

We switched away from Disqus about 2 months ago. Many of you noticed this change and asked us to write a Disqus review explaining why did we switch. After using Disqus for about a year, we noticed several drawbacks that forced us to switch back to WordPress comments. In this Disqus review, we will highlight the reasons why we switched and how it helped increase our comments by 304%.

我们大约2个月前退出了Disqus。 你们中的许多人都注意到了这一变化,并要求我们写一个Disqus评论,解释为什么我们要切换。 使用Disqus大约一年后,我们注意到了一些缺点,这些缺点迫使我们切换回WordPress注释。 在这个Disqus评论中,我们将重点介绍切换原因以及它如何帮助增加了304%的评论。

Disqus Review - Why we Swithced Away

We started using Disqus in April 2014. We switched away several months ago. We really appreciate your patience and our apologies for taking so long to write about this. We know several of you have been asking about why we switched away from Disqus, so here goes our final Disqus review.

我们于2014年4月开始使用 Disqus。几个月前,我们退出了。 非常感谢您耐心等待我们花这么长时间写这篇文章。 我们知道你们中的几个人一直在问为什么我们退出Disqus,因此这里是我们的最后Disqus评论。

为什么我们放弃了Disqus? (Why Did We Switch away from Disqus?)

There were several reasons why we switched away from Disqus.


Inserting Affiliate Links without Permission


Disqus offers publishers ability to earn little extra $$ if you enable Promoted Discovery which shows sponsored stories in the related posts section that Disqus can add.

如果您启用了Promoted Discovery,则Disqus使发布者可以赚取少量额外的$$。Promoted Discovery在Disqus可以添加的相关帖子部分中显示赞助故事。

Since we didn’t want any advertisement from them, we had all the settings unchecked.


However we accidentally ran into what they called a “bug” where Disqus was inserting affiliate links in our blog post content without our permission.


Basically Disqus has a partnership with Viglink which looks through your content and change any link that they’re partnered with to an affiliate link.


We caught this when we noticed Viglink referring sales to OptinMonster from our site WPBeginner. How ironic since both of them are our sites. Hmmm.

当我们注意到Viglink从我们的网站WPBeginner向OptinMonster推荐销售时,我们就抓住了这一点。 讽刺的是,这两个都是我们的网站。 嗯

After looking into it, we reported the problem to Disqus which they fixed and called it a “bug”.


We were quite disappointed in the way this was handled. We’re not sure how much money Disqus made through this affiliate-injection bug, and how widespread was this. There was no public disclosure announcement about this, and we definitely didn’t get any $$ credit for advertising that they were placing on our site for who knows how long.

我们对此的处理方式感到非常失望。 我们不确定,Disqus通过该会员注入漏洞赚了多少钱,这有多广泛。 没有关于此的公开披露公告,并且我们绝对不会因他们知道谁在我们网站上放置多长时间的广告而获得任何$$信用。

That just left a bad taste in the mouth.


For more details on the bug, you can see our video here.


Sponsored Comments


We learned about this through our friend Michael Hyatt when he noticed sponsored comments showing up on his site without his permission.

我们是通过朋友迈克尔·凯悦 ( Michael Hyatt)得知此事的,当时他注意到未经他许可的赞助商评论出现在他的网站上。

He reported that you can’t opt-out without assistance from Disqus Support team.


So we reached out to Disqus for an official response regarding this issue.


They confirmed that there was no easy way for an individual to opt-out without reaching out to their support team. Since there were specific criteria for Sponsored Comments, most users will not be affected by this.

他们确认,如果没有联系他们的支持团队,就没有简单的选择退出个人的方法。 由于赞助商评论有特定的标准,因此大多数用户将不受此影响。

Great! As if fighting spam comments weren’t hard enough already, now we have to keep an eye out for Disqus and quickly reach out to them if they enable sponsored comments on our site. No thanks.

大! 好像对抗垃圾邮件评论还不够困难,现在,我们必须密切关注Disqus,如果能够在我们的网站上启用赞助评论,则必须Swift与他们联系。 不用了,谢谢。

Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress sums it up the best in his response to the Disqus announcement: “It’s not comment spam if we’re getting paid for it!”

WordPress的创始人Matt Mullenweg在对Disqus声明的回应中总结出了最好的一句话:“如果我们为此付费,这不是垃圾邮件!”

Note: during this sponsored comments fiasco, we discovered a setting that’s auto-enabled for cookie tracking. It’s located in the “Advanced” settings tab. Make sure you disable it if you’re using Disqus.

注意:在这次赞助评论惨败期间,我们发现了一项自动启用的cookie跟踪设置。 它位于“高级”设置选项卡中。 如果使用的是Disqus,请确保将其禁用。

Significant Decrease in Comment Engagement


When we enabled Disqus, few readers complained that Disqus makes it harder for guest commenting. Since Disqus was being widely used across several top sites, we didn’t pay huge attention to those complaints.

启用Disqus时,很少有读者抱怨Disqus使客人评论变得更困难。 由于Disqus在多个顶级站点中得到了广泛使用,因此我们对这些投诉并没有给予足够的重视。

Overtime, our comment engagement dropped significantly. After disabling Disqus, we saw our users starting to leave more comments. Since the change, we’ve noticed our comments increased by 304%.

加班,我们的评论参与度大大下降。 禁用Disqus后,我们看到我们的用户开始发表更多评论。 自更改以来,我们注意到我们的评论增加了304%。

Moderation Interface


We were quite excited about the new moderation interface when we switched, but as we used it more, it wasn’t something our editors liked.


Note: This is completely a personal preference, and we’re there are other users who love the Disqus interface.


我们会错过有关Disqus的什么? (What we will miss about Disqus?)

While we didn’t like some of Disqus’ business practices, there were few things we will surely miss about the platform.


Scalability and Site Performance


Comments are very resource intensive. If you have a lot of comments on a post, then it will take a long time to load.

评论非常耗费资源。 如果您对某个帖子有很多评论,则加载时间会很长。

If a lot of users are leaving comments at the same time, then it would also impact your server load. The advantage of using a third-party commenting system like Disqus was that you shave that server load off from yours and send it their way.

如果很多用户同时发表评论,那么这也会影响您的服务器负载。 使用类似Disqus的第三方评论系统的优点是,您可以从服务器上卸载服务器负载并以自己的方式发送。

Even if your site is getting attacked by a malicious user, it won’t impact your server because it has to go through Disqus first. (Note: This is only true, if you have disabled Comment Sync).

即使您的站点受到恶意用户的攻击,它也不会影响您的服务器,因为它必须首先通过Disqus。 (注意:仅当您禁用了注释同步时,这才是正确的)。



The best part about Disqus was that comments were stored on a third-party database which is extremely helpful with redundancy. We’ll definitely miss this.

关于Disqus最好的部分是,评论存储在第三方数据库中,这对冗余非常有帮助。 我们一定会错过这一点。

For now if we ever have to do fail-over, we will simply disable comments until our main servers are back. Although not ideal, this is the simplest option that we have.

现在,如果我们必须进行故障转移,我们将仅禁用注释,直到返回主服务器为止。 尽管不理想,但这是我们最简单的选择。

下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

For now, we’re using the default WordPress comments interface. In the past, we’ve tried Disqus and Livefyre, but we have made our way back to WordPress comments because it just seems like the best overall option available.

目前,我们正在使用默认的WordPress评论界面。 过去,我们曾尝试使用Disqus和Livefyre ,但我们已回到WordPress评论中,因为这似乎是可用的最佳整体选项。

We’re definitely considering using De:Comments, a WordPress commenting plugin that we reviewed earlier.

我们绝对在考虑使用De:Comments ,这是我们之前查看过的WordPress评论插件。

The other option is to power up the native WordPress comments with a suite of other functionality plugins like Subscribe to Comments, Reply Notifications, Simple Comment Editing, and possibly few more.


We hope this review explained why we switched away from Disqus. We really appreciate your patience and our apologies for taking so long to write about this. We know several of you have been asking about this change.

我们希望这篇评论能够解释为什么我们退出了Disqus。 非常感谢您耐心等待我们花这么长时间写这篇文章。 我们知道你们中的一些人一直在询问这一变化。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/switching-away-from-disqus-review-increased-comments-by-304/


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