
We had a blast last year at AngleBrackets in Vegas. Next month we're heading to family-friendly Orlando with our friends ScottGu, Denise Jacobs, Douglas Crockford, John Papa, Dan Wahlin, and lots more.

去年我们在拉斯维加斯的AngleBrackets爆炸了。 下个月,我们将与朋友ScottGu,Denise Jacobs,Douglas Crockford,John Papa,Dan Wahlin以及更多朋友一起前往家庭友好的奥兰多。

There's some great optional workshops/pre-cons and post-cons that are a fantastic opportunity to get some one-on-one training with experts in the field. It's deep web technologies with a focus on practicality, open source, and creative problem solving. Check this out, get your boss to sign off and bring your laptop!

有一些很棒的可选研讨会/培训前和培训后,这是与该领域的专家进行一对一培训的绝佳机会。 它是一种深度Web技术,重点放在实用性,开源和创造性的问题解决上。 检查一下,让老板签字并带上笔记本电脑!

  • PRECON12: AngularJS SPA Development - 0 to 60 (Sunday, April 13) Hands-on Bring your own Laptop - John Papa

    PRECON12:AngularJS SPA开发-0到60(4月13日,星期日)动手自带笔记本电脑-John Papa
  • PRECON08: Architecting Applications for Multiple UIs (Sunday, April 13) - Paul Sheriff

    PRECON08:设计用于多个UI的应用程序(4月13日,星期日)-Paul Sheriff
  • On the Metal: Essential HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript for All Developers (Sunday, April 13) - Todd Anglin

    在金属上:面向所有开发人员的基本HTML 5,CSS 3和JavaScript(4月13日,星期日)-Todd Anglin
  • Service Orientation Technologies Designing, Developing and Implementing WCF and the WEB API (Sunday, April 13) - Miguel Castro

    服务导向技术的设计,开发和实现WCF和WEB API(4月13日,星期日)-Miguel Castro
  • PRECON07: The Architecture Clinic - (Sunday, April 13) - Juval Lowy

    PRECON07:建筑诊所-(4月13日,星期日)-Juval Lowy
  • POSTCON08: Building Data-Centric Single Page Applications with Durandal, Knockout, Breeze and Web API (Thursday, April 17) - Brian Noyes

    POSTCON08:使用Durandal,Knockout,Breeze和Web API构建以数据为中心的单页应用程序(4月17日,星期四)-Brian Noyes
  • POSTCON03: Experimental Design for User Interfaces (Thursday, April 17) - Billy Hollis

    POSTCON03:用户界面的实验设计(4月17日,星期四)-Billy Hollis
  • POSTCON09: Hacking the Creative Brain (Thursday, April 17) - Denise R. Jacobs

    POSTCON09:入侵创意大脑(4月17日,星期四)-Denise R. Jacobs

AngleBrackets is a conference that's "co-located" with the DevIntersections conference. That means that you can move between the two conferences and attend the sessions you want. You can move between MongoDB, Ruby, and node.js sessions and even (gasp!) SharePoint sessions at the other conference. It's a great way to get your boss to send you to a conference while you learn all aspects of web development.

AngleBrackets是与DevIntersections会议“位于同一地点”的会议。 这意味着您可以在两个会议之间移动并参加所需的会议。 您可以在另一个会议上在MongoDB,Ruby和node.js会话之间,甚至在(gasp!)SharePoint会话之间切换。 这是让您的老板在学习Web开发的所有方面时让您参加会议的好方法。

Here's a few cool session I'm tracking for myself, just to give you a taste of the diversity of topics.


Managing Asynchronicity with RQ - Douglas Crockford

使用RQ管理异步性-Douglas Crockford

Turn based servers are now joining turn based browsers in providing race-free and deadlock-free interactivity. The event-driven model has long been popular in UI systems, but the nature of work in servers presents some new challenges. Functional programming provides solutions, including monads, arrows, promises, and various flavors of FRP. This is another such solution, intended to enhance ease of use with constructs that support parallel and sequential operations.

基于回合的服务器现在正在加入基于回合的浏览器,以提供无竞争和无死锁的交互性。 事件驱动模型在UI系统中早已流行,但是服务器中工作的性质提出了一些新的挑战。 函数式编程提供了解决方案,包括monad,箭头,promise和各种FRP。 这是另一个这样的解决方案,旨在通过支持并行和顺序操作的结构来提高易用性。

The Art of Disciplined Creativity - Denise Jacobs

纪律创新的艺术-丹妮丝·雅各布斯(Denise Jacobs)

As tech industry professionals, we rarely experience a shortage of projects that necessitate our creative thinking. While everyone has moments of being on fire with creativity, all too often the time of being in the state of creative flow is too short. Additionally, sometimes we get stuck: we lack inspiration, our creative confidence wanes, and the generation of ideas comes to a standstill. Much like elite athletes, we need to exercise discipline to be able to get into the creative "zone" at at will and produce consistently great results. Let's explore ideas and practices for regularly gathering sources of inspiration, eliminating blocks to more easily access creative states, prolong them, and leverage their power to develop and execute great work.

作为技术行业的专业人士,我们很少遇到需要我们进行创造性思考的项目短缺。 尽管每个人都有被创造力折磨的时刻,但往往处于创造力流动状态的时间太短。 此外,有时我们会陷入困境:我们缺乏灵感,我们的创造信心下降,并且想法的产生陷入僵局。 就像精英运动员一样,我们需要锻炼纪律,以便能够随意进入创造性的“区域”并产生始终如一的出色成绩。 让我们探索一些想法和实践,以定期收集灵感来源,消除障碍以更轻松地访问创意状态,延长创意状态,并利用它们的力量来开发和执行出色的工作。

Grunt-ify Your Front-End Web Development - Elijah Manor

集中化您的前端Web开发-Elijah Manor

There are a lot of manual processes that front-end developers tend to perform in order to get their job done. Wouldn't it be nice if there was some way to automate all the things? Well, thanks to Grunt you can :) In this session we will introduce Grunt and showcase some common workflows to automate building, live reloading, CSS processing, unit testing, deploying, as well as making your own custom plugins. Along the way, we will discuss some tips and tricks when using Grunt.

为了完成工作,前端开发人员往往会执行许多手动过程。 如果有某种方法可以使所有事情自动化,那不是很好吗? 好了,感谢Grunt,您可以:)在本节中,我们将向您介绍Grunt,并展示一些常见的工作流程来自动化构建,实时重新加载,CSS处理,单元测试,部署以及制作自己的自定义插件。 在此过程中,我们将讨论使用Grunt时的一些提示和技巧。

There's also other optional PreCons at DevIntersections on SQL, C, ALM, Disaster Recovery, Rosylin and CodeGen and more. Check out the great line-up we have this year at AngleBrackets and I'll see you there!

在DevIntersections上,还有关于SQL,C,ALM,灾难恢复,Rosylin和CodeGen等的其他可选PreCons。 看看我们今年在AngleBrackets举办的精彩阵容,我在那里见!


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