49个最佳WooCommerce WordPress主题

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce themes for your online store? Not all WordPress themes offer complete WooCommerce support and pre-styled templates. In this article, we will show you the best WooCommerce WordPress themes that you can use to build your eCommerce website.

您是否正在寻找适合您的在线商店的WooCommerce主题? 并非所有的WordPress主题都提供完整的WooCommerce支持和预样式化的模板。 在本文中,我们将向您展示可用于构建电子商务网站的最佳WooCommerce WordPress主题。

Best WooCommerce WordPress themes
如何建立一个WooCommerce WordPress网站 (How to Build a WooCommerce WordPress Website)

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform in the world, powering small and large ecommerce websites around the globe (see: Shopify vs WooCommerce).

WooCommerce是世界上最受欢迎的电子商务平台,为全球的小型和大型电子商务网站提供支持(请参阅: Shopify与WooCommerce )。

It runs on top of WordPress, which is one of the most powerful website builders in the world. There are two types of WordPress websites, WordPress.com and WordPress.org (See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org).

它运行在WordPress之上,WordPress是世界上最强大的网站构建器之一。 WordPress网站有两种类型,WordPress.com和WordPress.org(请参阅WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较)。

We recommend using WordPress.org, it gives you access to all WooCommerce features out of box and will help you take your store in any direction you want.


To get started, you will need a domain name, SSL certificate, and WooCommerce hosting account.


We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest and officially recommended WooCommerce and WordPress hosting provider.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是最大的和官方推荐的WooCommerce和WordPress托管提供商之一。

They have agreed to offer WPBeginner users free domain, free SSL, and discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $6.95 / month.

他们已同意为WPBeginner用户提供免费域,免费SSL和托管折扣。 基本上,您可以每月$ 6.95的价格开始使用。

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


Once you have signed up for WooCommerce hosting, you can follow our step by step instructions in our guide on how to start an online store.


That being said, let’s take a look at the best WooCommerce WordPress themes that you can install on your website.

话虽如此,让我们来看看可以在您的网站上安装的最佳WooCommerce WordPress主题。

1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)


Astra is a clean and free WordPress theme with full WooCommerce support and flexible customization options. It includes modern homepage layout with multiple widget-ready areas to simply drag and drop content widgets.

Astra是一个干净免费的WordPress主题,具有完整的WooCommerce支持和灵活的自定义选项。 它包括具有多个窗口小部件就绪区域的现代主页布局,可轻松拖放内容窗口小部件。

It supports all popular page builder plugins to create custom WordPress page layouts. Theme setup is quite simple and beginner friendly.

它支持所有流行的页面构建器插件来创建自定义WordPress页面布局 。 主题设置非常简单,适合初学者。

The best part about Astra is that it comes with dozens of pre-made templates that you can start with.


2. Extraby by ElegantThemes (2. Extra by ElegantThemes)

Extra WooCommerce Theme

Extra is a new theme by Elegant Themes that gives you the flexibility to create diverse categories, homepages, and story-driven content. Powered by the popular Divi Builder, you can use Extra to create beautiful store layouts.

Extra是Elegant Themes的新主题,它使您可以灵活地创建各种类别,主页和故事驱动的内容。 在流行的Divi Builder的支持下,您可以使用Extra创建漂亮的商店布局。

It works seamlessly with WooCommerce. Divi is one of the most popular WordPress page builders in the market. It allows you to create custom layouts with a visual drag & drop interface, so you can create custom website designs without writing any code.

它与WooCommerce无缝协作。 Divi是市场上最受欢迎的WordPress页面构建器之一。 它允许您使用可视化的拖放界面创建自定义布局,因此无需编写任何代码即可创建自定义网站设计。

3.专柜 (3. Shoppe)


Shoppe is a highly customizable WooCommerce WordPress theme for online stores, ecommerce, fashion and lifestyle websites. It has powerful quick product search, ajax shopping cart, wishlist, quick look lightbox, product image zoom, and more.

Shoppe是高度可定制的WooCommerce WordPress主题,适用于在线商店,电子商务,时尚和生活方式网站。 它具有强大的快速产品搜索,ajax购物车,愿望清单,快速查看灯箱,产品图像缩放等。

It includes tons of layout and styling options which are all quite easy to use. It also comes with a drag and drop page builder that allows you to create your own layouts.

它包括大量的布局和样式选项,所有这些都非常易于使用。 它还带有一个拖放页面构建器 ,允许您创建自己的布局。

4.勒格 (4. Løge)


Løge is an elegant WooCommerce WordPress theme with a modern design and powerful ecommerce features. It offers different shop front layouts, adjustable product columns, and product filters.

Løge是一个优雅的WooCommerce WordPress主题,具有现代设计和强大的电子商务功能。 它提供了不同的店面布局,可调整的产品栏和产品过滤器。

Its beautiful typography and color schemes make your products popout. You can also create your own color schemes by changing theme colors. All options are quite easy to manage under live theme customizer.

漂亮的字体和配色方案使您的产品如雨后春笋般冒出来。 您还可以通过更改主题颜色来创建自己的配色方案。 在现场主题定制器下,所有选项都非常易于管理。

5.超 (5. Ultra)

Ultra eCommerce

Ultra is an all-purpose WordPress theme with super-flexible options and gorgeous designs. It includes several read-made websites that can be installed with 1-click including an ecommerce website.

Ultra是具有超灵活选项和华丽设计的通用WordPress主题。 它包括几个可以一键安装的只读网站,包括一个电子商务网站。

You just need to replace content with your own. It also has a drag and drop page builder to easily create your own layouts if needed. It includes features like pricing tables, multiple header styles, contact form, photo galleries, and more.

您只需要用自己的内容替换内容。 它还具有一个拖放页面构建器,可以根据需要轻松创建自己的布局。 它包括定价表,多种标题样式, 联系表 ,照片画廊等功能。

6.内托 (6. Neto)


Neto is a modern WordPress theme for WooCommerce stores. It features an elegant homepage layout and storefront with a featured product slider on top. It includes several shortcodes and custom widgets and offers multiple ways to create different layouts for your store.

Neto是WooCommerce商店的现代WordPress主题。 它具有优雅的首页布局和店面,顶部具有精选的产品滑块。 它包括几个短代码和自定义窗口小部件,并提供了多种方法来为商店创建不同的布局。

It has support for custom logo upload, unlimited colors, custom widgets for social media, and more. All theme options are neatly organized under live customizer.

它支持自定义徽标上载,颜色不受限制,社交媒体的自定义小部件等。 所有主题选项都井井有条地组织在实时定制器中。

7. Digital Pro (7. Digital Pro)

Digital Pro

Digital Pro is another excellent WordPress theme for WooCommerce stores. Built on top of Genesis theme framework, it is highly optimized for WordPress speed and performance.

Digital Pro是WooCommerce商店的另一个出色的WordPress主题。 建立在Genesis主题框架之上,针对WordPress的速度和性能进行了高度优化。

It includes pre-styled templates for WooCommerce stores, 3 widget areas, customizable header, and page templates. For theme set up it has a custom theme options page and live customizer support.

它包括用于WooCommerce商店的预样式化模板,3个小部件区域,可自定义的标题和页面模板。 对于主题设置,它具有自定义主题选项页面和实时定制器支持。

8. Shoptimizer (8. Shoptimizer)


Shoptimizer is a premium WooCommerce theme that is highly optimized for speed and performance. It packs a ton of features to optimize your conversions including sticky product details, faster checkout, request a callback, FOMO timers on product pages, and more.

Shoptimizer是高级WooCommerce主题,针对速度和性能进行了高度优化。 它包含大量功能来优化您的转换,包括粘性产品详细信息,更快的结帐,请求回调,产品页面上的FOMO计时器等。

It also comes with beautiful page templates, a mega menu, and a faster product search feature. It is easy to use and all theme settings are easily accessible via theme customizer.

它还具有漂亮的页面模板,大型菜单和更快的产品搜索功能。 它易于使用,并且可以通过主题定制器轻松访问所有主题设置。

9.雨果 (9. Hugo)


Hugo is a beautifully designed WordPress WooCommerce theme for online stores of any kind. This highly customizable theme features a beautiful homepage layout with featured slider on top followed by your product sections.

Hugo是设计精美的WordPress WooCommerce主题,适用于任何类型的在线商店。 这个高度可定制的主题具有漂亮的首页布局,顶部带有精选的滑块,​​然后是您的产品部分。

It includes custom widgets for social media, contact info, and content discovery features. It is available in multiple color schemes and all theme options are easily customizable using live theme customizer.

它包括用于社交媒体,联系信息和内容发现功能的自定义小部件。 它具有多种配色方案,并且可以使用实时主题定制器轻松定制所有主题选项。

10.酒店 (10. Hotel)


Hotel is another beautiful WooCommerce WordPress theme for hotels, bed & breakfasts, and hospitality service providers. Its modern homepage design features large header image with welcome message and a call to action button.

酒店是酒店,住宿加早餐旅馆和酒店服务提供商的另一个美丽的WooCommerce WordPress主题。 其现代的首页设计具有较大的标题图片,欢迎消息和号召性用语按钮。

You will need WooBookings Bundle, which allows you to add bookable products like rooms, services, and more. Other notable features include custom sidebars, multiple widget ready areas, custom header, background, and more. It is easy to set up and simple to customize.

您将需要WooBookings捆绑包 ,该捆绑包允许您添加可预订的产品,例如客房,服务等。 其他值得注意的功能包括自定义边栏,多个窗口小部件就绪区域,自定义标题,背景等等。 它易于设置且易于定制。

11.镜头盖 (11. Lenscap)


Lenscap is a magazine style WordPress theme with full WooCommerce support. Suitable for content rich websites that want to add an online store to their website.

Lenscap是具有WooCommerce全面支持的杂志风格WordPress主题 。 适用于想要在其网站上添加在线商店的内容丰富的网站。

It features a beautiful homepage layout with a customizable header showcasing your most prominent content and categories. It has templates for product pages with beautiful image galleries. It works out of the box and only includes options you’ll actually use.

它具有漂亮的首页布局和可自定义的标题,其中显示了您最突出的内容和类别。 它具有带有精美图片库的产品页面模板。 它开箱即用,仅包含您实际使用的选项。

12.出席 (12. Presence)


Presence is a powerful all-purpose WordPress business theme. It includes several ready-made websites including an ecommerce store that you can install and customize for your needs.

存在是一个强大的通用WordPress商业主题 。 它包括几个现成的网站,包括一个电子商务商店,您可以根据需要安装和自定义该商店。

It comes in 6 color schemes, multiple blog page layouts, 2 slider styles, full-width and boxed layouts, and more. Customizing it is quite easier with live theme customizer and custom theme settings page.

它具有6种配色方案,多种博客页面布局,2种滑块样式,全角和盒装布局等。 使用实时主题定制程序和自定义主题设置页面可以轻松进行自定义。

13.高端 (13. Highend)


Highend is super-flexible WordPress theme for WooCommerce shops. It features a modern design with multiple layouts and styles to choose from or you can create your own with page builder plugin that comes free with the theme.

Highend是WooCommerce商店的超灵活WordPress主题。 它具有现代设计,可以选择多种布局和样式,也可以使用随主题免费提供的页面构建器插件来创建自己的插件。

It includes unlimited colors, Google fonts, multiple sidebars, custom widgets, social media icons, and more. For theme setup it has 1-click demo importer to guide you. It is translation-ready and can also be used to create multilingual websites.

它包括无限的颜色,Google字体,多个侧边栏,自定义小部件,社交媒体图标等。 对于主题设置,它具有一键式演示导入器来指导您。 它可以翻译 ,也可以用来创建多语言网站

14.玩具店 (14. ToyShop)


Toyshop is a WooCommerce WordPress theme made specifically for children’s stores, toy shops, flower shops, and other websites that need a fun and bright website. It is colorful, fun, and there is even an option to change the footer graphics to match the season.

玩具商店是WooCommerce WordPress主题,专门为儿童商店,玩具商店,花店和其他需要有趣且明亮的网站的网站而设计。 它色彩缤纷,有趣,甚至可以选择更改页脚图形以匹配季节。

It inherits all the features of its parent theme and adds some of its own. It features custom background, header image, color controls, and multi-column layouts for shop pages. It is extremely easy to set up and can be extended easily with companion extensions.

它继承了其父主题的所有功能,并添加了一些自己的主题。 它具有自定义背景,页眉图像,颜色控件和商店页面的多列布局。 它非常容易设置,并且可以随同扩展名轻松扩展。

15.靛蓝 (15. Indigo)


Indigo is a modern and stylish WordPress WooCommerce theme built with a modular approach. It allows you to easily drag and drop modules to create any page layouts you need.

Indigo是采用模块化方法构建的现代,时尚的WordPress WooCommerce主题。 它使您可以轻松地拖放模块来创建所需的任何页面布局。

It comes packed with turnkey website designs that you can install with 1-click. Each design is fully customizable and includes beautiful shop templates. Notable features include contact form page, custom widgets, pricing tables, social media integration, and more.

它随附了可一键安装的交钥匙网站设计。 每个设计都是完全可定制的,并包括漂亮的商店模板。 值得注意的功能包括联系表单页面 ,自定义窗口小部件,定价表,社交媒体集成等。

16.街机 (16. Arcade)


Arcade is a WooCommerce theme for online gaming stores, electronics, and game accessories stores. Inspired by top gaming websites, Arcade is designed to showcase a wide range of products on the frontpage in an easy to browse manner.

Arcade是在线游戏商店,电子产品和游戏配件商店的WooCommerce主题。 受顶级游戏网站的启发,Arcade旨在以易于浏览的方式在首页上展示各种产品。

It is easy to extend with the help of Storefront Extensions Bundle which will allow you to add an extensive set of features to your theme, including mega menus, multi-column layouts, sticky cart, reviews, and more.

借助Storefront Extensions Bundle可以轻松进行扩展,这将使您能够为主题添加广泛的功能集,包括大型菜单,多​​列布局,置顶式购物车,评论等。

17. Creativo (17. Creativo)


If you are looking for a versatile and multi-purpose WooCommerce theme, then you should check out Creativo. This super-flexible WordPress themes comes with multiple turnkey websites with 1-click importer.

如果您正在寻找一种多功能的WooCommerce主题,则应查看Creativo。 这个超灵活的WordPress主题带有多个一键式导入器的交钥匙网站。

It includes beautiful shop templates, multiple styles and layouts, and ships with premium page builder and slider plugins to create your own layouts if needed. It has a powerful custom theme settings area for a complete guided setup.

它包括漂亮的商店模板,多种样式和布局,并随附高级页面生成器和滑块插件,可根据需要创建自己的布局。 它具有功能强大的自定义主题设置区域,可进行完整的引导设置。

18.网上商店 (18. eStore)


eStore is another free WooCommerce theme for WordPress. It packs several premium-like features and custom widgets to create a highly professional and modern online store.

eStore是WordPress的另一个免费WooCommerce主题。 它包含了一些类似高级功能和自定义小部件,以创建高度专业和现代化的在线商店。

It is tested for compatibility with top WooCommerce extensions. All theme options are neatly organized and allow you to easily build an online store with minimum effort.

经过测试,可以与顶级WooCommerce扩展兼容。 所有主题选项都井井有条,可以让您轻松创建在线商店。

19.孤挺花 (19. Amaryllis)


Amaryllis is a uniquely designed WordPress theme for WooCommerce stores. Its modern homepage layout features a full screen background image followed by your product categories, popular products, and other sections of your website.

阿玛丽利斯是WooCommerce商店设计独特的WordPress主题。 其现代的首页布局具有全屏背景图片,其后是您的产品类别,热门产品和网站的其他部分。

Its homepage is fully widgetized which allows you to drag and drop content widgets to set it up. It has 1-click demo importer, live customizer support, and tons of options to make it uniquely yours.

它的主页已完全小部件化,可让您拖放内容小部件来进行设置。 它具有一键式演示导入器,实时定制器支持以及众多选项,使其独一无二。

20.田园诗 (20. Idyllic)


Idyllic is a beautifully designed free WooCommerce theme for WordPress. It includes several widget-ready areas and an easy to set up homepage layout. It includes full width page template, corporate, contact us, and other page templates to create your own landing pages.

田园诗是WordPress设计精美的免费WooCommerce主题。 它包括几个可用于小部件的区域和易于设置的首页布局。 它包括全角页面模板 ,企业页面 ,联系我们以及其他页面模板,以创建您自己的登录页面。

It is easy to customize with all theme components neatly placed under customizer. It is translation ready and can also be used to create multilingual websites using Polylang.

通过将所有主题组件整齐地放置在定制程序下,可以轻松进行定制。 它已经准备好翻译,也可以用于使用Polylang创建多语言网站

21.多店 (21. Multishop)


Multishop is a powerful WordPress theme for WooCommerce shops and online stores. It features a modern design with tons of flexible options for customization.

Multishop是WooCommerce商店和在线商店的强大WordPress主题。 它采用现代设计,提供大量灵活的自定义选项。

It includes ajax powered product filter, search auto autocomplete feature, unlimited colors, multiple sidebars, page templates and more. It ships with premium page builder and slider plugins as well.

它包括ajax支持的产品过滤器,搜索自动完成功能,无限的颜色,多个侧边栏,页面模板等。 它还附带高级页面构建器和滑块插件。

22.蛋糕 (22. Cupcake)


Cupcake is a WooCommerce WordPress theme for bakeries and cafes. Its homepage features a slider followed by your products and other content areas. The header area contains your website logo, phone number, and buttons for search, wishlist, and shopping cart.

蛋糕是面包店和咖啡馆的WooCommerce WordPress主题 。 它的主页上有一个滑块,后跟您的产品和其他内容区域。 标题区域包含您的网站徽标,电话号码以及用于搜索,愿望清单和购物车的按钮。

It includes WooCommerce elements to easily display featured, latest, and popular products. For product images it also includes lightbox popup. All theme options are easily customizable with a custom theme options page.

它包含WooCommerce元素,可以轻松显示特色,最新和受欢迎的产品。 对于产品图片,它还包括灯箱弹出窗口。 通过自定义主题选项页面可以轻松自定义所有主题选项。

23.赫斯提亚 (23. Hestia)


Hestia is a popular free WordPress theme suitable for WooCommerce shops and online stores. It packs many of the features you’ll find in premium WordPress themes including tons of customization options.

Hestia是一种流行的免费WordPress主题,适用于WooCommerce商店和在线商店。 它包含许多您可以在高级WordPress主题中找到的功能,包括大量的自定义选项。

It comes with unlimited colors, multiple layout options, highly-customizable header, social media icons, multiple navigation menus, and more. It is super easy to use and can be easily customized to give your store a unique look.

它具有无限的颜色,多个布局选项,高度可定制的标题,社交媒体图标,多个导航菜单等。 它非常易于使用,并且可以轻松自定义以赋予商店独特的外观。

24.高度专业版 (24. Altitude Pro)

Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro is a very professional looking WordPress theme for WooCommerce shops. It is built on the rock solid base of the Genesis theme framework and features crisp typography and a spacious layout.

Altitude Pro是WooCommerce商店中非常专业的WordPress主题。 它建立在Genesis主题框架坚如磐石的基础上,并具有清晰的版式和宽敞的布局。

It includes 7 homepage widget areas to drag and drop sections to your homepage, customizable header, navigation menus, and multiple sidebars. For theme set up, it has a custom theme options page and support for live theme customizer.

它包括7个主页小部件区域,可将部分拖放到您的主页,可自定义的标题,导航菜单和多个侧边栏。 对于主题设置,它具有一个自定义主题选项页面,并支持实时主题定制器。

25.着迷 (25. Mesmerize)


Mesmerize is another highly-flexible yet free WordPress theme for WooCommerce websites. It features a modern homepage layout which is easy to customize with simple drag and drop.

Mesmerize是WooCommerce网站的另一个高度灵活但免费的WordPress主题。 它具有现代的首页布局,可通过简单的拖放轻松自定义。

Notable features include pre-designed home page, 5 header designs and over 30 ready to use content sections that you can easily customize. Due to its flexibility, Mesmerize can be used to create any kind of website.

值得注意的功能包括预先设计的主页,5个标题设计和30多个随时可以使用的内容部分,您可以轻松自定义这些部分。 由于其灵活性,Mesmerize可用于创建任何类型的网站。

26. SolidBox (26. SolidBox)


Solidbox is another excellent choice for a WooCommerce WordPress theme. It is designed to be flexible and can be easily adapted to create any kind of business website.

Solidbox是WooCommerce WordPress主题的另一个绝佳选择。 它设计灵活,可以轻松地创建任何类型的商业网站。

It includes multiple design choices, layouts, header styles, shortcodes, and more. It ships with premium page builder plugin and also supports multilingual plugins. Set up is easier with quick 1-click demo importer and custom theme options panel.

它包括多种设计选择,布局,标题样式,短代码等。 它附带高级页面构建器插件,还支持多语言插件。 一键式快速演示导入器和自定义主题选项面板使设置更加容易。

27.斯宾塞 (27. Spencer)


Spencer is an elegantly designed WordPress theme for WooCommerce and business websites. It includes a flexible homepage layout with widget ready areas where you can drag and drop widgets.

Spencer是为WooCommerce和商业网站设计的WordPress主题。 它包括一个灵活的主页布局,其中包含可用于小部件的小部件就绪区域。

It includes newsletter signup form, unlimited colors, multiple layouts, page builder support, and custom widgets for social media integration. It has a custom theme options panel and tons of customization options in customizer.

它包括新闻通讯注册表格,无限的颜色,多种布局,页面构建器支持以及用于社交媒体集成的自定义小部件。 它具有自定义主题选项面板和定制程序中的大量自定义选项。

28. OceanWP (28. OceanWP)


If you are looking for a powerful but free WordPress WooCommerce theme, then you’ll love OceanWP. This beautifully designed WordPress theme comes with premium-like features in a free companion plugin.

如果您正在寻找功能强大但免费的WordPress WooCommerce主题,那么您会喜欢OceanWP。 这个设计精美的WordPress主题在免费的随播插件中带有类似高级的功能。

It has tons of customization options in live customizer where you can choose header styles, backgrounds, colors, navigation menus, and more. It works with all popular free page builder plugins and includes templates to create your own landing pages if needed.

它在实时定制器中具有大量定制选项,您可以在其中选择标题样式,背景,颜色,导航菜单等。 它可与所有流行的免费页面构建器插件一起使用,并包括用于根据需要创建自己的登录页面的模板。

29. Pepper + (29. Pepper+)


Pepper+ is a beautifully designed multi-purpose WordPress theme perfect for WooCommerce shops and online stores. It comes with several ready to use websites that you can install with one click. All these designs are fully editable with simple point and click tools.

Pepper +是设计精美的多功能WordPress主题,非常适合WooCommerce商店和在线商店。 它带有多个可立即使用的网站,您可以一键安装。 所有这些设计都可以通过简单的点击工具进行完全编辑。

It takes a modular approach to design and includes modules for common website components. You can just drag and drop to add pricing tables, latest products, sliders, contact forms, Google Maps, and more.

它采用模块化方法进行设计,并包含用于通用网站组件的模块。 您只需拖放即可添加定价表 ,最新产品,滑块,联系表格, Google地图等。

30.店面 (30. Storefront)


Storefront is free WordPress WooCommerce theme. Designed and developed by WooCommerce core developers, it features a tight-knit integration with WooCommerce and popular WooCommerce extensions.

店面是免费的WordPress WooCommerce主题。 它由WooCommerce核心开发人员设计和开发,具有与WooCommerce和流行的WooCommerce扩展的紧密集成。

It includes several layout and color choices to customize your store. It has a demo data importer, live theme customizer support, and multiple widget ready areas to help you easily set up your WooCommerce shop. It also acts as the parent theme for several child themes created specifically by the folks behind WooCommerce.

它包括几种布局和颜色选择以定制您的商店。 它具有一个演示数据导入器,实时主题定制器支持以及多个小部件就绪区域,可帮助您轻松设置WooCommerce商店。 它还充当WooCommerce背后的人们专门创建的几个子主题的父主题。

31.造型器 (31. The Styler)

The Styler

The Styler is a stylish WooCommerce WordPress theme for beauty salons, fashion, and accessories stores. It features a unique modern homepage layout which is fully widgetized and can be setup with simple drag and drop.

Styler是时尚的WooCommerce WordPress主题,适用于美容院,时尚和配饰商店。 它具有独特的现代首页布局,该布局已完全微件化,可通过简单的拖放操作进行设置。

It also includes custom post types to easily include services, galleries, testimonials, price lists, and your staff profiles. It is beginner friendly and includes a theme settings page for easier set up.

它还包括自定义帖子类型,以轻松包括服务,画廊, 推荐书 ,价格表和您的员工资料。 它适合初学者使用,并包含一个主题设置页面,可简化设置过程。

32.最大存储 (32. MaxStore)


MaxStore is another great free WooCommerce WordPress theme. Its homepage features a highly engaging layout that put your products at front and center.

MaxStore是另一个很棒的免费WooCommerce WordPress主题。 它的首页具有高度引人入胜的布局,可将您的产品放在首位和居中位置。

It includes wishlist support, left / right sidebar, footer widget area, custom backgrounds, custom logo, info top bar, search bar, social icons and more.

它包括愿望清单支持, 左侧/右侧边栏 ,页脚小部件区域,自定义背景,自定义徽标,信息顶部栏,搜索栏,社交图标等等。

33.模块 (33. Modules)

Modules Shop

Modules is a beautiful WordPress theme with full WooCommerce support. Built with a modular approach to design, it includes modules for common website building components that you can easily add anywhere in your website.

模块是一个漂亮的WordPress主题,具有WooCommerce的全面支持。 它采用模块化设计方法构建,包括用于常见网站构建组件的模块,您可以轻松地在网站的任何位置添加这些模块。

It ships with several turnkey designs that you can install with 1-click. It also includes portfolio, video background, Google fonts, icon fonts, and more. It is super easy to use and can be easily set up using theme settings page.

它附带了多种交钥匙设计,您可以通过单击一下安装。 它还包括作品集,视频背景,Google字体,图标字体等。 它非常易于使用,并且可以使用主题设置页面轻松设置。

34.塞内卡 (34. Seneca)


If you are looking for a clean simple WooCommerce theme, then you should check out Seneca. It features a simple spacious design with lots of white space that puts your products into focus.

如果您正在寻找简洁的WooCommerce主题,则应查看Seneca。 它具有简单宽敞的设计,带有大量空白,使您的产品成为焦点。

It includes a storefront template, separate blog page, product categories widget, and more. All theme options are available on theme settings page and it requires minimal effort to setup.

它包括店面模板,单独的博客页面,产品类别窗口小部件等等。 所有主题选项在主题设置页面上都可用,并且只需很少的设置即可。

35.造型师 (35. The Stylist)

The Stylist

The Stylist is beautifully designed WordPress theme for WooCommerce shops and online stores. Its homepage features a boxed layout with a large slider at the top followed by your products and content sections.

设计师是为WooCommerce商店和在线商店设计精美的WordPress主题。 它的主页采用盒装布局,顶部带有大滑块,其后是产品和内容部分。

It includes easy to manage sections to add services, team members, testimonials, social media icons, blog section, and more. It offers tons of customization options in live customizer and allows you to mix and match different styles and colors.

它包括易于管理的部分以添加服务, 团队成员 ,推荐,社交媒体图标,博客部分等等。 它在实时定制器中提供了大量定制选项,并允许您混合和匹配不同的样式和颜色。

36. law徒 (36. Outlaw)


Outlaw is a creative WordPress WooCommerce theme suitable for all kind of shops and online stores. It features a clean and soft layout with lots of space and gorgeous typography.

Outlaw是一个创造性的WordPress WooCommerce主题,适用于各种商店和在线商店。 它具有干净柔软的布局,并具有大量空间和华丽的版式。

It includes beautiful CSS animations, advanced product filter, multiple styles and layouts, translation ready, and more. It ships with 1-click installer, premium slider and page builder plugins.

它包括漂亮CSS动画 ,高级产品过滤器,多种样式和布局,可随时翻译等。 它附带一键式安装程序,高级滑块和页面构建器插件。

37. Shop Isle (37. Shop Isle)

Shop Isle

Shop Isle is an excellent free WordPress theme for WooCommerce shops. It features large product images on the homepage which allows you to grab customer attention upon arrival.

Shop Isle是WooCommerce商店的绝佳免费WordPress主题。 它在主页上有大尺寸的产品图片,可让您在抵达时吸引客户的注意。

Other notable features include fullscreen image, parallax effects, live customizer support, blog section, and more. It works out of the box and all theme options are quite straightforward and simple.

其他值得注意的功能包括全屏图像, 视差效果 ,实时定制工具支持,博客部分等等。 它开箱即用,所有主题选项都非常简单明了。

38. Flevr (38. Flevr)


Flevr is a modern and stylish WooCommerce theme for online shops and stores. It features a fully widgetized homepage layout with a full screen slider on top followed by your featured products.

Flevr是现代时尚的WooCommerce主题,适用于在线商店和商店。 它具有完全窗口化的首页布局,顶部有全屏滑块,其后是特色产品。

It comes with built-in sections to add testimonials, services, galleries, portfolio, and more. It includes custom widgets for social media and content discovery. It is quite easy to use and you can also use your favorite page builder plugin with it.

它带有内置部分,可以添加推荐,服务,画廊,作品集等。 它包括用于社交媒体和内容发现的自定义窗口小部件。 它非常易于使用,您也可以将其与喜欢的页面构建器插件一起使用。

39.植物群 (39. Flora)


Flora is a WooCommerce WordPress theme designed specially with flower shops in mind. Its beautiful design and color scheme takes inspiration from flowers and uses combination of bold and soft colors throughout.

Flora是WooCommerce WordPress主题,专门针对花店设计。 其美丽的设计和配色方案从花朵中汲取灵感,并在整个过程中使用大胆​​和柔和的色彩组合。

It includes smart shopping cart, mega menu, smart navigation, multiple header styles, sticky headers, and more. It is translation ready and compatible with multilingual plugins.

它包括智能购物车,大型菜单,智能导航,多种标题样式,粘性标题等。 它已准备好翻译,并与多语言插件兼容。

40. Flash (40. Flash)


Need a professional looking but free WordPress theme for your WooCommerce store? Check out Flash. This beautiful multi-purpose WordPress theme is WooCommerce ready and comes with beautiful design.

您的WooCommerce商店需要专业外观但免费的WordPress主题吗? 查看Flash。 这个漂亮的多用途WordPress主题已为WooCommerce做好了准备,并带有漂亮的设计。

It comes with a companion plugin that allows you to easily import demo content into your website. It also includes multiple blog layouts, page builder templates, multiple header styles, multiple color choices, and more.

它带有一个配套插件,可让您轻松地将演示内容导入您的网站。 它还包括多种博客布局,页面构建器模板,多种标题样式,多种颜色选择等等。

41.阁楼 (41. Loft)


Loft is a clean and simple WooCommerce theme for WordPress with powerful set of features and extensive customization options. Its homepage features an optional slider on top, followed by your products or content.

Loft是WordPress的一个干净,简单的WooCommerce主题,具有强大的功能集和广泛的自定义选项。 其首页上有一个可选的滑块,​​其后是您的产品或内容。

It includes two navigation menus and a sticky floating navigation menu on top. It is super-easy to use and includes a custom theme settings page as well as live theme customization support.

它在顶部包括两个导航菜单和一个粘性浮动导航菜单 。 它非常易于使用,并包括自定义主题设置页面以及实时主题自定义支持。

42.便当 (42. Bento)


Bento is another excellent and free WordPress WooCommerce theme that offers the functionality and features rivaling premium themes. This super flexible WordPress theme features a modern homepage that is fully customizable using any page builder plugin.

Bento是另一个出色且免费的WordPress WooCommerce主题,它提供的功能和功能可与高级主题媲美。 这个超级灵活的WordPress主题具有一个现代主页,可以使用任何页面构建器插件完全自定义。

It includes multiple layouts, unlimited colors, layouts for individual posts and pages, custom headers, advanced header styling for posts and pages, and more. It is easy to use and all theme options are managed under customizer with live preview.

它包括多种布局,无限的颜色,单个帖子和页面的布局,自定义标题,帖子和页面的高级标题样式等。 它易于使用,并且所有主题选项都在带有实时预览的定制器下进行管理。

43.角落 (43. Corner)


Corner is a unique and stylish WordPress theme with full WooCommerce support. It features a narrow left sidebar and a wider content area with a minimalist approach to design.

Corner是一个独特而时尚的WordPress主题,具有WooCommerce的全面支持。 它具有狭窄的左侧边栏和较宽的内容区域,并具有极简设计方法。

It offers full color control, custom widgets for Twitter, Flickr, and content discovery widgets. It works out of the box and you will find it quite easy to set up with little effort.

它提供了完整的色彩控制,用于Twitter的自定义小部件,Flickr和内容发现小部件。 它开箱即用,您会发现设置起来非常容易。

44.山顶 (44. Peak)


Peak is a modern WooCommerce WordPress theme featuring beautiful tiled images at the top. Tiles are automatically generated by the theme you can also customize the tiles if you need. Below that it showcases your top products and featured content.

Peak是现代的WooCommerce WordPress主题,顶部具有漂亮的平铺图像。 主题会自动生成图块,您也可以根据需要自定义图块。 在下面,它展示了您的顶级产品和特色内容。

It includes portfolio post type, custom layouts, mega menu, slide-in widgets, and more. For easier set up it includes 1-click demo data importer, a custom theme settings panel, and a drag and drop builder.

它包括投资组合文章类型,自定义布局,大型菜单,滑入式小部件等。 为了简化设置,它包括一键式演示数据导入器,自定义主题设置面板和拖放生成器。

45. Shopstar (45. Shopstar)


Shopstar is an elegant and free WooCommerce theme suitable for lifestyle, apparel, and fashion stores. It features a minimalist design layout which makes your products pop-out and your visuals more effective.

Shopstar是一种优雅且免费的WooCommerce主题,适用于生活方式,服装和时尚商店。 它具有极简主义的设计布局,可弹出您的产品,并提高视觉效果。

It comes with two navigation menus, beautiful product pages, separate blog page, right sidebar on blog posts, and more. It works with all popular page builder and contact form plugins. All theme options are easily accessible via live theme customizer.

它带有两个导航菜单,漂亮的产品页面,单独的博客页面,博客文章右侧的边栏等等。 它适用于所有流行的页面构建器和联系表单插件。 可通过实时主题定制器轻松访问所有主题选项。

46.平衡 (46. Balance)


Balance is an excellent WooCommerce theme designed to put your brand in the center. Perfect for any eCommerce website, Balance comes with a modern and stylish homepage layout which allows you to feature your products elegantly.

平衡是一个出色的WooCommerce主题,旨在将您的品牌放在中心位置。 Balance对任何电子商务网站都是完美的,它具有现代而时尚的主页布局,可让您优雅地展示您的产品。

It includes six beautiful templates for shop and product pages. Other features include multiple blog styles, 6 color schemes with unlimited customizations, Instagram widget, custom fonts and logo.

它包括六个漂亮的商店和产品页面模板。 其他功能包括多种博客样式,无限制自定义的6种配色方案, Instagram小部件 ,自定义字体和徽标。

47.家居用品 (47. Homestore)


Homestore is a WooCommerce theme for home decor, household items, and department store websites. It features a clean spacious design that makes your products stand out.

Homestore是WooCommerce主题,用于家居装饰,家居用品和百货商店网站。 它具有干净宽敞的设计,使您的产品脱颖而出。

It is super-flexible and designed to work effortlessly with minimum effort. It can be further extended with Storefront Extensions pack which adds awesome features like smart cart, product reviews, multi-column layouts, fonts, custom styling, and more.

它具有超强的灵活性,可以毫不费力地工作。 可以使用Storefront Extensions包进一步扩展它,它添加了一些很棒的功能,如智能购物车,产品评论,多列布局,字体,自定义样式等。

48.贝利尼 (48. Bellini)


Bellini is another great free WordPress WooCommerce theme. It comes with a featured products slider on the top and 4 front-page sections that you can configure from settings.

贝里尼(Bellini)是另一个很棒的免费WordPress WooCommerce主题。 它在顶部带有一个特色产品滑块,并且可以从设置中配置4个首页部分。

Built with Bootstrap framework, it is fully responsive and optimized for performance. It has 3 widget ready areas, beautiful shop and product page templates, and supports all top WooCommerce plugins.

它使用Bootstrap框架构建,具有完全响应能力并针对性能进行了优化。 它具有3个小部件就绪区域,漂亮的商店和产品页面模板,并支持所有顶级WooCommerce插件

49.专业商店 (49. ProShop)


ProShop is a child theme of WooCommerce Storefront theme. It features a stylish urban design which makes it a good fit for accessories, clothing, and sports stores.

ProShop是WooCommerce店面主题的主题。 它具有时尚的城市设计,非常适合配饰,服装和体育用品商店。

It inherits all the features of its parent theme and some of its own as well. All theme options are accessible through live customizer and are quite easy to set up.

它继承了其父主题的所有功能以及一些自身的功能。 所有主题选项都可以通过实时定制器访问,并且很容易设置。

We hope this article helped you find the best WooCommerce WordPress themes for your online store. You may also want to see our list of must have WordPress plugins to grow your business.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您的在线商店的最佳WooCommerce WordPress主题。 您可能还希望查看我们的列表,这些列表必须具有WordPress插件才能发展您的业务

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-woocommerce-wordpress-themes/





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