dq77kb bios升级_KB 810886已达到网络BIOS命令限制-为什么所有疯狂的废话都会发生在我身上?...

dq77kb bios升级

dq77kb bios升级


Why is it all the crazy stuff happens to me? I mean SERIOUSLY crazy.

为什么所有疯狂的事情都发生在我身上? 我的意思是说真疯狂。

I am running a VirtualPC with Visual Studio Beta 2 inside it, and I like to keep my code out of the VM and safe on my system. So, I usually share a folder using the Virtual PC built in sharing.

我正在运行其中装有Visual Studio Beta 2的VirtualPC,并且我希望将代码保留在VM之外,并且在系统上安全。 因此,我通常使用共享内置的Virtual PC共享一个文件夹。

However, for some reason, BETA 2 doesn't like it like BETA 1 did and I get "Failed to Monitor Directory Changes."

但是,由于某种原因,BETA 2不像BETA 1那样喜欢它,并且我收到“无法监视目录更改”。

I did give this drive (my Z: Drive) full trust, though:


caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url file://z:/* FullTrust -name "Z Drive"

caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url file:// z:/ * * FullTrust-名称“ Z Drive”

This way .NET won't freak out that I'm running and debugging off a non-attached drive.


But, it still wasn't feeling it, so I disconnected the VirtualPC Drive and did a straight Mapped Drive/Network Share from my VirtualPC to my Host OS. After a few builds within BETA 2 I received this charmer from the Yellow Screen of Death:

但是,仍然没有感觉,因此我断开了VirtualPC驱动器的连接,并从VirtualPC到主机OS进行了直接映射的驱动器/网络共享。 在测试版2中进行了几次构建之后,我从“死亡黄屏”中收到了这个吸引人的东西:

"The network BIOS command limit has been reached. See KB 810866."

“已达到网络BIOS命令限制。请参阅KB810866 。”

WTF?! Um. Ok. Believe me, I couldn't have been more shocked if the thing had told me that my CMOS Battery was dead and that I should run SpinRite to reformat my MFM hard drive. Sheesh. Do I need to load freaking QEMM into the UMB to get this thing to work? EMM386.EXE anyone? Can I get a TSR please? Is Trumpet Winsock installed?

WTF ?! 嗯好。 相信我,如果事情告诉我CMOS电池没电了,我应该运行SpinRite来重新格式化MFM硬盘,这让我感到非常震惊。 嘘。 我是否需要将怪异的QEMM加载到UMB中才能使其正常工作? EMM386.EXE有人吗? 请问我可以得到TSR吗? 是否安装了小号Winsock?

Ah, how comforting that there are exactly TWO instances of this on Google, THEY ARE THE SAME SITE, and more interestingly, that I shall be #3.


Google Groups you say? The USENET? Of course. Um, NO. Exactly ONE message from two months ago and that guy received the standard flame - "Why would you want to do that?" (actually he was a little lower level, actually programatically setting up file change notifications within his own app to fiels located on network shares. But still.)

您说的Google网上论坛? USENET? 当然。 不。 两个月前刚收到一个消息,那个家伙收到了标准的火焰-“你为什么要这样做?” (实际上,他是一个较低的级别,实际上以编程方式在他自己的应用程序中将文件更改通知设置为位于网络共享上的文件。但是仍然。)

So, I'm told to check out, yes, wait for it, wait for it, the LanManager Workstation and Server keys in the Registry's HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/yadayadayada.

因此,我被告知要签出,是的,等待它,等待它,注册表的HKLM / System / CurrentControlSet / yadayadayada中的LanManager Workstation和Server密钥

Serenity now!


Coming Soon, Longhorn from the makers of LanMan and EDLIN!


But I'm not bitter.


Long story short, I shall be doing my BETA 2 dev locally.

长话短说,我将在本地从事BETA 2开发人员的工作。

NOTE OF SANITY: Before you freak out also, rememeber, this is using the new Cassini-style local web server, NOT IIS. Basically the local web server assumes its, well, local. So, it sets up some local file watchers that are a bit too chatty for the SMB Network Protocol. Yes, I tried upping the Registry Key values from the KB. No, it didn't work.

注意:在记住之前,请记住,这是使用新的Cassini风格的本地Web服务器,而不是IIS。 基本上,本地Web服务器采用本地本地服务器。 因此,它设置了一些本地文件监视程序,这些监视程序对于SMB网络协议来说有点过于闲谈。 是的,我尝试从KB更新注册表项值。 不,它没有用。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/kb-810886-the-network-bios-command-limit-has-been-reached-why-does-all-the-crazy-crap-happen-to-me

dq77kb bios升级





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