

Are you looking for the best quiz plugins for your WordPress site? Many popular websites like BuzzFeed use quizzes to create viral content and boost user engagement on their websites. In this article, we have hand-picked the best quiz plugins for WordPress that will help you engage your users and increase time spent on your site.

您是否正在寻找适用于WordPress网站的最佳测验插件? 许多流行的网站(例如BuzzFeed)都使用测验创建病毒内容并提高用户在其网站上的参与度。 在本文中,我们为WordPress挑选了最佳的测验插件,这些插件将帮助您吸引用户并增加您在网站上花费的时间。

Best quiz plugins for WordPress
1. LearnDash (1. LearnDash)


LearnDash is the best WordPress LMS plugin on the market. It comes with a powerful Quiz feature which allows you to create any type of quiz that you need. It has multiple question types including: single choice, multiple choice, free text, sorting, matching, essay, fill-in-the-blank, and survey.

LearnDash是市场上最好的WordPress LMS插件 。 它具有强大的测验功能,可让您创建所需的任何类型的测验。 它具有多种问题类型,包括:单项选择,多项选择,自由文本,排序,匹配,作文,空白填写和调查。

Some of the other features include: timed quizzes, randomized questions, question bank, multi-page quizzes, limit attempts, and more. Post quiz options include redirects, messages, quiz result displays in multiple styles, leaderboard, certificates, and levels.

其他一些功能包括:定时测验,随机问题,问题库,多页测验,限制尝试等。 测验后选项包括重定向,消息,测验结果显示(多种样式),页首横幅,证书和级别。

Whether you are selling online courses or creating viral content, LearnDash is the most flexible WordPress quiz plugin for all types of quizzes.


2. TryInteract (2. TryInteract)


TryInteract is a powerful web-based app to generate viral quizzes and use them to generate leads, build social media following, generate traffic, and improve conversions. It allows you to create highly interactive quizzes with a nifty drag and drop quiz builder.

TryInteract是一个功能强大的基于Web的应用程序,可以生成病毒测验并使用它们来生成潜在客户,建立关注的社交媒体,吸引流量并改善转化。 它允许您使用漂亮的拖放测验构建器来创建高度互动的测验。

You can choose different styles, colors, designs, and more than 100 ready-to-use quiz templates. It supports quiz branching which allows you to show questions based on user’s answers to previous questions. You can use their scoring system to easily show results at the end.

您可以选择不同的样式,颜色,设计以及100多个随时可用的测验模板。 它支持测验分支,使您可以根据用户对先前问题的回答来显示问题。 您可以使用他们的评分系统轻松地在最后显示结果。

It can be easily added to your WordPress site using a simple shortcode and integrates beautifully with your email marketing and CRM software.


3. WP测验 (3. WP Quiz)

WP Quiz

WP Quiz is a flexible and easy to use quiz plugin for WordPress. It comes with 3 quiz types: trivia, personality, and flip cards. You can add images to your questions and answers, allow users to restart quiz, show results at the end, and more.

WP Quiz是一款适用于WordPress的灵活易用的测验插件。 它具有3种测验类型:琐事,个性和翻转卡。 您可以将图像添加到您的问题和答案中,允许用户重新开始测验,在结果末尾显示等等。

WP Quiz comes with two styling options: multi-page or single page quiz. You have the ability to auto-scroll and add social sharing buttons. The pro version of the plugin allows you to force users to perform an action to view results, randomize questions and answers, countdown timer, and display ads.

WP测验具有两个样式选项:多页测验或单页测验。 您可以自动滚动并添加社交分享按钮 。 该插件的专业版可让您强制用户执行操作以查看结果,随机化问题和答案,倒数计时器以及展示广告

4.测验和测验大师 (4. Quiz And Survey Master)

Quiz and Survey Master

Quiz and Survey Master is a flexible quiz plugin and WordPress survey plugin. This powerful two-in-one plugin may look a bit rough around the edges, but it makes up for it with excellent features and extensive documentation.

测验和调查大师是一个灵活的测验插件和WordPress的调查插件 。 这个功能强大的二合一插件的边缘看起来有些粗糙,但是它以出色的功能和丰富的文档来弥补它。

It supports multiple types of questions including multiple choice, true and false, fill the blanks and more. It also allows you to create multiple result pages, so you can customize them based on user score. It comes with email support, certificates, leaderboards, hints, comment boxes, and even more features available with paid add-ons.

它支持多种类型的问题,包括多项选择,对与错,填空等等。 它还允许您创建多个结果页面,因此您可以根据用户得分自定义它们。 它带有电子邮件支持,证书,排行榜,提示,注释框,以及付费附件提供的更多功能。

5. mTouch测验 (5. mTouch Quiz)

mTouch Quiz

mTouch Quiz is a mobile-friendly WordPress quiz plugin written with mobility and learning in mind. It supports hints, multiple correct answers, highlight correct answer during or after the quiz, restrict answer attempts, and more.

mTouch Quiz是一款移动友好的WordPress测验插件,旨在兼顾移动性和学习性。 它支持提示,多个正确答案,在测验中或测验之后突出显示正确答案,限制答案尝试等等。

You can create customized start and finish screens as well as randomize questions. It also comes with point values for each question for show a score card at the end.

您可以创建自定义的开始和结束屏幕以及随机化问题。 它还带有每个问题的分数,以便在末尾显示记分卡。

6.测验猫 (6. Quiz Cat)

Quiz Cat

Quiz Cat is a free WordPress quiz plugin with an easy to use interface and great options to create viral quizzes for your website. It allows you to add images to each question and answer. You can also create a start and finish screen for your quiz.

测验猫是一个免费的WordPress测验插件,具有易于使用的界面和出色的选项,可以为您的网站创建病毒测验。 它允许您将图像添加到每个问题和答案。 您也可以为测验创建开始和完成屏幕。

Upon activation, the plugin will ask you to connect to their website API. However, it would work just fine without connecting to the API. It is easy to use with simple options that work really well.

激活后,插件将要求您连接到他们的网站API。 但是,如果不连接到API,它就可以正常工作。 使用简单的选项很容易使用,效果很好。

7.高清测验 (7. HD Quiz)

HD Quiz

HD Quiz is another awesome free quiz plugin for WordPress websites. It has a responsive design and allows you to create unlimited quizzes with as many questions and answers as you need. You can also use GIF images with your questions and answers to make them more interactive and fun.

HD测验是WordPress网站的另一个很棒的免费测验插件。 它具有响应式设计,可让您根据需要的任意数量的问题和答案来创建无限测验。 您还可以在问题和答案中使用GIF图像,以使其更具交互性和趣味性。

Other notable features include quiz timer, question tooltips for hints, social sharing, use images as answers, scoring, and more.


8. ARI流测验 (8. ARI Stream Quiz)

ARI Stream Quiz

ARI Stream Quiz allows you to use quizzes for lead generation by collecting user email address and name. It supports integration with MailChimp and other email marketing service providers. Apart from lead generation, the actual quiz builder features an easy to use interface to build your quizzes.

ARI Stream测验允许您通过收集用户电子邮件地址和名称来使用测验来生成潜在客户。 它支持与MailChimp和其他电子邮件营销服务提供商的集成。 除了潜在客户生成之外,实际的测验构建器还具有易于使用的界面来构建测验。

It uses ajax for faster performance, have multiple themes, social media integration, Open Graph support, and more.

它使用ajax来提高性能,具有多个主题,社交媒体集成,Open Graph支持等等。

9.链式测验 (9. Chained Quiz)

Chained Quiz

Chained Quiz is a WordPress quiz plugin with the conditional logic feature where the next question in the quiz depends on user’s answer to the previous question. This allows you to create highly interactive personality quizzes that change dynamically.

链式测验是具有条件逻辑功能的WordPress测验插件,测验中的下一个问题取决于用户对上一个问题的回答。 这使您可以创建高度互动的个性化测验,这些测验会动态变化。

It supports multiple choice, single choice, and essay answers. You can assign scoring to each correct answer and decide what to do when the user selects an answer.

它支持多项选择,单项选择和作文答案。 您可以为每个正确答案分配评分,并确定用户选择答案时的处理方式。

哪个是最好的WordPress测验插件? (Which is the Best WordPress Quiz Plugin?)

After reviewing each of these plugins, we believe that LearnDash and TryInteract are the most comprehensive quiz building solutions in the market.


If you’re building a LMS website, then we highly recommend you to go with LearnDash.

如果您要建立LMS网站 ,那么我们强烈建议您使用LearnDash

If you’re looking for a standalone solution to quickly build viral quizzes, then nothing beats TryInteract.


We hope this article helped you find the best quiz plugin for WordPress. You may also want to see our article on how to track user engagement in WordPress with Google Analytics.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳测验插件。 您可能还想看一下我们的文章,该文章如何通过Google Analytics(分析) 跟踪WordPress中的用户参与度

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-quiz-plugins-for-wordpress/






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