上下文中的Visual Studio 11 Beta

Today Visual Studio 11 Beta is released and available for download. Don't want to read a big blog post? Phooey on you then! ;)

今天,Visual Studio 11 Beta已发布并可以下载。 不想阅读大型博客文章? 然后,Phooey对您! ;)

Made it this far? OK, cool. I wanted to do a post that would not only point you to a bunch of other resources, but more generally answer the obvious questions. The questions that I asked before I went to work for Microsoft four years ago. I always ask: What's changed, and why should I care?

到此为止了吗? 好的。 我想发表一篇文章,不仅将您带到其他资源,而且更普遍地回答了显而易见的问题。 四年前我去微软工作之前问的问题。 我总是问:有什么变化,我为什么要关心?

“一个ASP.NET” ("One ASP.NET")

One of the things that the fellows and I are working on that will be more obvious  after the beta and even a little after the final release is this idea of One ASP.NET. We're sweeping through the whole framework, samples, templates and NuGet to make sure things work together cohesively. You'll hear more about this as we firm it up.

Beta之后,甚至最终发布之后,我和我的同事正在做的一件事情将更加明显那就是One ASP.NET的想法。 我们将遍历整个框架,示例,模板和NuGet,以确保所有内容协同工作。 当我们将其固定时,您将听到更多有关此的信息。

Some guiding principles for ASP.NET are these:


  • Every reasonable combination of subsystems just works

  • The model is easily extended by community projects (not just us!)

  • Every subsystem or application type includes a *.Sample that works together with others

    每个子系统或应用程序类型都包括一个* .Sample可以与其他子系统或应用程序一起使用

Here's the boxes diagram I've been playing with.


These principles are some of the things that drove (and continue to drive) ASP.NET this development cycle. We are trying to give you great mobile options, great HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript support and also including open source libraries like Modernizr, jQuery, jQuery UI and Knockout.

这些原则是在此开发周期中推动(并继续推动)ASP.NET的一些因素。 我们正在努力为您提供出色的移动选项,出色HTML5,CSS3和JavaScript支持,还包括Modernizr,jQuery,jQuery UI和Knockout等开源库。

We are working towards a more pluggable, more friendly but still powerful ASP.NET. Again, more on this soon and some surprises. We'll see more interesting uses of NuGet, more plug-ablity, more examples, and more systems working together.

我们正在努力开发一种可插拔,更友好但仍功能强大的ASP.NET。 再次,更多关于此的很快和一些惊奇。 我们将看到NuGet的更多有趣用途,更多的可插拔性,更多的示例以及更多的系统一起工作。

You want to mix and match a ASP.NET Web API, serialization with JSON.NET, use MongoDB, run Web Pages and Web Forms side by side, add some some SignalR and a few WCF enterprise Web Services? Add in ELMAH, Glimpse, Image Resizer and your favorite NuGet packages? Totally. It's Encouraged. It's all One ASP.NET.

您想混合使用ASP.NET Web API,使用JSON.NET进行序列化,使用MongoDB,并排运行Web页面和Web窗体,添加一些SignalR和一些WCF企业Web服务吗? 加入ELMAH,Glimpse,Image Resizer和您最喜欢的NuGet软件包吗? 完全。 受到鼓舞。 全部都是一个ASP.NET。

.NET Framework 4.5 Beta (.NET Framework 4.5 Beta)

For the most part in my experience, .NET 4.5 is a very compatible release. .NET 4.5 upgrades .NET 4 as .NET 3.5 upgraded .NET 3 (and 2, although we're trying to play by the versioning rules now, thank goodness.) The vast majority of .NET 4 apps should work fine on .NET 4.5 unless you are doing something exotic. I haven't had any problems myself, but I've heard of some unusual edge cases with folks doing ILMerge and a few other things.

就我的经验而言,.NET 4.5是一个非常兼容的版本。 .NET 4.5将.NET 4升级为.NET 3.5升级了.NET 3(和2,尽管我们现在尝试使用版本控制规则,谢天谢地。)绝大多数.NET 4应用程序在.NET上应该可以正常工作4.5除非您正在做异国情调。 我自己没有任何问题,但是我听说过一些与众不同的情况,比如人们在做ILMerge和其他一些事情。

There's a number of new improvements. Some of my personal favorites and features I'm most interested in are (these are somewhat obscure, but nice fixes, IMHO):

许多新的改进。 我最感兴趣的一些个人收藏夹和功能(这些功能有些晦涩,但恕我直言,IMHO):

  • Ability to limit how long the regular expression engine will attempt to resolve a regular expression before it times out.

  • Zip compression improvements to reduce the size of a compressed file.

  • Better performance when retrieving resources.

  • Updates to MEF to better support generics.

  • new Asynchronous methods in I/O classes for Asynchronous File Operations

    I / O类中用于异步文件操作的新异步方法
  • Support for Internationalized Domain Name parsing

  • WPF Ribbon Control

  • WCF HTTPS protocol mapping

    WCF HTTPS协议映射
  • WCF Asynchronous streaming support

  • WCF Contract-first development  as well as ?singleWSDL for service URLs


Test your apps and PLEASE tell us if you have trouble. This is a beta and there is a still time to fix things.

测试您的应用程序,如果遇到问题,请告诉我们。 这是一个测试版,尚有时间解决问题。

Please don’t hesitate to post a comment on team blogs, or at one of the forums that are actively monitored: Connect (report bugs), UserVoice (request features) and MSDN Forums (ask for help). I know that folks have issues with Connect sometimes, but folks are actively monitoring all these places and are trying to get back to you with clear answers.

请不要在团队博客上或在受到主动监视的论坛之一上发表评论:连接(报告错误), UserVoice (请求功能)和MSDN论坛(寻求帮助)。 我知道人们有时会在Connect上遇到问题,但是人们正在积极监视所有这些地方,并试图通过清晰的答案与您联系。

ASP.NET核心框架 (ASP.NET Core Framework )

Here's a detailed release notes document about what's new in ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio "Web Developer" 11 Beta. The core ASP.NET framework has a lot of new support around asynchrony. Asynchrony has been a theme throughout the whole Visual Studio 11 process and ASP.NET is full of improvements around this area.

这是有关ASP.NET 4.5和Visual Studio“ Web Developer” 11 Beta中的新增功能的详细发行说明文档。 核心ASP.NET框架围绕异步提供了许多新支持。 异步一直是整个Visual Studio 11流程的主题,而ASP.NET在此方面充满了改进。

There's support for the await keyword, and Task-based modules and handlers.


private async Task ScrapeHtmlPage(object caller, EventArgs e) 
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
var result = await wc.DownloadStringTaskAsync("http://www.microsoft.com");
// Do something with the result

Even IHttpAsyncHandler (a classic, and a difficult thing to get right) has a friend now:


public class MyAsyncHandler : HttpTaskAsyncHandler
// ...
// ASP.NET automatically takes care of integrating the Task based override
// with the ASP.NET pipeline.
public override async Task ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context)
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
var result = await
// Do something with the result

There's security improvements with the inclusion of core encoding routines from the popular AntiXssEncoder library, and you can plug in your own.


ASP.NET also has WebSockets support when running on Windows 8:

在Windows 8上运行时,ASP.NET还具有WebSockets支持:

public async Task MyWebSocket(AspNetWebSocketContext context) 
WebSocket socket = context.WebSocket;
while (true)

Bundling and Minification is built in and is also pluggable so you can swap out own techniques for your own, or your favorite open source alternative.


There's lots of performance improvements including features for dense workloads that can get up to a 35% reduction in startup time and memory footprint with .NET 4.5 and Windows 8.

性能上有很多改进,包括适用于密集工作负载的功能,使用.NET 4.5和Windows 8可以使启动时间和内存占用减少多达35%。

ASP.NET 4.5 also supports multi-core JIT compilation for faster startup and more support for tuning the GC for your server's specific needs.

ASP.NET 4.5还支持多核JIT编译,以加快启动速度,并更多地支持根据服务器的特定需求调整GC。

ASP.NET Web表单 (ASP.NET Web Forms)

There's lots of refinements and improvements in Web Forms. Some favorites are strongly-typed data controls. I blogged about this before in my Elegant Web Forms post. There's two way data-binding in controls like the FormView now instead of using Eval() and you'll also get intellisense in things like Repeaters with strongly typed modelTypes.

Web表单有许多改进和改进。 一些收藏夹是强类型的数据控件。 我之前在我的Web表单优雅文章中对此发表了博客。 现在有两种方法可以在FormView之类的控件中进行数据绑定,而不是使用Eval(),而且在具有强类型modelTypes的Repeater之类的东西中,您还将获得智能感知。

Web Forms also gets Model Binding (all part of the One ASP.NET strategy) which is familiar to ASP.NET MVC users. Note the GetCategories call below that will bind to a View with IQueryable.

Web Forms还获得了ASP.NET MVC用户熟悉的模型绑定(One ASP.NET策略的所有部分)。 注意下面的GetCategories调用将绑定到具有IQueryable的View。

public partial class Categories : System.Web.UI.Page
    private readonly DemoWhateverDataContext _db = new DemoWhateverDataContext();
    public void Page_Load()
        if (!IsPostBack)
            // Set default sort expression
            categoriesGrid.Sort("Name", SortDirection.Ascending);
    public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories()
        return _db.Categories;

In this example, rather than digging around in the Request.QueryString, we get our keyword parameter this way:


public IQueryable<Product>GetProducts([QueryString]string keyword) 
IQueryable<Product> query = _db.Products;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
query = query.Where(p => p.ProductName.Contains(keyword));
return query;

Web Forms also get unobtrusive validation, HTML 5 updates and elements, and those of you who like jQuery but also like Web Forms Controls (as well as Ajax Control Toolkit fans) will be thrilled to check out the JuiceUI project. It's an open-source collection of ASP.NET Web Forms components that makes jQuery UI available in a familiar way for Web Forms people.

Web窗体还可以进行无障碍的验证,HTML 5更新和元素,并且喜欢jQuery但也喜欢Web窗体控件(以及Ajax Control Toolkit爱好者)的那些人将很高兴签出JuiceUI项目。 它是ASP.NET Web窗体组件的开源集合,使jQuery UI可以以熟悉的方式供Web窗体用户使用。


Last week I blogged about Making JSON Web APIs with ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta and ASP.NET Web API. ASP.NET MVC 4 includes these new features (and a few more) and is included in Visual Studio 11 Beta.

上周,我写了关于使用ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta和ASP.NET Web API制作JSON Web API的博客。 ASP.NET MVC 4包括这些新功能(以及其他一些功能),并且包含在Visual Studio 11 Beta中。


  • Refreshed and modernized default project templates

  • New mobile project template

  • Many new features to support mobile apps

  • Recipes to customize code generation

  • Enhanced support for asynchronous methods

  • Read the full feature list in the release notes


Matt Milner has a great post on where ASP.NET Web API and WCF proper meet and diverge, and why you'd use one over the other. I'll be doing a more detailed post on this also, but I like Matt's quote:

马特·米尔纳(Matt Milner)撰写了一篇很棒的文章,内容涉及ASP.NET Web API和WCF的正确结合和分歧之处,以及为什么要彼此使用。 我还将对此做更详细的文章,但我喜欢Matt的话:

WCF remains the framework for building services where you care about transport flexibility. WebAPI is the framework for building services where you care about HTTP.

WCF仍然是您关心运输灵活性的构建服务的框架。 WebAPI是用于构建您关心HTTP的服务的框架。

ASP.NET网页2 (ASP.NET Web Pages 2)

New features include the following:


  • New and updated site templates.

  • Adding server-side and client-side validation using the Validation helper.


  • The ability to register scripts using an assets manager.

  • Enabling logins from Facebook and other sites using OAuth and OpenID.

  • Adding maps using the Mapshelper.


  • Running Web Pages applications side-by-side.

  • Rendering pages for mobile devices.


There's lots  more to talk about in Razor and Web Pages 2 that I will talk about when Web Matrix 2 comes out.

Web Matrix 2发行时,我将谈论Razor和Web Pages中还有很多要讨论的内容

Visual Studio-适用于Web开发人员 (Visual Studio - for Web Developers)

Lot of new Web Features - Hello Opera users!

There's an extensive list of features and fixes on the Web Developer Tools team Blog. Here are my favorites.

Web开发人员工具团队Blog上大量的功能和修复列表。 这是我的最爱。

The HTML Editor is smart about HTML5 and you can develop smart HTML5 sites with any ASP.NET technique.


The CSS Editor has a new formatter, color picker, better indentation, smart snippets and vendor-specific IntelliSense. That's Webkit and Opera in the screenshot over there.

CSS编辑器具有新的格式化程序,颜色选择器,更好的缩进,智能片段和特定于供应商的IntelliSense。 那是屏幕截图中的Webkit和Opera。

The Javascript Editor has IE10's Javascript engine and supports Javascript as a 1st class citizen with all the support you get in other languages like Go To Definition, brace matching, and more.


Page Inspector is all new and lets you to see what elements in the source files (including server-side code) have produced the HTML markup that is rendered to the browser. IIS Express is now the default web application host.

Page Inspector是全新的,使您可以查看源文件(包括服务器端代码)中的哪些元素已生成呈现给浏览器HTML标记。 IIS Express现在是默认的Web应用程序主机。

所有链接 (All the Links)

General Info



Secondary Downloads (for the IT folks)


Got Visual Studio issues? Complain (kindly) and vote up features and concerns at their UserVoice site.

有Visual Studio问题吗? 在他们的UserVoice网站上抱怨(友好地)并投票赞成功能和问题

Got ASP.NET issues? Complain to me (kindly) and vote up features and concerns at our UserVoice site or ask questions in the ASP.NET forums. There will also be new videos, tutorials and information at http://asp.net/vnext and we are continuing to update the site with fresh content.

有ASP.NET问题吗? 请向我投诉,并在我们的UserVoice网站上投票赞成功能和问题,或者在ASP.NET论坛中提问。 在http://asp.net/vnext上还将有新的视频,教程和信息,我们将继续用新内容更新该网站。

Hope you enjoy the Beta. Please do take a moment to install it, try it out, and offer feedback. There is time for us to make changes, fixes and improvements but only if you give feedback.

希望您喜欢Beta。 请花点时间安装它,试用一下,并提供反馈。 只有在您提供反馈的情况下,我们才有时间进行更改,修复和改进。

Sponsor: My thanks to DevExpress for sponsoring this week's feed. There is no better time to discover DevExpress. Visual Studio 11 beta is here and DevExpress tools are ready! Experience next generation tools, today.

赞助商:非常感谢DevExpress赞助了本周的提要。 没有更好的时间来发现DevExpress。 Visual Studio 11 beta已发布,DevExpress工具已准备就绪! 立即体验下一代工具

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/visual-studio-11-beta-in-context

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