


Software doesn't work. I'm shocked at how often we put up with it. Here's just a few issues - literally off the top of my head - that I personally dealt with last week.

软件不起作用。 我为我们经常接受它感到震惊。 这只是我上周亲自处理过的几个问题- 字面上就是 我的头上。

  • My iPhone 4s has 3 gigs of "OTHER" taking up space, according to iTunes. No one has any idea what other is and all the suggestions are to reset it completely or "delete and re-add your mail accounts." Seems like a problem to me when I have only 16 total gigs on the device!

    iTunes表示,我的iPhone 4s占用了3个“ OTHER”演出的空间。 没有人知道别的什么,所有建议都是完全重置它或“删除并重新添加您的邮件帐户”。 当我在设备上只有16个演出时,对我来说似乎是个问题!
  • The Windows Indexing Service on my desktop has been running for 3 straight days. The answer? Delete and rebuild the index. That only took a day.

    我的桌面上的Windows索引服务已经连续运行了3天。 答案? 删除并重建索引。 那只花了一天。
  • I have 4 and sometimes 5 Contacts for every one Actual Human on my iPhone. I've linked them all, but duplicates still show up.

    我的iPhone上的每个实际人有4个联系人,有时还有5个联系人。 我已经将它们链接在一起,但是仍然显示重复项。
  • My iMessage has one guy who chats me and the message will show up in any one of three guys with the same name. Whenever he chats me I have to back out and see which "him" it is coming from.

    我的iMessage有一个与我聊天的人,该消息将显示在三个具有相同名称的人中的任何一个中。 每当他聊天我时,我都必须退出,看看它来自哪个“他”。

  • I don't think Microsoft Outlook has ever "shut down cleanly."

    我认为Microsoft Outlook从未“彻底关闭”。
  • The iCloud Photo stream is supposed to show the last 1000 pictures across all my iOS devices. Mine shows 734. Dunno why. The answer? Uninstall, reinstall, stop, start, restart.

    iCloud Photo流应该显示我所有iOS设备上的最后1000张照片。 我的显示734。不知道为什么。 答案? 卸载,重新安装,停止,启动,重新启动。
  • Where's that email I sent you? Likely stuck in my Outlook Outbox.

    我发给您的电子邮件在哪里? 可能卡在了我的Outlook发件箱中。
  • Gmail is almost as slow as Outlook now. Word is I should check for rogue apps with access to my Gmail via OAuth. There are none.

    Gmail几乎和Outlook现在一样慢。 Word是我应该检查通过OAuth访问我的Gmail的恶意应用。 没有了。

  • I use Microsoft Lync (corporate chat) on my Desktops, two laptops, iPhone and iPad as well as in a VM or two. A few days back two of the Lync instances got into a virtual fight and started a loop where they'd log each other in and out declaring "you are logged into Lync from too many places." So basically, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." "Don't do that."

    我在台式机,两台笔记本电脑,iPhone和iPad以及一两个VM中使用Microsoft Lync(企业聊天)。 几天前,两个Lync实例进入了虚拟斗争,并开始了一个循环,在该循环中,它们相互登录和注销,声明“您从太多地方登录到Lync”。 所以基本上,“医生,当我这样做时会很痛。” “不要那样做。”
  • Final Cut Pro crashes when you scroll too fast while saving.

    当您在保存时滚动太快时,Final Cut Pro崩溃。
  • My Calendar in Windows 8 is nothing but birthdays. Hundreds of useless duplicate birthdays of people I don't know.

    Windows 8中的“我的日历”不过是生日。 数百个我不认识的人无用的重复生日。
  • iPhoto is utterly unusable with more than a few thousand photos.

  • Don't even get me started about iTunes.

  • And Skype. Everything about the Skype UI. Especially resizing columns in Skype on a Mac.

    和Skype。 有关Skype UI的一切。 特别是在Mac上的Skype中调整列的大小。
  • Google Chrome after version 19 or so changed the way it registers itself on Windows as the default browser and broke a half dozen apps (like Visual Studio) who look for specific registry keys that every other browser writes.

    版本19左右的Google Chrome改变了它在Windows上注册为默认浏览器的方式,并破坏了六个应用程序(例如Visual Studio),这些应用程序寻找其他浏览器编写的特定注册表项。
  • I should get an Xbox achievement for every time I press "Clear" in the iPhone notification window.

  • I've got two Microsoft Word documents that I wrote in Word that I can no longer open in Word as Word says "Those aren't Word documents."

    我有两个用Word编写的Microsoft Word文档,当Word说“不是Word文档”时,我将无法再在Word中打开它们。
  • Three of my favorite websites lock up IE9 regularly. Two lock up Chrome. I never remember which is which.

    我最喜欢的三个网站会定期锁定IE9。 两个锁定Chrome。 我不记得是哪个。
  • AdBlock stopped my Gmail for working for three days with JavaScript errors until I figured it out and added an exclusion.


All of this happened with a single week of actual work. There are likely a hundred more issues like this. Truly, it's death by a thousand paper cuts.

所有这些都是在一周的实际工作中发生的。 可能还会有一百多个这样的问题。 的确,这是一千纸的死亡。

I work for Microsoft, have my personal life in Google, use Apple devices to access it and it all sucks.


单独或在人群中,没人在乎。 (Alone or in a crowd, no one cares.)

Here's the worst part, I didn't spend any time on the phone with anyone about these issues. I didn't file bugs, send support tickets or email teams. Instead, I just Googled around and saw one of two  possible scenarios for each issue.

这是最糟糕的部分,我没有花任何时间与任何人联系这些问题。 我没有提交错误,没有发送支持通知或电子邮件团队。 相反,我只是四处搜寻,看到了每个问题的两种可能情况之一。

  1. No one has ever seen this issue. You're alone and no one cares.

    没有人见过这个问题。 您一个人,没人在乎。
  2. Everyone has seen this issue. No one from the company believes everyone. You're with a crowd and no one cares.

    每个人都看到了这个问题。 该公司没有人相信所有人。 你和一群人在一起,没人在乎。

Sadly, both of these scenarios ended in one feeling. Software doesn't work and no one cares.

可悲的是,这两种情况都以一种感觉结束。 软件不起作用,没有人在乎。

我们该如何解决? (How do we fix it?)

Here we are in 2012 in a world of open standards on an open network, with angle brackets and curly braces flying at gigabit speeds and it's all a mess. Everyone sucks, equally and completely.

在2012年,我们处于开放网络中的开放标准世界中,尖括号和花括号以千兆位速度飞行,这真是一团糟。 每个人都完全平等地吮吸。

  • Is this a speed problem? Are we feeling we have to develop too fast and loose?

    这是速度问题吗? 我们是否感到我们必须发展得太快和太松散?
  • Is it a quality issue? Have we forgotten the art and science of Software QA?

    这是质量问题吗? 我们忘记了软件质量保证的艺术和科学吗?
  • Is it a people problem? Are folks just not passionate about their software enough to fix it?

    这是人的问题吗? 人们只是对软件没有足够的热情去修复它吗?
  • UPDATE: It is a communication problem? Is it easy for users to report errors and annoyances?

    更新:这是沟通问题吗? 用户报告错误和烦恼是否容易?

I think it's all of the above. We need to care and we need the collective will to fix it. What do you think?

我认为以上都是。 我们需要关心,我们需要集体意志来解决它。 你怎么看?

P.S. If you think I'm just whining, let me just say this. I'm am complaining not because it sucks, but because I KNOW we can do better.

PS:如果您认为我只是在抱怨,那么我就这样说吧。 我抱怨的不是因为它糟透了,而是因为我知道我们可以做得更好。

此三部分系列有关软件质量的相关文章 (Related Posts in this Three Part series on Software Quality)

  1. Everything's broken and nobody's upset


  2. A Bug Report is a Gift


  3. Help your users record and report bugs with the Problem Steps Recorder


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/everythings-broken-and-nobodys-upset


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