


It's been almost a year (well, 11 months) with my Amazon Kindle. I still use it every day, so that's a pretty good litmus test. I'm also looking for a good Kindle replacement case, so that's also good.

使用我的Amazon Kindle已经快一年了(十一个月)。 我仍然每天都使用它,所以这是一个很好的石蕊测试。 我也在寻找一个好的Kindle替换盒,所以也很好。

I use the Kindle to read the NYTimes, and a few blogs. I've read about two dozen books on it this last year, about 15 purchased from Amazon and the rest were free e-Books. I take it on every business trip, I read books while brushing my teeth, it goes everywhere with me. It's light, convenient and wonderful.

我使用Kindle阅读NYTimes和一些博客。 去年我读了大约二十本书,其中约15本是从亚马逊购买的,其余的都是免费的电子书。 我每次出差都会带它,我刷牙时会读书,随处可见。 轻巧,方便,精彩。

The Good:


  • Coverage. Anyway I've gone in the states, I've had good coverage and no trouble getting new books. There isn't complete coverage, but if you make sure to download whatever books you want for your trip before you head into the boonies, you'll cool. I loaded up before a trip to South Africa, turned off the radio, and used it happily disconnected for weeks.

    覆盖范围。 无论如何,我去了美国,我的报道覆盖面很广,买新书也不成问题。 没有完整的报道,但是如果您确定要下载任何想要的书籍,然后再进入赏金计划,那么您会觉得很酷。 我在去南非旅行之前就装好了东西,关闭了收音机,并愉快地断开了连接达数周之久。

  • Battery Life. The battery really lasts for thousands of page-turns. Remember that it doesn't use really any power at all if the pages aren't turning. It'll stay on standby (with the radio switch off) for days and days.

    电池寿命。 电池确实可以使用数千页。 请记住,如果页面没有转动,它根本不会使用任何电源。 它将保持待机状态(关闭无线电)几天又几天。

  • Flexibility. I read lots of books, some purchased from Amazon (the rule of thumb is that they are 25%-50% less because there's no molecules) and some free books formatted for the Kindle. It also like that your kindle gets an email address so you can email and whatever you send it (PDF, DOC, etc) will just show up on your Kindle.

    灵活性。 我读了很多书,有些是从亚马逊购买的(凭经验法则是因为没有分子,所以少了25%-50%),还有一些为Kindle格式化的免费书。 这也就像您的kindle获取了一个电子邮件地址,以便您可以通过电子邮件发送 @ kindle.com以及您发送的任何内容(PDF,DOC等)都只会显示在Kindle上。

  • The Screen: It's been said before, but truly, eInk is awesome. It's nearly as clear as paper, but more importantly, it's just easy to read. No more eye strain than a regular newspaper.

    屏幕:之前有人说过,但实际上eInk很棒。 它几乎和纸一样清晰,但更重要的是,它很容易阅读。 没有眼睛比普通报纸更疲劳。

  • Convenience: The best example of the Kindle being awesome is being at an airport bookstore, browsing the books, reading the backs, then buying the book for 50% off and having it appear on the Kindle in literally seconds, then walking on a plane. It's positively evil.

    便利性: Kindle很棒的最好例子是在机场书店里,浏览书籍,阅读后背,然后以50%的价格购买书籍,并在几秒钟内将其出现在Kindle上,然后在飞机上行走。 肯定是邪恶的。

The Bad:


  • Build Quality. It's still ugly and feels just a smidge cheap. It's no iPhone or Blackjack 2 or Dell Mini 9. It kind of flexes like a plastic ice tray from the freezer. It doesn't feel solid. I wish it was aluminum or something. They REALLY need to pull it together and get some Apple-level hardware build quality for the Kindle 2.

    建立质量。 它仍然很丑陋,而且感觉很便宜。 它不是iPhone,Blackjack 2或Dell Mini9。它像冰柜中的塑料冰格一样弯曲。 感觉不牢固。 我希望它是铝或其他东西。 他们确实需要将其组合在一起,并获得Kindle 2的一些苹果级硬件构建质量。

  • Screen Margins: There's a little wasted space (maybe 1/4") on the screen, acting as a margin for the text. I think the small size of the screen wouldn't bother me as much if they let me control that margin. There's probably 15-20% more screen I could get if I ran the text up closer.


  • Programming Books: The screen and reformatting doesn't serve itself well for technical books and there's no monospaced font, so just don't plan on reading coding books on this device.


  • Jeff Bezos and my Wallet: In case you haven't realized, the Kindle is THE ultimate One-Click Purchasing Device. It is literally a dotted line directly from Jeff Bezo's bank account to mine. Don't forget that. To be clear, I'm cool with it, but it's important to be aware.

    杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)和我的电子钱包:如果您没有意识到,Kindle是终极的一键式购买设备。 从字面上看,这是直接从杰夫·贝佐(Jeff Bezo)的银行账户到我的虚线。 别忘了需要明确的是,我对此很满意,但请务必注意。

  • Case. The standard Kindle case really sucks. There's an indentation in the back of the Kindle and a small plastic tab on the Kindle case and they are supposed to work together to hold the Kindle in the case, apparently by will power. It's mediocre at best and I immediately looked to replace it...which leads me to...

    案件。 标准的Kindle保护套确实很烂。 Kindle的后部有一个压痕,并且Kindle外壳上有一个小的塑料卡舌,并且他们应该一起工作以将Kindle装在外壳中,显然是出于意志力。 充其量是平庸的,我立即想替换它...这导致我...

替换Kindle保护套 (Replacement Kindle Cases)

I've looked all over at replacement Kindle cases. I've tested some, tried out all the ones at Borders and other specialty bookstores, read all the reviews on Amazon, and based on a recommendation from Steven "Doc" List, decided to try three cases from WaterField. They are a little boutique in San Francisco and I've heard good things. I also like small companies that make one thing.

我到处都在寻找替换的Kindle保护套。 我已经测试了一些,在Borders和其他专业书店尝试了所有方法,阅读了Amazon上的所有评论,并根据Steven“ Doc” List的建议,决定尝试WaterField中的三种情况。 他们是旧金山的一家小精品店,我听说过好东西。 我也喜欢能创造一件事的小公司。

They've got three Kindle cases (as well as laptop bags, etc, etc). They've got a SlipCase in a number of colors, which is just that - a slip-in case. The sleeve is nice and includes screen protection via a sheet of plastic sewn in on one side, so I wouldn't feel bad about throwing it in my backpack at all. It's also a nice textured nylon and has a place for a pen. None of their cases are the kind that attach directly to the Kindle, so you won't be reading AND holding the case at the same time.

他们有三个Kindle保护套(以及笔记本电脑包等)。 他们有多种颜色的SlipCase ,就这样-套入式保护套。 袖子很漂亮,并通过一侧缝制的塑料薄膜提供了屏幕保护,所以我完全不会把它丢进背包。 它也是一种不错的质感尼龙,并且可以放置笔。 它们的保护套都不是直接附在Kindle上的保护套,因此您不会同时阅读和拿着保护套。

I went back and forth on this issue in my mind. I thought I wanted a book-style case that would somehow attach itself to the Kindle. However, since there isn't really a good secure way to attach something to the Kindle and I wasn't interested in the whole "sticky velcro" way of thinking, I decided WaterField had done the right thing. Anything that attached directly to the Kindle would have been cheesy. The Kindle is easier to read when its weight hasn't doubled by the weight of an attached case.

我在这个问题上来回走动。 我以为我想要一种书本风格的保护套,可以将其固定在Kindle上。 但是,由于没有真正安全的方法将某些东西附着到Kindle上,并且我对整个“粘性魔术贴”的思维方式都不感兴趣,因此我决定WaterField做得正确。 直接连接到Kindle的任何东西都会俗气。 当Kindle的重量未比附件盒的重量增加一倍时,它更易于阅读。

There's a "SleeveCase" (the names are a little confusing) that is a little bigger, but provides more protection. It's pictured above. This is interesting because it's actually big enough to hold the Kindle AND the original Kindle book-style Case. I wouldn't feel comfortable throwing my Kindle and it's regular case in a bag - it'd be destroyed. However, this larger replacement case could hold it as well as my headphones and maybe a small Moleskine notebook.

有一个“ SleeveCase ”(名称有些混乱),它更大一些,但是提供了更多的保护。 如上图所示。 这很有趣,因为它实际上足够大,可以容纳Kindle和原始的Kindle书本风格的保护套。 我将Kindle和普通的手提箱放在书包里时会感到不舒服-它会被销毁。 但是,这个更大的替换盒可以容纳它以及我的耳机和一个小的Moleskine笔记本电脑

Then there's the full-on Travel Case. This thing is European. It's a man-bag. A murse. It's too big for the Kindle (although their website says it's big so it'll hold all the accessories) but it's the perfect dimensions for my Dell Mini 9. Well, near perfect. Like 99% the right size. The zippers graze the plastic as you put the Mini 9 in and out, but what's nice is that the Mini 9 can go on the inside, and the Kindle fits nicely on the outside pocket. Perfect for one day business trips with no baggage. Just make sure you wear nice shoes or folks will talk! ;)

然后是完整的旅行箱。 这东西是欧洲的。 这是一个手提包。 一个电音。 对于Kindle来说,它太大了(尽管他们的网站说它很大,所以它可以容纳所有配件),但这是我的Dell Mini 9的完美尺寸。 好吧,接近完美。 像是正确尺寸的99%。 当您将Mini 9放入和取出时,拉链会掠过塑料,但很好的是Mini 9可以放在里面,而Kindle可以很好地放在外面的口袋里。 没有行李的一日游的理想之选。 只要确保穿好鞋子,否则人们会说话! ;)

I've been using the SleeveCase and the TravelCase (the SlipCase got returned) for the last week and I'm digging it. I'll be taking these on all my one day trips as well as using them for those days when I work from Starbucks. Way smaller than a backpack and I'm thrilled at the extra bonus that the Mini 9 and Kindle fit in the same bag.

上周我一直在使用SleeveCase和TravelCase(SlipCase被退回),并且正在对其进行挖掘。 我将在所有一日游中使用这些东西,并在我在星巴克工作时使用它们。 它比背包小得多,我为Mini 9和Kindle装在同一包中而获得的额外奖励感到非常兴奋。

Thanks to Doc List (on twitter) for his suggested to look hard at WaterField Bags. He likes his.

感谢Doc List (在Twitter上)的建议,他建议认真研究WaterField Bags他喜欢他的

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