


There were lots of reactions to my blog post Everything's broken and nobody's upset. Some folks immediately got the Louis CK "Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy" reference. Some folks thought it was a poorly worded rant. Some folks (from various companies) thought I was throwing developers under the bus, accusing them of not caring. Others saw a meta-goal and started a larger discussion about software quality.

我的博客文章有很多React,一切都破裂了,没有人感到沮丧。 一些人立即获得了Louis CK的“一切都很棒,没人乐”的参考。 有些人认为这是措辞不佳的语。 一些人(来自不同公司)认为我是在将开发人员扔下车,指责他们不在乎。 其他人则看到了一个目标,并开始了有关软件质量的更大讨论。

The questions I asked were these...but the most significant one was added a few hours later, suggested by a reader.


  • Is this a speed problem? Are we feeling we have to develop too fast and loose?

    这是速度问题吗? 我们是否感到我们必须发展得太快和太松散?
  • Is it a quality issue? Have we forgotten the art and science of Software QA?

    这是质量问题吗? 我们忘记了软件质量保证的艺术和科学吗?
  • Is it a people problem? Are folks just not passionate about their software enough to fix it?

    这是人的问题吗? 人们只是对软件没有足够的热情去修复它吗?
  • It is a communication problem? Is it easy for users to report errors and annoyances?

    这是沟通问题吗? 用户报告错误和烦恼是否容易?

After the post I went back and tried to file bug reports for all the issues I bumped into. For products where I couldn't find an easy bug reporting site I used Twitter. Google and Microsoft were universally pleasant when I reported the bugs and seemed sincerely interested in helping.

帖子发布后,我回过头来,尝试针对遇到的所有问题提交错误报告。 对于无法找到简单的错误报告网站的产品,我使用了Twitter。 当我报告这些错误时,Google和Microsoft普遍感到愉快,并且似乎对帮助非常感兴趣。

Is it easy for your users to report a bug? Does you app automatically report crashes? Is your site friendly? Are you support people friendly and engaged? Are your bug support forums filled with reports but no company representatives? Do you use GetSatisfaction or UserVoice?

您的用户报告错误是否容易? 您的应用会自动报告崩溃吗? 您的网站友好吗? 您是否支持友好友善的人们? 您的错误支持论坛中是否有报告,但没有公司代表? 您是否使用GetSatisfaction或UserVoice?

良好错误报告的剖析 (Anatomy of a Good Bug Report)

Ideally the "best" bugs are those that can be reproduced given enough context. You can save developer time and trouble by giving them as many details as you can. Developers can save everyone time with bug reporting tools that collect that information for users.

理想情况下,“最佳”错误是在足够的上下文中可以重现的错误。 通过为开发人员提供尽可能多的详细信息,可以节省开发人员的时间和麻烦。 开发人员可以使用错误报告工具为用户收集信息,从而节省每个人的时间。

Mozilla Crash Reporter

For example, on Windows if you run "msinfo32.exe" you can get a complete snapshot of your system.

例如,在Windows上,如果运行“ msinfo32.exe”,则可以获取系统的完整快照。

皱眉,微笑 (Send a Frown and Send a Smile)

I am a big fan of the "Send a Frown" way of getting bugs.


Firefox made me sad because...

The Office 2013 Previews even have hotkeys for this!

Office 2013 Preview甚至为此具有热键!

Office 2013 Send a Frown

Sending feedback is even better with screenshots.


Give Feedback with Screenshot in Office 2013

The help menu for Skype includes a Give Feedback menu as well as "Skype Status."

Skype的帮助菜单包括“给出反馈”菜单以及“ Skype状态”。

Give Feedback menu in Skype

As a user, if you can include information like:


  • What were you doing? What were you trying to do?

    你在做什么? 你想做什么?
  • Advanced folks: What weird add-ins/extensions or hacks are you using that you haven't mentioned but you really should? *cough* Adblock *cough*

    高级人员:您在使用什么奇怪的加载项/扩展程序或黑客程序,而您没有提到,但您确实应该这么做? *咳嗽* Adblock *咳嗽*
  • Can you make it happen every time?

  • Can you include a screenshot? Bonus points for a screencast!

    您可以包含屏幕截图吗? 截屏奖励积分!

This is a lot to ask of a user!


一些在哪里提交错误的示例 (Some examples of where to file bugs )

Here's some sites you can use to report bugs in certain applications. Note that some are fancy, some spartan, some just forums, some actual bug tracking software, made for and used by developers.

您可以使用以下网站来报告某些应用程序中的错误。 请注意,有些是花哨的,有些是斯巴达的,有些是论坛的,有些是实际的错误跟踪软件,由开发人员使用。

Or, the ultimate place to file bugs for your favorite software, as my friend Anil points out:


@shanselman on Twitter, duh!

— Anil Dash (@anildash)

@shanselman在Twitter上, du

— Anil Dash(@anildash) September 24, 2012 2012年9月24日

How hard does the user have to work to file a bug? It's OUR bug but the user not only hit the bug but also has to work to report it!

用户必须付出多大的努力才能提交错误? 这是我们的错误,但用户不仅击中了错误,但也有工作汇报!

Every click or manual step that our users have to invest in our bug is a click too many. A bug is the pain that hurts the user and keeps hurting as they report it! A good bug report is a gift that keeps on giving and we should treat it as such.

用户必须在漏洞中投入的每一点击或手动操作,都是一次点击。 错误是伤害用户并在报告时不断伤害的痛苦! 一个好的bug报告是一份不断奉献的礼物,我们应该这样对待。

I'd love a world where all crashes are automatically reported and there's a "Send a Frown/Smile" button on everyone's computer that offers to record a short screencast with just a single "record/stop" button.


What product do you think has the best bug filing experience? Sound off in the comments!

您认为哪种产品具有最佳的错误提交经验? 在评论中听起来不错!

This week's sponsor: Be part of GENERATION APP. Your Idea. Your App. 30 Days. Begin your 30-day journey to create a Windows Store style app and talk 1-on-1 with a Windows 8 app development pro. Get started today.

本周赞助商:成为GENERATION APP的一部分。 你的想法。 您的应用。 30天。 开始为期30天的开发过程,以创建Windows Store风格的应用程序,并与Windows 8应用程序开发人员进行一对一的交谈。 立即开始。

此三部分系列有关软件质量的相关文章 (Related Posts in this Three Part series on Software Quality)

  1. Everything's broken and nobody's upset


  2. A Bug Report is a Gift


  3. Help your users record and report bugs with the Problem Steps Recorder








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