webmatrix3.0_WebMatrix 2-前端Web开发人员请注意(ASP.NET,PHP,node.js等)



Did you notice the release of WebMatrix 2? WebMatrix is a free, lightweight web development tool introduced in 2010. It's focus is on simplifying the web development experience for ASP.NET and PHP, and more recently node. Rob Conery actually turned me onto WebMatrix and we use it for the This Developer's Life Podcast website. I recommend it for students, designers, and web pros that either don't need or don't want the whole Visual Studio experience. It's also a nice companion to Sublime Text 2. There's even Git extensions, LESS, easy deployment and more for the front end developer.

您是否注意到WebMatrix 2的发布? WebMatrix是2010年推出的免费,轻量级的Web开发工具。 它的重点是简化ASP.NET和PHP以及最近的节点的Web开发体验。 Rob Conery实际上使我使用了WebMatrix,我们将其用于This Developer's Life Podcast网站。 我向不需要或不想整个Visual Studio体验的学生,设计师和Web专业人士推荐它。 它也是Sublime Text 2的不错的伴侣。它甚至还具有Git扩展,LESS,易于部署等功能,供前端开发人员使用。

If you want to download WebMatrix 2 and get started, it's free. It will use the Web Platform installer to install and you can use it along site VS if you want, or all by itself on any machine. It's actually a great companion for sites like Codecademy. Watch Vishal and Brady give a brief overview of the new features in WebMatrix 2 on Channel 9.

如果您想下载WebMatrix 2并开始使用,它是免费的。 它将使用Web平台安装程序进行安装,并且您可以根据需要在站点VS上使用它,也可以在任何计算机上单独使用它。 对于像Codecademy这样的网站,它实际上是一个很好的伴侣。 观看Vishal和Brady简要概述频道9上WebMatrix 2中的新功能

HTML,JavaScript和CSS (HTML, JavaScript, & CSS)

The new Web Matrix 2 HTML editor adds useful stuff like code outlining, tag completion, formatting, syntax validation, and IntelliSense for HTML5.

新的Web Matrix 2 HTML编辑器添加了有用的内容,例如代码概述,标签完成,格式设置,语法验证和IntelliSense for HTML5。

WebMatrix has intellisense

The JavaScript editor has a better auto-formatting experience, and IntelliSense:


Intellisense in JavaScript

The new CSS editor in WebMatrix shares a lot with the new features included in the Visual Studio 2012 CSS editor. There's the color pickers, IntelliSense for the latest CSS3 modules, and better language support:

WebMatrix中的新CSS编辑器与Visual Studio 2012 CSS编辑器中包含的新功能有很多共同之处。 有颜色选择器,用于最新CSS3模块的IntelliSense和更好的语言支持:

New CSS Color Picker

Here's the new hotness that I'm digging. For those who want to go beyond basic CSS, you can get preprocessors like LESS and Sass. Folks have been asking for better preprocessor support, and WebMatrix 2 includes support for LESS and Sass. The LESS editor supports the same great CSS features, along with IntelliSense for custom variables and mix-ins:

这是我正在挖掘的新热点。 对于那些想要超越基本CSS的人,可以使用LESSSass这样的预处理器。 人们一直在寻求更好的预处理器支持,而WebMatrix 2包括对LESS和Sass的支持。 LESS编辑器支持相同CSS功能,以及用于自定义变量和混入的IntelliSense:


Like I said, there's lots of stuff built in. It's kind of a playground for features that will move their way between VS and WebMatrix.


File New Item

Related Videos: To learn more about the new CSS editors in WebMatrix 2, check out these short videos:

相关视频:要了解有关WebMatrix 2中新CSS编辑器的更多信息,请查看以下简短视频:

带有ASP.NET网页的Razor 2(Razor with ASP.NET Web Pages 2)

As I mentioned, Rob and I use ASP.NET Web Pages on This Developers Life. It's kind of like PHP in that you can mix code and HTML in one file except the syntax is Razor and the language is C#. The combination of WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages is an easy way to get started with web development. Make a file, start writing HTML then add some code. Later you can graduate (if you want) to ASP.NET MVC. In addition to improving the web editors, WebMatrix 2 adds IntelliSense for Razor, C#, and Visual Basic:

如前所述, Rob和我在“开发人员的生命”中使用ASP.NET网页。 有点像PHP,您可以将代码和HTML混合在一个文件中,但语法是Razor,语言是C#。 WebMatrix和ASP.NET网页的结合是Web开发入门的简便方法。 制作文件,开始编写HTML,然后添加一些代码。 之后,您可以毕业(如果需要)到ASP.NET MVC。 除了改进Web编辑器之外,WebMatrix 2还添加了IntelliSense Razor,C#和Visual Basic:

Intellisense in Razor

WebMatrix 2 and ASP.NET Web Pages 2 include many built in helpers that make it easy to do common things like send email, post a tweet, or resize an image. If the built in packages and helpers in Web Pages 2 aren't enough for what you want, WebMatrix now also supports installing libraries and helpers directly from NuGet!

WebMatrix 2和ASP.NET Web Pages 2包含许多内置的帮助程序,这些操作程序使执行诸如发送电子邮件,发布推文或调整图像大小等常见操作变得容易。 如果Web Pages 2中内置的软件包和帮助程序不足以提供所需的功能,则WebMatrix现在还支持直接从NuGet安装库和帮助程序!

WebMatrix pulls from NuGet

Video: Justin and Vishal build an image sharing site with ASP.NET Web Pages and Windows Azure Web Sites.

视频: Justin和Vishal使用ASP.NET网页和Windows Azure网站构建图像共享网站。

用PHP进行Web开发 (Web Development with PHP)

For applications that use PHP, there is a brand new PHP editor that features IntelliSense, code collapsing, and PHP 5.4 support. There's docs showing up inline there as well.

对于使用PHP的应用程序,有一个全新PHP编辑器,具有IntelliSense,代码折叠和PHP 5.4支持。 还有文档也在那里显示内联。

PHP Editor has intellisense

Video: Thao and Brady show the new PHP features in WebMatrix 2.

视频: Thao和Brady展示了WebMatrix 2中的新PHP功能

使用Node.js进行Web开发 (Web Development with Node.js )

I have mentioned Azure before on the site and now that it supports Git deployment as well as node.js I've been paying more attention to it. One of the goals of WebMatrix 2 and Windows Azure is to make it easier to develop and host open source applications on the Windows platform. December brought support for node.js to Windows Azure. While Azure is making it easier to host node.js applications in cloud, WebMatrix 2 is aiming to improve the development experience. Out of the box are multiple project templates, IntelliSense, and support for several new languages. There's even an Express.js template.

之前在站点上已经提到过Azure ,现在它支持Git部署以及node.js,我一直在关注它。 WebMatrix 2和Windows Azure的目标之一是使在Windows平台上开发和托管开源应用程序变得更加容易。 12月将对node.js的支持引入了Windows Azure 。 Azure使在云中托管node.js应用程序变得更加容易,而WebMatrix 2则旨在改善开发体验。 开箱即用的是多个项目模板,IntelliSense,并支持多种新语言。 甚至还有一个Express.js模板。

Node.js in WebMatrix

Along with IntelliSense for the core modules built into node.js, WebMatrix also provides IntelliSense for third party modules installed via the Node Package Manager (NPM). This makes using things like the Windows Azure npm package much simpler:

除了将IntelliSense用于node.js内置的核心模块之外,WebMatrix还为通过Node Package Manager(NPM)安装的第三方模块提供IntelliSense。 这使得使用Windows Azure npm软件包之类的事情变得更加简单:

Azure in node

Node.js uses a variety of rendering engines for writing views. I am told there are more planned and today WebMatrix 2 includes support for both Jade and EJS. I like Jade, myself.

Node.js使用各种渲染引擎来编写视图。 有人告诉我还有更多计划,今天WebMatrix 2包括对JadeEJS的支持。 我自己喜欢翡翠。

Jade in WebMatrix
CoffeeScript in WebMatrix

I'm not sure where you fall in the Great CoffeeScript debate, but some developers like to write their applications using CoffeeScript. WebMatrix supports that also.

我不确定您是否参加了伟大的CoffeeScript辩论,但是有些开发人员喜欢使用CoffeeScript编写其应用程序 WebMatrix也支持。

Video: Justin and Vishal show new Node.js features in WebMatrix 2.

视频: Justin和Vishal在WebMatrix 2中展示了Node.js的新功能

简化的数据库工具 (Streamlined Database Tools)

The database tools in WebMatrix work with SQL Server, SQL Compact Edition, and MySQL as well.:

WebMatrix中的数据库工具也可以与SQL Server,SQL Compact Edition和MySQL一起使用。

MySQL in WebMatrix. Scandalous.

When you're ready to publish your application, WebMatrix 2 will include your Database along with the list of changed files:

当您准备发布应用程序时,WebMatrix 2将包括您的数据库以及已更改文件的列表:

Publishing a database

Video: Learn more about managing databases in WebMatrix 2.

视频:了解有关在WebMatrix 2中管理数据库的更多信息。

移动网络开发 (Mobile Web Development)

You can integrate an iPhone or iPad simulator into Visual Studio, as I've blogged before. WebMatrix 2 adds an extensible model for adding new browsers, and also includes support for simulating Windows Phone 7 as well as the iPhone and iPad via a partnership with Electric Plum. Full disclosure: I love the Electric Plum guys. So nice.

您可以将iPhone或iPad模拟器集成到Visual Studio中,就像我之前写过的。 WebMatrix 2添加了用于添加新浏览器的可扩展模型,并且还通过与Electric Plum的合作关系支持了对Windows Phone 7以及iPhone和iPad的仿真。 全面披露:我爱电李子们。 太赞了。

iPad and iPhone

The templates included in WebMatrix 2 look nice on mobile devices out of the box since they use a combination of responsive design and jQuery Mobile.

WebMatrix 2中包含的模板在移动设备上开箱即用,因为它们结合使用了响应式设计和jQuery Mobile


For those working with jQuery Mobile, there's included IntelliSense for custom data-* attributes.

对于使用jQuery Mobile的用户,其中包括用于自定义data- *属性的IntelliSense。

jQuery Mobile

Videos: For more examples of using the mobile capabilities in WebMatrix 2, check out these videos:

视频:有关在WebMatrix 2中使用移动功能的更多示例,请查看以下视频:

应用程序库(The Application Gallery )

There's a metric pile of Open Source projects in the Application Gallery so you can get WordPRess or Umbraco or whatever running just by File | New. Takes just a minute or two. ASP.NET and PHP apps all live together.

Application Gallery中有大量的开源项目,因此您可以获得WordPRess或Umbraco或仅通过File |运行的任何程序。 新。 只需要一两分钟。 ASP.NET和PHP应用程序都可以一起生活。

Web Gallery

After you install your application, there is now a customizable dashboard, designed specifically for your app type. That means that WebMatrix knows you're using WordPress and will show you stuff that WordPress folks care about.

安装应用程序后,现在将有一个可自定义的仪表板,专门针对您的应用程序类型而设计。 这意味着WebMatrix知道您正在使用WordPress,并会向您显示WordPress人们关心的东西。

The team has worked with the community to provide a customizable experience for many of the applications in the gallery. The dashboard provides a series of links and resources that make it easier to learn more about your app.

该团队与社区合作,为画廊中的许多应用程序提供了可定制的体验。 仪表板提供了一系列链接和资源,使您可以更轻松地了解有关您的应用程序的更多信息。


For many of the applications in the gallery, there are a core set of files that should not be changed. WebMatrix will even warn users of these files.

对于库中的许多应用程序,都有一组不应更改的核心文件。 WebMatrix甚至会警告用户这些文件。

Don't touch that file!

While customizing an application, WebMatrix 2 also includes application-specific IntelliSense. This is useful when you're just getting started working with a new application:

在自定义应用程序时,WebMatrix 2还包括特定于应用程序的IntelliSense。 当您刚开始使用新应用程序时,这很有用:


Windows Azure和远程编辑 (Windows Azure & Remote Editing)

You can also create and deploy apps directly from the Windows Azure portal. So, rather than starting from an app on your machine, you can create it in Azure, get it running then...

您也可以直接从Windows Azure门户创建和部署应用程序。 因此,您可以在Azure中创建它,然后再运行它,而不是从计算机上的应用程序开始...

...you've got remote site editing. After creating an application in the cloud, you can directly open a remote view into your site. This is great for making edits on the go. I'd personally use Git or source control, but I do have to admit I have a few sites that are just up there as brochures and aren't formally deployed. This feature is nice for those sites.

...您需要进行远程站点编辑。 在云中创建应用程序后,您可以直接打开网站的远程视图。 这非常适合随时随地进行编辑。 我个人会使用Git或源代码控制,但是我必须承认我有一些站点只是作为小册子而没有正式部署。 此功能对那些网站很好。

Remote Editing

For users using Windows Azure, the management portal allows users to install WebMatrix and open their site by clicking on a button in the command bar. This will download the site and install any required dependencies. This means once you've made your site in Azure, you can open it in WebMatrix, it will install, figure out your app (if it's in the gallery) and open it.

对于使用Windows Azure的用户,管理门户允许用户通过单击命令栏中的按钮来安装WebMatrix并打开其站点。 这将下载该站点并安装任何必需的依赖项。 这意味着一旦您在Azure中建立了站点,就可以在WebMatrix中打开它,它将安装,找出您的应用程序(如果在图库中)并打开它。

WebMatrix from Azure

When you've finished making your changes, the same publish command will only push the files that have changed back to your host.


WordPress editing

Video: Watch Faith customize a WordPress site and deploy it to Windows Azure.

视频: Watch Faith自定义WordPress网站并将其部署到Windows Azure。

扩展库 (Extension Gallery)

If you're interested in extending WebMatrix 2, there is a new SDK that allows anyone to add new features or functionality. Many of the things in this post (including the mobile emulators!) are actually extensions that ship with WebMatrix 2.

如果您对扩展WebMatrix 2感兴趣,则有一个新的SDK,允许任何人添加新功能。 实际上,本文中的许多内容(包括移动仿真器!)都是WebMatrix 2附带的扩展。


When you're ready to start building, check out the extension gallery. It has a list of extensions currently available, along with documentation on how to make your own extension.

准备开始构建时,请查看扩展程序库。 它具有当前可用扩展的列表,以及有关如何制作自己的扩展的文档。

Video: Watch Walter show you how to build a basic extension and publish it to the WebMatrix 2 extension gallery.

视频:观看Walter演示如何构建基本扩展并将其发布到WebMatrix 2扩展库

结语 (Wrapping it up)

This release of WebMatrix 2 supports making apps ASP.NET, PHP, and node.js. You can download WebMatrix free. Let the team know if you have any feedback. Thanks Justin for helping me with some details and screenshots on this post!

WebMatrix 2的此版本支持制作应用程序ASP.NETPHPnode.js。 您可以免费下载WebMatrix 。 让团队知道您是否有任何反馈意见。 感谢Justin在这篇文章中为我提供了一些详细信息和屏幕截图,为我提供了帮助!

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/webmatrix-2-front-end-web-developers-take-note-aspnet-php-nodejs-and-more






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