.net xamarin_Xamarin .NET工作簿-交互式计算是一种出色的学习工具

.net xamarin

.net xamarin

I've been thinking a lot about how to best teach .NET and C#/F# to folks who are new to the space. We've added an in-browser no-install C# tutorial at http://dot.net. You can run through almost a few days lessons in C# without installing anything. Heck, it's useful even if you just want to brush up on your skills.

我一直在思考如何最好地向该领域的新手教授.NET和C#/ F#。 我们在http://dot.net上添加了浏览器内免安装C#教程。 您可以在C#中完成将近几天的课程,而无需安装任何程序。 哎呀,即使您只是想提高自己的技能,它也很有用。

When I spoke with Safia Abdalla a few months ago she re-introduced me to the ideas behind Interactive Computing and the whole ecosystem around Jupyter Notebooks, and the Nteract project Safia works on. It's pretty amazing.

几个月前,当我与萨菲亚·阿卜杜拉( Safia Abdalla)交谈时,她向我重新介绍了交互式计算和Jupyter Notebooks周围整个生态系统背后的想法,而萨菲亚(Safia)从事的Nteract项目真是太神奇了

Pythonistas are familiar with Jupyter and the idea of a notebook that cleanly mixes prose and code. This ecosystem is very friendly to data scientists that are (perhaps) more scientist and less developer. People for whom an IDE is not as interesting as "electric paper."

Pythonistas熟悉Jupyter和干净融合了散文和代码的笔记本的想法。 这个生态系统对(也许)更多科学家,更少开发人员的数据科学家非常友好。 对于IDE而言,他们不如“电子纸”那么有趣的人。

In fact, many people don't realize that the Microsoft Azure Cloud supports hosting of Jupyter Notebooks using Python, R, and F#.

实际上,许多人没有意识到Microsoft Azure云支持使用Python,R和F#托管Jupyter Notebook

Azure Notebooks

Notebooks are a great learning resource that go beyond a REPL (an simple interactive console) in that they are effectively textbooks with islands of interactive code. It's even more powerful when you consider graphics, charts, and other interactive models.

笔记本是一种出色的学习资源,它超越了REPL(简单的交互式控制台),因为它们实际上是带有交互式代码孤岛的教科书。 考虑图形,图表和其他交互式模型时,它甚至更强大。

Xamarin has a thing called Xamarin Workbooks (I'm calling them .NET Workbooks in my head) that you should download and check out RIGHT NOW. Go get Xamarin Workbooks & Inspector for Windows (or download for Mac). Start playing around with workbooks or try out the samples.

Xamarin有一个叫做Xamarin Workbooks的东西(我脑子里叫它们.NET Workbooks),您应该立即下载并签出。 可以获取Windows版Xamarin Workbooks和Inspector (或Mac版下载)。 开始玩弄与工作簿或试用样品

I'm going to try teaching my C# and .NET courses for at least the first day or two using Xamarin .NET Workbooks. I think they have huge potential and I'm thrilled that Miguel and friends are investing so much in them. The potential for these as a learning tool that sits between a REPL and an IDE is huge.

我将至少在一两天内尝试使用 Xamarin .NET Workbooks教我的C#和.NET课程。 我认为他们具有巨大的潜力,我很高兴Miguel和朋友在他们身上投入了这么多钱。 这些作为介于REPL和IDE之间的学习工具的潜力是巨大的。

The page at https://developer.xamarin.com/workbooks/ is FILLED with amazing example workbooks and lessons, and it's growing. It has section not only on C# but Android, Games, Graphics as a concept, iOS, WPF, and so much more.

https://developer.xamarin.com/workbooks/上的页面充满了令人惊叹的示例工作簿和课程,并且还在不断增长。 它不仅介绍了C#,还介绍了Android,游戏,作为概念的图形,iOS,WPF等内容。

I run it and start here:


Xamarin Workbooks

Then I start typing...prose first! Just real sentences. Then I add some code. Notice that I'm not doing Console.WriteLine, I'm just assigning a variable. Xamarin Workbooks makes a nice visualization of my variable.

然后我开始输入...首先散文! 只是真实的句子。 然后我添加一些代码。 注意,我没有在做Console.WriteLine,而是在分配一个变量。 Xamarin Workbooks对我的变量进行了很好的可视化。

var scott = "Hanselman"

The prose is ignored (by the compiler) but the code cells and built upon each other and when you execute one you're executing up to that point. Great for building up concepts.

散文(被编译器)忽略了,但是代码单元是相互依存的,当您执行一个散文时,您将执行到此为止。 非常适合建立概念。

You can print in other libraries and built upon them like in this chart example using the Urho library.


Charts in Xamarin Workbooks

Not to put to fine a point on it, but you can write really fully featured examples or games in Xamarin Workbooks. Here's a fully 3D realized planet earth WITH SATELLITES. Again, with not just sample code but explanatory prose. It's a textbook come to life.

对此不做特别说明,但是您可以在Xamarin Workbooks中编写功能齐全的示例或游戏。 这是带有卫星的完全3D现实地球。 再次,不仅是示例代码,还有解释性的散文。 这是一部生动的教科书。

THIS is how I wish I learned programming 25 years ago. I'd loved to have turned (or demo'ed) a .workbook file. I'm thrilled to see C# folks be able to do simple things that Jupyter users have enjoyed for so long.

这就是我希望25年前学习编程的方式。 我很喜欢打开(或演示).workbook文件。 我很高兴看到C#员工能够做Jupyter用户这么长时间享受的简单事情。

3D Earth in Xamarin Workbooks

What do you think? Would this be a good way to deliver a course on learning .NET and C#?

你怎么看? 这是提供学习.NET和C#课程的好方法吗?

Sponsor: Big thanks to Progress! They recently published a comprehensive whitepaper on The State of C#, discussing the history of C#, what’s new in C# 7 and whether C# is still a viable language. Check it out!

赞助商:非常感谢Progress! 他们最近发布了有关C#状况的全面白皮书,讨论了C#的历史,C#7的新功能以及C#是否仍然是可行的语言。 看看这个!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/xamarin-net-workbooks-interactive-computing-is-a-stellar-learning-tool

.net xamarin

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