If you've been thinking about learning C#, now is the time to jump in! I've been working on this project for months and I'm happy to announce http://dot.net/videos
如果您一直在考虑学习C#,那么现在该是时候了! 我已经在这个项目上工作了几个月了,很高兴宣布http://dot.net/videos
There's nearly a hundred short videos (with more to come!) that will teach you topics like C# 101, .NET, making desktop apps, making ASP.NET web apps, learning containers and Dockers, or even starting with Machine Learning. There's a ton of great, slow-paced beginner videos. Most are less than 10 minutes long and all are organized into Playlists on YouTube!
有近一百个短视频(还有更多视频!)将教您C#101,.NET,制作桌面应用,制作ASP.NET Web应用,学习容器和Docker,甚至从机器学习开始的话题。 有大量很棒的,节奏缓慢的初学者视频。 大部分内容不到10分钟,所有内容都组织在YouTube上的播放列表中!
If you are getting started, I'd recommend starting with these three series in this order - C#, .NET, then ASP.NET. After that, pick the topics that make you the happiest.
如果您是入门者,建议您按照以下三个系列的顺序开始-C#、. NET,然后是ASP.NET。 之后,选择最快乐的主题。
If you don't have access to YouTube where you are, all these videos are also on Channel 9 *and* can be downloaded locally via RSS feed! https://channel9.msdn.com/Browse/Series
如果您无法访问自己所在的YouTube,那么所有这些视频也都位于第9频道上,并且可以通过RSS feed在本地下载! https://channel9.msdn.com/浏览/系列
If you like these, let me know what other topics you'd like us to cover! We are just getting started and already have intermediate and advanced C# classes in the works!
如果您喜欢这些,请让我知道您还希望我们讲其他哪些主题! 我们才刚刚起步,已经有中级和高级C#类正在开发中!
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赞助商:喜欢C#吗? 我们也这样做! 这就是为什么我们开发了一个快速,智能,跨平台的.NET IDE的原因,它为您提供了更多的编码能力。 巧妙的代码分析,丰富的代码完成,即时搜索和导航,高级调试器...使用JetBrains Rider,您所需的一切都唾手可得。 在Linux,Mac或Windows上以思考的速度编写C#代码。 立即尝试JetBrains Rider !