headway ttc_Headway 3.0 –对于初学者来说这真是太棒了

headway ttc

We already believe that Headway is the most beginner friendly WordPress theme. Recently on their official blog, they posted a small sneak peak into Headway 3.0 and some other very exciting / important news.

我们已经相信Headway是最适合初学者的WordPress主题 。 最近,在他们的官方博客上,他们发布了Headway 3.0的一个小小的潜行高峰以及其他一些非常令人兴奋/重要的新闻。

First and foremost, Headway team has been in collaboration with 3 top notch theme companies to produce some very nice looking child themes. So expect an increase in the variety of themes for headway. This is an amazing news for all of us Headway lovers.

首先,Headway团队已与3家顶尖主题公司合作,制作了一些非常漂亮的儿童主题。 因此,可以期待各种主题的发展。 对于我们所有人Headway爱好者来说,这是一个了不起的消息。

Second, Grant Griffiths also stated that they will be changing the pricing modal for business sustainability reasons. Currently, all Headway customers make a one time investment for Headway Themes which include lifetime support and updates. However upon the release of Headway 3.0, the prices will go up, and it will be a recurring fee either annually or semi-annually. Those users that are already grandfathered in before the release of Headway 3.0 will still keep the unlimited updates and support for no additional payments. So if I were you, I would get grandfathered in RIGHT NOW! Grab your copy of Headway Themes now and get a 20% OFF discount if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”.

其次,格randint·格里菲思(Grant Griffiths)还表示,出于业务可持续性的原因,他们将改变定价模式。 当前,所有Headway客户都一次性投资Headway主题 ,其中包括终身支持和更新。 但是,随着Headway 3.0的发布,价格将会上涨,并且这将是每年或每半年一次的经常性费用。 那些在Headway 3.0发行之前已经加入的用户仍将保留无限制的更新,并且不支持任何其他付款。 因此,如果我是您,我将立即成为祖父! 立即使用Headway Themes副本,如果使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,可享受20%的折扣

Last but certainly not the least, check out the video to see what is coming in Headway 3.0.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,请观看视频以了解Headway 3.0中的功能。

Don’t waste time and end up being the late adapters who pay recurring to get updates and support. Get grandfathered into the old pay model by grabbing your copy of Headway Themes now (20% off coupon – wpbeginner)

不要浪费时间,而最终成为后来的适配器,他们会花很多时间来获得更新和支持。 立即获取您的Headway Themes副本,使之成为旧的付费模式(20%的折扣券– wpbeginner)

P.S. One of our users asked where to enter the coupon code. When you go on the check out page, look at the bottom right, below the Register and Purchase Button. There is a very small link that says “Have a Coupon Code?” Click on that, and you can enter it there…

PS我们的一位用户询问在哪里输入优惠券代码。 当您进入结帐页面时,请查看右下角的“注册并购买”按钮下方。 有一个非常小的链接,上面写着“是否有优惠券代码?” 单击该按钮,然后可以在此处输入…

Update: They just posted another detailed screencast of how the grid system will work:


Don’t waste time and end up being the late adapters who pay recurring to get updates and support. Get grandfathered into the old pay model by grabbing your copy of Headway Themes now (20% off coupon – wpbeginner)

不要浪费时间,而最终成为后来的适配器,他们会花很多时间来获得更新和支持。 立即获取您的Headway Themes副本,使之成为旧的付费模式(20%的折扣券– wpbeginner)

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/headway-3-0-this-looks-pretty-awesome-for-beginners/

headway ttc





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