

If you recently started a blog, then you might be wondering what are the most important pages that you must have on your blog? Pages allow you to add useful information about your blog without affecting your regular blog post schedule. In this article, we will share the most important pages that every WordPress blog should have.

如果您最近创建了Blog ,那么您可能想知道Blog上必须拥有的最重要的页面是什么? 页面使您可以添加有关博客的有用信息,而不会影响常规的博客发布时间表。 在本文中,我们将分享每个WordPress博客应该拥有的最重要的页面。

Important pages each WordPress site should have
为什么要将页面添加到您的WordPress博客 (Why Add Pages to Your WordPress Blog)

WordPress comes with two default content types called posts and pages. While posts are used to write blog articles, pages are used to create content that is not part of your regular blog post schedule.

WordPress带有两种默认的内容类型,称为帖子和页面。 虽然帖子用于撰写博客文章,但是页面用于创建不属于常规博客帖子时间表的内容。

To learn more, see our guide on the difference between posts and pages in WordPress.


Pages are normally used to add static content that is not supposed to change very often. For example, an about us page.

页面通常用于添加不经常更改的静态内容。 例如,关于我们的页面。

Keeping this content separate from your blog posts, help users easily discover it. You can also manage your pages easily, rearrange them, add them to your navigation menus, and even use page builders to create custom layouts for each page.

将这些内容与您的博客文章分开,可以帮助用户轻松发现它。 您还可以轻松管理页面,重新排列页面,将其添加到导航菜单中 ,甚至使用页面构建器为每个页面创建自定义布局。

That being said, let’s take a look at some blog page ideas that you can use on your WordPress blog.


1.关于页面 (1. About Page)

This is a must have page for almost all websites on the internet. You can name this page “About Us” or “About Me” depending on whether you have a business blog or a single-author personal blog.

这是互联网上几乎所有网站的必备页面。 您可以将此页面命名为“关于我们”或“关于我”,具体取决于您是企业博客还是单作者个人博客。

You can use this page to tell users about people behind the website, its purpose, mission, values, and what users should expect to find on your blog. The about page helps build trust among your audience as they get to know the real people behind the scenes. You can also use this opportunity to showcase your most popular content.

您可以使用此页面告诉用户有关网站背后的人员,其目的,使命,价值以及用户期望在您的博客上找到的内容。 “关于”页面有助于在观众了解幕后真实人物时建立他们之间的信任。 您还可以利用此机会展示您最受欢迎的内容

About page
2.联系页面 (2. Contact Page)

Your blog readers, advertisers, and potential business partners all need to find your contact information. A contact page allows users to quickly and easily send you a message or learn how to connect with you without leaving a public comment on your blog.

您的博客读者,广告客户和潜在的业务合作伙伴都需要找到您的联系信息。 联系人页面使用户可以快速轻松地向您发送消息或了解如何与您联系,而无需在您的博客上留下公共评论。

You will need to add a contact form to make it easy for users to contact you. However, you can also add your email address, location map, and social media profiles to offer more ways to connect with you.

您将需要添加联系表格 ,以便用户轻松与您联系。 但是,您也可以添加电子邮件地址位置图和社交媒体资料,以提供更多与您联系的方式。

Contact page
3.免责声明页面 (3. Disclaimer Page)

If you make money online from your WordPress blog, then you must add a disclaimer page. This is where you can let users know about how you make money from your blog. For example, if you display banner ads or promote affiliate products, then you can inform users that this is how your content is monetized.

如果您通过 WordPress博客在线赚钱 ,则必须添加免责声明页面。 您可以在这里让用户知道您如何通过博客赚钱。 例如,如果您展示横幅广告或促销会员产品 ,则可以通知用户这就是您的内容获利的方式。

You can take a look at WPBeginner’s Disclaimer page for inspiration.


4.隐私政策页面 (4. Privacy Policy Page)

Privacy policy page basically inform users about the data you collect on your website as well as how you and other third-parties may use this data. Even if you are not collecting any user data, third-party tools on your website like Google Analytics can still set cookies.

隐私政策页面基本上会告知用户您在网站上收集的数据以及您和其他第三方如何使用此数据。 即使您没有收集任何用户数据,您网站上的第三方工具(例如Google Analytics(分析))仍然可以设置Cookie。

If you are using Google AdSense, then you are required to add a privacy policy page to your website.

如果您使用的是Google AdSense ,则需要向网站添加隐私权政策页面

You can find many privacy policy templates and generators online. Alternatively, you can also take a look at our privacy policy page and use it to create your own.

您可以在线找到许多隐私策略模板和生成器。 或者,您也可以查看我们的隐私政策页面,并用它来创建自己的隐私政策页面。

5.服务条款页面 (5. Terms of Service Page)

If you run an online store or offer services on your blog, then you need a terms of service page. It is a legal document so getting professional legal help is highly recommended. There are also online templates that you can use, but do so at your own risk.

如果您在博客上经营在线商店或提供服务,则需要“服务条款”页面。 这是一份法律文件,因此强烈建议您寻求专业的法律帮助。 您也可以使用在线模板,但后果自负。

It allows you to limit your liability in case of misuse of information and services provided on your website. It can also be used to inform users about their responsibilities regarding the copyright and trademark, and how they can use your website, product, or services.

如果滥用网站上提供的信息和服务,它可以限制您的责任。 它还可以用于通知用户有关版权和商标的责任,以及他们如何使用您的网站,产品或服务。

6.从这里开始 (6. Start Here Page)

Start here page

As your blog gets older, you will have a lot more content to showcase on your front-page. This may leave new users a bit confused about how they can make the most out of your blog. This is where a Start Here page comes in handy.

随着博客的变老,您将在首页上展示更多内容。 这可能会使新用户对如何充分利用您的博客感到困惑。 这是“从这里开始”页面派上用场的地方。

The purpose of this page is to introduce new users to your most useful content. This give users a clear idea about how they can benefit from your content, and what are the resources that they should check out first.

此页面的目的是向新用户介绍您最有用的内容。 这使用户可以清楚地了解他们如何从您的内容中受益,以及他们应该首先检查哪些资源。

Take a look at WPBeginner’s Start Here page to see how we use it to engage with new users.

查看WPBeginner的“ 从这里开始”页面,了解我们如何使用它与新用户互动。

7.产品/服务页面 (7. Products / Services Page)

If you are using an ecommerce platform like WooCommerce to sell products, then it will automatically create a shop page that you can just add to your navigation menus.


On the other hand, if you are selling products or offering services without using an eCommerce plugin, then you will need a product or services page for them. You can also create a parent page to list all your products and child pages for individual products with more details.

另一方面,如果您在不使用电子商务插件的情况下销售产品或提供服务,则将需要一个产品或服务页面。 您还可以创建一个父页面以列出所有产品,并为单个产品列出子页面,并提供更多详细信息。

Check out WPBeginner’s WordPress plugins page as an example of a typical products page.


8.自定义404页面 (8. Custom 404 Page)

WordPress automatically displays a 404 error page when it cannot find a specific piece of content. Normally, the 404 page is very plain and is not very useful.

WordPress在找不到特定内容时会自动显示404错误页面。 通常,404页非常普通,不是很有用。

Typical 404 error page

You can replace that plain page with a custom 404 error page and give your users more opportunities to discover content and continue browsing. For detailed instructions, see our article on how to improve 404 page template in WordPress.

您可以用自定义的404错误页面替换该普通页面,并为您的用户提供更多发现内容并继续浏览的机会。 有关详细说明,请参阅我们有关如何在WordPress中改进404页面模板的文章。

9.存档页面 (9. Archives Page)

WordPress automatically create a date, category, and tag based archives. However, the information is still scattered across different pages and may not allow your users to get a bird’s eye view of your most valuable content.

WordPress自动创建基于日期,类别和标签的存档。 但是,这些信息仍然散布在不同的页面上,可能无法使您的用户对您最有价值的内容有个大致的了解。

This is where a custom archives page comes in. It is a simple page that you can use to display your popular posts, compact archives, top categories, tags, and more.

这是自定义档案页面的来源。这是一个简单的页面,您可以使用它来显示受欢迎的帖子, 压缩档案 ,热门类别,标签等。

For detailed instructions, follow our guide on how to create a custom archives page in WordPress.

有关详细说明,请遵循我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中创建自定义档案页面

10.广告页面 (10. Advertise Page)

Many blogs rely solely on ads to monetize their content. The easiest way to do this is by signing up for Google AdSense. However, you can also sell ad spots directly to the advertisers.

许多博客仅依靠广告来通过其内容获利。 最简单的方法是注册Google AdSense 。 但是,您也可以将广告位直接出售给广告商。

To do this, you will need to create an ‘Advertise’ page with information about available ad spots, your average monthly page views, and your audience demographics. Don’t forget to add a contact form at the end so that advertisers can quickly contact you.

为此,您需要创建一个“广告”页面,其中包含有关可用广告位,平均每月页面浏览量以及受众人口统计信息的信息。 不要忘记在最后添加联系表格,以便广告客户可以快速与您联系。

You will need a WordPress ad management plugin to display and manage ads on your website. We recommend using AdSanity because it allows you to easily manage ads whether they are self-hosted or third-party ads like Google AdSense.

您将需要一个WordPress广告管理插件来显示和管理您网站上的广告。 我们建议您使用AdSanity,因为它使您可以轻松管理广告,无论它们是自托管广告还是第三方广告(例如Google AdSense)。

11.为我们写信页面 (11. Write for Us Page)

If you run a multi-author WordPress blog and are looking for more writers, then you need a write for us page. This page simply allow users who are looking for blogging gigs to discover the writing opportunity on your website.

如果您运行一个多作者WordPress博客并正在寻找更多作家,那么您需要为我们写一个页面。 该页面仅允许正在寻找博客演出的用户发现您网站上的写作机会。

You can use this page to tell users what your blog is about and what kind of content you are looking for. Most importantly, let them know how they will benefit from writing on your blog. Don’t forget to add a contact form for users to quickly send you a message.

您可以使用此页面告诉用户您的博客内容以及所需的内容。 最重要的是,让他们知道从您的博客上写作将如何使他们受益。 不要忘记为用户添加联系表单 ,以便快速向您发送消息。

We hope this article helped you learn about important pages that you should have on your WordPress blog. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners to bring more visitors to your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress博客上应该有的重要页面。 您可能还想查看我们的终极WordPress SEO指南,以便初学者将更多的访问者带到您的网站。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/important-pages-that-every-wordpress-blog-should-have-2018/


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