WordPress 3.3可能会出现什么(功能)

One of the goals of WordPress core team is to release multiple major updates every year with a fast development cycle. WordPress 3.2 was released on July 4th and boy did it come with some amazing features. The talks and work on WordPress 3.3 has already been started. WordPress 3.3 release is expected at the end of this year with a target date of November 15, 2011. Lets take a look at what could be coming in WordPress 3.3.

WordPress核心团队的目标之一是每年以快速的开发周期发布多个主要更新。 WordPress 3.2已于7月4日发布,男孩确实做了一些惊人的功能 。 WordPress 3.3的讨论和工作已经开始。 WordPress 3.3预计将于今年年底发布,目标日期为2011年11月15日。让我们来看看WordPress 3.3可能会出现什么。

媒体上传器增强功能 (Media Uploader Enhancements)

There have been talks of enhancing the media uploader, but it always got pushed back. Finally in version 3.3, we will see an improved uploader. The plans are to integrate Plupload into the dashboard. Plupload is a highly usable upload handler that lets you upload files using HTML5, Gears, Flash, Silverlight, BrowserPlus, and the good’ol normal upload.

曾经有过关于增强媒体上载器的讨论​​,但是它总是被推迟。 最后,在3.3版中,我们将看到一个改进的上载器。 该计划是将Plupload集成到仪表板中。 Plupload是一个高度可用的上传处理程序,可让您使用HTML5,Gears,Flash,Silverlight,BrowserPlus和正常上传来上传文件。

Plupload Features

This project is being carried by Jacob Gillespie as part of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project.

该项目由Jacob Gillespie负责 ,是Google Summer of Code(GSoC)项目的一部分。

The potential new features that could be added are:


  • Multiple file transports, starting with HTML5, with a fallback to Flash, then to HTML4

  • Drag and Drop Uploading

  • On-the-fly image resizing

  • Hooks for in-browser image processing (so that a plugin could add pre-upload sepia tone for example)


This should definitely improve the overall user experience of the file uploader. This will also set a good base for future as it will progressively improve based on user’s browser and environment.

这肯定会改善文件上传器的整体用户体验。 这也将为将来奠定良好的基础,因为它将根据用户的浏览器和环境逐步改进。

There is a good chance that we will see an improvement in our image manipulation and gallery management section. There is a suggestion to get rid of the thickbox and move everything inline, so we will see if that makes it in or not.

我们很有可能在图像处理和图库管理部分看到改进。 有一个建议可以摆脱thickbox并以内联方式移动所有内容,因此我们将看看是否可以插入它。

新用户体验 (New User Experience)

When you first setup Gmail or your cPanel Hosting account there is a first time welcome screen that guides the new user with helpful guides. WordPress lacks this much needed feature, and it will be added in WordPress 3.3. The proposal is to have a first time install welcome screen which will have introduction text and checklist of steps to get going; first time post-update welcome screen, and first time exposure popup for new features.

首次设置Gmail或cPanel Hosting帐户时 ,会出现一个首次欢迎屏幕,该屏幕会向新用户提供有用的指导。 WordPress缺少此急需的功能,它将在WordPress 3.3中添加。 建议首先安装欢迎屏幕,其中将包含介绍文本和步骤清单。 首次更新后欢迎屏幕,以及新功能的首次曝光弹出窗口。

This is definitely good news for beginner users because the dashboard can be overwhelming for first timers.


(P.S. we are always here for WordPress Beginners as well, so don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@wpbeginner) and like our facebook page).


响应式管理界面 (Responsive Admin Interface)

Responsive Admin User Interface

We saw a user-interface overhaul in WordPress 3.2, and now the goal is to make it display nicely on devices with various screen size (including wider screens) and human interface mechanisms, such as touch.

我们在WordPress 3.2中看到了用户界面的大修,现在的目标是使其在具有各种屏幕尺寸(包括更大屏幕)和人机界面机制(例如触摸)的设备上很好地显示。

改善管理栏 (Improve Admin Bar)

WordPress Admin Bar was introduced in version 3.1. The goal in WordPress 3.3 is to improve the admin user-interface by combining the admin bar (in dashboard) with admin header to reduce duplication and save vertical space.

版本3.1中引入了WordPress Admin Bar 。 WordPress 3.3的目标是通过将管理栏(在仪表板中)与管理标头结合使用以减少重复并节省垂直空间,从而改善管理用户界面。

性能改进 (Performance Improvements)

There is a huge deal around highly desirable permalink structures not being scalable. Chris Coyier had some major performance issues with his site and he explains the story on Digging into WordPress blog. Hopefully after the release of WordPress 3.3, you can have the SEO friendly URLs (Permalink structure) without any performance penalty.

围绕高度可取的永久链接结构无法扩展存在很多问题。 克里斯·科耶尔(Chris Coyier)的网站存在一些主要的性能问题,他解释了“ 深入WordPress博客”的故事。 希望在WordPress 3.3发布之后,您可以拥有SEO友好的URL(永久链接结构)而不会造成任何性能损失。

A fix will be made related to the issues of special characters in permalinks using an upgrade routine. There are several fixes that will be made to improve performance of WordPress menus.

使用升级例程将解决与永久链接中的特殊字符有关的问题。 将进行一些修复以提高WordPress菜单的性能。

语言包 (Language Packs)

Provided that a translation exists, you should be able to download a language pack from Glotpress to localize your WordPress website. This would work for plugins, themes, and for the WordPress core. This is going to be derived from the work work of Marko Novakovic in his GSoC project. Here is a screenshot of what it could look like:

只要存在翻译,您就应该能够从Glotpress下载语言包以本地化WordPress网站。 这将适用于插件,主题和WordPress核心。 这将源自Marko Novakovic在其GSoC项目中的工作 。 这是它的屏幕截图:

Language Packs

Until this comes out, you can always use Native Dashboard Plugin to change the language of your WordPress dashboard.


存储库中的子主题 (Child Themes in the Repository)

There have been a strong push to use child themes to speed up development and make the codes more secure and optimized. However up until now, it is not possible for developers to host their child themes on the official WordPress repository. Things are likely to change in this area, as one of the most awesome WordPress developers, Otto, take charge and add this feature to the WordPress.org site in version 3.3.

大力推动使用子主题加快开发速度并使代码更安全和最优化。 但是直到现在,开发人员仍无法将其子主题托管在官方WordPress存储库中。 这方面的情况可能会发生变化,因为最出色的WordPress开发人员之一Otto负责并将此功能添加到版本3.3的WordPress.org网站中。

混合袋 (Mixed Bag)

There are a lot of updates that are worth mentioning, but don’t fit in a category of its own. So they are listed here:

有很多更新值得一提,但不适合其自身的类别。 因此,它们在这里列出:

  • When you change a theme, your widgets disappear. Hopefully in WordPress 3.3, we can keep our widgets and make the theme change

    更改主题时,小部件将消失。 希望在WordPress 3.3中,我们可以保留小部件并更改主题
  • Dismissable admin notices

  • Improvements to the Settings and Meta API

    设置和Meta API的改进

Which ones of these features are you excited to see in WordPress 3.3?

您很高兴在WordPress 3.3中看到其中哪些功能?

Stay updated with WPBeginner on twitter and Facebook, so we can keep you in the loop with the progress.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/what-might-be-coming-in-wordpress-3-3-features/

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