

Choosing a domain name can be overwhelming because first you need to come up with an idea, and then you have to check domain name availability.


Since a lot of good domains are already taken, often beginners feel stuck.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you can check domain name availability faster and even find new ideas while you do it?


In this article, we’ll show you how to check for domain name availability with some of the easiest domain search tools.


Checking for domain name availability using domain search tools
1. Domain.com (1. Domain.com)


Domain.com is one of the best domain registrars on the market. They offer a wide range of domain extensions at discounted rates, and have the best domain management tools for beginners.

Domain.com是市场上最好的域名注册商之一。 他们以折扣价提供各种域名扩展,并为初学者提供最佳的域名管理工具。

Most importantly, they have a powerful domain search tool that let’s quickly check domain name availability. Simply go to their website and enter your desired keywords or phrase.

最重要的是,它们具有功能强大的域名搜索工具,可让您快速检查域名的可用性。 只需访问他们的网站并输入所需的关键字或词组即可。

Check domain availability on Domain.com

Domain.com will show if the domain is available for registration. If it is, then congratulations you can go ahead and get it registered right away. Bonus: use our Domain.com coupon code to get an additional discount.

Domain.com将显示该域名是否可用于注册。 如果是这样,那么恭喜您可以继续进行注册。 奖励:使用我们的Domain.com优惠券代码可获得额外折扣。

Domain available

If the domain you are looking for is not available, then it will show you different combinations to help you brainstorm and come up with a unique idea.


Once you have found a domain name, you can simply add it to cart and click on the ‘Continue’ button to register it.


Continue registration

On the next screen, enter your billing and payment information to complete the purchase.


Proceed to payment
2.名童 (2. Nameboy)

Nameboy Best Domain and Blog Name Generator

Nameboy is one of the oldest and the most reliable domain name generator tool on the market.


If you want to quickly generate dozens of domain name ideas, then you can use this tool. Simply enter your desired keyword or phrase and it generates a list of domain names to choose from.

如果您想快速生成数十个域名建议,则可以使用此工具。 只需输入您想要的关键字或短语,它就会生成可供选择的域名列表。

You can click on any domain name to view details and register the domain name. The downside is that it does not show you the availability of domain names right away.

您可以单击任何域名以查看详细信息并注册该域名。 不利的一面是,它不会立即向您显示域名的可用性。

3. IsItWP (3. IsItWP)

IsItWP Domain Generator

IsItWP offers a bunch of useful tools like a WordPress security scanner, website uptime checker, password generator, and a powerful domain generator.

IsItWP提供了许多有用的工具,例如WordPress安全扫描器 ,网站正常运行时间检查器,密码生成器和功能强大的域生成器。

The domain generator allows you to look up for a domain name by simply entering keywords or phrases. It then creates a number of different domain names.

域生成器使您可以通过简单地输入关键字或短语来查找域名。 然后,它将创建许多不同的域名。

This gives you a ton of possible choices to go through. However, you will need to click on the view details button to actually register or check the availability of the domain name.

这为您提供了大量可能的选择。 但是,您将需要单击查看详细信息按钮以实际注册或检查域名的可用性。

4.博客暴君 (4. Blog Tyrant)

Blog Tyrant

Blog Tyrant is a popular blogging resource site with several free tools including a domain name generator.

Blog Tyrant是一个受欢迎的博客资源网站,提供了多个免费工具,包括域名生成器。

It helps you look up for domain ideas for your selected keyword or phrase. You can click on a domain name to see more details or try a different keyword combination to get even more domain name suggestions.

它可以帮助您查找所选关键字或词组的领域建议。 您可以单击域名以查看更多详细信息,或尝试使用其他关键字组合以获取更多域名建议。

5. Bluehost (5. Bluehost)


Bluehost is one of the biggest web hosting companies in the world. If you want to make a website right away, then their domain availability checker will be a good option for you.

Bluehost是世界上最大的网络托管公司之一。 如果您想立即建立一个网站 ,那么其域名可用性检查器将是您的理想选择。

They are offering WPBeginner users a free domain name and a generous discount on WordPress hosting. Basically, you’ll be able to start a blog or website for $2.75 per month.

他们为WPBeginner用户提供了一个免费域名和WordPress托管的大量折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始创建博客或网站。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


You can simply visit their website and click on the get started button. After that, you will be asked to choose a plan.

您只需访问他们的网站,然后单击“入门”按钮。 之后,将要求您选择一个计划。

Select a plan

On the next screen, you will be asked to choose a domain name. Enter your desired domain name or keywords to check availability.

在下一个屏幕上,将要求您选择一个域名。 输入所需的域名或关键字以检查可用性。

Bluehost domain checker

If your preferred domain name is not available, then it will show you several suggestions to choose from or search for another domain name.


Once you have found the domain name you like, then you can simply go ahead and complete the purchase.


6. GoDaddy (6. GoDaddy)


GoDaddy is one of the biggest domain name companies on the market. You can use their website to look for domain name availability as well.

GoDaddy是市场上最大的域名公司之一。 您也可以使用他们的网站查找域名可用性。

However, their suggestions usually include hyphens, lesser-known and uncommon domain extensions, or premium domain names which are available for a higher price.


There are many excellent GoDaddy alternatives that are cheaper and more reliable.

有许多出色的GoDaddy替代品 ,它们更便宜,更可靠。

如何选择完美域名? (How to Choose The Perfect Domain Name?)

Many beginners find it difficult to find the perfect domain name. More than 350 million domain names are already registered, and it feels like that all the good ones are already taken.

许多初学者发现很难找到完美的域名。 已经注册了超过3.5亿个域名,感觉所有好的域名都已被使用。

If the domain name you want is not available, then you’ll need to get creative. Here are a few quick tips that will help you find the perfect domain name for your website.

如果您想要的域名不可用,那么您将需要发挥创意。 这里有一些快速提示,可以帮助您找到适合您网站的完美域名。

  • new domain extension新的域名扩展名
  • how to do keyword research to learn more. 如何进行关键字研究的指南以了解更多信息。
  • Avoid hyphens and numbers in domain name. They would make it harder to spell and pronounce.

    避免在域名中使用连字符和数字。 他们将使拼写和发音更加困难。
  • Choose a domain name that is easily memorable, doesn’t require you to spell it, and represents your brand


For more in-depth tips, see our complete guide on how to choose the best domain name.


我已经找到一个域名,现在怎么办? (I’ve Found a Domain Name, Now What?)

You need to act fast and register that domain name.


Thousands of new domain names are registered every day. Domain names are a lucrative business and people are always looking for good domain names to register and then resell for a better offer.

每天都有成千上万的新域名注册。 域名是一项利润丰厚的业务,人们一直在寻找好的域名进行注册,然后转售以提供更好的报价。

If your domain name idea is good, then there is a great chance that it will not be available for long. You need to just go ahead and register your domain name.

如果您的域名创意不错,那么很可能将长期不使用它。 您只需要继续注册您的域名即可

我需要一个网站来获取域名吗? (Do I Need a Website to Get a Domain Name?)

No, you don’t.


You can register a domain name without creating a website. To understand how these two things are related, see our guide on the difference between domain name and web hosting.

您可以注册域名而无需创建网站。 要了解这两者之间的关系,请参阅有关域名和网络托管之间区别的指南。

To make a website you’ll need to sign up with a hosting company. This is where you will store your website’s files.

要创建网站,您需要与托管公司注册 。 您将在此处存储网站的文件。

Domain names are sold by domain name registrars. These are the companies licensed by ICANN (an international body that manages domain names worldwide) to register domain names.

域名由域名注册商出售。 这些是ICANN(在全球范围内管理域名的国际机构)许可的公司,用于注册域名。

To make a website, you need both domain name and web hosting. However, if you are not yet ready to make a website, then you can simply register a domain name.

要创建网站,您需要域名和虚拟主机。 但是,如果您尚未准备好建立网站,则只需注册一个域名。

This will give you the ownership of that domain name for the licensed period. You can make a website or start an online store later when you’re ready.

这将使您在许可期内拥有该域名的所有权。 准备好以后,您可以建立网站或开设在线商店

哪个是检查域名可用性的最佳工具? (Which is The Best Tool to Check for Domain Name Availability?)

We recommend using Domain.com as the best tool to check for domain name availability.


It allows you to quickly do your domain name research. You can instantly register the domain name without visiting a third-party website. They also offer the easiest domain tools and a simple domain management area.

它使您可以快速进行域名研究。 您无需访问第三方网站即可立即注册域名。 它们还提供最简单的域工具和简单的域管理区域。

If you just want to explore different domain name ideas, then Nameboy helps you instantly generate dozens of domain names using your keywords or business name.


We hope this article helped you learn how to check for domain name availability using smarter domain search tools. You may also want to see these easy online business ideas that you can start with your new domain name.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何使用更智能的域搜索工具来检查域名的可用性。 您可能还希望看到可以从新域名开始的这些简单的在线业务构想

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-check-domain-name-availability-easy-domain-search-tools/


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### 回答1: 当微信开发工具提示 "access_token is invalid or not latest"(access_token无效或者不是最新的)时,这通常表示当前使用的access_token已过期或者已被撤销,需要重新获取一个最新的access_token。 在微信开发中,access_token是用来进行微信接口调用的重要凭证。由于access_token的有效期较短(通常为2小时),因此在开发过程中,需要定期刷新access_token,以确保能够正常调用微信接口。 获取最新的access_token可以通过向微信服务器发送请求来获取。具体的获取方法是向微信服务器发送GET请求,请求地址为https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=APPID&secret=APPSECRET,其中APPID为微信公众号的AppID,APPSECRET为微信公众号的AppSecret。 获取到最新的access_token后,需要将其保存起来,并在每次调用微信接口时进行使用。同时,定时刷新access_token是一个良好的开发习惯,可以避免由于access_token过期而导致的接口调用失败。 所以,当微信开发工具提示 "access_token is invalid or not latest"时,我们需要检查当前的access_token是否已过期,如果过期则通过上述步骤获取一个最新的access_token,并更新到开发工具中,以确保能够正常进行微信接口的调用。 ### 回答2: 微信开发工具给出"access_token is invalid or not latest"这个提示,意味着使用的access_token无效或者不是最新的。 access_token是用于调用微信开放平台接口的重要凭证,每个应用都需要获取有效的access_token才能进行接口的访问和操作。验证access_token是否有效和最新主要考虑以下两个因素: 1. 有效性:access_token的有效期为2小时,超过2小时后需要重新获取新的access_token。所以如果提示是无效的,可能是因为已经过期了,需要重新获取新的access_token。 2. 最新性:在获取access_token之后,如果有进一步的操作(例如获取或更新用户信息、发布消息等),可能会导致access_token被刷新。这样旧的access_token将失效,需要使用最新的access_token才能继续操作。提示不是最新的access_token可能是因为在之前的操作中,access_token已经被刷新过了。 解决这个问题的方法是: 1. 检查access_token是否已经过期了,如果过期了,则需要重新获取新的access_token。 2. 如果access_token是最新的,那么可能是因为在之前的操作中,access_token已经被刷新过了。解决方法是更新代码中的access_token,使用最新的access_token进行后续操作。 总之,当微信开发工具提示"access_token is invalid or not latest"时,开发者需要验证并更新access_token,确保它的有效性和最新性,以确保后续接口调用的成功。 ### 回答3: 微信开发工具提示"access_token is invalid or not latest"是由于我们在使用微信开发接口时,所使用的access_token无效或者不是最新的。 在使用微信开发接口时,我们需要先获取一个access_token,它是调用微信开发接口的凭证。access_token是有时效性的,一般在2小时后会过期,我们需要定期更新。如果我们在使用时使用了一个无效的或者过期的access_token,微信开发工具就会提示"access_token is invalid or not latest"。 出现这个问题的原因可能有以下几点: 1. access_token过期:在获取access_token后,由于时间过长或者其他原因,我们没有及时更新和使用新的access_token。 2. 缓存和保存问题:我们没有正确地缓存和保存access_token,导致在使用时被认为是无效或者过期的。 3. 接口调用限制:我们在一定时间内调用接口的次数超过了微信限制,导致access_token被封禁或者自动失效。 解决这个问题的方法是: 1. 定期更新access_token:我们可以设置一个定时任务,在access_token接近过期时自动更新。也可以在每次使用之前都重新获取一次access_token。 2. 正确缓存和保存access_token:在获取access_token后,将其正确地缓存和保存起来,在使用时及时获取和更新。 3. 规避接口调用限制:合理控制接口的调用频率,避免在一定时间内调用过多次导致访问受限。 总之,微信开发工具提示"access_token is invalid or not latest"是因为我们使用了无效或者过期的access_token,我们需要定期更新access_token,并正确地缓存和保存它,同时合理控制接口的调用频率,以解决这个问题。


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