seo数据中心_改变主题? 使用SEO数据传输器传输SEO设置


When switching themes or changing SEO plugins, the biggest risk is losing the SEO data like meta title, description, keywords, etc. In this article, we will show you how to properly transfer SEO settings with SEO data transporter.


Transferring SEO settings in WordPress
什么是SEO数据,为什么需要移动它? (What is SEO Data and Why You Need to Move It?)

Some WordPress theme frameworks, and almost all WordPress SEO plugins allow you to add SEO data. You can set custom site title, description, meta tags, keywords, etc.

一些WordPress 主题框架和几乎所有WordPress SEO插件都允许您添加SEO数据。 您可以设置自定义网站标题,描述,元标记,关键字等。

SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO allow you to add SEO data to all your posts, pages, and even custom post types.

SEO插件,例如Yoast SEOAll in One SEO,使您可以将SEO数据添加到所有帖子,页面甚至自定义帖子类型中。

If you have been using one of these plugins or themes for a while, then you may have added a lot of SEO data for your posts. Now if you change your theme or switch SEO plugins, then you will lose that data. This may affect your site’s SEO rankings.

如果您一段时间以来一直在使用这些插件或主题之一,则可能已为帖子添加了大量SEO数据。 现在,如果您更改主题或切换SEO插件,那么您将丢失该数据。 这可能会影响您网站的SEO排名。

That’s why moving SEO data is crucial.


Let’s take a look at how you can transfer SEO settings in WordPress with SEO Data Transporter.

让我们看一下如何使用SEO Data Transporter在WordPress中传输SEO设置。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


在WordPress中传输SEO设置 (Transferring SEO Settings in WordPress)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the SEO Data Transporter plugin. Take a look at our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活SEO Data Transporter插件。 查看有关如何安装WordPress插件的指南

Upon activation, you need to visit Tools » SEO Data Transport to transfer SEO settings.


Transferring SEO settings

There are two drop down menus on the SEO data transporter page. First you need to choose the platform you are transferring from. Second, you need to choose the platform you are transferring to.

SEO数据传输器页面上有两个下拉菜单。 首先,您需要选择要从中转移的平台。 其次,您需要选择要转移到的平台。

Let’s assume that you are transferring from Yoast SEO plugin to All In One SEO pack. First you would select WordPress SEO in the from field and select All in One SEO Pack in the moving to field.

假设您正在从Yoast SEO插件转移到All In One SEO包。 首先,您将在from字段中选择WordPress SEO,然后在move to字段中选择All in One SEO Pack。

After that click on the analyze button to see what records and elements are compatible between the two platforms.


Analyzing compatible elements for SEO data transfer

SEO Data Transporter plugin will analyze your SEO data and will show you the results. You will get to see the number of compatible records and elements like custom title, meta description, and meta keywords.

SEO Data Transporter插件将分析您的SEO数据并向您显示结果。 您将看到兼容记录和元素的数量,例如自定义标题,元描述和元关键字。

You can now click on the ‘Convert’ button to initiate the transfer. SEO Data transporter will move your SEO settings to your chosen platform.

现在,您可以单击“转换”按钮以启动传输。 SEO数据传输器会将您的SEO设置移至您选择的平台。

After the successful transfer of your SEO settings, you can safely uninstall your old SEO plugin or theme. You can also delete the SEO transporter plugin as well.

成功转移SEO设置后,您可以安全地卸载旧的SEO插件或主题。 您也可以删除SEO运输工具插件。

SEO Data Transporter支持的插件和平台 (Plugins and Platforms Supported by SEO Data Transporter)

SEO Data Transporter plugin supports many popular WordPress SEO plugins, theme frameworks and platforms. Here is a list of supported platforms:

SEO Data Transporter插件支持许多流行的WordPress SEO插件,主题框架和平台。 以下是受支持的平台的列表:

Supported Themes


Supported SEO Plugins


  • All in One SEO Pack

  • Yoast SEO

    Yoast SEO
  • Headspace2

  • Add Meta Tags

  • Meta SEO Pack

    Meta SEO包
  • Platinum SEO

  • SEO Ultimate

    SEO Ultimate
  • Greg’s High Performance SEO


Basically if you want to switch from Yoast SEO to All in One SEO pack or if you want to switch from All in One SEO pack to Yoast SEO, then SEO data transporter is your go-to tool.

基本上,如果您想从Yoast SEO切换到一个SEO包中的全部,或者想从All in One SEO包中切换到Yoast SEO,那么SEO数据传输器是您的首选工具。

The team at StudioPress built the most comprehensive solution of its kind.


其他传输SEO设置的方法 (Other Ways to Transport SEO Settings)

Some SEO plugins come with their own built-in tools to import and export SEO settings. If you are transferring to a new SEO plugin, then you should always check if it can import settings from your older plugin or theme.

一些SEO插件带有其自己的内置工具来导入和导出SEO设置。 如果要转移到新的SEO插件,则应始终检查它是否可以从旧的插件或主题中导入设置。

For example, Yoast SEO plugin has a built in import feature. After you have installed Yoast SEO plugin, you can go to SEO » Tools page and click on import and export link.

例如,Yoast SEO插件具有内置的导入功能。 安装Yoast SEO插件后,您可以转到SEO»工具页面,然后单击导入和导出链接。

Import and export link on the tools page in Yoast SEO

With Yoast SEO, you can move your SEO settings between two sites using the same Yoast SEO plugin. You can also import SEO data from different SEO plugins into Yoast SEO.

使用Yoast SEO,您可以使用同一个Yoast SEO插件在两个站点之间移动SEO设置。 您还可以将来自不同SEO插件的SEO数据导入Yoast SEO。

Import export tools in Yoast SEO

We hope this article helped you learn how to to transfer WordPress SEO settings with SEO Data Transporter. You may also want to see our list of best WordPress SEO tools and plugins that you should use.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用SEO Data Transporter传输WordPress SEO设置。 您可能还想查看我们应该使用最佳WordPress SEO工具和插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。







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