and buy the ad. BuySellAds handles the transaction, provide advertisers with analytics, and deposit the funds in your account every month. Pretty straight forward stuff. You are still in control because you get the final say in which advertisers you want to approve, and which advertisers to deny.

BuySellAds是连接网站发布者和广告商的在线市场。 没有花哨的算法,没有复杂的方法,这非常简单。 广告客户搜索他们定位的利基,弹出一堆网站(您可能在该利基中)–广告客户查看您网站的统计信息,然后购买广告。 BuySellAds每月处理一次交易,为广告客户提供分析并将资金存入您的帐户。 很简单的东西。 您仍处于控制之中,因为您拥有最终决定权,可以决定批准​​哪个广告商,以及拒绝哪个广告商。

为什么要使用BuySellAds? (Why use BuySellAds?)

There is no better way to explain this aside from sharing our story and experience. We started using BuySellAds in September 2009 (WPBeginner was founded in July 2009). By this time, we have built-up a fairly decent amount of readers to the site, however the site was still very new. The only way for us to get advertisers would be to create a list of companies that might be interested then send out an email asking for them to advertise (Yes, that comes of pretty SPAMMY). So this could potentially hurt our reputation, but it would have also been very time consuming. Finding advertisers (sending and replying to all those emails), keeping the current advertisers happy (offering them analytics), collecting payments (reminding those who haven’t paid), etc. By no means, we are suggesting that there are not plugins which cannot do that. OIO Publisher Plugin that we use on this site, does that job very well. However, BuySellAds provided us with something that no WordPress plugin can provide: good base of advertisers who are looking to spend money on advertisements.

除了分享我们的故事和经验之外,没有更好的方法来解释这一点。 我们从2009年9月开始使用BuySellAds(WPBeginner于2009年7月成立)。 到这个时候,我们已经在该网站上吸引了相当多的读者,但是该网站仍然很新。 我们吸引广告商的唯一方法是创建一个可能感兴趣的公司列表,然后发送一封电子邮件,要求他们做广告(是的,这很垃圾)。 因此,这可能会损害我们的声誉,但同时也会非常耗时。 寻找广告客户(发送和回复所有这些电子邮件),让当前的广告客户满意(为他们提供分析数据),收集付款(提醒尚未付款的人)等。我们绝不建议您不要使用任何插件来不可以这样做。 我们在此站点上使用的OIO Publisher插件可以很好地完成此工作。 但是,BuySellAds为我们提供了WordPress插件无法提供的功能:希望在广告上花钱的广告主的良好基础。

Aside from that, it saved us all the time which really helped us increase our growth rate significantly because we were focusing our energy on the right area: writing quality articles and building our user base (exactly what every blogger should focus on). All we had to do was go in, create our profile page for the site, create ad zones (areas where we want to sell ads on), select the prices and quantity of ads we want to sell, and then place their script within our design. They took care of pulling in our site’s screenshots, providing advertisers with social proof (statistics for your site). Check out the example of our Property page:

除此之外,它还节省了我们所有的时间,这确实帮助我们大大提高了增长率,因为我们将精力集中在了正确的领域上:撰写高质量的文章并建立我们的用户群(正是每个博客作者都应该关注的重点)。 我们要做的就是进入网站,创建网站的个人资料页面,创建广告区域(我们要在其上出售广告的区域),选择我们要出售的广告的价格和数量,然后将其脚本放入我们的设计。 他们负责提取我们网站的屏幕截图,为广告客户提供社交证明(您网站的统计信息)。 请查看“属性”页面的示例:

BuySellAds WPBeginner Property Page

For all this, they took a 25% cut of the ad price which covered transaction processing fees, support for you and advertisers, and all the services that BuySellAds provide for you. You might think that is a lot of money, but we paid it happily. Because if you dedicate a person to do this for you, or spend time out of your day to do this, you will end up spending more. Because not every email you send out will convert into buyers. Often, you will exchange emails and the deal will end up falling. So it was really well worth it for us to use BuySellAds as a service and focus our efforts on what we do best.

为此,他们将广告价格削减了25%,其中包括交易处理费,对您和广告客户的支持以及BuySellAds为您提供的所有服务。 您可能会认为这笔钱很多,但是我们很乐意付钱。 因为如果您献身某个人为您做这件事,或者花一天的时间来做这件事,那么您最终将花费更多。 因为并非您发送的每封电子邮件都会转化为买家。 通常,您将交换电子邮件,交易最终落空。 因此,对我们来说,使用BuySellAds作为服务并将我们的精力集中在我们最擅长的方面是非常值得的。

It is not just us by the way that feels this way. Tuts+ Network, The Next Web, Search Engine Journal, Dynamic Drive, and many other big name sites use BuySellAds to sell their ads. They have some very well-known advertisers as well. See what others are saying about BuySellAds.

感受的方式不只是我们。 Tuts + Network,The Next Web,Search Engine Journal,Dynamic Drive和许多其他知名网站都使用BuySellAds出售其广告。 他们也有一些非常知名的广告商。 查看其他人对BuySellAds的评价

Through out our years of using BuySellAds, we made numerous suggestions on things that we saw need improvement. We suggested new features a lot of them were implemented. We even had the honor of creating the blog design for BuySellAds built on the best WordPress Theme Framework: Genesis. Basically what we are trying to get across is that they CARE about their users. They will help you pick the right price, right ad zones etc.

在使用BuySellAds的多年中,我们针对需要改进的地方提出了许多建议。 我们建议实施许多新功能。 我们甚至很荣幸为基于最佳WordPress主题框架:Genesis构建的BuySellAds创建博客设计 。 基本上,我们试图传达的是他们关心用户。 他们将帮助您选择合适的价格,合适的广告区域等。

Enough of our story on why we use BuySellAds, lets get into how you can start selling ads in your WordPress Blog with BuySellAds.


Note: It is important to establish the point that you have to be using self-hosted WordPress blogs to sell ads.


如何在WordPress中使用BuySellAds? (How to use BuySellAds with WordPress?)

First, you would need to register for a BuySellAds account (it’s FREE), and then add your site (create a property). You get to add numerous ad zones for that web property of yours. Ad formats include (Image Only, Image + Text, Text + Description, Sponsored Tweets, RSS Feed Ads, and more will probably come in the future).

首先,您需要注册一个BuySellAds帐户 (免费),然后添加您的网站(创建媒体资源)。 您可以为自己的网络媒体资源添加许多广告区域。 广告格式包括(仅图片,图片+文字,文字+说明,赞助商推文,RSS Feed广告,将来可能还会有更多形式)。

BuySellAds Ad Formats and Zones

You get to select your own price, you can select per month or impression based. You can select to rotate ads if you want, select ad sizes and much more. Once you are done creating your ad zones, all you have to do is simply drop the codes into your template. Or alternatively, you can use the official BuySellAds WordPress plugin.

您可以选择自己的价格,可以选择每月还是基于展示。 您可以根据需要选择旋转广告,选择广告尺寸等等。 创建完广告区域后,您只需要将代码放入模板中即可。 或者,您可以使用官方的BuySellAds WordPress插件

You are probably wondering, why we are not providing a step by step guide of doing this? Because it is very easy to follow once you are on BuySellAds. They have created a very neat User-interface that will guide you step by step.

您可能想知道,为什么我们不提供这样做的逐步指南? 因为一旦您购买BuySellAds,就很容易遵循。 他们创建了一个非常简洁的用户界面,它将逐步指导您。

Is banner advertisement the only way to make money? Certainly not. There are tons of other ways to make money from your blog. Check out Syed Balkhi’s presentation on Monetizing your Blog from WordCamp Miami.

横幅广告是唯一赚钱的方法吗? 当然不是。 还有许多其他方式可以从您的博客中赚钱。 请查看Syed Balkhi关于通过WordCamp Miami 博客获利的演讲

Are you already using BuySellAds? Just signed up, or have used it in the past? Please share your comments, experiences, and questions in the comments below. We would love to hear more.

您已经在使用BuySellAds吗? 刚刚注册,还是过去使用过? 请在下面的评论中分享您的评论,经验和问题。 我们希望听到更多。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-sell-ads-in-your-wordpress-blog-with-buysellads/

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