

I really like presenting and traveling around and meeting people, but I just hate being away from my kids. It's visceral. It's physically painful. I bring them whenever I can, but during this last trip to New Zealand and Australia it wasn't possible and I was away for 8 days. Almost killed me.

我真的很喜欢与人结伴旅行,结识朋友,但我只是讨厌远离孩子。 是内脏的。 身体上很痛苦。 我会尽可能带他们来,但是在最后一次前往新西兰和澳大利亚的旅行中,这是不可能的,我已经离开了8天。 差点杀了我

Since I work from home, when I need to talk to folks in Redmond I use Office Communicator, sometimes ooVoo if we need to talk to multiple people, or sometimes a Roundtable. Roundtables are cool because you get a full 360 degree view of the room.

由于我在家工作,因此当我需要与雷德蒙德的人们交谈时,我使用Office Communicator,如果需要与多个人交谈,则有时使用ooVoo,有时甚至需要圆桌会议。 圆桌会议很酷,因为您可以看到整个房间的360度全景。

Using Video Conferencing has become totally fundamental to my work life, and when I travel (a few days a month) it's utterly indispensable.


I've traveled a few times and tried to call the wife via Video Conferencing and had an utter failure. We've had trouble with her figuring out how to answer the call, how to run the app, login, deal with odd dialogs, updates, and all the general gremlins that can potentially take what is supposed to be a great experience and turn it into long-distance tech-support. Nothing lowers the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) like telling your wife to crawl under the computer desk and check the microphone cables.

我旅行了几次,试图通过视频会议给妻子打电话,但完全失败了。 她在弄清楚如何接听电话,如何运行应用程序,登录,处理奇怪的对话框,更新以及所有可能会带来良好体验的通用小工具方面遇到了麻烦获得远程技术支持。 没有什么比降低WAF(妻子接受因子)要低得多了,就像告诉您的妻子爬到电脑桌下面并检查麦克风电缆一样。

I watched literally three different technical speakers try to get video conferencing work while in the speaker room on this last trip. One succeeded. All the others got themselves into situations where the spouse could IM, but not hear, or hear but not see, or whatever. "Can you hear me now?"

在上次旅行中,我实际上看着三个不同的技术演讲者试图在演讲室进行视频会议。 一个成功。 所有其他人都陷入了配偶可以IM,但听不到,或听到但看不到,或其他任何情况的情况。 “你能听到我吗?”

万无一失的家庭视频会议 (Foolproof Familial Video Conferencing)

After a half-dozen failures I finally got smart. Here's what I ended up doing to make it easy. This has worked for my wife and I nine out of ten times (once there were connectivity problems at the hotel) and it's worked from Europe to the South Pacific.

经过六次失败,我终于变得聪明起来。 我最终要做的就是简化此操作。 这对我的妻子和我都很有效,十分之九(曾经在酒店出现连接问题),而且从欧洲到南太平洋都是如此。

Step 1 - Hardware


Get a good camera. I recommend the LifeCam VX- or NX- series. The VX-7000 is nice and simple for home. It has a good microphone built-in and the camera will do 640x480 at 20+fps easily.I use the NX-6000 for my laptop.

买一台好相机。 我推荐LifeCam VX-或NX-系列。 VX-7000既美观又简单。 它内置了一个不错的麦克风,并且相机可以轻松以20 + fps的速度执行640x480的操作。我将NX-6000用于笔记本电脑。

Step 2 - Software


Download Skype (or ooVoo or Live Messenger). You'll need two accounts, one for you (the techie) and one for your spouse. Personally I recommend a dedicated account for trips for your spouse. Something with a username like "ScottIsTraveling."

下载Skype(或ooVoo或Live Messenger)。 您将需要两个帐户,一个用于您(技术人员),一个用于您的配偶。 我个人建议为您的配偶安排一个专用账户。 用户名之类的东西,例如“ ScottIsTraveling”。

Step 3 - Preparation before you travel


Before you travel, declare one machine in the house that video conferencing machine. Log the spouse into the special travel account. Add your account as a Contact to the special travel account. That means that the special account will have only one friend - you. This is important.

在旅行之前,请在家里声明一台视频会议机。 将配偶登录到特殊旅行帐户。 将您的帐户作为联系人添加到特殊旅行帐户。 这意味着特殊帐户将只有一个朋友-您。 这个很重要。

Next, go into Options (I use Skype as an example, but hopefully other apps have similar options) and into Privacy. Set the options such that these are true:

接下来,进入“选项”(我以Skype为例,但希望其他应用也有类似的选项)并进入“隐私”。 设置选项以使它们为真:

"Only allow people who are in my contact list to contact me"



"Automatically answer calls from people who are in my Contact List"


and finally, and most importantly:


"Automatically Send Video"


These are the magic three options. With this setup, your spouse will have one contact, you, and when you call it will be auto-answered and the video will start.

这是神奇的三个选择。 使用此设置,您的配偶将只有一个联系人,当您打电话时,它将自动应答,视频将开始播放。

Then I leave the account logged in and I check the video camera and microphone before I go.



This allows me to call the house and have video start without the wife even touching the machine. Daddy can show up on the computer and say "Hi! It's me, is anyone there!?" My son can run it and start talking to me, even without Mommy's help.

这样,我就可以打电话给房子并开始录像,而妻子甚至都不会碰机器。 爸爸可以出现在计算机上说:“嗨!是我,有人在吗!?” 即使没有妈妈的帮助,我的儿子也可以运行它并开始与我交谈。

One last tip, try to use whatever the highest resolution your camera, bandwidth, and software supports. I was able to get near-DVD quality (640x480) this last trip and was thrilled with the quality. Video conferencing has come a long way since my first black-and-white Logitech QuickCam.

最后一个技巧是,尝试使用相机,带宽和软件支持的最高分辨率。 在上一次旅行中,我能够获得接近DVD的质量(640x480),并且对质量感到非常兴奋。 自从我第一次使用黑白Logitech QuickCam以来,视频会议已经走了很长一段路。

Next time you're traveling I encourage you to try this out and see how it goes. This trip I was able to have chats with the family every night with no glitches or troubles. It almost made the time away tolerable.

下次您旅行时,建议您尝试一下,看看效果如何。 这次旅行,我每天晚上都可以与家人聊天,不会遇到小故障或麻烦。 这几乎使时间可以容忍。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/skyping-the-wife-foolproof-video-conferencing-with-your-family-while-on-the-road

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