WWW与非WWW –哪个更适合WordPress SEO?

Every now and again, we get asked by users what’s the difference between www vs non-www in site URLs? People often want to know which one is better for SEO, and whether they should change their site URL. In this article, we will help you understand the difference between www vs non-www and which one is better for WordPress SEO.

时不时地,我们被用户问到网站网址中的www与非www有什么区别? 人们通常想知道哪种SEO更好,以及是否应该更改网站URL。 在本文中,我们将帮助您了解www与非www之间的区别,以及哪个更适合WordPress SEO。

Before we start: for an average user and small business owner, there is absolutely no difference between www vs non-www. It’s completely a personal preference.

在开始之前:对于普通用户和小型企业所有者,www与非www绝对没有区别。 这完全是个人喜好。

Yes there is a technical difference between the two which we will cover later in the article, but for most people it shouldn’t matter either way.


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WWW与非WWW – SEO的好处 (WWW vs non-WWW – SEO Benefits)

There are absolutely no SEO benefits of choosing one over another. Even Google has said that it all depends on your preference.

选择一个,另一个绝对没有SEO的好处。 甚至谷歌都说,这完全取决于您的偏好

What’s important is that you stay consistent with the one that you chose at the time of starting your website.


In other words, DO NOT change your site URL to add or remove www from it.

换句话说, 请勿更改您的网站URL以在其中添加或删除www。

You can let Google know about your personal preference, and they will honor it. All you have to do is go in your Google Webmaster Tools account and click on your site. If you have not added your site to Google Webmaster tools, then follow our guide on how to add your WordPress site to Google Webmaster Tools.

您可以让Google了解您的个人偏好,他们会尊重您的个人偏好。 所有您需要做的就是进入您的Google网站站长工具帐户,然后点击您的网站。 如果您尚未将网站添加到Google网站站长工具中,请按照有关如何将WordPress网站添加到Google网站站长工具中的指南进行操作

Next click on the Gear icon towards the top right corner of your screen and select Site Settings.


Google Webmaster Tools Settings

On the Site Settings screen, simply choose the preferred domain.


Google Preferred Domain

Alternatively, if you’re using WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, it will automatically set canonical URL in your site header which will let Google know of your personal preference.

另外,如果您使用的是WordPress SEO by Yoast插件,它将在您的网站标题中自动设置规范的URL,这将使Google知道您的个人喜好。

That’s all what you really have to do.


Before you even consider asking, yes we’re using www on WPBeginner site, but that was a personal preference. On our other site such as list25.com, we do not use www.

是的,在您甚至考虑问之前,是的,我们正在WPBeginner网站上使用www,但这是个人喜好。 在我们的其他网站(例如list25.com)上 ,我们不使用www。

It’s just a personal preference that’s it.


万维网与非万维网之间的技术差异 (Technical Difference between WWW vs non-WWW)

When you add www. in front of a site, it acts as a hostname which can help with flexibility with DNS, ability to restrict cookies when using multiple subdomains, and more. Whereas non-WWW domains also referred as naked domains do not have a technical advantage.

当您添加www。 在站点前面,它充当主机名,可以帮助提高DNS的灵活性,使用多个子域时限制cookie的能力等。 非WWW域也称为裸域不具有技术优势。

For full technical explanation and details, refer to this article on Why use www?

有关完整的技术说明和详细信息,请参阅“ 为什么使用www ?”一文。

We hope this article helped clear any confusion between WWW vs non-WWW for your site URL. They are both equally as good with SEO.

我们希望本文有助于清除您的网站URL的WWW与非WWW之间的混淆。 它们与SEO都一样好。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterGoogle+上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/www-vs-non-www-which-is-better-for-wordpress-seo/





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