
I've been on a podcasting kick lately. Not for any particular reason, but a number of things have come together that have found me as a guest on a number of podcasts. I've also had the good fortune to have a number of great guests on Hanselminutes lately.

我最近一直在播客。 并非出于任何特定原因,但是很多事情融合在一起,使我成为许多播客的客人。 最近,我也很幸运地在Hanselminutes上接待了许多很棒的客人。

Lots of folks who listen to podcasts are doing it while commuting. I hope you enjoy these additional podcasts and perhaps they'll edutain you during your daily commute.

通勤时,很多听播客的人都在做。 我希望您喜欢这些额外的播客,也许它们会在您日常通勤期间为您提供教育。

I hope you take a few minutes and download a few of these shows.


StackExchange播客#35 (StackExchange Podcast #35)

Just last week my buddy Joel Spolsky had me on the 35th episode of the new StackExchange Podcast. I've complained about podcasts that are "just talk" before and brought my prejudice to Joel's show, but we have so much fun just beating each other up that I have to admit defeat. Not ever podcast has to be dense with information and content - and this episode is no exception. ;)

就在上周,我的好友Joel Spolsky让我参加了新的StackExchange Podcast第35集。 我曾经抱怨过播客只是“闲聊”而已,这使我对乔尔的表演产生了偏见,但是我们互相殴打非常开心,我不得不承认失败。 播客从来都不需要信息和内容密集-此情节也不例外。 ;)

I hope they'll have me back soon.


宣布-棘轮与怪胎#1 (Announcing - Ratchet and The Geek #1)

Just a few days ago I launched my third podcast as a collaboration with my good friend Luvvie. Luvvie is a social media consultant and popular humor blogger that I've known for years. We've been kicking around the idea of a podcast since early this Spring. We have such fun when we call each other on the phone, why don't we start recording our calls? (and adding a little structure.)

几天前,我与好朋友Luvvie合作发布了第三个播客。 Luvvie是我已经认识多年的社交媒体顾问和流行幽默博客作者。 自今年Spring初以来,我们一直在考虑播客的想法。 当我们在电话上互相通话时,我们会感到非常有趣,为什么我们不开始记录通话内容呢? (并添加一些结构)。

Luvvie has blogging, social media and marketing expertise, while I'm a coder and teacher. We both like the same music, pop culture, TV shows, movies, gadget and technology so we have mashed it all together into Ratchet and The Geek.

Luvvie具有博客,社交媒体和营销专业知识,而我是编码员和老师。 我们俩都喜欢相同的音乐,流行文化,电视节目,电影,小工具和技术,因此我们将它们融合到了Ratchet和The Geek中

We'll be doing the show late late on Thursday nights every two weeks.



Fanboy电台#616 (Fanboy Radio #616)

I've been REALLY getting into Digital Comics via Comixology over the last year and blogged about it in some detail (with animated gifs!) and earlier this year I was a guest on an episode of Fanboy Radio.

去年,我真的很想通过Comixology进入Digital Comics,并在博客上详细介绍了它(带有动画gif!)。今年早些时候,我作为Fanboy Radio的一集的嘉宾

Fanboy Radio (or 'FbR') is a radio talk show all about pop culture and entertainment from the fan's perspective. It's also broadcast on the radio in Fort Worth, Texas.

Fanboy Radio(或“ FbR”)是一个广播脱口秀节目,从粉丝的角度讲都是关于流行文化和娱乐的。 它也在德克萨斯州沃思堡的广播电台播出。

We had a great chat, covering the rise of digital comics, Comixology, GuidedView technology and lots more. The guys were a lot of fun and it was an opportunity for me to geek out about something that isn't programming or computers. (I DO have other interests, you know.)

我们进行了热烈的聊天,讨论了数字漫画,Comixology,GuidedView技术等的兴起。 伙计们玩得很开心,这对我来说是一个机会,让他们了解一些不是编程或计算机的东西。 (我确实有其他兴趣,你知道。)

简单移动审核(SMRPodcast)#136 (Simple Mobile Review (SMRPodcast) #136)

Last month I was on Simple Mobile Review at the invitation of Chris Ashley. We talked about phones and NFC technology and if it will ever take off. We discussed the new iPhone 5 and teased Robb for sticking with his BlackBerry.

上个月,我应克里斯·阿什利(Chris Ashley)的邀请参加了《简单移动评论》。 我们谈到了电话和NFC技术,以及它是否会起飞。 我们讨论了新的iPhone 5,并嘲笑Robb坚持使用黑莓手机。

It was a great time and we spent a bunch of time teasing each other, which is an important part of any good podcast.


这个开发商的生活-戏剧 ()

Some of you may have missed the most recent episode of This Developer's Life from last month. Rob and I asked ourselves where does drama come from? How do we react to it? How much drama can be created by simple semicolon? We explore The Great JavaScript Semicolon Affair with guests like

你们中的有些人可能错过了上个月的《本开发者的生活》最新一集。 罗伯和我问自己,戏剧是哪里来的? 我们对此有何React? 简单的分号可以创造多少戏剧? 我们与以下对象一起探索The Great JavaScript Semicolon Affair

This Developer's Life is sponsored out of kindness by the epic win that is DevExpress.

DevDevelop是史诗般的胜利,它无心地赞助了《 Developer's Life》。

Hanselminutes播客汇总 ( Podcast Rollup)

If I may be so bold as to say Hanselminutes has been pretty good lately. I've had some great guests - many suggested by listeners! - and some great conversations. Here's just this month:

如果我可以这么大胆地说Hanselminutes最近很不错。 我有一些很棒的客人-听众建议很多! -以及一些精彩的对话。 就在这个月:

This week's show has a special offer for listeners from DNSimple, my DNS service of choice. Four months free at http://dnsimple.com/hm. Did you miss one of these shows perhaps? Why not subscribe now so you don't miss another show?

本周的节目为来自我首选的DNS服务DNSimple的听众提供了特别优惠。 在http://dnsimple.com/hm可以免费使用四个月。 您是否错过了其中一个节目? 为什么不立即订阅,这样您就不会错过任何一场演出?

Sponsor: Big thanks to this week's sponsor. Check them out, it's a great program, I've done it and spoken to actual live humans who help you get started writing an app! Begin your 30-day journey to creating a Windows Store app or game for Windows 8 or Windows Phone today. Your Idea. Your App. 30 Days.

赞助商:非常感谢本周的赞助商。 看看他们,这是一个很棒的程序,我已经做到了,并与实际的人类对话,他们可以帮助您开始编写应用程序! 立即开始为期30天的旅程,立即为Windows 8或Windows Phone创建Windows应用商店应用或游戏。 你的想法。 您的应用。 30天。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/podcast-update-with-guest-spots-and-a-new-show-october-2012

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