
Managing multiple authors in a WordPress blog can be hectic. A good editorial workflow is essential for a multi-author blog to function smoothly.

在WordPress博客中管理多个作者可能很忙。 良好的编辑工作流程对于多作者博客平稳运行至关重要。

We are often asked by our users how they can improve their editorial process while running a busy multi-author WordPress blog.


Luckily, there is an excellent plugin for that.


In this article, we will show you how to effectively use PublishPress to manage your editorial workflow like a pro.


This will allow you to easily collaborate with your editorial team right inside WordPress. You will also be able to organize your editorial calendar, execute content strategy, and increase productivity.

这将使您可以轻松地与WordPress内部的编辑团队合作。 您还可以组织编辑日历,执行内容策略并提高生产率。

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

How to manage editorial workflow in multi-author WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the PublishPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活PublishPress插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

The plugin works out of the box, but we will review different settings options in each section as we move along.


Let’s start by defining your editorial workflow.


使用自定义状态定义工作流程的阶段 (Define The Stages of Your Workflow with Custom Statuses)

PublishPress comes with a feature called ‘Custom Statuses’ which lets you define the stages of your workflow.


Apart from the default WordPress post statuses like Draft, Pending review, and Published, the plugin creates several new statuses for your posts and pages.


  • Pitch – Author submits an article pitch or post idea.间距 -作者提交文章间距或发布想法。
  • Assigned – A post is assigned to an author已分配 -帖子已分配给作者
  • Draft – The default draft and autosave status for posts草稿 –帖子的默认草稿和自动保存状态
  • In progress – An article is currently under progress. Used during initial research and outlining process正在进行中 -文章目前正在进行中。 在初步研究和概述过程中使用
  • Pending review – An article is submitted to the editors for review an publication. 待审核 -将文章提交给编辑以审核出版物。
  • Published – An article is published已发布 –已发表文章
  • Scheduled – An article is scheduled to be published later已安排 -计划在以后发表文章

You and your authors can choose a status based on the current stage of article in your workflow. The status option is located on the edit screen under the document menu.

您和您的作者可以根据工作流中文章的当前阶段选择状态。 状态选项位于文档菜单下的编辑屏幕上。

Changing post status on the edit screen

You can also change post status from Posts » All Posts page by clicking the Quick Edit link below a post.


Quick edit post to change its status

Need to edit custom statuses to define your own workflow?


PublishPress lets you create your own custom statuses as well. Simply head over to PublishPress » Settings page and switch to the ‘Statuses’ tab.

PublishPress还允许您创建自己的自定义状态。 只需转到PublishPress»设置页面,然后切换到“状态”标签。

Adding a custom status in PublishPress

Next, click on the ‘Add New’ tab to create your custom workflow status. You will need to add a name and description for your custom status and then choose a color / icon for it.

接下来,单击“添加新”选项卡以创建自定义工作流状态。 您需要为自定义状态添加名称和描述,然后为其选择颜色/图标。

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Add new status’ button to save your changes. You can now use this custom status for your posts.

不要忘记单击“添加新状态”按钮以保存您的更改。 您现在可以在帖子中使用此自定义状态。

在您的帖子中添加社论评论 (Add Editorial Comments to Your Posts)

Communication among the team is crucial for all multi-author blogs. PublishPress has the option for editorial comments as well as notifications.

团队之间的沟通对于所有多作者博客都至关重要。 PublishPress具有用于编辑评论和通知的选项。

Editorial comments basically allow for threaded commenting inside the WordPress admin dashboard for private discussion between writers and editors. Authors and editors can add comments right below the post editor.

编辑评论基本上允许在WordPress管理仪表盘内进行线程评论,以便作者和编辑之间进行私人讨论。 作者和编辑者可以在帖子编辑器的正下方添加评论。

Adding editorial comments to posts in WordPress

Team members will get notifications when a new comment is added for the posts they are following or editing.


管理内容进度通知 (Managing Notifications for Content Progress)

PublishPress allows you to automatically send notifications for editorial comments as well as content progress.


Content Progress notifications are sent when an author changes a post’s status. For example, when a post is changed from draft to pending review.

当作者更改帖子的状态时,将发送内容进度通知。 例如,当帖子从草稿更改为待审核时。

You can manage notifications and create new ones by visiting PublishPress » Notifications page.



On this page, you will see a list of existing notification workflows. You can click on the ‘Add New’ button to create your own custom notification.

在此页面上,您将看到现有通知工作流程的列表。 您可以单击“添加新”按钮来创建自己的自定义通知。

New notification

You can select when to send a notification, users who will get notified, and for which content-type.


You can also compose the notification email subject and message. You will find the handy shortcodes in the right column to use in your email message.

您还可以编写通知电子邮件主题和消息。 您会在右列中找到方便的简码,以在电子邮件中使用。

将编辑元数据添加到您的博客文章中 (Add Editorial Metadata to Your Blog Posts)

Editorial metadata feature allows you to add additional useful information to your blog posts. Simply edit the post or create a new one, and you will see the editorial metadata fields under the Document panel.

编辑元数据功能使您可以向博客文章中添加其他有用的信息。 只需编辑该帖子或创建一个新帖子,您将在“文档”面板下看到编辑元数据字段。

Editorial metadata

By default, the plugin adds ‘First draft date’ and ‘Assignment’ details meta fields. You can create and add your own metadata fields as well.

默认情况下,该插件会添加“初稿日期”和“任务”详细信息元字段。 您也可以创建并添加自己的元数据字段。

Simply head over to PublishPress » Settings page in your WordPress admin, and click on the Metadata tab.

只需转到 WordPress管理员中的PublishPress»设置页面,然后单击“元数据”选项卡。

Managing editorial metadata

Next, click on the ‘Add New’ tab to create new custom editorial metadata. From here you can add a label, description, and form field type for your custom editorial metadata.

接下来,单击“添加新”标签以创建新的自定义编辑元数据。 在这里,您可以为自定义编辑元数据添加标签,描述和表单字段类型。

Adding a custom editorial metadata field

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Add New Metadata Term’ button to save your changes.


You can now use your custom editorial metadata field while writing posts.


使用PublishPress管理您的编辑日历 (Managing Your Editorial Calendar with PublishPress)

Planning and managing an editorial calendar gives you a bird’s eye view of your publishing queue.


You are able to see the content progress and make sure that you are publishing on time and as planned.


Many editorial teams use Google Calendar or other task management tools like Asana for that. PublishPress allows you to view and manage your editorial calendar right inside the WordPress admin area.

许多编辑团队为此使用Google日历或其他任务管理工具(例如Asana)。 PublishPress允许您直接在WordPress管理区域内查看和管理编辑日历。

Managing your editorial calendar

The calendar shows you all the posts that are scheduled for posting, their progress status, and more. You can also drag and drop posts to change their scheduled dates.

日历显示您计划发布的所有帖子,其进度状态等。 您也可以拖放帖子以更改其预定日期。

You can also click on the ‘Click to create’ link to instantly schedule a post for that particular day.


添加预发布内容清单 (Add a Pre-publish Content Checklist)

PublishPress comes with a premium add-on to create and add pre-publish content checklists which is totally worth it. Simply install and activate the ‘Content Checklist’ addon.

PublishPress附带一个高级插件,用于创建和添加预发布内容清单,这是完全值得的。 只需安装并激活“内容清单”插件。

Next, you need to visit PublishPress » Settings page and click on the Checklist tab.


Create a content checklist

From here you can select the post types where you want to display the content checklist. After that, you need to select what happens when all items on the checklist are not finished.

在这里,您可以选择要显示内容清单的帖子类型。 此后,您需要选择当清单中的所有项目都未完成时会发生什么。

Below that you can start adding checklist items. For example, restrict the number of categories, tags, featured image, and any other items that you want to add.

在此之下,您可以开始添加清单项目。 例如,限制类别,标签,特色图像和要添加的任何其他项目的数量。

Once you have created your content checklist, you can edit any post on your website to see it in action.


Content checklist
其他特性 (Other Features)

Apart from the standard PublishPress features, it also comes with premium add-ons to do more on your website.


Following are some of the extra features you can enable using their premium version.


  • WooCommerce content checklist – Add a content checklist for WooCommerce products.

  • Multiple authors – Allows you to give credit to multiple authors for a single post

  • Permissions – Allows you to control which users can complete certain tasks

  • Slack support – Get PublishPress notifications in Slack

  • Reminders – A custom set of reminder notifications


We hope this article helped you improve your editorial workflow in multi-author WordPress site. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide to get more search traffic to your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您改善多作者WordPress网站中的编辑工作流程。 您可能还想查看我们的终极WordPress SEO指南,以获取更多到您网站的访问量。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-improve-your-editorial-workflow-in-multi-author-wordpress-blogs/





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