


Ok, so I'm only 8 months late. ;) Last year MSDN quietly implemented a "low bandwidth" view.

好吧,我才迟到8个月。 ;)去年MSDN悄悄地实现了“低带宽”视图。

低带宽MSDN (Low Bandwidth MSDN)

Basically, instead of visiting:




you could add "(loband)" to the URL, like:




Instead of the standard MSDN page:


You'd get a nice streamlined version. This is great for not only low-bandwidth situations, but also phones, pdas, screenreaders, etc. More on that in a second.

您会得到一个不错的简化版本。 这不仅适用于低带宽情况,还适用于电话,pda,屏幕阅读器等。

Jon Galloway noticed this last August and even made a nice bookmarklet to make it easier to get into this view. Fast forward until last week when I noticed that this existed. I started digging around, because not only was it cool, but my spider-sense was telling me there was more underneath the story.

乔恩·加洛韦(Jon Galloway)去年八月注意到了这一点,甚至制作了一个漂亮的书签,以使其更容易进入此视图。 快进直到上周,当我注意到它存在。 我开始四处挖掘,因为它不仅很酷,而且我的蜘蛛侠告诉我故事背后还有更多内容。

I called Kim, the Development Manager for the project and I asked as many leading questions as I could, in order to find out what they were planning to do with this, how it was done, and if there were any hidden features. Sometimes folks kind of give MSDN a hard time for having fat HTML, lots of scripts, etc, and generally being slow. Turns out there's a whole ongoing project to make MSDN way faster and it's already seen some really significant improvements. I've got some internal slides she smuggled my way that I'm going to share with you here, so don't tell. I figure show first, ask question later, right? This is great stuff.

我打电话给该项目的开发经理Kim,我问了尽可能多的主要问题,以了解他们打算如何处理,如何完成以及是否有任何隐藏的功能。 有时,人们会因为MHTML繁琐,脚本过多等问题而使MSDN很难,并且通常很慢。 事实证明,有一个正在进行的项目正在使MSDN更快,并且已经看到了一些非常重要的改进。 我有一些她内部走私的幻灯片,我将在这里与您分享,所以不要告诉。 我首先显示,然后问问题,对吗? 这是很棒的东西。

MSDN性能 (MSDN Performance)

They use a number of tests at MSDN to see how fast the site is running, including Gomez and Keynote. Keynote and other tools not only do testing like YSlow and the like, but they do location testing to make sure the site is fast all over the world. That means testing it on a modem in China and DSL in Australia, etc. For example, you'll see Guangzhou, China appear in the slide deck a lot because it happened to be where MSDN loaded the slowest. The roll-up slides (for bosses) show Seattle, Paris and Beijing. In some places there was missing data.

他们在MSDN上使用了许多测试来查看站点运行的速度,包括GomezKeynote 。 Keynote和其他工具不仅会进行YSlow之类的测试,而且还会进行位置测试以确保该网站在全球范围内均处于快速状态。 这意味着要在中国的调制解调器和澳大利亚的DSL等上测试它。例如,您会看到中国广州经常出现在幻灯片中,因为它恰好是MSDN加载最慢的地方。 用于老板的汇总幻灯片显示了西雅图,巴黎和北京。 在某些地方,缺少数据。

Here's a slide from last Feb before the big performance push started. Notice the page sides is between 200-250k and the response time in China is 10 seconds. Good, I suppose, but not fast.

这是去年2月开始进行大业绩推动之前的幻灯片。 请注意,页面两侧在200-250k之间,在中国的响应时间是10秒。 很好,我想,但是不算快。

They'd test MSDN on first load, then second (cached) load. They called that PLT1 and PLT2 respectively. The first load of MSDN was like 1.3 megs. Insane. Adobe's site was 800k+, Java's was 800k+, but library sites like Ruby and Eclipses around 200-300k. A meg is not cool. They broke it down by JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Images, etc.

他们将在第一次加载,然后在第二次(缓存)加载时测试MSDN。 他们分别称为PLT1和PLT2。 MSDN的第一个负载是1.3兆。 疯。 Adobe的站点是800k +,Java的站点是800k +,但是像Ruby和Eclipses这样的库站点大约是200-300k。 梅格并不酷。 他们通过JavaScript,HTML / CSS,图片等将其分解。

Over the next few months, they started moving CSS and scripts to separate DNS for HTTP Pipelining, reduced the number of redirects, were smarter about JS caching, lazy-loaded the Table of Contents. They started caching scripts at CDNs like Akamai and ChinaCache, reduced or removed ViewState.

在接下来的几个月中,他们开始将CSS和脚本转移到用于HTTP管道传输的单独DNS中,减少了重定向的数量,对JS缓存更加了解,并延迟了目录的加载。 他们开始在Akamai和ChinaCache等CDN上缓存脚本,减少或删除了ViewState。

Then the idea of flipping the whole thing on its ear happened. Rather than removing this and that, why not remove EVERYTHING, and only add back what was needed. Hence, the loband version was created.

然后,将整个东西翻转到耳朵上的想法发生了。 与其删除该内容,不删除所有内容,而仅添加所需内容。 因此,创建了loband版本。

Here's some performance tests between the loband MSDN on an unnamed technologies very-fast library site (you'll have to click the image to see the numbers):

这是一个未命名的技术非常快的图书馆站点上的Loband MSDN之间的一些性能测试(您必须单击图像以查看数字):

The loband MSDN site can get sub-second times in the states and very close to one-second times outside the states, including Guangzhou, our previously slowest location.


Early versions of loband were 25k, but some changes brought the average down to just over 15k. Caching changes and other optimizations brought the performance by region down to under 2 seconds basically world-wide.

Loband的早期版本为25,000,但有些更改使平均值降至15,000以上。 缓存更改和其他优化使整个世界的区域性能降低到不到2秒。

Here's an interesting graph showing the size of JavaScript, HTML and images on MSDN and a bunch of other sites, including http://www.asp.net. In this chart, regular full MSDN in Feb of 2008 is the FAR left bar, and MSDN in July is the second from the left. The loband size is the second from the right.

这是一个有趣的图形,显示了MSDN和其他许多站点(包括http://www.asp.net)上JavaScript,HTML和图像的大小。 在此图表中,2008年2月的常规完整MSDN是FAR左栏,而7月的MSDN是左第二。 束带大小是从右数第二个。

You can click "persist low bandwidth view" if you want to make it your default. Also, they are paying close attention to the Feedback forum, so click that if you have more ideas. The next version of the loband site will be coming out in the next month and looks like this (sneak-preview):

如果要将其设为默认值,则可以单击“持久低带宽视图”。 此外,他们正在密切关注“反馈”论坛,因此,如果您有更多想法,请单击。 Loband网站的下一个版本将在下个月发布,其外观如下所示( sneak-preview ):

They've removed the black bars, some markup changes, and the layout stretches horizontally better.


其他MSDN“交换机” (Additional MSDN "Switches")

I figured there can't just be the (loband) "switch" and I mentioned I thought that having to hack the URL was kind of wonky. Turns out that the whole MSDN system isn't a bunch of files on disk, but files in a database with an ASP.NET Virtual Path Provider. Tim Ewald wrote about how they did this WAY back in February of 2005. This was, at the time, kind of a poor-man's ASP.NET Routing:

我认为不能仅仅存在(本地)“开关”,我提到我认为必须破解URL有点古怪。 事实证明,整个MSDN系统不是磁盘上的一堆文件,而是具有ASP.NET虚拟路径提供程序的数据库中的文件。 蒂姆•埃瓦尔德(Tim Ewald)于2005年2月发表了他们如何做到的方式。 当时,这是一种穷人的ASP.NET路由:

The normalized path points to a file that does not exist on disk. Rather, the page data is stored in the content cache. The system uses a VirtualPathProvider (VPP) to bridge the gap between the two. In essence, a VPP intercepts all of the ASP.NET plumbing's requests for file streams and gives you a chance to load them from wherever you like. Every ASP.NET app uses a default VPP that simply maps to the file system. An MTPS-based site registers a custom VirtualPathProvider, which sits in front of the default VPP, forming a chain. The custom VPP uses the DocumentInfo and ContentSet objects that the HTTP module's OnPreResolveRequestCache event handler stored in HTTP context to load a topic from the content cache and return it as an .aspx file stream.

标准化路径指向磁盘上不存在的文件。 而是,页面数据存储在内容缓存中。 系统使用VirtualPathProvider(VPP)来弥合两者之间的差距。 本质上,VPP会拦截所有ASP.NET管道对文件流的请求,并让您有机会从任意位置加载它们。 每个ASP.NET应用程序都使用一个默认VPP,该VPP可以简单地映射到文件系统。 基于MTPS的站点注册了一个自定义VirtualPathProvider,该自定义VirtualPathProvider位于默认VPP的前面,形成一个链。 定制VPP使用HTTP模块的OnPreResolveRequestCache事件处理程序存储在HTTP上下文中的DocumentInfo和ContentSet对象从内容缓存中加载主题,并将其作为.aspx文件流返回。

All of this is abstracted away, and what I'm calling a "switch" in the URL is what MSDN calls a "device" internally. The URL is just one way to indicate to their routing system that you are a certain device. The other way is via a User-Agent string, as you'd expect.

所有这些都被抽象掉了,URL中我所谓的“开关”就是MSDN内部称为“设备”的东西。 URL只是向其路由系统指示您是特定设备的一种方式。 如您所料,另一种方式是通过User-Agent字符串。

The content in MSDN is stored as XHTML, but then other controls are injected around it, similar to master pages. The whole page doesn't yet validate. If you think that's important, put it in the comments. If we get hundreds of comments here I'll pass them on to the team as "evidence," heh, heh.

MSDN中的内容存储为XHTML,但是其他控件也被插入到其中,类似于母版页。 整个页面尚未验证。 如果您认为这很重要,请在评论中注明。 如果我们在这里收到数百条评论,我会将其作为“证据”传递给团队,呵呵。

There are in fact many "devices" for various reasons in MSDN. Most are turned on my User-Agent differences or for things like the Printer-Friendly view. However, you can force the device by inserting the device name in to the URL like:

实际上,由于各种原因,MSDN中有许多“设备”。 大多数功能都打开了我的User-Agent差异,或用于“打印机友好”视图。 但是,您可以通过将设备名称插入URL中来强制设备,例如:



There are also things called iRoots. For example, the word "Library" in the URL above is an iRoot. I could swap in the word "Magazine" and get a site that's skinned for MSDN Magazine.

还有一些叫做iRoots的东西。 例如,上面URL中的单词“库”是iRoot。 我可以交换“ Magazine”一词,并获得一个针对MSDN Magazine外观的网站。

Here's the devices I've figured out so far:


低带宽-(本地) (Low-Bandwidth - (loband) )

This is the one we've been talking about. It's a minimal view, focused on one thing, speed.

这就是我们一直在谈论的那个。 这是一个最小的视图,只关注一件事,即速度。



PDA-(PDA) (PDA - (pda) )

The best view for phones or PDAs. Turns off the left side navigation and makes the page 100% width and flexible.

手机或PDA的最佳视图。 关闭左侧导航,并使页面100%宽且灵活。



机器人-(robot) (Robots - (robot) )

Optimized for search engines. Lots of meta data, no stylesheets, bare-bones. The Table of Contents is at the bottom of the page.

针对搜索引擎进行了优化。 很多元数据,没有样式表,没有骨干。 目录位于页面底部。



易于打印-(打印机) (Printer-friendly - (printer))

Optimized for printing and includes a call to window.print().




Now, here's where it gets interesting...


MSDN Inside(IDE) (MSDN Inside the (IDE))

When MSDN library content is viewed inside the Visual Studio IDE, a few things are added. First, the ability to Add Content via the MSDN Wiki is promoted to the top, as well as a "send" and "give feedback" feature. This is the view you get when you're inside the "Document Explorer" - the Visual Studio MSDN help browser.

在Visual Studio IDE中查看MSDN库内容时,将添加一些内容。 首先,通过MSDN Wiki添加内容的功能以及“发送”和“提供反馈”功能被提升到了顶部。 当您在“文档资源管理器”-Visual Studio MSDN帮助浏览器中时,便会看到此视图。



适用于Visual Studio 2010的MSDN (MSDN for Visual Studio 2010)

This is still up in the air, but you can see some ideas with the (dev10ide) switch:




Here's a zoom in to a nice detail. Currently on MSDN online there's a filter dropdown to choose what language you want to see code samples in.

这是一个放大的细节。 当前在MSDN Online上有一个过滤器下拉列表,用于选择您想以哪种语言查看代码示例。

This live prototype has the languages for code samples appearing as tabs (as see above) including the option to "View Plain" or "View Colorized." There's also links to Copy to Clipboard or Print just the sample directly.

该实时原型的代码示例语言显示为选项卡(如上所示),包括“查看普通”或“查看彩色化”选项。 还有链接到“复制到剪贴板”或“仅直接打印样本”。

未来的MSDN计划 (Future MSDN Plans)

From what I hear from Kim, there's plans in process now for the loband site to become the default site this fall. They'll call it something like lobandlight and it'll have some small additions like a search box, selectable codeblocks, but the focus will be on being fast and clean. If you have opinions either way, leave them in the comments here or in the loband forums and they WILL be read by the MSDN team. Also, right now loband only works on the library, so while you can try these "devices" on other parts of MSDN, it's only currently designed to work with the MSDN Library itself. If you feel strongly that other parts of MSDN need loband lovin', let me know here and I'll pass your comments on directly to my boss.

根据Kim的消息,目前正在计划将Loband网站变成今年秋天的默认网站。 他们会称其为lobandlight之类的东西,并且会添加一些小的附加内容,例如搜索框,可选的代码块,但重点将放在快速,简洁上。 如果您有任何意见,请将其保留在此处或在Loband论坛中的评论中,MSDN团队将阅读它们。 另外, loband现在仅在该库上可用,因此尽管您可以在MSDN的其他部分上尝试这些“设备”,但目前仅设计用于MSDN库本身。 如果您强烈感觉到MSDN的其他部分需要“热爱lovan”,请在此处告诉我,我将直接将您的评论传递给我的老板。



翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/low-bandwidth-view-and-other-hidden-and-future-features-of-msdn


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