
You're evil, little man.

In my recent podcast with UX expert and psychologist Dr. Danielle Smith the topic of "user self-blame" came up. This is that feeling when a person is interacting with a computer and something goes wrong and they blame themselves. I'd encourage you to listen to the show, she was a great guest and brought up a lot of these points.

在我与UX专家和心理学家Danielle Smith博士最近的播客中,出现了“用户自责”的话题。 这就是当一个人与计算机进行交互而出了一些问题而他们自责时的那种感觉 我鼓励您听表演,她是一位很棒的客人,并提出了很多建议。

Self-blame when using technology has gotten so bad that when ANYTHING goes wrong, regular folks just assume it was their fault.


My dad got some kind of evil "PC Tech Hotline" on his machine today because some web site told him his "Google was out of date and that he should update his Google." So he did. And he feels super bad. Now, in this case, it was a malicious thing so it would be really hard to figure out how to solve this for all users. It's like getting mugged on the way to your car. It happens to the best folks in the best situations, it can't always be controlled. But it shouldn't cause the person to blame themselves! He shouldn't fear his own computer and doubt his skills.

我父亲今天在他的机器上出现了某种邪恶的“ PC技术热线”,因为某个网站告诉他“谷歌已经过时,他应该更新他的谷歌”。 所以他做到了。 而且他感到超级难过。 现在,在这种情况下,这是一件恶意的事情,因此,真的很难弄清楚如何为所有用户解决此问题。 这就像在开车途中被抢劫一样。 它发生在最好的情况下,最好的人无法总是被控制。 但这不应该导致这个人自责! 他不应该担心自己的计算机,也不会怀疑自己的技能。

People now publically and happily self-identify as computer people and non-computer people. I'll meet someone at a dinner and we'll be chatting and something technical will come up and they'll happily offer up "Oh, I'm not a computer person." What a sad way to separate themselves from the magic of technology. It's a defeatist statement.

现在,人们公开并愉快地将自己标识为计算机人和非计算机人。 我将在晚餐时遇到一个人,我们将聊天,并且会出现一些技术问题,他们会高兴地提出“哦,我不是计算机人”。 将自己与技术魔术区分开来是多么可悲的方式。 这是一个失败主义言论。

取得平板电脑 (Get a Tablet)

Older people and people who are new to technology often blame themselves for mistakes. Often they'll write down directions step by step and won't deviate from them. My wife did that recently with a relatively simple (for a techie) task. She wanted to record a lecture with a portable device, load the WAV onto the PC, even out the speech patterns, save it as a smaller file (MP3), then put it in Dropbox. She ended up writing two pages of notes while we went over it, then gave up after 30+ min, blaming herself. I do this task now.

老年人和刚接触技术的人通常会为错误而自责。 通常,他们会逐步写下方向,并且不会偏离它们。 我妻子最近做了一个相对简单的任务(对于技术人员)。 她想用便携式设备录制演讲,将WAV加载到PC上,使语音模式均匀,将其保存为较小的文件(MP3),然后将其放入Dropbox。 当我们浏览它时,她最后写了两页笔记,然后在30分钟后放弃,指责自己。 我现在要做这个任务。

Advanced users might say, you should get your non-technical friend a tablet or iPad. But this is a band-aid on cancer. That's like saying, better put the training wheels back on. And a helmet!

高级用户可能会说,您应该让非技术朋友使用平板电脑或iPad。 但这是对癌症的创可贴。 就像是在说,最好将训练轮放回原处。 还有头盔!

Tablets might get a user email and basic browsing and protect them from basic threats, but most also restrict them to one task at a time. And tablets have hidden UX patterns as well that advanced users use, like four-fingered-swipes and the like. I've seen my great aunt accidentally end up in the iPad task switcher and FREAK OUT. It's her fault, right?

平板电脑可能会获得用户电子邮件和基本浏览,并保护他们免受基本威胁的侵害,但大多数情况下,平板电脑一次只能执行一项任务。 平板电脑也具有高级用户使用的隐藏UX模式,例如四指轻扫等。 我已经看到我的姑姑不小心碰到了iPad任务切换器和FREAK OUT。 是她的错吧?


This harkens back to the middle ages when the average person couldn't read. Only the monks cloistered away had this magical ability. What have we done as techies to make regular folks feel so isolated and afraid of all these transformative devices? We MAKE them feel bad.

这回溯到普通人无法阅读的中世纪。 只有隐居的僧侣才具有这种神奇的能力。 作为技术人员,我们做了什么工作,使普通人感到如此孤立和害怕所有这些变革性的手段? 我们让他们感到难过。

There used to be a skit on Saturday Night Live called "Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy" that perfectly expresses what we've done to users, and to the culture. Folks ask harmless questions, Nick gives precise and exasperated answers, then finally declares "MOVE." He's like, just let me get this done. Ugh. Stupid Users. Go watch Nick Burns, this is a 19 second snippet.

在周六夜现场,曾经有一个小品名叫“尼克·伯恩斯,您公司的计算机专家”,完美地表达了我们对用户和文化所做的努力。 人们问无害的问题,尼克给出精确而愤怒的答案,然后宣布“移动”。 他就像,就让我完成这个吧。 啊。 愚蠢的用户。 去看尼克·伯恩斯,这是一个19秒的片段

I basically did this to my own Dad today after 45 min of debugging over the phone, and I'm sorry for it.


我不是技术人员 (I'm not a techie)

When users blame themselves they don't feel safe within their own computer. They don't feel they can explore the computer without fear. Going into Settings is a Bad Idea because they might really mess it up. This UX trepidation builds up over the years until the user is at a dinner party and declares publically that they "aren't a computer person." And once that's been said, it's pretty hard to convince them otherwise.

当用户自责时,他们不会在自己的计算机上感到安全。 他们觉得没有恐惧就可以浏览计算机。 进入“设置”不是一个好主意,因为它们可能真的把它弄乱了。 多年来,这种用户体验的恐惧不断累积,直到用户参加晚宴并公开宣布他们“不是计算机人”为止。 话虽这么说,否则很难说服他们。

Googling: Why are users so...and google recommends "stupid"

Even Google, the most ubiquitous search engine, with the most basic of user interfaces can cause someone to feel dumb. Google is a huge database and massive intelligence distilled down to a the simplest of UI - textbox and a button. And really, it's just a textbox these days!

即使是使用最基本的用户界面的最广泛使用的搜索引擎Google,也会让人感到愚蠢。 Google是一个庞大的数据库,海量情报精简到最简单的UI(文本框和按钮)。 实际上,这几天只是一个文本框!

But have all had that experience where we google for something for an hour, declare defeat, then ask a friend for help. They always find what we want on the first try. Was it our fault that we didn't use the right keywords? That we didn't know to not be so specific?

但是所有人都有过这样的经历,我们在谷歌搜索了一个小时,宣布失败,然后向朋友寻求帮助。 他们总是在第一次尝试时就能找到我们想要的东西 我们没有使用正确的关键字是我们的错吗? 我们不知道不是那么具体吗?

I think one of the main issues is that of abstractions. For us, as techies, there's abstractions but they are transparent. For our non-technical friends, the whole technical world is a big black box. While they may have a conceptual model in their mind on how something works, if that doesn't line up with the technical reality, well, they'll be googling for a while and will never find what they need.

我认为主要问题之一是抽象。 对我们来说,作为技术人员,有抽象但它们是透明的。 对于我们的非技术朋友来说,整个技术世界都是一个大黑盒子。 尽管他们可能会在脑海中思考某个事物是如何工作的概念模型,但是如果这与技术现实不符,那么他们将搜索一段时间,并且永远找不到所需的东西。

Sadly, it seems it's the default behavior  for a user to just assume its their fault. We're the monks up on the hill, right? We must know something they don't. Computers are hard.

可悲的是,似乎用户只承担自己的过错是默认行为。 我们是山上的僧侣,对吗? 我们必须知道一些他们不知道的东西。 电脑很难。

How do YOU think we can prevent users from blaming themselves when they fail to complete a task with software


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/bad-ux-and-user-selfblame-im-sorry-im-not-a-computer-person





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