沙堡(Sandcastle)-NCH消亡时的帮助CHM文件生成器的Microsoft CTP

Moments ago (my time) the Sandcastle CTP was released. Here's the Sandcastle Blog and here's a PowerPoint presentation on the new project. This is a very early CTP from Microsoft that supports generating documentation from any .NET language, much like NDoc.

不久(我的时间), Sandcastle CTP发布了。 这是Sandcastle博客,这是有关新项目PowerPoint演示文稿这是Microsoft的早期CTP,它支持从任何.NET语言生成文档,就像NDoc一样

It's great that Microsoft is paying attention to the whole "need for help files thing." However, be warned, this is uber-early stuff, and not very smooth. Actually, it's pretty darned rough. The instructions on what your batch/build/msbuild/powershell/whatever is going to need to orchestrate is here. The instructions are ghetto. Here's a slightly less ghetto Powershell script that will at least compile the example, assuming you have Powershell.

Microsoft非常关注整个“需要帮助文件的事情”,这真是太好了。 但是,请注意,这是很早的事情,而且不是很顺利。 实际上,这很粗糙。 有关您的batch / build / msbuild / powershell /将需要编排的内容的说明在此处。 指示是贫民窟。 这是一个稍稍贫民窟的Powershell脚本,假定您具有Powershell,它将至少编译该示例。

  • Assuming you have .NET 2.0 SDK and Powershell...you'll need to, of course, enable scripts via something like set-executionpolicy unrestricted

    假设您拥有.NET 2.0 SDKPowershell ...,那么您当然需要通过不受限制的set-executionpolicy之类的功能来启用脚本

    • Note: Powershell has nothing to do with Sandcastle. I just did the script because it's wicked easy in PSH.

      注意:Powershell与Sandcastle无关。 我只是编写了脚本,因为它在PSH中非常容易实现。
  • Download Sandcastle July CTP.

    下载Sandcastle July CTP。

  • Run this Powershell script of mine to build the example: File Attachment: sandcastledoc.ps1 (1 KB)

    运行我的此Powershell脚本以构建示例:文件附件:sandcastledoc.ps1(1 KB)

Remember you'll need HTML Help Workshop if you're going to make CHMs (Compiled Help files). Here's the compiled example test.chm: File Attachment: Test.chm (31 KB)

请记住,如果要制作CHM(编译的帮助文件),则需要HTML帮助工作室。 这是已编译的示例test.chm:文件附件:Test.chm(31 KB)

Sandcastle for .NET 1.1

NET 1.1的沙堡

One note, I was able to get Sandcastle to generate help for a .NET 1.1 application, which is a very important developer scenario I hope they don't forget about. However, Sandcastle linked the 1.1 help up to the Framework 2.0 XML help for the .NET Framework BCL (Base Class Library) by default. If you change the sandcastle.config to refer to <data files="%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\*.xml" /> (line 48 in this CTP) it appears to link up nicely for 1.1 apps even though Sandcastle uses .NET 2.0 for its reflection.

需要注意的是,我能够让Sandcastle为.NET 1.1应用程序生成帮助,这是一个非常重要的开发人员场景,希望他们不要忘记。 但是,默认情况下,Sandcastle将1.1帮助链接到.NET Framework BCL(基本类库)的Framework 2.0 XML帮助。 如果将sandcastle.config更改为引用<data files =“%SystemRoot%\ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v1.1.4322 \ *。xml” /> (此CTP中的第48行),它似乎可以很好地链接到1.1应用程序,即使Sandcastle使用.NET 2.0进行反射。

NDoc: The Death of a (great) Open Source Project


On a related note, it's going to take a while (6 months to a year?) for Microsoft to really get Sandcastle to the point where Kevin Downs got NDoc. Will this new tool be as rich and useful? Or will it be forgotten like HTML Help Workshop?

与此相关的是,微软要真正让Sandcastle到达Kevin Downs获得NDoc的地步还需要一段时间(6个月到一年?)。 这个新工具会变得如此丰富和有用吗? 还是会像HTML帮助研讨会一样被遗忘?

Recently Kevin Downs, the leader of NDoc, emailed a NDoc folks announcing that NDoc is dead. I was shocked to get this email, but sadly, not surprised. Here's an important part of his email:

最近,NDoc的负责人Kevin Downs给NDoc的人们发送电子邮件,宣布NDoc已死。 收到此电子邮件使我感到震惊,但可悲的是,并不感到惊讶。 这是他电子邮件的重要部分:

Unfortunately, despite the almost ubiquitous use of NDoc, there has been no support for the project from the .Net developer community either financially or by development contributions. Since 1.3 was released, there have been the grand total of eleven donations to the project. In fact, were it not for Oleg Tkachenko’s kind donation of a MS MVP MSDN subscription, I would not even have a copy of VS2005 to work with!

不幸的是,尽管几乎无处不在使用NDoc,但是.NET开发人员社区从财务上还是开发方面都没有为该项目提供支持。 自1.3发布以来,该项目总共收到11笔捐款 实际上,如果不是Oleg Tkachenko慷慨捐赠MS MVP MSDN订阅,我什至没有VS2005的副本!

To put this into perspective, if only roughly 1-in-10 of the those who downloaded NDoc had donated the minimum allowable amount of $5 then I could have worked on NDoc 2.0 full-time and it could have been released months ago! Now, I am not suggesting that this should have occurred, or that anyone owes me anything for the work I have done, rather I am trying to demonstrate that if the community values open-source projects then it should do *something* to support them. MS has for years acknowledged community contributions via the MVP program but there is absolutely no support for community projects.

从角度来看,如果只有大约十分之一的下载NDoc的人捐赠了最低允许金额$ 5,那么我本可以全职从事NDoc 2.0的工作,而且它可以在几个月前发布! 现在,我不建议这样做,也不要有人为我所做的工作欠我任何东西,而是我要证明,如果社区重视开源项目,那么它应该做某事*以支持他们。 。 MS多年来已经通过MVP计划认可社区的贡献,但是绝对不支持社区项目。

Apparently Kevin started getting threats - yes, you heard right, threats - about a .NET 2.0 version and has been email-bombed. He's rightfully decided to bow out after a successful run.

显然,Kevin开始受到有关.NET 2.0版本的威胁-是的,您没听错,威胁-已被电子邮件轰炸。 成功跑步后,他正确地决定退出比赛。

If you're a fan of the whole N* stack, you've used NAnt, NUnit, NDoc, NCover, for years. We take for granted that these programs just work. They are fundamental. Some folks think they are our right to possess, but they forget about the real people with real lives that write this Open Source stuff in their spare time.

如果您是整个N *堆栈的粉丝,那么您已经使用了NAnt,NUnit,NDoc,NCover多年。 我们认为这些程序可以正常工作。 它们是根本。 有些人认为他们是我们拥有的权利,但他们却忘记了那些在业余时间写出这些开放源代码的人,他们拥有真实的生活。

Hanselman Editorial Aside: It's a shame that Microsoft can't put together an organization like INETA (who already gives small stipends to folks to speak at User Groups) and gave away grants/stipends to the 20 or so .NET Open Source Projects that TRULY make a difference in measurable ways. The whole thing could be managed out of the existing INETA organization and wouldn't cost more than a few hundred grand - the price of maybe 3-4 Microsoft Engineers.

汉塞尔曼编辑部:遗憾的是,Microsoft无法将像INETA这样的组织(已经向人们在用户组中发表演讲的人提供了小额津贴),却没有为20个左右的.NET开源项目提供赠款/津贴。以可衡量的方式有所作为。 整个事情可以在现有的INETA组织中进行管理,花费不超过数百美元-大约3-4个Microsoft工程师的价格。

Phil makes a good point when it compares Open Source to "Source Available" with regards to Community Server. It's great that some OS products can turn into commercial apps with an OS "lite" version.

在社区服务器方面比较开放源代码和“可用源代码”时, Phil提出了一个很好的观点。 某些OS产品可以将具有OS“精简版”版本的商业应用转变为商业应用程序,这真是太好了。

For "base of the pyramid" fundamental stuff like Build, Test, Coverage, Docs, will we pay for them? We should. Should we have given the NDoc project $5? Did NDoc help me personally and my company? Totally. Did I donate? No, and that was a mistake. I agree with Phil. Support those 5, 10, 20 truly Open Source projects with a little of your time or money.

对于诸如构建,测试,覆盖率,文档之类的“金字塔基础”,我们会为它们付费吗? 我们应该。 我们应该给NDoc项目5美元吗? NDoc是否帮助我个人和公司? 完全。 我捐了吗不,那是一个错误。 我同意菲尔。 只需花费很少的时间或金钱,就可以支持那些5、10、20个真正的开源项目。

Personally, as an Open Source project co-leader, I'd much rather folks who use DasBlog pick a bug and send me a patch (unified diff format) than give money.  I suspect that Kevin would have been happy with a dozen engineers taking on tasks and taking on bugs in their spare time.

就个人而言,作为开放源代码项目的共同负责人,我宁愿使用DasBlog的人选择一个错误给我发送补丁(统一的diff格式),而不是花钱。 我怀疑凯文会很高兴与承担任务的工程师十余名,并在他们的业余时间学习上的错误。

We are blessed. This Open Source stuff is free. But it's free like a puppy. It takes years of care and feeding. You don't get to criticise a free puppy that you bring in to your home.

我们是有福的。 这个开源的东西是免费的。 但是它像小狗一样免费。 需要多年的照料和喂养。 您不必批评带回家的一只免费小狗。

Goodbye Kevin and thanks for your hard work on NDoc.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/sandcastle-microsoft-ctp-of-a-help-chm-file-generator-on-the-tails-of-the-death-of-ndoc

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