

Did you know that user-generated content can tremendously help you grow your business? User generated content is both relatable and authentic, that’s why it’s a big winner with millennials and Gen Z. In this article, we will show you how to easily use user-generated content in WordPress to grow your business.

您是否知道用户生成的内容可以极大地帮助您发展业务? 用户生成的内容既真实又相关,这就是为什么它是千禧一代和Z一代的大赢家。在本文中,我们将向您展示如何轻松地在WordPress中使用用户生成的内容来发展业务。

How to use user-generated content in WordPress
什么是用户生成的内容? (What is User-Generated Content?)

User generated content (UGC) is the content generated by user activities on your website. This includes comments, testimonials, guest blog posts, user reviews, or any other user submitted content that is publicly visible and was a direct result of user action.

用户生成的内容(UGC)是您网站上的用户活动生成的内容。 这包括评论,推荐,访客博客文章,用户评论或任何其他用户提交的内容,这些内容是公开可见的,并且是用户操作的直接结果。

Why is user generated content important?


User generated content is important because it enables your users to directly take part in activities on your website. This boosts user engagement as users spend more time on your website.

用户生成的内容很重要,因为它使您的用户可以直接参与您网站上的活动。 随着用户在您的网站上花费更多的时间,这可以提高用户的参与度。

Engaged users are more likely to subscribe to your website and buy what you’re selling.


High-quality and useful user-generated content can help you plan an effective content marketing strategy. You can get more traffic, more affiliate sales, and more social reach to a wider audience.

高质量且有用的用户生成的内容可以帮助您规划有效的内容营销策略 。 您可以获得更多的流量, 更多的会员销售 ,以及更多的社会影响力。

That being said, let’s take a look at different ways to use user-generated content in WordPress. You can use all of them or just the ones that works best for you.

话虽如此,让我们看一下在WordPress中使用用户生成的内容的不同方法。 您可以全部使用它们,也可以只使用最适合您的那些。

1.评论 (1. Comments)


Comments are the easiest kind of user-generated content that every blog can have. WordPress comes with a built-in commenting system that is enabled on all your blog posts by default.

评论是每个博客可以拥有的最简单的用户生成内容。 WordPress带有内置的注释系统,默认情况下,该注释系统在所有博客文章上启用。

If you run a business website with no blog, then perhaps you should think of adding a blog. You can keep your existing website design and just add a separate blog page to it.

如果您经营的网站没有博客,那么也许您应该考虑添加博客。 您可以保留现有的网站设计,而仅向其中添加一个单独的博客页面

The tricky part is to get your users to comment. Most users usually leave without writing a comment. However, the good news is that there are a lot of ways to encourage more comments. See our article on how to get more comments on your blog posts.

棘手的部分是让您的用户发表评论。 大多数用户通常在离开时不发表评论。 但是,好消息是,有很多方法可以鼓励更多评论。 请参阅有关如何在博客文章中获得更多评论的文章

2.感言 (2. Testimonials)

Testimonials preview

Testimonials not only help generate content, but they also add social proof to your website which helps new users into buying.

推荐不仅可以帮助生成内容,还可以为您的网站添加社交证明 ,从而帮助新用户进行购买。

For a small business website, testimonials have proven to be a very effective marketing strategy. This is why you see them all around the web.

对于小型企业网站而言 ,推荐已被证明是一种非常有效的营销策略。 这就是为什么您在网上看到它们的原因。

There are several great testimonials plugins that help you easily add testimonials to your site. You can collect user testimonials using a simple form and display them in a slider, sidebar widget, or on a testimonials page.

有几个很棒的推荐插件 ,可以帮助您轻松地将推荐添加到您的站点。 您可以使用简单的表单收集用户推荐,并在滑块,侧栏小部件或推荐页面中显示它们。

Our team behind WPForms has done an excellent job in creating a WPForms review page that shows over 2500+ user testimonials.

WPForms背后的团队在创建WPForms审阅页面 (显示超过2500多个用户推荐)方面做得非常出色。

For detailed instructions, see our tutorial on how to easily add rotating testimonials to your WordPress site.


3.用户提交的评论 (3. User Submitted Reviews)

User reviews site

If you sell or recommend products/services on your website, then user reviews offer a great opportunity to add more user-generated content to your website.


Reviews not only help you keep users engaged, but they also help other users make buying decisions on your website. That’s why you see many niche reviews sites that heavily rely on user submitted reviews to make money online.

评论不仅可以帮助您吸引用户,还可以帮助其他用户在您的网站上做出购买决定。 这就是为什么您会看到许多利基评论网站严重依赖用户提交的评论来在线赚钱的原因

Search engines also love reviews and often highlight them differently in search results. This makes the item more noticeable in search results and brings more traffic to your site.

搜索引擎也喜欢评论,并且经常在搜索结果中以不同的方式突出显示评论。 这使该项目在搜索结果中更引人注目,并为您的网站带来了更多流量。

Reviews in search results

There are several WordPress product review plugins that you can use. You can also create a separate page for customer reviews or display your Google, Facebook, and Yelp reviews to get the ball rolling.

您可以使用几个WordPress产品评论插件 。 您还可以为客户评论创建一个单独的页面,或显示您的Google,Facebook和Yelp评论,以使事情顺利进行。

4.访客留言 (4. Guest Posts)

Guest posts

Guest blogging is a popular content marketing strategy that helps both the blog owner and the guest author. The guest post author gets exposure and backlinks while you get high-quality content.

来宾博客是一种流行的内容营销策略,可以同时帮助博客所有者和来宾作者。 当您获得高质量的内容时,来宾帖子作者将获得曝光和反向链接。

The easiest way to do that would be to create a new user account for the guest author. However, this would give the guest author access to your WordPress admin area which many site owners don’t feel comfortable with.

最简单的方法是为来宾作者创建一个新的用户帐户 。 但是,这会使来宾作者访问您的WordPress管理区域,而这让许多网站所有者都不满意。

In that case, you’ll need the front-end post submission plugin by WPForms. It allows you to easily accept user submitted posts on your website. These posts are then stored as drafts, which you can then review and publish.

在这种情况下,您将需要WPForms的前端帖子提交插件 。 它使您可以轻松地接受网站上用户提交的帖子。 然后将这些帖子存储为草稿,然后可以进行查看和发布。

You can also use it to create other types of user-generated blog content such as image submissions (memes, photo contests, etc).


For detailed instructions, see our article on how to allow users to submit posts to your WordPress site.


5.建立社区 (5. Build a Community)


Human beings are social, and we like to interact with each other. You can provide your visitors a chance to do that on your own site by building a membership community.

人类是社会的,我们喜欢相互交流。 您可以通过建立会员社区,为访问者提供在自己的站点上执行此操作的机会。

You can make some of your content members-only to encourage new sign-ups. After that you can encourage discussions, reward users for participation, and even create membership levels with paid subscriptions.

您可以使某些内容成为会员,只是为了鼓励新注册。 之后,您可以鼓励讨论,奖励用户参与,甚至创建带有付费订阅的会员级别。

The easiest way to do all that is by using MemberPress. It is the best WordPress membership plugin that allows you to build online communities with powerful controls and great flexibility. You can even add it to an existing site without affecting any of your existing content.

完成所有操作的最简单方法是使用MemberPress 。 它是最好的WordPress会员插件 ,可让您建立功能强大且灵活的在线社区。 您甚至可以将其添加到现有站点,而不会影响任何现有内容。

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to make a membership website in WordPress.


We hope this article helped you learn how to use user-generated content in WordPress to grow your business. Now that you have users spending more time on your website, see how to easily track user engagement on your website with Google Analytics.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中使用用户生成的内容来发展业务。 现在,您已经使用户在您的网站上花费了更多的时间,请参阅如何使用Google Analytics(分析)轻松跟踪用户在您网站上的参与度

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-use-user-generated-content-in-wordpress-to-grow-your-business/






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