

I love speaking at conferences. Through conference speaking I’ve been able to travel to parts of the world I would never have seen, meet and talk to people I would never have met. I’ve discovered new foods I like to eat, brought new customers to our product, learned so much more about different cultures – something that helps me when supporting our customers. I’ve even started to learn to speak German due to the number of events I have been to in German speaking countries.

我喜欢在会议上发言。 通过会议演讲,我得以前往我从未见过的世界各地,与我从未见过的人们见面和交谈。 我发现了自己喜欢吃的新食品,为我们的产品带来了新的客户,对不同的文化了解了很多,这对我为客户提供支持时会有所帮助。 由于我去过德语国家的活动很多,我什至开始学习德语。

Being asked to speak at conferences is a huge privilege. It is something I take seriously – whether I’m talking to 20 people at a local meet up or 1500 on the main track of a large event. I work hard to bring a good presentation, tailored to the expected audience, and to be an asset to any conference I am part of.

被要求在会议上发言是一项巨大的特权。 我非常重视–无论是在当地聚会上与20个人聊天还是在大型活动的主要赛道上与1500人聊天。 我会努力为您带来适合目标受众的出色演讲,并成为我参加的任何会议的资产。

However, speaking at conferences is almost never a direct money-making exercise. In fact, most often when I speak at a conference it costs me and my business a not insignificant amount of money. If you are a conference attendee, know that most of the people on stage are taking a financial hit just by being there.

但是,在会议上发言几乎从来都不是直接的赚钱活动。 实际上,大多数情况下,当我在会议上讲话时,这会花费我和我的生意不菲的金钱。 如果您是会议的参加者,请知道大多数在场人员只是因为在场而遭受财务打击。

演讲者会得到什么报酬? (What do speakers get paid?)

Very often, speakers at web conferences and events are unpaid. Where a fee is offered it is usually an honorarium – an amount not really tied to the amount of work that goes into creating a talk and being at the conference.

很多时候,网络会议和活动的发言人是无偿的。 在提供收费的地方,通常是酬金–与建立演讲和参加会议的工作量无关。

I have a simple rule, if someone is making money out of the conference then I expect to be paid too. As it happens an awful lot of conferences and events are not money-making enterprises. They are put on because the organiser just really wants to see the event happen, and are making it so. Unless the conference can be a day trip for me (so within a couple of hours of my home in Bristol, UK) then I expect that the conference will cover my hotel accommodation and travel. That should be seen as a critical expense of putting on a conference – like paying for the venue. The speakers are why people are attending your conference.

我有一个简单的规则,如果有人从会议中赚钱,那么我也希望得到报酬。 碰巧的是,很多会议和活动都不是赚钱的企业。 之所以穿上它们,是因为组织者真的很想看到事件的发生,并且正在这样做。 除非会议对我来说是一日游(因此在我在英国布里斯托尔的家中几个小时之内),否则我希望会议能涵盖我的酒店住宿和旅行。 这应该被视为召开会议的一项重大支出,例如支付会议场地费用。 演讲者是人们参加您会议的原因。

我是否参加通常是一个商业决定 (Whether I attend is usually a business decision)

There are conferences I will speak at because I just like the organisers, or the city, or I want to hear the other speakers and so am happy to essentially use my own time to do the event. However the more travel I do, the less I’m able to justify doing travel just for the jolly!

我之所以参加一些会议,是因为我就像组织者或城市一样,或者我想听听其他发言人的发言,因此很高兴能利用自己的时间来参加会议。 但是,我旅行的次数越多,就不能仅仅出于欢乐就证明旅行的合理性!

It is vanishingly rare for a conference to offer me my day rate for all the time I will be there, never mind the time spent preparing and traveling. My business is contributing to your conference. Give me a reason why the business will benefit, that might be:

几乎没有什么会议可以在我一直在那里提供我的日间费用,而不必理会花在准备和旅行上的时间。 我的生意为您的会议做贡献。 请给我一个使业务受益的理由,可能是:

  • the audience is aligned to either people who might be interested in Perch or my book
  • the conference is going to be useful for me to attend, I’m learning too
  • there are others speakers there who it is beneficial for me to be on the lineup with or are people I know or might want to meet
  • you can offer a way to promote my product (outside of my talk obviously) such as by adding us to the sponsor links
  • 观众与可能对Perch或我的书感兴趣的人保持一致
  • 这次会议对我参加会议很有用,我也在学习
  • 那里有其他演讲者,对我来说很有益,或者与我认识或可能想见面的人在一起
  • 您可以提供一种宣传我的产品的方式(显然不在我的演讲范围之内),例如将我们添加到赞助商链接中

呼吁透明 (A plea for transparency)

Yesterday I mentioned on Twitter how nice it was to get an invite that clearly stated what the conference was offering. I can’t mention the particular conference just yet as things haven’t been announced but I received a short, to the point email that told me:

昨天我在Twitter上提到 ,获得邀请并明确说明会议提供的内容真是太好了。 由于事情尚未宣布,我还不能提及特定的会议,但是我收到了一封简短的电子邮件,告诉我:

  • when and where the conference was happening
  • what the speaker package covered
  • a note on why the organiser felt their audience would be a good fit for the things I talk about – but also for the audience I want to reach as a business
  • 会议举行的时间和地点
  • 扬声器包装涵盖了什么
  • 关于组织者为何认为他们的听众非常适合我所谈论的内容的注释,也适合我想作为业务接触的听众的注释

I was able to check my diary and get straight back to confirm that I would love to be there. No awkward back and forth about money, and the ability to justify any out of pocket expenses I might have, and the time away from the office because I could immediately see the benefit of speaking to that audience.

我能够检查我的日记并直接返回以确认我愿意在那里。 没有来回花钱的尴尬,没有理由证明我可能拥有的任何自付费用,还有时间可以离开办公室,因为我可以立即看到与该人群交谈的好处。

Conversely, a friend of mine yesterday pulled out of a conference due to discovering that speakers were not all being treated fairly, and in the same way. This led to confusion on Twitter, and accusations of gender bias in terms of who was paid. Even if there wasn’t explicit gender bias on the part of the organisers it does raise questions as to whether male speakers are more willing to speak up and demand a fee, and therefore more likely to be paid than women.

相反,我的一个朋友昨天因为发现发言者并没有以相同的方式受到公平对待而退出了会议 。 这导致了Twitter上的混乱,并指责在向谁付款方面存在性别偏见。 即使组织者没有明显的性别偏见,它的确也引起了一个问题,即男性演讲者是否更愿意大声疾呼并要求收费,因此比女性更有可能获得报酬。

The default expectation for appearing at a conference should be that the work, and this is work, should be paid for along with all expenses.


If the conference cannot pay, or can only offer a token fee, then this should be assessed in the same way for all speakers and should be utterly transparent when the initial request is made.


This is good for everyone. For the speaker there is no need to feel awkward in asking what is covered. Everyone saves time on back and forth emails only to discover that due to expenses or lack of fee this won’t work out. The conference saves potentially embarrassing situations where speakers pull out, or show up and realise when talking to other speakers there is disparity in what has been offered. We all talk to each other, organisers might be surprised at the number of emails I get from fellow speakers asking what my experience was when I spoke at a particular conference.

这对所有人都有好处。 对于演讲者而言,在询问涵盖内容时无需感到尴尬。 每个人都节省了来回电子邮件的时间,只是发现由于费用或费用不足,这种方法无法解决。 该会议避免了潜在的令人尴尬的情况,在这种情况下,发言者退出或出现并意识到与其他发言者交谈时所提供的内容存在差异。 我们彼此交谈,组织者可能会惊讶于我发给其他演讲者的电子邮件,询问我在特定会议上讲话时的经历。

透明度和多样性 (Transparency and diversity)

I believe being transparent and taking a default stance that compensation should be expected will help to diversify our conferences. New speakers are the ones who most often get burned by the practice of only offering a fee if asked, or needing to negotiate a fee when they have no idea what is acceptable.

我相信保持透明并采取应有的补偿的默认态度将有助于使我们的会议多样化。 新演讲者最容易被那些只被问到才收费或在不知道什么可以接受时需要协商费用的做法而烦恼。

I saw a tweet from an event organiser last night saying that they don’t offer a fee unless people ask “to help keep costs down”. This is exactly the sort of behaviour that causes the problems seen yesterday and may well lead to women, if it is the case that women are less likely to ask for a fee, finding they are the ones in a line-up not being paid.

我昨晚从活动组织者那里看到一条推文,说他们不收费,除非人们要求“帮助降低成本”。 正是这种行为导致了昨天出现的问题,并且很可能导致女性,如果是这样的话,女性不太可能索要费用,而是发现自己是那些没有得到报酬的女性。

There are great speakers on almost every subject all over the world. If a conference has a limited budget then perhaps they need to look closer to home for speakers. While it is lovely to fly in a big name from the other side of the world, if that burns up the budget so the conference can’t compensate other speakers and they can’t use that name to help attract sponsorship that covers the expense, then maybe they need to reconsider that choice. Looking closer to home will also narrow the pool of “same old names” to pick from, and hopefully bring in some new speakers. What would be great to see would be conferences assigning a couple of slots to new faces, deliberately selecting local people (therefore being able to offer the same expenses package, it would just be naturally less expensive) and offering them help in preparing for their talk.

全世界几乎所有主题都有出色的演讲者。 如果会议的预算有限,那么他们可能需要把演讲者带到家附近。 虽然能以世界另一端的大名鼎鼎地飞行是很可爱的,但如果这样会耗尽预算,则会议无法补偿其他演讲者,他们也无法使用该名字来帮助吸引赞助商来支付费用,那么也许他们需要重新考虑这个选择。 靠近家乡也将缩小可供选择的“相同旧名字”的范围,并希望引入新的演讲者。 看到会议将为新面Kong分配几个席位,故意选择当地人(因此能够提供相同的费用套餐,这自然会便宜一些),并为他们准备演讲提供帮助,这将是很棒的发现。

If you are a speaker or potential speaker it is reasonable to expect that you will be compensated. You can balance that against genuine business reasons to be there. Woolly statements about exposure are nonsense, assess what you will gain in real business or professional terms. If the initial request does not include expenses and payment information then your first reply should be to ask what they are offering speakers in terms of payment and expenses. You can then take negotiations from that point. Remember that where your time and actual cash outlay is not being financially compensated it is the job of the organiser to make sure there is a tangible benefit for you to take the hit of being there.

如果您是演讲者或潜在演讲者,则可以合理预期您将获得补偿。 您可以将其与真正的业务理由相结合。 关于曝光的糟糕说法是胡说八道,请评估您将以实际业务或专业术语获得的收益。 如果最初的请求中不包含费用和付款信息,那么您的第一个答复应该是询问他们在付款和费用方面为演讲者提供什么。 然后,您可以从那时开始进行谈判。 请记住,在您的时间和实际现金支出没有得到经济补偿的情况下,组织者的职责就是确保您能从中获得切实的好处

进一步阅读 (Further reading)

Several other people have weighed into the debate,I’m editing this post to add resources as I spot them.


Seb Lee-Delisle posted an excellent post today on exactly how to ask to be paid.

Seb Lee-Delisle今天就如何要求付款发表了一篇出色的文章。

Jenn Lukas gave some tips on how to calculate your speaking fee, see the comments for more great suggestions.

珍妮·卢卡斯(Jenn Lukas)提供了一些有关如何计算您的演讲费的提示,有关更多建议,请参阅评论。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2014/05/02/conference-speaking-transparency-and-fairness/






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