nopcommerce_探索NopCommerce-.NET Core中的开源电子商务购物车平台



I've been exploring nopCommerce. It's an open source e-commerce shopping cart. I spoke at their conference in New York a few years ago and they were considering moving to open source and cross-platform .NET Core from the Windows-only .NET Framework, so I figured it was time for me to check in on their progress.

我一直在探索nopCommerce。 这是一个开放源代码的电子商务购物车。 几年前,我在纽约举行的会议上发表了讲话,他们正在考虑从仅Windows的.NET Framework转向开源和跨平台的.NET Core,所以我认为现在是我检查一下他们的进度的时候了。

I headed over to and cloned the repo. I have .NET Core 2.2 installed that I grabbed here. You can check out their official site and their live demo store.

我前往并克隆了仓库。 我安装了.NET Core 2.2,并在这里安装了它。 您可以查看他们的官方网站和他们的现场演示商店

It was a simple git clone and a "dotnet build" and it build and ran quite immediately. It's always nice to have a site "just work" after a clone (it's kind of a low bar, but no matter what the language it's always a joy when it works.)

它是一个简单的git克隆和一个“ dotnet构建”,并且可以立即构建并运行。 克隆后让站点“正常工作”总是很高兴的(这是一个低门槛,但是不管使用哪种语言,工作时总是很有趣。)

I have SQL Express installed but I could just as easily use SQL Server for Linux running under Docker. I used the standard SQL Server Express connection string: "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;Trusted_Connection=True;" and was off and running.

我已经安装了SQL Express,但我可以很容易地将SQL Server for Linux在Docker下运行。 我使用了标准SQL Server Express连接字符串:“ Server = localhost \ SQLEXPRESS; Database = master; Trusted_Connection = True;” 并开始运行。

nopCommerce is easy to setup

It's got a very complete /admin page with lots of Commerce-specific reports, the ability to edit the catalog, have sales, manage customers, deal with product reviews, set promotions, and more. It's like WordPress for Stores. Everything you'd need to put up a store in a few hours.

它有一个非常完整的/ admin页面,其中包含许多特定于Commerce的报告,能够编辑目录,进行销售,管理客户,处理产品评论,设置促销活动等等。 就像商店的WordPress。 在几小时内开设一家商店所需的一切。

Very nice admin site in nopCommerce

nopCommerce has a very rich plugin marketplace. Basically anything you'd need is there but you could always write your own in .NET Core. For example, if I want to add Paypal as a payment option, there's 30 plugins to choose from!

nopCommerce具有非常丰富的插件市场。 基本上所有您需要的东西都在那里,但是您始终可以在.NET Core中编写自己的东西。 例如,如果我想将Paypal添加为付款选项,则有30个插件可供选择!

NOTE: If you have any theming issues (css not showing up) with just using "dotnet build," you can try "msbuild" or opening the SLN in Visual Studio Community 2017 or newer. You may be seeing folders for plugins and themes not being copied over with dotnet build. Or you can "dotnet publish" and run from the publish folder.

注意:如果仅使用“ dotnet build”有任何主题问题(css未显示),则可以尝试“ msbuild”或在Visual Studio Community 2017或更高版本中打开SLN。 您可能会看到未使用dotnet构建复制插件和主题的文件夹。 或者,您也可以“ dotnet publish”并从publish文件夹运行。

Now, to be clear, I just literally cloned the HEAD of the actively developed version and had no problems, but you might want to use the most stable version from 2018 depending on your needs. Either way, nopCommerce is a clean code base that's working great on .NET Core. The community is VERY active, and there's a company behind the open source version that can do the work for you, customize, service, and support.

现在,要明确地说,我只是从字面上克隆了积极开发版本的HEAD,没有任何问题,但是您可能需要根据需要使用2018年以来最稳定的版本。 无论哪种方式,nopCommerce都是一个干净的代码库,可以在.NET Core上正常工作。 社区非常活跃,开放源代码版本背后有一家公司可以为您完成工作,自定义,服务和支持。

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赞助商:下一代Jira到来了,它具有新的路线图,更灵活的电路板,经过大修的配置以及数十种新的集成。 不论有什么新事物等着您,请从这里开始。 在新的吉拉。







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