
Cute, a red Groot...but so what?

When you first start learning about 3D Printing you'll usually find yourself looking at a bunch of brightly colored plastic busts. The first 3D printed thing I ever saw was a florescent green Yoda head. First you're like "HOW DID YOU DO THIS?" but quickly you're more like "OK, how many brightly colored plastic pieces of crap do I really need in my life?"

当您第一次开始学习3D打印时,通常会发现自己看着一堆鲜艳的塑料胸像。 我见过的第一个3D打印物体是荧光绿色的Yoda头。 首先,您就像“您是怎么做的?” 但是很快您就会更像“好吧,我一生中真的需要多少个颜色鲜艳的废塑料?”

At this point you've likely dismissed 3D Printing as the world of the rich, the insane, or the nerdy, or all three. This is where I was.

在这一点上,您可能已经将3D打印视为富人,疯狂或书呆子或三者的世界。 这是我去过的地方。

I thought a 3D Printer was a $2000 thing, and of course, that's a heck of a lot of money. But I wanted to get into 3D Printing because I'd started to talk to some more advanced folks locally here in Portland and they assured me that it was cheaper than I thought and more useful than I thought. I got a $599 Printrbot Simple Metal from Amazon. You can also get a kit and assemble it yourself for $539 but the assembling is kind of hard work.

我以为3D打印机是2000美元的东西,当然,这笔钱实在是太多了。 但是我想进入3D打印领域,是因为我开始与波特兰本地的一些高级人士进行交流,他们向我保证,它比我想象的便宜,而且比我想象的有用。 我从亚马逊获得了599美元的Printrbot Simple Metal 。 您还可以以539美元的价格获得套件并自己组装,但组装起来有点辛苦。

Later as I was having so much fun I got a Dremel 3D Printer for $899 also off Amazon and it's been absolutely reliable and super fun. I now consider the Printrbot a great "prosumer" hobbyist printer for folks to tinker with and improve, but the Dremel just prints, and it prints well. I had it printing well within 10 minutes of unboxing it. Both of these printers are great, but the Dremel (in my experience) has required less adjustment.

后来,当我玩得很开心的时候,从亚马逊上以899美元的价格买了一台Dremel 3D打印机,它绝对可靠且超级有趣。 现在,我认为Printrbot是一款很棒的“专业生产者”业余打印机,可供人们修补和改进,但Dremel可以打印,而且打印效果很好。 开箱10分钟内,我的打印效果良好。 这两种打印机都很棒,但是Dremel(以我的经验)需要较少的调整。

I've learned three things. They are perhaps obvious to you, but they have been amazing for me and my sons as we learn more about 3D Printing.

我学到了三件事。 它们对您来说也许很明显,但是当我们进一步了解3D打印时,它们对我和我的儿子们都感到了惊奇。

第1课-您可以升级3D打印机 (Lesson 1 - You can upgrade your 3D Printer)

There's a great website called Thingiverse that is filled with models that others have made or remixed. You can join in and just download, or, ideally, create your own models and share. I've used Tinkercad with the kids to create new models.

有一个很棒的网站Thingiverse ,里面充斥着别人制作或重新混合的模型。 您可以加入并下载,或者理想情况下,创建自己的模型并共享。 我和孩子们一起使用Tinkercad来创建新模型。

One of the great jokes in 3D Printing is that people with printers never print anything useful, they just print upgrades to their printers. When you are getting started, this is actually kind of true. I took my PrinterBot and printed a base, a spool holder (figuring out where to safely and reliably hang the spools of plastic filament is a big problem.

3D打印中的一大笑话是拥有打印机的人从不打印任何有用的东西,他们只是打印升级到他们的打印机。 当您开始使用时,这实际上是对的。 我拿起PrinterBot并打印了一个底座,一个线轴支架(找出安全可靠地将塑料细丝线轴悬挂的位置是一个很大的问题。


The Dremel has a top lid and usually you'll have the filament inside on a special plastic spool holder. However, if you use larger or non-Dremel filaments you'll want a reliable "big spool" solution. There's a "system" at Thingiverse called the "OmniStand" that you can print that will literally replace the internal one. You can also print an OmniStand for the top of the printer (as seen in this picture below) that will let it print off very large spools.

Dremel有顶盖,通常您会将细丝装在特殊的塑料线轴支架上。 但是,如果您使用较大或非Dremel的长丝,则需要可靠的“大卷轴”解决方案。 Thingiverse有一个名为“ OmniStand”的“系统” ,您可以打印该系统,从字面上替换内部系统。 您还可以在打印机顶部打印OmniStand (如下图所示),这将使其从非常大的线轴上打印出来。


These were small but significant victories. This was a reminder to my sons and I that we could change these devices and make them work how WE wanted, not necessarily how the they were designed.

这些都是很小但很重要的胜利。 这提醒了我和我的儿子们,我们可以更改这些设备并使它们按照我们的意愿工作,而不必一定是如何设计它们。

NOTE: You can also upgrade the Nozzle in your printer. Later I'll talk about "exotic" filaments that can give amazing results but are also more abrasive and can wear out the stock nozzles that come with your printer. I upgraded the nozzle on my Dremel for just $14.99 using this Brass Nozzle from Proto-Pasta and was able to make the swap and get back to printing in about 20 minutes, not counting the feeling of accomplishment.

注意:您也可以在打印机中升级喷嘴。 稍后,我将讨论“奇异”的长丝,这些长丝不仅可以产生惊人的效果,而且更具磨损性,并且会磨损打印机随附的普通喷嘴。 我使用Proto-Pasta的Brass Nozzle将Dremel上喷嘴升级为仅$ 14.99 ,能够进行更换并在大约20分钟内恢复打印,这还不包括成就感。

OK, so you can print things to make your printer work better, cool...what else?


第2课-有“异国情调”的塑料丝可以改变游戏规则 (Lesson 2 - There are "exotic" plastic filaments that are game changers)

There's a local small business just over the river in Vancouver, Washington called "Proto-Pasta." They a company of just three people that started as a Kickstarter two years ago. They sell "exotic" plastic filaments that have additives and properties that take your prints out of the "bright plastic crap" category and into something more interesting.

华盛顿温哥华河上有一家本地小企业,叫做“原始意大利面”。 他们是一个只有三人的公司,两年前开始成为Kickstarter公司。 他们出售具有添加剂和特性的“异国”塑料长丝,使您的印刷品脱离“明亮的塑料废料”类别,并进入更有趣的领域

They have a filament with added Carbon Fiber that has created some of the smoothest and most amazing prints I've ever made. It doesn't gain strength with this addition, but rather rigidity. They have a Stainless Steel filament that is great for making jewelry or robots or anything that you want to have the heft and feel of steel. They've even got a filament with Iron so your prints can react to magnets.

他们的碳纤维细丝加了碳纤维,创造了我做过的最平滑,最神奇的印花。 这种添加不会增加强度,而是增加刚性。 它们具有不锈钢丝,非常适合制作首饰,机器人或任何您想要具有钢铁质感的物品。 他们甚至用铁丝制成了细丝,因此您的印刷品可以对磁铁产生React。

I've used their High-Temperature filament that starts out clear but you bake it (literally, in your oven) afterwards and it'll shrink slightly and get VERY hard and turn opaque.


More recently I've been trying a filament with added Pine (yes, wood) that not only smells great but looks amazing with wood flecks inside the filament.


I've made dishes, vases, pieces of art for shelves, and geometric shapes for gifts this Christmas. Each one is VERTY different just by changing the filament. It's been more than changing color. These exotics change the texture and weight, and by making small changes in the software you can make them thicker or, in my case, thinner and more translucent.

今年圣诞节,我制作了碗碟,花瓶,架子上的艺术品和几何形状的礼物。 只是改变灯丝,每个都有很大的不同。 不仅仅是改变颜色。 这些奇特的东西会改变材质和重量,通过在软件中进行少量更改,您可以使其更厚或更薄(半透明)。


I hope the folks who get these for Christmas appreciate the work and thought that went into them.


第3课-您可以打印零件,然后使用螺栓,胶水等组装东西。 (Lesson 3 - You can print parts and then assemble things using bolts, glue, etc.)

This one may be obvious, but you don't have to do everything with plastic. My 8 year old and I are slowly making a "T4 Quadcopter" designed by Brendan from New Zealand (a reader of this blog) and this project will require not only lots of printed pieces but assembled pieces. You can super glue, screw, bolt, zip-tie and snap 3D printed parts together. I've been surprised at how string these parts can be when they are combined. This quadcopter will be held together with small metric nuts and bolts and zip-ties as well as some very clever snaps built-in as part of the 3D Printed model.

这可能很明显,但是您不必用塑料做任何事情。 我和我8岁那年,正在慢慢地制作由新西兰的Brendan设计的“ T4 Quadcopter”(此博客的读者),该项目不仅需要大量印刷件,而且还需要组装件。 您可以将3D打印的零件粘合,拧紧,拧紧,螺栓连接,拉紧并扣紧在一起。 当这些部分组合在一起时,我感到惊讶。 这款四轴飞行器将与小型公制螺母和螺栓,拉链以及一些内置的非常巧妙的按扣一起固定在一起,作为3D打印模型的一部分。

We are having a blast with this family hobby. We've fixed things around the house, made art, explored material science, thought about geometry, and learned about how software and hardware work together to create something bigger. Are you getting into 3D Printing?

我们正在与这个家庭爱好爆炸。 我们已经固定了房屋周围的东西,制作了艺术品,探索了材料科学,对几何学进行了思考,并了解了软件和硬件如何协同工作来创建更大的东西。 您正在进入3D打印吗?

相关链接 (Related Links)

Also, please do follow my adventures on Instagram at @shanselman!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/3d-printing-is-for-so-much-more-than-just-making-brightly-colored-plastic-pieces-of-crap

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