Hell has frozen over and I'm running Safari on Windows (v3 Public Beta) You can download it at: www.apple.com/safari.
地狱冻结了,我正在Windows (v3公共测试版)上运行Safari。您可以从以下网站下载它: www.apple.com/safari 。
Good Things:
It's clearly fast. Very fast. Like, noticeably fast, loading a half dozen sites (that take IE7 or FF2 a few seconds) within a blink of an eye. If nothing else, they've set the performance bar higher.
显然很快。 非常快。 就像,以极快的速度,在眨眼间加载六个站点(花费IE7或FF2几秒钟)。 如果没有其他要求,他们会提高性能标准。
I've always said
I've never understood why I needed a Core2Duo with 4Gigs of RAM to parse 50k of angle brackets.
我从来不明白为什么我需要一个具有4Gigs RAM的Core2Duo来解析50k的尖括号。
There's a "submit bug" button built right in with options to send the source of the page as well as a screenshot. Classy.
内置了一个“提交错误”按钮,带有用于发送页面源代码和屏幕截图的选项。 优雅
- The RSS Reader includes the same Safari on Mac "article length" slider that automatically truncates articles to a length that makes blogs more "skimmable." RSS阅读器包括与Mac上相同的Safari浏览器的“文章长度”滑块,该滑块会自动将文章截短到使博客更“可滑动”的长度。
The WebKit they ship with includes the fix for the regular expression engine while using internationalized RegEx's via Unicode Escape sequences. We reported these bugs before. This implies to me that these bugs are fixed in the Safari included with the Leopard Release of OS X, but I haven't confirmed yet.
他们附带的WebKit包含针对正则表达式引擎的修复,同时通过Unicode Escape序列使用国际化的RegEx 。 我们之前曾报告过这些错误。 在我看来,这意味着这些错误已在OS X Leopard发行版随附的Safari中修复,但我尚未确认。
Bug 6257: Throw errors on invalid expressions/support non-PCRE regexp (KJS merge)
Bug 7253: Inline regex produces wrong results vs. creating new RegExp object
The WebKit they ship with includes the fix for the regular expression engine while using internationalized RegEx's via Unicode Escape sequences. We reported these bugs before. This implies to me that these bugs are fixed in the Safari included with the Leopard Release of OS X, but I haven't confirmed yet.
他们附带的WebKit包含针对正则表达式引擎的修复,同时通过Unicode Escape序列使用国际化的RegEx 。 我们之前曾报告过这些错误。 在我看来,这意味着这些错误已在OS X Leopard发行版随附的Safari中修复,但我尚未确认。
Weird Things:
- Dialog Boxes show up as additional Application Windows in the Explorer bar. Meaning, if you have the Preferences Dialog open, the Taskbar says you're running two Safari Windows. 对话框在资源管理器栏中显示为其他应用程序窗口。 意思是,如果您打开了“首选项对话框”,则任务栏会显示您正在运行两个Safari Windows。
The installer asks to install the Bonjour Service, Apple's service discovery protocol ala UPnP. I declined.
安装程序要求安装Bonjour Service (Apple的服务发现协议ala UPnP)。 我拒绝了
- It uses its own Font Smoothing system with three options, light, medium and strong. It's not using ClearType, and they appear to have their own embedded fonts for rendering text within the browser. 它使用自己的字体平滑系统,具有轻,中和强三个选项。 它没有使用ClearType,并且它们似乎具有自己的嵌入式字体用于在浏览器中呈现文本。
- It looks like a Mac Application on Windows. Not bad, but slightly creepy. 它看起来像Windows上的Mac应用程序。 还不错,但是有点令人毛骨悚然。
This blog's comment box renders strangely, possibly because they allow you to resize text boxes yourself. It obscures the new Live Comment Preview.
该博客的评论框呈现异常,可能是因为它们允许您自己调整文本框的大小。 它模糊了新的“实时评论预览”。
- What's the point? Was this browser needed? 重点是什么? 需要这个浏览器吗?
- As with OS X apps, you can only resize the window with the handle in the lower right corner. 与OS X应用程序一样,您只能使用右下角的手柄来调整窗口的大小。
- They've clearly built some amazing owner-draw cross-platform UI framework here. Perhaps Safari was the proving ground? Well, they've proven it. I wonder if the Apple concept of a "Universal Binary" has more draconian world dominationesque connotations? Perhaps Objective C is the new Java? Write once, debug everywhere. 他们显然在这里构建了一些了不起的拥有者绘制的跨平台UI框架。 也许Safari是试验场? 好吧,他们已经证明了这一点。 我想知道苹果公司的“通用二进制”概念是否具有更严酷的世界支配风格? 也许目标C是新的Java? 编写一次,到处调试。
Either way, I encourage you to download Safari and try it out. I'm not switching away from Firefox2 just yet, but speed is the #1 thing that'll make me switch. We will see.
无论哪种方式,我都建议您下载Safari并尝试一下。 我还没有离开Firefox2,但是速度是让我转换的第一要务。 我们会看到。
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/safari-for-windows-first-impressions