WordPress 3.5中的新功能(功能和屏幕截图)

WordPress 3.5 is less than a month away. This will be the second major release for 2012 (last one being WordPress 3.4 on June 13, 2012). Expected to be released on December 5th, 2012, WordPress 3.5 is already in the third beta release. This means a release candidate is very close. This is why we thought we should give you a heads up on some of the exciting new features that are coming in WordPress 3.5.

WordPress 3.5不到一个月的路程。 这将是2012年的第二个主要版本(最后一个是2012年6月13日的WordPress 3.4 )。 预计将于2012年12月5日发布,WordPress 3.5已经处于第三版Beta中。 这意味着发布候选版本非常接近。 这就是为什么我们认为我们应该带给您有关WordPress 3.5中一些令人兴奋的新功能的提示。

链接/博客隐藏 (Links/Blogroll is Hidden)

Link Manager Removed in WordPress 3.5

We wrote about this in September that Link manager aka Blogrolls will be hidden in WordPress 3.5. In the past, we used the wording “sort of removed” which confused the heck out of people. If you are using the link manager currently, then it will stay as is. However, for those users who do not use it or have a fresh install of WordPress 3.5, the link manager will be hidden by default.

我们在9月写过一篇文章, 链接管理器(又称Blogrolls)将被隐藏在WordPress 3.5中 。 过去,我们使用“有点被删除”一词,使人们感到困惑。 如果您当前正在使用链接管理器,则它将保持原样。 但是,对于那些不使用它或重新安装WordPress 3.5的用户,默认情况下将隐藏链接管理器。

You can enable the link manager feature by using the plugin Link Manager.

您可以使用插件“ 链接管理器”启用链接管理器功能。

This decision was made to make the core of WordPress lighter and leave specific functionality to plugins.


新的欢迎屏幕 (New Welcome Screen)

WordPress 3.5 New Welcome Screen

WordPress admin panel can be pretty complicated for beginners. This is why we have the free WordPress videos course that guides you through the entire dashboard. In the continuous efforts of improving the user experience, WordPress team has decided to improve the welcome screen. The idea is to highlight all the basic tasks that the user may need.

WordPress管理面板对于初学者可能非常复杂。 这就是为什么我们有免费的WordPress视频课程来指导您完成整个仪表板的原因。 在不断改善用户体验的过程中,WordPress团队决定改善欢迎屏幕。 这个想法是强调用户可能需要的所有基本任务。

使用收藏夹轻松安装插件 (Easy Plugin Install with Favorites)

Often regular users and developers complained that installing the same list of plugins on multiple sites was difficult. Folks used to say, it would be really nice if we can just pull all of our plugins at one place in the dashboard. Then install them to our heart’s content. Well that wish has come true thanks to Otto. WordPress.org repository has a feature called Favorites. When you go to a specific plugins page, you see a favorite button below the download button.

通常,普通用户和开发人员抱怨很难在多个站点上安装相同的插件列表。 人们曾经说过,如果我们可以将所有插件都放在仪表板的某个位置,那将是非常不错的。 然后将它们安装到我们的内心。 多亏了奥托,这个愿望才得以实现。 WordPress.org存储库具有一项称为“收藏夹”的功能。 当您转到特定的插件页面时,在下载按钮下方会看到一个收藏夹按钮。

Favorites Feature on WordPress.org

You can favorite all the plugins you like and have them displayed on your profile. In WordPress 3.5, you can now see the list of favorite plugins of any WordPress.org user in your backend. All you have to do is go to the plugins tag and click Add New. Click on the favorites tab. Type your WordPress.org username or anyone else’s username. For example, if you type “smub”, you will get our favorite plugins.

您可以收藏所有喜欢的插件,并在个人资料中显示它们。 在WordPress 3.5中,您现在可以在后端看到任何WordPress.org用户的收藏夹列表。 您所需要做的就是转到plugins标签,然后单击Add New。 单击收藏夹选项卡。 输入您的WordPress.org用户名或其他任何用户名。 例如,如果您输入“ smub”,您将获得我们最喜欢的插件。

Favorites Plugin in WP Admin
媒体增强 (Media Enhancements)

WordPress Media uploader got a major overhaul. The user interface was improved to make it easy for WordPress beginners and average users. For example, there was no button to click Upload/Insert media. It just showed text with an icon. When training a client, we would say click on the add media button, and they will say where is that? Little things like these go a long way.

WordPress媒体上传器进行了重大改进。 改进了用户界面,使WordPress初学者和普通用户轻松使用。 例如,没有按钮可以单击“上载/插入媒体”。 它只是显示带有图标的文本。 在培训客户时,我们会说单击添加媒体按钮,然后他们会说在哪里? 诸如此类的小事情大有帮助。

Add Media Button

The big overhaul happened with the actual uploader. If you click on the Add Media button, you are taken to a new lightbox.

实际的上传者进行了大修。 如果单击添加媒体按钮,您将被带到一个新的灯箱。

WordPress 3.5 Media Lightbox

If you look at the screenshot above, you will see quite a few things that are different. The entire layout is different to make it all work. When you click on an image, instead of opening a tab with all the image settings, this keeps everything visible by showing image specific settings on the right. In the past, it was really hard for users to use built-in galleries. You could only use the images that you upload in the specific post, you would have to use all the images you uploaded unless you utilized the gallery shortcode and exclude each image manually. With this new interface, this problem is solved. You can select images using a visual interface (even fro the media library), and then create a new gallery. This gives you the option to exclude or include images at your will. You can also batch insert images in your post if you want.

如果看上面的屏幕截图,您会发现很多不同的地方。 整个布局有所不同,以使其全部正常工作。 当您单击图像时,无需打开带有所有图像设置的选项卡,而是通过在右侧显示特定于图像的设置来使所有内容可见。 过去,用户使用内置画廊确实非常困难。 您只能使用在特定帖子中上载的图像,除非您使用图库短代码并手动排除每个图像,否则您将必须使用所有上载的图像。 使用此新界面,可以解决此问题。 您可以使用可视界面(甚至来自媒体库)选择图像,然后创建一个新的画廊。 这使您可以随意排除或包括图像。 您还可以根据需要在帖子中批量插入图片。

The entire media experience is improved. It’s totally awesome.

整个媒体体验得到改善。 太棒了

十二十二主题 (Twenty Twelve Theme)

Twenty Twelve Theme

A brand new default theme will be shipped with WordPress 3.5. Twenty Twelve is already available for download in the WordPress theme repository for those who want to use it. It features a clean responsive design using all the basic WordPress features.

WordPress 3.5将附带一个全新的默认主题。 想要使用它的人可以在WordPress主题存储库中下载“ 十二十二” 。 它使用WordPress的所有基本功能,具有简洁的响应式设计。

其他增强 (Other Enhancements)

Ofcourse there were tons of other enhancements and bug fixes. We will try to highlight some of them:

当然,还有大量其他增强功能和错误修复。 我们将尝试突出其中的一些:

  • Improved Static Front Page UI under Settings » Reading.

    在“设置”»“阅读”下改进了“静态首页” UI。
  • Rename the “HTML” editor tab to “Text”

    将“ HTML”编辑器标签重命名为“文本”
  • Bug fix: Prevent child categories from being visually promoted to the top level after quick edit.

  • HiDPI (retina display ready) dashboard.

  • New Color Picker for Live Theme Demos

  • Improved keyboard navigation and screen reader support.

  • XML-RPC enabled by default

  • Slideshare, SlideshareInstagram, and InstagramSoundCloud, then you should probably remove them in WordPress 3.5. Because the core supports it already.SoundCloud ,那么您可能应该在WordPress 3.5中将其删除。 因为核心已经支持它。
  • Updated External Libraries – TinyMCE 3.5.6. SimplePie 1.3. jQuery 1.8.2. jQuery UI 1.9 (and it’s not even released yet). They have also added Backbone 0.9.2 and Underscore 1.3.3, and you can use protocol-relative links when enqueueing scripts and styles.

    更新的外部库– TinyMCE 3.5.6。 SimplePie 1.3。 jQuery 1.8.2。 jQuery UI 1.9(并且尚未发布)。 他们还添加了Backbone 0.9.2和Underscore 1.3.3,并且在使脚本和样式入队时可以使用协议相对链接。
  • WP Query can now ask to receive posts in the order specified by post__in.

    WP Query现在可以要求以post__in指定的顺序接收帖子。
  • Improvement to Posts API – Major performance improvements when working with hierarchies of pages and post ancestors. Also, you can now “turn on” native custom columns for taxonomies on edit post screens.

    Posts API的改进–使用页面和祖先的层次结构时的主要性能改进。 此外,您现在可以在编辑帖子屏幕上“打开”分类的本机自定义列。
  • Comments API – Search for comments of a particular status, or with a meta query (same as with WP_Query).

    注释API –搜索特定状态的注释,或使用元查询(与WP_Query相同)搜索。

So how do we know all of this? Nope, we are not any special than any other WordPress user. If you want to try the beta version of WordPress 3.5, then all you have to do is use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin. We DO NOT recommend that you use this plugin on a live site. Create a demo site, and use it there.

那么我们怎么知道所有这些呢? 不,我们比其他任何WordPress用户都没有什么特别之处。 如果您想尝试WordPress 3.5的beta版本,那么您所要做的就是使用WordPress Beta Tester插件 。 我们不建议您在实时站点上使用此插件。 创建一个演示站点,并在那里使用它。

Which feature do you think is the best in WordPress 3.5? What are you looking forward to? Which feature you wish would’ve made it, but didn’t? Let us know in the comments.

您认为哪个功能最适合WordPress 3.5? 你有什么期待? 您希望使用哪个功能,但是没有? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-coming-in-wordpress-3-5-features-screenshots/

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