

Many experts raise hell over the perilous influence that technology has on children and youngsters. It is crucified as a looming menace responsible for everything from street violence to learning impediments. What gets overlooked is the variety of ways in which technology can enrich learning processes and encourage kids to seek knowledge and go about it differently than the previous generations. Namely, as technology advances by leaps and bounds, our ability to share, access, and distribute information is taken to ever new heights.

许多专家对技术对儿童和青少年的有害影响深表歉意。 它被迫以威胁迫在眉睫,从街头暴力到学习障碍,应有尽有。 可以忽略的是,技术可以丰富学习过程并鼓励孩子们寻求知识并以不同于前几代人的方式去学习知识的各种方式。 即,随着技术的飞跃发展,我们共享,访问和分发信息的能力被提升到了一个新的高度。


Two sides of the coin


Just because most people prefer to watch funny cat videos and seek memes, does not mean that the internet is one big flashy show. What about a myriad of scholarly dissertations and up-to-date scientific information? What is true, though, is that the information is fragmented and that the way in which it is often presented shortens children’s attention spans. This is perhaps the inevitable byproduct of a digital revolution that has taken place.

仅仅因为大多数人都喜欢看有趣的猫咪视频并寻找模因,并不意味着互联网就是其中的一个华丽表演。 大量的学术论文和最新的科学信息怎么办? 然而,真实的情况是,信息是零散的,并且经常出现的方式缩短了儿童的注意力范围。 这也许是发生数字革命的必然产物。

模式转变 (Paradigm shift )

On the other hand, the internet can help parents take advantage of private tutoring and help their children overcome learning problems. Furthermore, the open-source resources are gaining traction across the cyber multiverse and some high-profile institutions like Khan Academy are in the game for more than just money. This marks a seismic shift, which levels the playing field, rendering it accessible to people of all backgrounds and financial means.

另一方面,互联网可以帮助父母 利用   私人补习 ,帮助孩子克服学习困难。 此外,开放源代码资源在网络多元世界中越来越受关注,可汗学院等一些知名机构在竞争中不仅仅是金钱。 这标志着一场巨大的转变,它平整了运动场,使所有背景和经济状况的人都可以使用它。

开门 (Open doors )

Likewise, there is a host of online education platforms in the league of Coursera and Udacity. Even some of the most reputable universities around the world now offer online courses and issue real degrees for finishing them. Distance learning is no longer an anomaly and it should not be long until it starts becoming a norm. We already have access to video lectures, e-books, virtual conferences, and interactive discussion boards.

同样,在Coursera和Udacity联盟中也有许多在线教育平台。 现在,即使是世界上一些最著名的大学,也都提供在线课程并颁发实际学位以完成课程。 远程学习不再是一种反常现象,并且在它开始成为一种规范之前应该不会太长。 我们已经可以访问视频讲座,电子书,虚拟会议和交互式讨论区。

黄金三镖客 (The good, the bad, and the ugly )

The problem with any available content is that children often take the good with the bad. The internet, though, has changed this situation somewhat because it puts the consumers in the driver’s seat. They navigate the highways and byways of the digital world using signs by the road or nothing more than a hunch. And it should not be overlooked that is up to parents to educate children and monitor how and when they use technology.

任何可用内容的问题都在于,儿童常常会善与恶。 但是,互联网已经在某种程度上改变了这种状况,因为它使消费者处于驾驶员的位置。 他们使用路标或直觉来导航数字世界的高速公路和小路。 父母对孩子进行教育并监督他们使用技术的方式和时间是不容忽视的。

线条模糊   (Blurred lines )

The internet is not the only scapegoat as TV traditionally fits that description. Indeed, a lot has been said about the content children consume today. However, most people do not realize that TV shows and movies often have complex, multi-layered storylines that interweave. Grasping such a matrix calls for undivided attention as well as strong cognitive capabilities. Thus, scientists have found that in moderation, TV watching can boost alertness and memory.

互联网并不是唯一的替罪羊,因为电视传统上符合这种描述。 确实,关于儿童今天所消费的内容已经有很多说法。 但是,大多数人没有意识到电视节目和电影通常具有复杂的,多层交织的故事情节。 掌握这样一个矩阵需要全神贯注以及强大的认知能力。 因此,科学家发现,适度看电视可以提高机敏性和记忆力。

在游戏的顶端 (At the top of the game )

As for the video games, a growing body of research suggests that they actually challenge children to solve problems by forming hypotheses and testing them. They go through a dynamic process of trial and error, rethinking their approach and obtaining new knowledge. So, if handled the right way, they are a great asset to the learning arsenal. The issue is that the bulk of educational games are of poor quality according to standards of gamers, but that is the problem of insufficient investment.

至于 视频游戏 ,越来越多的研究表明,它们实际上是在挑战儿童通过形成假设并对其进行检验来解决问题。 他们经历了反复试验的动态过程,重新考虑了他们的方法并获得了新知识。 因此,如果处理正确,它们将是学习工具库的重要资产。 问题是,按照游戏者的标准,大多数教育游戏的质量较差,但这是投资不足的问题。

数码爱 (Digital love )

Many rightfully argue that no amount of technology can replace the importance of one-on-one attention that educators provide. But, tech marvels are not here to make it obsolete. Virtual does not have to rule out traditional methods like homework, collaborative team projects, and exams. Like it or not, technology resonates with students and allows them to follow their preferred learning styles. It is estimated that between 60% and 80% of children are visual learners and what better medium to deliver great results than the digital environment?  

许多人理所当然地认为,没有任何一种技术可以取代教育者提供的一对一关注的重要性。 但是,技术奇迹并不能使其过时。 Virtual不必排除传统方法,例如作业,协作团队项目和考试。 不管喜欢与否,技术在学生中引起共鸣,并让他们遵循自己喜欢的学习方式。 据估计,有60%至80%的儿童是视觉学习者,还有什么比数字环境更好的媒介来产生出色的成绩?

建筑桥梁 (Building bridges )

There is much room for optimism. Many schools and universities have already implemented videos, graphs, and images as tools that supplement verbal learning components. They demonstrate that smart application can correct the deficiencies in primary and secondary education and bridge the gap between students and subject matter. The students become actively engaged with the material because they are comfortable with the way it is presented.

乐观的余地很大。 许多学校和大学已经将视频,图形和图像作为工具来补充语言学习成分。 他们证明,智能应用程序可以纠正中小学教育的不足,并弥合学生与主题之间的鸿沟。 学生们对材料表现出积极的态度,因为他们对材料的呈现方式感到满意。

教育的未来在我们身上 (The future of education is upon us )

Active-learning techniques have already proven to be fruitful, and now it is time to push the boundaries even further. Today’s students have grown in fundamentally different conditions than their predecessors just 20 years ago. They are a generation of digital natives that interact with screens more often than with people. They are becoming members of a global community without setting foot outside their homes. So, just how does it make any sense to teach them using the same pedagogical methods that were utilized a century ago?

主动学习技术 已经被证明是卓有成效的,现在是时候进一步扩大界限了。 今天的学生与20年前的前辈相比,在根本不同的条件下成长。 他们是一代数字原住民,他们与屏幕互动的频率比与人互动的频率更高。 他们正在成为全球社区的一员,而无需踏出家门。 因此,使用一个世纪前使用的相同教学方法教他们有什么意义呢?

选择的武器 (Weapons of choice )

In this day and age, we have more tools and methods to improve learning outcomes than ever before. An immense ocean of information is at our fingertips, and we can seamlessly dive into it to learn in new, creative ways. Technology is not going anywhere. In fact, it is going to become even more entwined with all aspects of our reality and culture. So, we might as well make the most of it and let our children use it as a learning superweapon. Systems like the internet are neither good nor bad per se: It all comes down to how they are utilized and towards what ends.

在当今时代,我们拥有比以往更多的工具和方法来改善学习成果。 触手可及的是巨大的信息海洋,我们可以无缝地深入其中,以   以创新的方式学习。 技术无处不在。 实际上,它将与我们的现实和文化的各个方面交织在一起。 因此,我们不妨充分利用它,让我们的孩子将其用作学习型超级武器。 像互联网这样的系统 本身 并 没有好坏之 分 :这全都取决于它们的使用方式和发展方向。

I hope that you enjoyed this article and find it helpful for your future decisions about your children. Of course, if you find this article was helpful for you, please give it a thumbs up so that I know what to write about in future.

我希望您喜欢这篇文章,并发现它对您将来对孩子的决定有帮助。 当然,如果您发现本文对您有所帮助,请竖起大拇指,以使我知道将来要写些什么。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/30809/Why-Technology-Could-be-the-Saving-Grace-of-Modern-Education-and-Learning.html


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