web.razor_现在,ASP.NET MVC 4,ASP.NET Web API和ASP.NET Web Pages 2(Razor)全部开放源代码并提供内容



Happy Tuesday! It's indeed a happy day as I am (literally this moment) at a conference in Las Vegas and have just pressed Publish on this blog post to announce that we are open sourcing ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) all with contributions under the Apache 2.0 license. You can find the source on CodePlex . Be sure to read all the details on ScottGu's blog.

星期二快乐! 在今天(实际上是这一刻)在拉斯维加斯举行的会议上,这确实是一个快乐的日子,并且刚刚按此博客文章上的发布来宣布我们正在开源ASP.NET MVC 4,ASP.NET Web API,ASP.NET网页v2(Razor)根据Apache 2.0许可提供内容。 您可以在CodePlex上找到。 请务必阅读ScottGu博客上的所有详细信息

Ya, I bolded, underlined and italicized that last part and yes, it was gratuitous. Fight me. ;)

是的,我用粗体,下划线和斜体表示了最后一部分,是的,这是免费的。 和我战斗。 ;)

This is the culmination of a lot of hard work by a lot of folks in our organization. It's the very reason that I came to work at Microsoft. So, what’s happening here?

这是我们组织中许多人辛勤工作的结果。 这就是我来微软工作的原因。 那么,这里发生了什么?

While the source for ASP.NET MVC has had source available since its inception, and converted to the MS-PL license in April of 2009, the developers didn't take contributions from the community. While we were open source we were not “open source with takebacks.”

尽管ASP.NET MVC的源代码自其创建以来就已经可用,并于2009年4月转换为MS-PL许可证,但开发人员并未从社区中获得任何贡献。 虽然我们是开源的,但我们并不是“有回报的开源”。

Today we continue to push forward and now ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Web Pages will take contributions from the community. NuGet from OuterCurve also is open source, and now huge parts of ASP.NET are as well. We shipped community code in NuGet with Visual Studio 2010 and NuGet has taken community contributions. Now we will ship community code inside ASP.NET in this upcoming version of Visual Studio.

今天,我们继续前进,现在ASP.NET MVC,Web API,Web Pages将得到社区的贡献。 OuterCurve的NuGet也是开源的,现在ASP.NET的大部分内容也是如此。 我们在Visual Studio 2010的NuGet中提供了社区代码,NuGet做出了社区贡献。 现在,我们将在即将发布的Visual Studio版本中将社区代码发布到ASP.NET中。

We are opening sourcing these ASP.NET components on CodePlex using Git as our repository. CodePlex now supports TFS, Subversion (via a bridge), Mercurial and now Git.

我们将使用Git作为存储库,在CodePlex上开放这些ASP.NET组件的采购。 CodePlex现在支持TFS,Subversion(通过桥接),Mercurial和现在的Git。

为什么要开源? (Why Open Source?)

If you’ve been following our exploits, we’ve actually been shipping open source with ASP.NET and Visual Studio for quite a few years. We started shipping the jQuery open source JavaScript library back in 2008. Since then we’ve added Modernizr, Knockout, jQuery Mobile, JSON.NET, and jQuery UI. These are all shipping and available today. Betcha didn't know that.

如果您一直在关注我们的漏洞利用,那么实际上我们已经将ASP.NET和Visual Studio开源了很多年。 我们从2008年开始提供jQuery开源JavaScript库。 从那时起,我们添加了Modernizr,Knockout,jQuery Mobile,JSON.NET和jQuery UI。 这些都已经发货,并且今天就可以买到。 Betcha不知道。

Microsoft started using an open development style with the Windows Azure SDK last year. It’s worked and worked well, so now they’re expanding the style to include some of the popular frameworks like ASP.NET. This will let us get feedback and respond to it faster than ever.

去年,Microsoft开始使用Windows Azure SDK的开放式开发风格。 它运作良好并且运作良好,因此现在他们正在扩展样式,使其包含一些流行的框架,例如ASP.NET 。 这将使我们比以往任何时候都更快地获得反馈并做出响应。

Over the last four years at Microsoft I’ve worked closely with the community to get feedback and voices heard by the developers. However today, as we introduce more open source projects that take contributions, you can get more directly involved.

在Microsoft的过去四年中,我与社区紧密合作,以获取开发人员的反馈和声音。 但是,今天,随着我们引入更多的开源项目来做出贡献,您可以更直接地参与其中。

  • Find a bug? Send a unit test or fix.

    发现错误? 发送单元测试或修复。
  • Think our coverage isn’t sufficient? Submit a unit test.

    认为我们的覆盖范围还不够? 提交单元测试。
  • Got a feature idea? Get involved more deeply with the developers and help write it.

    有一个功能点子? 与开发人员更深入地接触,并帮助编写它。

Like every large open source project, every check-in (open source or otherwise) will be evaluated against the existing standards used by the developers. Even better, you’ll get to see our developers' checkins to the product out in the open.

像每个大型开源项目一样,每个签入(无论开源还是其他方式)都将根据开发人员使用的现有标准进行评估。 更好的是,您将可以看到我们开发人员公开检修产品的信息。

It’s really important to remember that ASP.NET MVC, Razor, and Web API are fully supported Microsoft products and will still be staffed by the same developers that are building them today. The products will be backed by the same Microsoft support policy and will continue to ship with Visual Studio.  Also, to be clear, Microsoft is maintaining the same level of development resources as we always have. There’s still a roadmap and actually, there are more Microsoft developers working on ASP.NET today than ever before.

请记住, ASP.NET MVC,Razor和Web API是完全受支持的Microsoft产品,并且仍将由今天正在构建它们的相同开发人员来配备,这一点非常重要。 这些产品将受到相同的Microsoft支持策略的支持,并将继续随Visual Studio一起提供。 另外,要明确一点,Microsoft保持着与往常相同水平的开发资源。 仍然有一个路线图,实际上,如今在ASP.NET上工作的Microsoft开发人员比以往任何时候都要多。

你为什么做这个? (Why are you doing this?)

Why shouldn't we? We like open source and you do too. Many of us come from open source backgrounds and many of us work on open source in our spare time.  We think our products are great and by moving to an open development model we think even more people will be energized, excited, and help make the products and the community even stronger.

我们为什么不呢? 我们喜欢开源,您也喜欢。 我们中许多人来自开源背景,我们中的许多人在业余时间从事开源工作。 我们认为我们的产品很棒,并且通过采用开放式开发模型,我们认为甚至会有更多的人充满活力,兴奋并帮助使产品和社区变得更加强大。

您是否打算在ASP.NET中开源更多内容? (Are you going to open source more things in ASP.NET?)

Did I mention we love open source? We are going to continue to do open source in ASP.NET as we can when it makes sense.

我是否提到过我们喜欢开源? 当有意义时,我们将继续在ASP.NET中进行开源。

为什么ASP.NET Web窗体不是开源的? (Why isn’t ASP.NET Web Forms open sourced?)

The components that are being open sourced at this time are all components that are shipped independently of the core .NET framework, which means no OS components take dependencies on them. Web Forms is a part of System.Web.dll which parts of the Windows Server platform take a dependency on. Because of this dependency this code can’t easily be replaced with newer versions expect when updates to the .NET framework or the OS ships.

当前正在开源的组件是独立于核心.NET框架提供的所有组件,这意味着没有OS组件依赖于它们。 Web窗体是System.Web.dll的一部分,Windows Server平台的一部分依赖于此。 由于存在这种依赖性,因此在更新.NET框架或OS时,无法轻易用较新的版本替换此代码。

那Mono呢? (What about Mono?)

The Web Team digs Mono. We love that ASP.NET MVC can run on Mono and we look forward to getting contributions from the Mono community. In fact, I called my friend Miguel last week so he could be the first one to submit a pull request.

Web团队挖掘Mono。 我们非常喜欢ASP.NET MVC可以在Mono上运行,我们期待从Mono社区获得贡献。 实际上,我上周给我的朋友Miguel打电话,这样他就可以成为第一个提交拉取请求的人。

为什么不在GitHub上? (Why not on GitHub?)

The Visual Studio Team has big plans for CodePlex, including adding Git support and modernizing the experience. Right now CodePlex supports TFS, Mercurial (Hg) and just added Git! As we're a partner with the Visual Studio Team we think the right thing for us to do is to support their plans to make CodePlex a thriving place for open source software again. We push them hard and they're releasing weekly now.

Visual Studio团队对CodePlex制定了宏伟的计划,包括增加Git支持和使体验现代化。 现在,CodePlex支持TFS,Mercurial(Hg)并仅添加了Git! 因为我们是Visual Studio团队的合作伙伴,所以我们认为正确的做法是支持他们的计划,使CodePlex再次成为开源软件的蓬勃发展之地。 我们竭尽全力,他们现在每周发布一次。

结论 (Conclusion)

Here's how I look at it: Open Source == Increased Investment. ASP.NET is a part of .NET, it will still ship with Visual Studio. It's the same ASP.NET, managed by the same developers with the same support. It's ASP.NET except now you can get involved. You'll be able to see our developers' check-ins in public, offer feature ideas of your own, perhaps even become a key committer.

这是我的看法:开源==增加投资。 ASP.NET是.NET的一部分,它仍将随Visual Studio一起提供。 这是相同的ASP.NET,由具有相同支持的相同开发人员管理。 它是ASP.NET,但现在可以参与其中。 您将可以在公共场合看到我们开发人员的签到信息,提供自己的功能思想,甚至可能成为关键的提交者。

I'm pretty jazzed that we pulled this off at Microsoft. Still, it's just the beginning. I’m looking forward to working with you! ;)

我很高兴我们在Microsoft做到这一点。 不过,这仅仅是个开始。 期待与您合作! ;)



相关链接 (Related Links)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/aspnet-mvc-4-aspnet-web-api-and-aspnet-web-pages-v2-razor-now-all-open-source-with-contributions


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