您是否尝试过Headway 3.0? 心灵吹

As you probably know from the past month or so of reading this site, Headway 3.0 was in the works. We showed you a hands-on video of how their drag-drop grid system works. Well two days ago, they finally brought their redesign live with the new version available for everyone. For those of you who bought it before, you were smart. You are now grand-fathered in to receive lifetime updates. That ofcourse does not include future child themes. Yup, Headway now has child themes. Some of well-known themes from major theme developers such as Press75, Allure Themes and others will not be available for Headway base.

如您在过去一个月左右的时间里阅读本网站可能知道的那样, Headway 3.0正在开发中。 我们向您展示了他们的拖放网格系统如何工作的动手视频 。 好在两天前,他们终于将重新设计与新版本一起发布,供所有人使用。 对于那些以前购买过的人来说,你很聪明。 现在,您已大名鼎鼎,可以接收终身更新。 当然,这不包括将来的儿童主题。 是的,Headway现在有儿童主题。 一些主要主题开发人员的著名主题,例如Press75,Allure Themes等,将无法在Headway基础上使用。

Headway 3.0的新功能 (What’s new in Headway 3.0)

Short answer: A lot. There is so much that was added to the 3.0 that its unbelievable. I have been playing around with it, and it is really the most beginner friendly WordPress theme. Our favorite is the grid system (See the video)

简短的回答:很多。 3.0中添加了太多东西,令人难以置信。 我一直在玩,它确实是最适合初学者的WordPress主题。 我们最喜欢的是网格系统(请参阅视频)

Below are some of the new things added:


  • Headway 3 has been completely rewritten from scratch. It features an entirely new codebase that’s fast.

    进度3已完全从头开始重写。 它具有快速的全新代码库。
  • You can now do more than ever without ever having to write a single line of code: even things like drop shadows and rounded corners in your designs.

  • Headway now has child themes, some of which are ports of well-known themes from major theme developers such as Press75, Allure and Organic. Many others come from Headway directly and we’ll have new ones constantly. Any theme developer can create child themes for Headway, and even sell them in the Headway Marketplace!

    Headway现在有子主题,其中一些主题是来自主要主题开发者的著名主题,例如Press75,Allure和Organic。 许多其他产品直接来自Headway,我们将不断推出新产品。 任何主题开发人员都可以为Headway创建子主题,甚至可以在Headway Marketplace中出售它们。
  • You can design your website just by drawing rectangles live on the page. We call them Blocks. Just click and drag, tell Headway what kind of Block you want (header, navigation, content and more) and hey presto: you’re creating a custom layout without coding.

    您可以仅通过在页面上绘制矩形来设计网站。 我们称它们为Blocks。 只需单击并拖动,告诉Headway您想要哪种Block(标题,导航,内容等等),然后就可以了:您正在创建自定义布局而无需编写代码。
  • You can easily set fonts, colors, backgrounds, and other design elements in Headway’s Visual Editor. See your changes live right on the screen with no guesswork. Simply save your changes to bring them live to your website.

    您可以在Headway的Visual Editor中轻松设置字体,颜色,背景和其他设计元素。 无需猜测即可直接在屏幕上看到您的更改。 只需保存您的更改即可将其实时发布到您的网站。
  • We’ve added in rel=author for author links, a new SEO feature based on Google’s announcement they were going to factor in that xfn information into their rankings more heavily.

    我们为作者链接添加了rel = author链接,这是一项新的SEO功能,基于Google的宣布,他们将把xfn信息纳入其排名中。
  • For developers, the Live CSS editor now features syntax color-coding and there is a Blocks API so developers can create their own custom block types… and even sell them in the Headway marketplace!

    对于开发人员而言,Live CSS编辑器现在具有语法颜色编码功能,并且具有Blocks API,因此开发人员可以创建自己的自定义块类型……甚至可以在Headway市场上出售它们!

Unfortunately, those of you who missed out on the grand-fathered pricing that’s a bummer. But there are few coupons floating around that you can use to get the best deal.

不幸的是,你们当中那些错过了以盛大的定价为荣的人。 但是,很少有优惠券可以用来获得最佳交易。

If you use the coupon: HW33 – you can get 33% OFF all plans except for BASE. (We don’t know when this coupon will expire).

如果您使用优惠券: HW33 –您可以获得除BASE之外的所有计划的33%的折扣。 (我们不知道该优惠券何时到期)。

But if it does expire, then you can use the never-expiring Headway coupon to get 25% OFF.


Yes the prices are a bit steep, but if you watch the video above, then you know this is well worth it. I know on their site, they are suggesting that Standard package is the Best Value. But I disagree. That price only includes 3 Headway Child themes and 1 year of support and updates. If you are going to invest in this great product, I would recommend going all the way to get the Lifetime Pass.

是的,价格有点高,但是如果您观看上面的视频,那么您知道这很值得。 我在他们的网站上知道,他们建议标准套餐是最佳价值。 但我不同意。 该价格仅包含3个Headway Child主题以及1年的支持和更新。 如果您打算投资这款出色的产品,我建议您一路获取Lifetime Pass。

I am always a fan of getting lifetime updates and new child themes as they come out. That is why I have the Headway Lifetime Pass. Invest once and enjoy the benefits for life rather than paying for a new child theme that comes out.

我一直都是不断更新人生主题和新的儿童主题的粉丝。 这就是为什么我拥有Headway Lifetime Pass 。 投资一次即可享受生活带来的好处,而不必为新的儿童主题付费。

What are your thoughts on Headway 3.0?

您对Headway 3.0有何想法?

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/have-you-tried-headway-3-0-yet-its-mind-blowing/





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