
UPDATE: We no longer use this tool. It was sold to a new company. We no longer recommend using this tool. Instead try using SEMRush or Ahrefs for better results.

更新:我们不再使用此工具。 它被卖给了一家新公司。 我们不再建议使用此工具。 而是尝试使用SEMRushAhrefs以获得更好的结果。

Everyone who has a successful blog or online presence can agree that search engine marketing is important. After the Google Panda and Penguin updates, everyone is trying to find ways to increase their organic search traffic the right way. A while ago, we came across a tool called HitTail through a friend’s recommendation. Although we were impressed with his HitTail review, like most folks we are skeptics when it comes to anything SEO related. After using HitTail to facilitate our long-tail SEO startegy on WPBeginner, we found that we increased our organic search traffic by 20% in less than 2 months.

每个拥有成功博客或在线业务的人都可以同意搜索引擎营销非常重要。 Google Panda和Penguin更新后,每个人都在尝试找到以正确的方式增加其自然搜索流量的方法 。 不久前,我们通过朋友的推荐遇到了一个名为HitTail的工具。 尽管我们对他的HitTail评论印象深刻,但与大多数人一样,我们对涉及SEO的任何事物都持怀疑态度。 在使用HitTail促进WPBeginner上的长尾SEO策略后,我们发现我们在不到2个月的时间内将自然搜索流量提高了20%

Some of you would be like 20% that’s it? There are other bloggers who are bragging about 500% increases. The issue is that those other bloggers don’t have a lot of traffic to begin with. Increasing 500% is easy when you only have 500 visitors a month from Google. It is nearly impossible to do that on an established site getting 250,000+ visitors a month from Google. In this article, we will show you how we increased our organic search traffic using HitTail in WordPress by taking advantage of the long tail keywords.

你们中有些人会是20%就是这样吗? 还有其他博主吹嘘约500%的增长。 问题在于,其他博客作者一开始的访问量并不多。 如果您每月只有500位来自Google的访问者,则轻松地增加500%即可。 在既定的网站上做到这一点几乎是不可能的,每月可以从Google获得25万以上的访问者。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何利用WordPress中的长尾关键词来增加我们在WordPress中使用HitTail的自然搜索流量。

什么是长尾SEO? (What is Long Tail SEO?)

Before we cover the topic on how we increased our organic search traffic, it is crucial that everyone understand what is long tail SEO. More importantly, we want everyone to understand the value of long tail SEO along with knowing the reasons why most smart SEO folks use long tail SEO.

在讨论有关如何增加自然搜索流量的主题之前,至关重要的是每个人都了解什么是长尾SEO。 更重要的是,我们希望每个人都了解长尾SEO的价值以及大多数聪明的SEO人士为何使用长尾SEO的原因。

Long Tail SEO refers to targeting niche specific search keywords which are usually 2 words or more in length. An example of this would be: “custom fields in WordPress”. Most folks who don’t know better would try to rank for keywords like “WordPress” or “WordPress tutorials”. While there is value in those major keywords, there is a ton of competition. There is no easy white-hat way for you to see immediate impact on your search engine rankings for those major keywords. However, chances are folks that search those major keywords are less likely to convert vs. someone who came to your site looking for something very specific.

长尾搜索引擎优化(SEO)是指定位特定于特定细分市场的搜索关键字,这些关键字的长度通常为2个单词或更多。 例如:“ WordPress中的自定义字段”。 大多数不了解的人都会尝试对“ WordPress”或“ WordPress教程”等关键字进行排名。 尽管这些主要关键字具有价值,但存在大量竞争。 没有简单的白帽方式可以让您立即看到这些主要关键字对搜索引擎排名的影响。 但是,与访问您的网站寻找非常具体的内容的人相比,搜索这些主要关键字的人不太可能转化。

Long Tail SEO

If you ever look at your site’s analytics, then you will get the perception that major keywords usually get the highest traffic. Most folks don’t bother going after the first few pages of their keyword results because they start seeing a bunch of keywords bringing in 5-10 visits a month. Anyone who don’t know better would say its best to focus on keywords that are bringing you the most traffic. However, anyone who can do a little bit of arithmetic can add up the number of visits on the long-tail keywords to show you where you should really be focusing on.

如果您查看网站的分析 ,那么您会发现主要关键字通常获得最高的访问量。 大多数人都不会花时间去关注关键字结果的前几页,因为他们开始看到一堆关键字每月带来5-10次访问。 任何不了解的人都会说最好集中精力为您带来最多流量的关键字。 但是,任何可以做一点算术运算的人都可以将长尾关键词的访问次数加起来,从而向您显示您真正应该关注的地方。

Long Tail Traffic - HitTail Infographic

By looking at the chart above, the value of long tail SEO should be evident. There is clearly more search value in long tail keywords as a whole than the popular keywords (70% of all search queries comprise of long tail terms). The biggest benefit of going after long tail keywords is that you can start seeing immediate traffic increase because long tail keywords are usually less competitive. This was the main reason why long tail SEO has always been part of our strategy.

通过查看上面的图表,长尾SEO的价值应该显而易见。 显然,长尾关键词整体上的搜索价值要比流行关键词高(所有搜索查询中有70%包含长尾关键词)。 使用长尾关键词的最大好处是您可以开始看到即时流量增加,因为长尾关键词通常竞争力较低。 这就是为什么长尾SEO一直是我们策略的一部分的主要原因。

So where does HitTail come in play in all this? Well for the longest time, we utilized Google Analytics to gather as much long tail keyword data that we could. Overtime as our site grew, analyzing keywords through Google Analytics became harder and harder. Downloading the long list of tables was also not an option because like most people we are not data junkies. This is when we started looking for a new method to find the long tail data and capitalize on it.

那么,HitTail在所有这一切中发挥了什么作用? 好吧,在最长的时间里,我们利用Google Analytics(分析)来收集尽可能多的长尾关键词数据。 随着我们网站的发展,加班时间越来越长,通过Google Analytics(分析)分析关键字变得越来越困难。 也不下载长列表,因为像大多数人一样,我们不是数据迷。 这是我们开始寻找一种新方法来查找长尾数据并加以利用的时候。

什么是HitTail? (What is HitTail?)

HitTail is a tracking software that track your website search data for under-performing long tail keywords. Once you put their tracking code on your site, it quietly runs in the background to record search hits and keyword information. HitTail then analyzes all those keywords using their algorithm to provide you with a list of suggested long tail keywords that you should be able to rank well for. Using the keyword suggestions, you should be able to increase your search traffic fairly easily.

HitTail是一种跟踪软件,可跟踪您的网站搜索数据中表现欠佳的长尾关键词。 将他们的跟踪代码放到您的网站后,它就会在后台悄悄地运行,以记录搜索结果和关键字信息。 然后,HitTail使用它们的算法分析所有这些关键字,以为您提供建议的长尾关键字列表,您应该可以对其进行很好的排名。 使用关键字建议,您应该能够相当轻松地增加搜索量。

如何在WordPress中设置HitTail (How to Setup HitTail in WordPress)

Before we go ahead and show the screenshots of how things work, it is best to cover how to setup HitTail in WordPress. First thing you need to do is signup with HitTail. It is a paid service which starts at $9.95 per month. There plans are based on the amount of traffic you get, so for larger sites you have to pay accordingly. They do have a free trial period of 21 days that you can use the product and test to see if you like it or not. The data is real-time, so you should be able to get a good idea of whether HitTail is for you or not within the trial period.

在继续显示操作原理的屏幕截图之前,最好介绍一下如何在WordPress中设置HitTail。 您需要做的第一件事就是使用HitTail进行注册 。 它是一项付费服务​​,每月起价9.95美元。 有计划是基于您获得的流量,因此,对于较大的站点,您必须相应地付费。 他们确实有21天的免费试用期,您可以使用该产品并进行测试以查看是否喜欢。 数据是实时的,因此您应该能够在试用期内了解HitTail是否适合您。

After the signup, you will be given a tracking code to paste on your site. There are two ways you can integrate HitTail in your WordPress site.

注册后,系统会为您提供跟踪代码以粘贴到您的网站上。 您可以通过两种方式将HitTail集成到WordPress网站中。

Method 1: Copy the tracking code and paste it in your footer.php file. You can also use our Insert Headers and Footers plugin to add that code in your WordPress site.

方法1:复制跟踪代码,并将其粘贴到footer.php文件中。 您也可以使用我们的“ 插入页眉和页脚”插件在WordPress网站中添加该代码。

Method 2: You can use the official HitTail plugin for WordPress. Simply install and activate the plugin. Login to your HitTail account and go to Account » Sites.

方法2:您可以使用WordPress的官方HitTail插件 。 只需安装并激活插件即可。 登录到您的HitTail帐户,然后转到“帐户»网站”。

HitTail Site ID

Copy the site ID and paste it in the plugins setting page.


HitTail Plugin Settings

Once you do that, you are done with the setup. Give it some time, and you will start seeing keyword suggestions. We have it set to send us keyword suggestions daily via email. You can have it set to weekly if you like.

一旦完成,就完成了设置。 给它一些时间,您将开始看到关键字建议。 我们设置为每天通过电子邮件向我们发送关键字建议。 如果愿意,可以将其设置为每周一次。

如何使用HitTail获得最大收益 (How to Use HitTail to Get Maximum Benefits)

Once you have setup HitTail, login to your HitTail dashboard and go to the Suggestions tab. You will see a list of keywords along with the search engines where the traffic is coming from.

设置HitTail后,登录到HitTail仪表板,然后转到“ 建议”选项卡。 您会看到关键字列表以及来自流量的搜索引擎。

HitTail Suggestions

Go through the list of keywords and see if your content is related. You can easily tweak/optimize your article or landing page to improve your ranking position for a specific keyword. Sometimes even though you rank for a specific term, the article you have ranking is not the most accurate one. You can use that data to create a new post on your site, so you can provide relevant material to your audience. This will often allow you to move from position 8 to position 1 in a matter of days.

浏览关键字列表,查看您的内容是否相关。 您可以轻松地调整/优化文章或目标网页,以提高特定关键字的排名。 有时,即使您对特定术语进行排名,您所排名的文章也不是最准确的文章。 您可以使用这些数据在您的网站上创建新帖子,从而可以向受众群体提供相关材料。 这通常使您可以在几天之内从位置8移至位置1。

Here at WPBeginner, we use HitTail keyword suggestions to both improve our existing articles and get new post ideas as well. HitTail has an option for you to mark the keyword in the To-Do list. Once completed, you can mark it as done.

在WPBeginner,我们使用HitTail关键字建议来改进现有文章并获得新的帖子提示。 HitTail有一个选项可让您在“待办事项”列表中标记关键字。 完成后,您可以将其标记为完成。

They also have the option where you can pay them $19 to write a 400 word article related to the keyword. We haven’t tried this part of their service. Quite honestly, we believe that anything which is limited by the word count is not quality material. But that is only our opinion. You are more than welcome to try out their article writing service if you so desire.

他们还可以选择向您支付$ 19来撰写与该关键字相关的400字文章。 我们尚未尝试过这部分服务。 老实说,我们相信受字数限制的任何东西都不是高质量的材料。 但这只是我们的意见。 如果您愿意,欢迎您试用他们的文章写作服务。

Another thing we have started doing with these long tail keyword suggestions is that we use them as anchors on our internal links. If you don’t know already, internal linking is great for increasing pageviews in WordPress. It also helps you fight content scrapers. Using those long tail keyword suggestions as part of your internal linking strategy can be very helpful.

我们已经开始使用这些长尾关键字建议来做的另一件事是,我们将它们用作内部链接的锚点。 如果您还不了解,内部链接非常适合用于增加WordPress中的综合浏览量 。 它还可以帮助您打击内容搜寻器 。 将那些长尾关键词建议用作内部链接策略的一部分可能会很有帮助。

You could easily use the long tail keyword suggestions in running your PPC (pay per click) campaigns however we haven’t done that. Mainly because we don’t do PPC advertisement.

您可以在运行PPC(按点击数付费)广告系列中轻松使用长尾关键字建议,但是我们还没有做到这一点。 主要是因为我们不做PPC广告。

我们对HitTail的看法 (Our Thoughts on HitTail)

If you can’t tell already, we love HitTail. The functionality it offers is amazing, and it is really helping us grow our blog. You can never run out of post ideas if you are using HitTail. There are a few usability things that we hope they improve on in the future.

如果您还不能说,我们喜欢HitTail。 它提供的功能令人惊叹,并且确实在帮助我们发展博客。 如果您使用的是HitTail,则永远不会用完帖子提示。 我们希望将来有一些可用性方面的改进。

One of the most annoying part of using HitTail is the keyword pagination. Currently, you can only see 15 keywords on each page. This means that you have to do a lot of clicking. To add to that, they only have the previous/next arrows. We really wish that they had an option to easily sort the number of keywords we want to display on page. For example, we would totally display 100 keywords on each page. Granted that there is an export to excel option available, it is not feasible if you want to use their To Do list.

使用HitTail最烦人的部分之一是关键字分页。 当前,每个页面上只能看到15个关键字。 这意味着您必须做很多点击。 除此之外,它们仅具有上一个/下一个箭头。 我们真的希望他们有一个选项,可以轻松地对要在页面上显示的关键字数量进行排序。 例如,我们将在每个页面上总共显示100个关键字。 鉴于有可用的导出到excel选项,因此如果要使用其“待办事项”列表,则不可行。

The other thing that they can improve on is a clear way to add keywords in your to-do list. Currently you can only add keywords from the suggestions tab in your to-do list. If you go to the full keywords list, then you have to move the keywords into suggestions first before you can move it in the to-do list.

他们可以改进的另一件事是在待办事项列表中添加关键字的明确方法。 目前,您只能从待办事项列表的“建议”标签中添加关键字。 如果转到完整的关键字列表,则必须先将关键字移动到建议中,然后才能将其移动到待办事项列表中。

Considering that we have a design background, those minor UI issues really seemed to bother us. However, the overall functionality of the tool outweighs the minor UI issues that we don’t like. We love using HitTail to get new post ideas (over 30 new posts are ready to be published). HitTail is a great tool for bloggers, internet marketers, SEOs, and anyone who want to grow their organic search traffic.

考虑到我们有设计背景,那些小的UI问题似乎确实困扰着我们。 但是,该工具的整体功能胜过了我们不喜欢的次要UI问题。 我们喜欢使用HitTail来获得新的帖子创意(超过30个新帖子准备发布)。 HitTail是博客作者,互联网营销人员,SEO和任何想要增加其自然搜索流量的人的出色工具。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

If you want to increase your organic search traffic, then you have to start working on your long-tail keyword strategy. Your audience is getting smarter every day, and they know how to search. Most users search for relevant things, and they want relevant results. When someone wants to buy a pair of nike shoes, they are not going to search for shoes. They are going to search for a specific type of shoes such as “nike running shoes” or more specifically “nike free run+ reviews”. This is the type of user that is more likely to buy the product. If you want to grow your organic search traffic using long tail, then we highly recommend that you start using HitTail.

如果您想增加自然搜索流量,则必须开始制定长尾关键字策略。 您的受众群体每天都在变得越来越聪明,他们知道如何搜索。 大多数用户搜索相关的事物,并且他们想要相关的结果。 当有人要买一双耐克鞋时,他们不会去寻找鞋子。 他们将搜索特定类型的鞋子,例如“耐克跑步鞋”或更具体的“耐克自由跑步+评论”。 这是更有可能购买产品的用户类型。 如果您想使用长尾巴来增加自然搜索流量,那么我们强烈建议您开始使用HitTail

If you have used HitTail in the past or are using HitTail right now, let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-we-increased-our-organic-search-traffic-by-using-hittail/





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